. La patria; geografia dell' Italia. Cenni storici, costumi, topografia, prodotti, industria, commercio, mari, fiumi, laghi, canali, strade, ponti, strade ferrate, porti, monumenti, dati statistici; popolazione, istruzione, bilanci provinciali e comunali, istituti di beneficenza, edifizi pubblici, ecc., ecc.. chi piccoli quadrati, con nel centro la piazza quadrata di San Michele. Dietro il palazzo Arcivescovile si è conservato un frammento delle antiche muraetrusche, composto di enormi massi di calcare del monte San Giuliano. Dentro questacittà vecchia, fra le chiese di SantAgostino e Santa Ma Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/la-patria-geografia-dell-italia-cenni-storici-costumi-topografia-prodotti-industria-commercio-mari-fiumi-laghi-canali-strade-ponti-strade-ferrate-porti-monumenti-dati-statistici-popolazione-istruzione-bilanci-provinciali-e-comunali-istituti-di-beneficenza-edifizi-pubblici-ecc-ecc-chi-piccoli-quadrati-con-nel-centro-la-piazza-quadrata-di-san-michele-dietro-il-palazzo-arcivescovile-si-conservato-un-frammento-delle-antiche-muraetrusche-composto-di-enormi-massi-di-calcare-del-monte-san-giuliano-dentro-questacitt-vecchia-fra-le-chiese-di-santagostino-e-santa-ma-image336729418.html
RM2AFR9PJ–. La patria; geografia dell' Italia. Cenni storici, costumi, topografia, prodotti, industria, commercio, mari, fiumi, laghi, canali, strade, ponti, strade ferrate, porti, monumenti, dati statistici; popolazione, istruzione, bilanci provinciali e comunali, istituti di beneficenza, edifizi pubblici, ecc., ecc.. chi piccoli quadrati, con nel centro la piazza quadrata di San Michele. Dietro il palazzo Arcivescovile si è conservato un frammento delle antiche muraetrusche, composto di enormi massi di calcare del monte San Giuliano. Dentro questacittà vecchia, fra le chiese di SantAgostino e Santa Ma
The literary digest . ver 500—to keep former soldiers in touch with thenearest employment offices and to safe-guard their interests. Some features of Canadas admirableplans for her returning soldiers are paral-leled in the programs of other nations.In Great Britain, the reports of the Councilof National Defense indicate, the Govern-ment has created a Civil Department ofDemobilization which deals with all ques-tions relating to the reemployment bothof ex-soldiers and sailors and of civilwar-workers. Provision is being made for the tech-nical and commercial training of dis-charged officers and m Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-literary-digest-ver-500to-keep-former-soldiers-in-touch-with-thenearest-employment-offices-and-to-safe-guard-their-interests-some-features-of-canadas-admirableplans-for-her-returning-soldiers-are-paral-leled-in-the-programs-of-other-nationsin-great-britain-the-reports-of-the-councilof-national-defense-indicate-the-govern-ment-has-created-a-civil-department-ofdemobilization-which-deals-with-all-ques-tions-relating-to-the-reemployment-bothof-ex-soldiers-and-sailors-and-of-civilwar-workers-provision-is-being-made-for-the-tech-nical-and-commercial-training-of-dis-charged-officers-and-m-image338085859.html
RM2AJ13XY–The literary digest . ver 500—to keep former soldiers in touch with thenearest employment offices and to safe-guard their interests. Some features of Canadas admirableplans for her returning soldiers are paral-leled in the programs of other nations.In Great Britain, the reports of the Councilof National Defense indicate, the Govern-ment has created a Civil Department ofDemobilization which deals with all ques-tions relating to the reemployment bothof ex-soldiers and sailors and of civilwar-workers. Provision is being made for the tech-nical and commercial training of dis-charged officers and m
. Review of reviews and world's work. majority in the Senate duringthe next four years, and cannot, therefore, re-vise the tariff except by Republican acquiescenceand cooperation. Experience, however, hasalways shown that legislation on a question ofsuch importance is never accomplished unleepthe two houses of Congress are in control ofthe same party. If the Republicans do not.within the coming four years, apply themselvesto the business of a reasonable modification ofthe Dingley tariff, the Democrats will, in anycase, win a Congressional victory in 190G. anda sweeping victory all along the li Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/review-of-reviews-and-worlds-work-majority-in-the-senate-duringthe-next-four-years-and-cannot-therefore-re-vise-the-tariff-except-by-republican-acquiescenceand-cooperation-experience-however-hasalways-shown-that-legislation-on-a-question-ofsuch-importance-is-never-accomplished-unleepthe-two-houses-of-congress-are-in-control-ofthe-same-party-if-the-republicans-do-notwithin-the-coming-four-years-apply-themselvesto-the-business-of-a-reasonable-modification-ofthe-dingley-tariff-the-democrats-will-in-anycase-win-a-congressional-victory-in-190g-anda-sweeping-victory-all-along-the-li-image336974927.html
RM2AG6EXR–. Review of reviews and world's work. majority in the Senate duringthe next four years, and cannot, therefore, re-vise the tariff except by Republican acquiescenceand cooperation. Experience, however, hasalways shown that legislation on a question ofsuch importance is never accomplished unleepthe two houses of Congress are in control ofthe same party. If the Republicans do not.within the coming four years, apply themselvesto the business of a reasonable modification ofthe Dingley tariff, the Democrats will, in anycase, win a Congressional victory in 190G. anda sweeping victory all along the li
Alas! : a novel . in all my life • • You would have been a sweep if youhad! interjects Jim. 11 I never heard her cnVe anv reason forit, did you? It was as baseless as it wassenseless. After a pause, his voice takingon again its inflection of confident, soaringtriumph : But it cannot last—it is abso-lutelv beyond the wildest bounds of possi-bility that it can last! After five minutestalk mother will be at her feet; I knowmy mother so well! N: 1 one of herexquisite ways will be lost upon her, andshe will do her very best to win her ! Jim,I ask you—I put it to you quietly andplainly—I know you th Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/alas!-a-novel-in-all-my-life-you-would-have-been-a-sweep-if-youhad!-interjects-jim-11-i-never-heard-her-cnve-anv-reason-forit-did-you-it-was-as-baseless-as-it-wassenseless-after-a-pause-his-voice-takingon-again-its-inflection-of-confident-soaringtriumph-but-it-cannot-lastit-is-abso-lutelv-beyond-the-wildest-bounds-of-possi-bility-that-it-can-last!-after-five-minutestalk-mother-will-be-at-her-feet-i-knowmy-mother-so-well!-n-1-one-of-herexquisite-ways-will-be-lost-upon-her-andshe-will-do-her-very-best-to-win-her-!-jimi-ask-youi-put-it-to-you-quietly-andplainlyi-know-you-th-image339393603.html
RM2AM4M03–Alas! : a novel . in all my life • • You would have been a sweep if youhad! interjects Jim. 11 I never heard her cnVe anv reason forit, did you? It was as baseless as it wassenseless. After a pause, his voice takingon again its inflection of confident, soaringtriumph : But it cannot last—it is abso-lutelv beyond the wildest bounds of possi-bility that it can last! After five minutestalk mother will be at her feet; I knowmy mother so well! N: 1 one of herexquisite ways will be lost upon her, andshe will do her very best to win her ! Jim,I ask you—I put it to you quietly andplainly—I know you th
Portrait and biographical album of Jackson County, Michigan : containing full page portraits and biographical sketches of prominent and representative citizens of the County together with portraits & biographies of all the governors of the State and of the presidents of the United States . n it afterward obtained, but not until Col VV.was no more. The malady baffled all medical treat-ment, and on the 5th day of Jan., 1863, he breathedhis last. His remains were removed to iWichigan andinterred in the cemetery at Pontiac, where they restby the side of the brave Gen. Richardson, who re-ceived lii Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/portrait-and-biographical-album-of-jackson-county-michigan-containing-full-page-portraits-and-biographical-sketches-of-prominent-and-representative-citizens-of-the-county-together-with-portraits-biographies-of-all-the-governors-of-the-state-and-of-the-presidents-of-the-united-states-n-it-afterward-obtained-but-not-until-col-vvwas-no-more-the-malady-baffled-all-medical-treat-ment-and-on-the-5th-day-of-jan-1863-he-breathedhis-last-his-remains-were-removed-to-iwichigan-andinterred-in-the-cemetery-at-pontiac-where-they-restby-the-side-of-the-brave-gen-richardson-who-re-ceived-lii-image338209970.html
RM2AJ6P7E–Portrait and biographical album of Jackson County, Michigan : containing full page portraits and biographical sketches of prominent and representative citizens of the County together with portraits & biographies of all the governors of the State and of the presidents of the United States . n it afterward obtained, but not until Col VV.was no more. The malady baffled all medical treat-ment, and on the 5th day of Jan., 1863, he breathedhis last. His remains were removed to iWichigan andinterred in the cemetery at Pontiac, where they restby the side of the brave Gen. Richardson, who re-ceived lii
Botanical record book containing directions for laboratory work in botany, list of botanical terms, spaces for drawings and observations, prepared blanks for recording the analysis of plants, etc. . VD 0320. (r> O 1. -5^ i UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY ( Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/botanical-record-book-containing-directions-for-laboratory-work-in-botany-list-of-botanical-terms-spaces-for-drawings-and-observations-prepared-blanks-for-recording-the-analysis-of-plants-etc-vd-0320-rgt-o-1-5-i-university-of-california-library-image342668117.html
RM2AWDTK1–Botanical record book containing directions for laboratory work in botany, list of botanical terms, spaces for drawings and observations, prepared blanks for recording the analysis of plants, etc. . VD 0320. (r> O 1. -5^ i UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY (
Polk's Indianapolis (Marion County, Ind.) city directory, 1890 . points in Wisconsin,and that it has more important businesscenters on its through line than any otherrailway to and from the Northwest; That the Wisconsin Central has made an enviable reputation with its peer-less Dining Car Service $ That the Wisconsin Central runs fasttrains on which all classes of passengersare carried with commodious and distinctaccommodation for all ; That the Wisconsin Central has representatives distributed throughout thecountry, who will cheerfully give anyinformation that may be desired, and thatits term Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/polks-indianapolis-marion-county-ind-city-directory-1890-points-in-wisconsinand-that-it-has-more-important-businesscenters-on-its-through-line-than-any-otherrailway-to-and-from-the-northwest-that-the-wisconsin-central-has-made-an-enviable-reputation-with-its-peer-less-dining-car-service-that-the-wisconsin-central-runs-fasttrains-on-which-all-classes-of-passengersare-carried-with-commodious-and-distinctaccommodation-for-all-that-the-wisconsin-central-has-representatives-distributed-throughout-thecountry-who-will-cheerfully-give-anyinformation-that-may-be-desired-and-thatits-term-image338072798.html
RM2AJ0F8E–Polk's Indianapolis (Marion County, Ind.) city directory, 1890 . points in Wisconsin,and that it has more important businesscenters on its through line than any otherrailway to and from the Northwest; That the Wisconsin Central has made an enviable reputation with its peer-less Dining Car Service $ That the Wisconsin Central runs fasttrains on which all classes of passengersare carried with commodious and distinctaccommodation for all ; That the Wisconsin Central has representatives distributed throughout thecountry, who will cheerfully give anyinformation that may be desired, and thatits term
. Review of reviews and world's work. notices of foreclosure, statistics of starving;men, and of applications at the soup-houses ofOmaha, he prints the news of the present day,showing the railroads searching for men, offersof money at 4 per cent., current statistics ofmortgage liquidaiion, and other features of pros-perity. So much for the utilization of the press. Tliepamphlet, leaflet, and poster work is even moreenormous in dimensions and in cost. Over 70different documents and eight posters have beenput out,—80,000,000 copies of them,—at a costof 1104,000. One of the illustrations of thisa Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/review-of-reviews-and-worlds-work-notices-of-foreclosure-statistics-of-starvingmen-and-of-applications-at-the-soup-houses-ofomaha-he-prints-the-news-of-the-present-dayshowing-the-railroads-searching-for-men-offersof-money-at-4-per-cent-current-statistics-ofmortgage-liquidaiion-and-other-features-of-pros-perity-so-much-for-the-utilization-of-the-press-tliepamphlet-leaflet-and-poster-work-is-even-moreenormous-in-dimensions-and-in-cost-over-70different-documents-and-eight-posters-have-beenput-out80000000-copies-of-themat-a-costof-1104000-one-of-the-illustrations-of-thisa-image336999703.html
RM2AG7JFK–. Review of reviews and world's work. notices of foreclosure, statistics of starving;men, and of applications at the soup-houses ofOmaha, he prints the news of the present day,showing the railroads searching for men, offersof money at 4 per cent., current statistics ofmortgage liquidaiion, and other features of pros-perity. So much for the utilization of the press. Tliepamphlet, leaflet, and poster work is even moreenormous in dimensions and in cost. Over 70different documents and eight posters have beenput out,—80,000,000 copies of them,—at a costof 1104,000. One of the illustrations of thisa
Inland Massachusetts illustrated A concise résumé of the natural features and past history of the counties of Hampden, Hampshire, Franklin, and Berkshire, their towns, villages, and cities, together with a condensed summary of their industrial advantages and development, and a comprehensive series of sketches descriptive of representative business houses To which is prefixed a short chapter on the Commonwealth at large . Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/inland-massachusetts-illustrated-a-concise-rsum-of-the-natural-features-and-past-history-of-the-counties-of-hampden-hampshire-franklin-and-berkshire-their-towns-villages-and-cities-together-with-a-condensed-summary-of-their-industrial-advantages-and-development-and-a-comprehensive-series-of-sketches-descriptive-of-representative-business-houses-to-which-is-prefixed-a-short-chapter-on-the-commonwealth-at-large-image338255869.html
RM2AJ8TPN–Inland Massachusetts illustrated A concise résumé of the natural features and past history of the counties of Hampden, Hampshire, Franklin, and Berkshire, their towns, villages, and cities, together with a condensed summary of their industrial advantages and development, and a comprehensive series of sketches descriptive of representative business houses To which is prefixed a short chapter on the Commonwealth at large .
. Fall and Winter, 1890-91 Fashion Catalogue / H. O'Neill and Co.. TRADE MARK y^UtHKTA. 15c each; $1.75 per dozen. TRADE MARK Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/fall-and-winter-1890-91-fashion-catalogue-h-oneill-and-co-trade-mark-yuthkta-15c-each-175-per-dozen-trade-mark-image336632108.html
RM2AFJWK8–. Fall and Winter, 1890-91 Fashion Catalogue / H. O'Neill and Co.. TRADE MARK y^UtHKTA. 15c each; $1.75 per dozen. TRADE MARK
. Review of reviews and world's work. e remember what classical prece-dent there is for it, considering how prevalent it waswith the illuminators of the Middle Ages, and how,in illustrating childrens books particularly, the Ger-man illustrators have employed it for centuries. To-day, Ernest Thompson-Seton and his imitators haveused it very effectively in books on natural history, butit is by no means overdone, and when we read on thetitle-page of Owen Wisters Searching for Christmas-land (Harpers) that it is illustrated by no less an au-thority on Western scenery than Frederic Remington,and we Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/review-of-reviews-and-worlds-work-e-remember-what-classical-prece-dent-there-is-for-it-considering-how-prevalent-it-waswith-the-illuminators-of-the-middle-ages-and-howin-illustrating-childrens-books-particularly-the-ger-man-illustrators-have-employed-it-for-centuries-to-day-ernest-thompson-seton-and-his-imitators-haveused-it-very-effectively-in-books-on-natural-history-butit-is-by-no-means-overdone-and-when-we-read-on-thetitle-page-of-owen-wisters-searching-for-christmas-land-harpers-that-it-is-illustrated-by-no-less-an-au-thority-on-western-scenery-than-frederic-remingtonand-we-image336842387.html
RM2AG0DW7–. Review of reviews and world's work. e remember what classical prece-dent there is for it, considering how prevalent it waswith the illuminators of the Middle Ages, and how,in illustrating childrens books particularly, the Ger-man illustrators have employed it for centuries. To-day, Ernest Thompson-Seton and his imitators haveused it very effectively in books on natural history, butit is by no means overdone, and when we read on thetitle-page of Owen Wisters Searching for Christmas-land (Harpers) that it is illustrated by no less an au-thority on Western scenery than Frederic Remington,and we
The Century illustrated monthly magazine . r superior. The lather Is richer and creamier, and -will not dry on the face wliile shaving. The perfume is that of the finest selected attar of ro!;es. The case is covered with leatherette, and is most attractive and serviceable. Do you not think it would pay you to Try it? It costs no more than others. It is a genuine toilet luxury. B^^ If your Druggist does not have Williams Shaving Stick, we will mail you one neatly packed, postage paid, for 25c. in stamps. One Williams Shaving Stick is enough for 250 shaves. 10 comfortable, refreshing shaves for Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-century-illustrated-monthly-magazine-r-superior-the-lather-is-richer-and-creamier-and-will-not-dry-on-the-face-wliile-shaving-the-perfume-is-that-of-the-finest-selected-attar-of-ro!es-the-case-is-covered-with-leatherette-and-is-most-attractive-and-serviceable-do-you-not-think-it-would-pay-you-to-try-it-it-costs-no-more-than-others-it-is-a-genuine-toilet-luxury-b-if-your-druggist-does-not-have-williams-shaving-stick-we-will-mail-you-one-neatly-packed-postage-paid-for-25c-in-stamps-one-williams-shaving-stick-is-enough-for-250-shaves-10-comfortable-refreshing-shaves-for-image338434604.html
RM2AJH0P4–The Century illustrated monthly magazine . r superior. The lather Is richer and creamier, and -will not dry on the face wliile shaving. The perfume is that of the finest selected attar of ro!;es. The case is covered with leatherette, and is most attractive and serviceable. Do you not think it would pay you to Try it? It costs no more than others. It is a genuine toilet luxury. B^^ If your Druggist does not have Williams Shaving Stick, we will mail you one neatly packed, postage paid, for 25c. in stamps. One Williams Shaving Stick is enough for 250 shaves. 10 comfortable, refreshing shaves for
. Practical electricity in medicine and surgery. ly. This positiveelectrification, or charge, carried around with the plate, in ap-proaching the metal comb induces upon it an equal negativecharge, while the positive charge passes toward the pole Dh inmetallic connection with the comb. As the charged portion ofthe plate approaches still nearer the comb the difference ofpotential at last becomes so great that the comb discharges. FRICTIONAL MACHINES. 2o itself against the plate, thus annulling the charge on the latter,which passes again under the amalgam in a neutral condition.The discharge upon Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/practical-electricity-in-medicine-and-surgery-ly-this-positiveelectrification-or-charge-carried-around-with-the-plate-in-ap-proaching-the-metal-comb-induces-upon-it-an-equal-negativecharge-while-the-positive-charge-passes-toward-the-pole-dh-inmetallic-connection-with-the-comb-as-the-charged-portion-ofthe-plate-approaches-still-nearer-the-comb-the-difference-ofpotential-at-last-becomes-so-great-that-the-comb-discharges-frictional-machines-2o-itself-against-the-plate-thus-annulling-the-charge-on-the-latterwhich-passes-again-under-the-amalgam-in-a-neutral-conditionthe-discharge-upon-image336706914.html
RM2AFP92X–. Practical electricity in medicine and surgery. ly. This positiveelectrification, or charge, carried around with the plate, in ap-proaching the metal comb induces upon it an equal negativecharge, while the positive charge passes toward the pole Dh inmetallic connection with the comb. As the charged portion ofthe plate approaches still nearer the comb the difference ofpotential at last becomes so great that the comb discharges. FRICTIONAL MACHINES. 2o itself against the plate, thus annulling the charge on the latter,which passes again under the amalgam in a neutral condition.The discharge upon
Review of reviews and world's work . WHY, I THOUGHT ALI, EXPOSITIONS LOST MONEY. From the Leader (Cleveland). THE CARTOONISTS POINT OF yiFW. 297. WASH DAY. From the Ilcnild (Washington, D. C). (Socrotary MacVeiigh. of the Treasury Dopart-nipiit. proposes lo liavc bank notes and other formsof paper currency washed frequently.) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/review-of-reviews-and-worlds-work-why-i-thought-ali-expositions-lost-money-from-the-leader-cleveland-the-cartoonists-point-of-yifw-297-wash-day-from-the-ilcnild-washington-d-c-socrotary-macveiigh-of-the-treasury-dopart-nipiit-proposes-lo-liavc-bank-notes-and-other-formsof-paper-currency-washed-frequently-image338315399.html
RM2AJBGMR–Review of reviews and world's work . WHY, I THOUGHT ALI, EXPOSITIONS LOST MONEY. From the Leader (Cleveland). THE CARTOONISTS POINT OF yiFW. 297. WASH DAY. From the Ilcnild (Washington, D. C). (Socrotary MacVeiigh. of the Treasury Dopart-nipiit. proposes lo liavc bank notes and other formsof paper currency washed frequently.)
. Occasional papers of the California Academy of Sciences. right paraproctRPPT rightcercus hypandrium H9fh sternite leftcercus - basipodite LCB Figure 41. Lateral aspect of terminalia of Clothoda nobilis showing upturned apex of the tenth tergite which becomes themedial flap (MF). and the rudimentary eleventh tergite which becomes part of the epiproct (EP).. Figure 42. Atrophy of hypandrium process (HP) as the ventral support of the ejaculatory duct and assumption of thisfunction by the left paraproct (LPPT) in males of two new genera of Teratembiidae. A. New species from Kenya with HPstill se Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/occasional-papers-of-the-california-academy-of-sciences-right-paraproctrppt-rightcercus-hypandrium-h9fh-sternite-leftcercus-basipodite-lcb-figure-41-lateral-aspect-of-terminalia-of-clothoda-nobilis-showing-upturned-apex-of-the-tenth-tergite-which-becomes-themedial-flap-mf-and-the-rudimentary-eleventh-tergite-which-becomes-part-of-the-epiproct-ep-figure-42-atrophy-of-hypandrium-process-hp-as-the-ventral-support-of-the-ejaculatory-duct-and-assumption-of-thisfunction-by-the-left-paraproct-lppt-in-males-of-two-new-genera-of-teratembiidae-a-new-species-from-kenya-with-hpstill-se-image336700300.html
RM2AFP0JM–. Occasional papers of the California Academy of Sciences. right paraproctRPPT rightcercus hypandrium H9fh sternite leftcercus - basipodite LCB Figure 41. Lateral aspect of terminalia of Clothoda nobilis showing upturned apex of the tenth tergite which becomes themedial flap (MF). and the rudimentary eleventh tergite which becomes part of the epiproct (EP).. Figure 42. Atrophy of hypandrium process (HP) as the ventral support of the ejaculatory duct and assumption of thisfunction by the left paraproct (LPPT) in males of two new genera of Teratembiidae. A. New species from Kenya with HPstill se
. Penman's Art Journal and Penman's Gazette. /...../ o,.,, rrJc^. try. We are thus enabled to make a price thut dffies ivay to verify what we say. If your penman can make giveyou more work for the money now, besides expediting iloy expert wi-iting teachers of the best class. Coiild anythingdo itr—how much f ..... i Thousands of t»t:?<^m AT rccssfully taiiKht Xi maW. Thcrefoi-eend $1 (X)for41cjiSODsand be convincedII lielp you. Write. Yourlott^^rwjll SMTP and be convincedlottpr willKMKHK^K. MORE AF1,0URKSHED owl on B. Boai-d,10 s M inches, .sent for |;1.00. It BOqKKEEPINC,|rf;;;; want la Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/penmans-art-journal-and-penmans-gazette-o-rrjc-try-we-are-thus-enabled-to-make-a-price-thut-dffies-ivay-to-verify-what-we-say-if-your-penman-can-make-giveyou-more-work-for-the-money-now-besides-expediting-iloy-expert-wi-iting-teachers-of-the-best-class-coiild-anythingdo-itrhow-much-f-i-thousands-of-ttltm-at-rccssfully-taiikht-xi-maw-thcrefoi-eend-1-xfor41cjisodsand-be-convincedii-lielp-you-write-yourlottrwjll-smtp-and-be-convincedlottpr-willkmkhkk-more-af10urkshed-owl-on-b-boai-d10-s-m-inches-sent-for-100-it-boqkkeepincrf-want-la-image337101938.html
RM2AGC8XX–. Penman's Art Journal and Penman's Gazette. /...../ o,.,, rrJc^. try. We are thus enabled to make a price thut dffies ivay to verify what we say. If your penman can make giveyou more work for the money now, besides expediting iloy expert wi-iting teachers of the best class. Coiild anythingdo itr—how much f ..... i Thousands of t»t:?<^m AT rccssfully taiiKht Xi maW. Thcrefoi-eend $1 (X)for41cjiSODsand be convincedII lielp you. Write. Yourlott^^rwjll SMTP and be convincedlottpr willKMKHK^K. MORE AF1,0URKSHED owl on B. Boai-d,10 s M inches, .sent for |;1.00. It BOqKKEEPINC,|rf;;;; want la
Home Missionary, The (May 1890-April 1891) . fcfeSONAL SKETCHES OF 0 U It iUPERINTENDENTS.-XIII 263 RST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, )ALLAS, TEXAS 264 ;X.S 265 ?S DUTY AND OTPORTUNITY IX rEXAS.... 267 IE SOUTHWESTERN SCHOOL OF rHE BIBLE 269 IE CONGREGATIONAL METHODIST MOVEMENT IN LOUISIANA 270 Christian Assimilation 271 iKE CHARLES COLLEGE 272 7R OPPORTUNITY IN LOUISIANA... 277 tOM THE WORKERS 278 Growth • 278 From House to House 278 ORIGIN OF THE WASHINGTON BAND 279 WOMAN S DEPARTMENT 282 Wanted : A Womans IIand 282 North Dakota 286 A Home Missionary Widow 286 EDITORIAL 287 Treasury Note 287 Death Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/home-missionary-the-may-1890-april-1891-fcfesonal-sketches-of-0-u-it-iuperintendents-xiii-263-rst-congregational-church-allas-texas-264-xs-265-s-duty-and-otportunity-ix-rexas-267-ie-southwestern-school-of-rhe-bible-269-ie-congregational-methodist-movement-in-louisiana-270-christian-assimilation-271-ike-charles-college-272-7r-opportunity-in-louisiana-277-tom-the-workers-278-growth-278-from-house-to-house-278-origin-of-the-washington-band-279-woman-s-department-282-wanted-a-womans-iiand-282-north-dakota-286-a-home-missionary-widow-286-editorial-287-treasury-note-287-death-image338367325.html
RM2AJDXY9–Home Missionary, The (May 1890-April 1891) . fcfeSONAL SKETCHES OF 0 U It iUPERINTENDENTS.-XIII 263 RST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, )ALLAS, TEXAS 264 ;X.S 265 ?S DUTY AND OTPORTUNITY IX rEXAS.... 267 IE SOUTHWESTERN SCHOOL OF rHE BIBLE 269 IE CONGREGATIONAL METHODIST MOVEMENT IN LOUISIANA 270 Christian Assimilation 271 iKE CHARLES COLLEGE 272 7R OPPORTUNITY IN LOUISIANA... 277 tOM THE WORKERS 278 Growth • 278 From House to House 278 ORIGIN OF THE WASHINGTON BAND 279 WOMAN S DEPARTMENT 282 Wanted : A Womans IIand 282 North Dakota 286 A Home Missionary Widow 286 EDITORIAL 287 Treasury Note 287 Death
The Century illustrated monthly magazine . Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-century-illustrated-monthly-magazine-image338401146.html
RM2AJFE36–The Century illustrated monthly magazine .
The literary digest . ki are destroyers.They have murdered the best people. Theyhave placed the entire hitelligentsia againstthem. What about Gorky? You do not understand Maxim Corky.He can not be relied upon. Yesterday howas against the Bolsheviki; to-day, Ihear, he is with them. Gorky does notunderstand politics. If you could only seeRussia, Jind how desolate she looks! Hun-ger, hunger everywhere. The people wantbread. But were not the Czar and his formerngime and the war responsible for thisdesolation? Yes, partially. But if the Bolshevikiw(nild not have come, Russia would havesettled her p Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-literary-digest-ki-are-destroyersthey-have-murdered-the-best-people-theyhave-placed-the-entire-hitelligentsia-againstthem-what-about-gorky-you-do-not-understand-maxim-corkyhe-can-not-be-relied-upon-yesterday-howas-against-the-bolsheviki-to-day-ihear-he-is-with-them-gorky-does-notunderstand-politics-if-you-could-only-seerussia-jind-how-desolate-she-looks!-hun-ger-hunger-everywhere-the-people-wantbread-but-were-not-the-czar-and-his-formerngime-and-the-war-responsible-for-thisdesolation-yes-partially-but-if-the-bolshevikiwnild-not-have-come-russia-would-havesettled-her-p-image338368227.html
RM2AJE03F–The literary digest . ki are destroyers.They have murdered the best people. Theyhave placed the entire hitelligentsia againstthem. What about Gorky? You do not understand Maxim Corky.He can not be relied upon. Yesterday howas against the Bolsheviki; to-day, Ihear, he is with them. Gorky does notunderstand politics. If you could only seeRussia, Jind how desolate she looks! Hun-ger, hunger everywhere. The people wantbread. But were not the Czar and his formerngime and the war responsible for thisdesolation? Yes, partially. But if the Bolshevikiw(nild not have come, Russia would havesettled her p
Review of reviews and world's work . andbut for the unexpected war with Japan herpurpose would have been crowned with suc-cess. Harbin, as it stands to-day, is apurely Russian product laid out by the rail-way engineers. The original old town isthree miles distant from the present railwaydepot. Pristan, the commercial town, is onthe side of the railway bordering on theriver. The official city or district, whereall the public buildings, offices, hotels, etc..are located, is in close proximity to the rail-way station. Hie purely Chinese town, theheadquarters of the governor, is known asFu-tu-tien Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/review-of-reviews-and-worlds-work-andbut-for-the-unexpected-war-with-japan-herpurpose-would-have-been-crowned-with-suc-cess-harbin-as-it-stands-to-day-is-apurely-russian-product-laid-out-by-the-rail-way-engineers-the-original-old-town-isthree-miles-distant-from-the-present-railwaydepot-pristan-the-commercial-town-is-onthe-side-of-the-railway-bordering-on-theriver-the-official-city-or-district-whereall-the-public-buildings-offices-hotels-etcare-located-is-in-close-proximity-to-the-rail-way-station-hie-purely-chinese-town-theheadquarters-of-the-governor-is-known-asfu-tu-tien-image338301552.html
RM2AJAY28–Review of reviews and world's work . andbut for the unexpected war with Japan herpurpose would have been crowned with suc-cess. Harbin, as it stands to-day, is apurely Russian product laid out by the rail-way engineers. The original old town isthree miles distant from the present railwaydepot. Pristan, the commercial town, is onthe side of the railway bordering on theriver. The official city or district, whereall the public buildings, offices, hotels, etc..are located, is in close proximity to the rail-way station. Hie purely Chinese town, theheadquarters of the governor, is known asFu-tu-tien
. The literary digest. ngjvged in the transporta-tion of troops and passengen«. Gov-ernment in(crcntion is under disius-sion, says a report from Wa-hinglon. The Literary Digest for March 22, 1919 143 THE FRANKLIN CAR THE exceptional performance of. theFranklin (^ar makes its market the fastestgrowing and most permanent in the fine car field. Motorists are today investigating perform-ance and what makes it possible. They arediscovering why the Franklin Car delivers themotoring satisfaction they have been seeking,while a change of make in the past has onlyexchanged familiar troubles. The signif Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-literary-digest-ngjvged-in-the-transporta-tion-of-troops-and-passengen-gov-ernment-incrcntion-is-under-disius-sion-says-a-report-from-wa-hinglon-the-literary-digest-for-march-22-1919-143-the-franklin-car-the-exceptional-performance-of-thefranklin-ar-makes-its-market-the-fastestgrowing-and-most-permanent-in-the-fine-car-field-motorists-are-today-investigating-perform-ance-and-what-makes-it-possible-they-arediscovering-why-the-franklin-car-delivers-themotoring-satisfaction-they-have-been-seekingwhile-a-change-of-make-in-the-past-has-onlyexchanged-familiar-troubles-the-signif-image337133280.html
RM2AGDMX8–. The literary digest. ngjvged in the transporta-tion of troops and passengen«. Gov-ernment in(crcntion is under disius-sion, says a report from Wa-hinglon. The Literary Digest for March 22, 1919 143 THE FRANKLIN CAR THE exceptional performance of. theFranklin (^ar makes its market the fastestgrowing and most permanent in the fine car field. Motorists are today investigating perform-ance and what makes it possible. They arediscovering why the Franklin Car delivers themotoring satisfaction they have been seeking,while a change of make in the past has onlyexchanged familiar troubles. The signif
. Review of reviews and world's work. THE MAN ON HORSEBACK. From the WorM (New York) ? NAY, NAY! —From the World (New York).. THE GREATEST DANGER. From the Herald (New York). SAD FATE OF THE CALAMITY HOWLER. From the Tribune (New York). POLITICAL CARTOONS OF THE MONTH. 29 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/review-of-reviews-and-worlds-work-the-man-on-horseback-from-the-worm-new-york-nay-nay!-from-the-world-new-york-the-greatest-danger-from-the-herald-new-york-sad-fate-of-the-calamity-howler-from-the-tribune-new-york-political-cartoons-of-the-month-29-image337157786.html
RM2AGET5E–. Review of reviews and world's work. THE MAN ON HORSEBACK. From the WorM (New York) ? NAY, NAY! —From the World (New York).. THE GREATEST DANGER. From the Herald (New York). SAD FATE OF THE CALAMITY HOWLER. From the Tribune (New York). POLITICAL CARTOONS OF THE MONTH. 29
The autobiography of Joseph Jefferson . ; I lost a hundred dollars at poker (queerkind of game, is nt it?) on the steamer comingfrom New York ; so I was dead broke when I gotto Charleston, and I left my traps at my unclesfor money to pay my bill at the hotel, you know—the Charleston Hotel, is nt it ? Large columnsoutside — touofh steak inside. Matters were all settled, and a bill for the firstnight was arranged—Used Up and TheRough Diamond. Sir William told me that hehad a number of letters to the first people inSavannah. Dont lose a moment, said I. Deliver themat once. This will sound your ar Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-autobiography-of-joseph-jefferson-i-lost-a-hundred-dollars-at-poker-queerkind-of-game-is-nt-it-on-the-steamer-comingfrom-new-york-so-i-was-dead-broke-when-i-gotto-charleston-and-i-left-my-traps-at-my-unclesfor-money-to-pay-my-bill-at-the-hotel-you-knowthe-charleston-hotel-is-nt-it-large-columnsoutside-touofh-steak-inside-matters-were-all-settled-and-a-bill-for-the-firstnight-was-arrangedused-up-and-therough-diamond-sir-william-told-me-that-hehad-a-number-of-letters-to-the-first-people-insavannah-dont-lose-a-moment-said-i-deliver-themat-once-this-will-sound-your-ar-image339937538.html
RM2AN1DPA–The autobiography of Joseph Jefferson . ; I lost a hundred dollars at poker (queerkind of game, is nt it?) on the steamer comingfrom New York ; so I was dead broke when I gotto Charleston, and I left my traps at my unclesfor money to pay my bill at the hotel, you know—the Charleston Hotel, is nt it ? Large columnsoutside — touofh steak inside. Matters were all settled, and a bill for the firstnight was arranged—Used Up and TheRough Diamond. Sir William told me that hehad a number of letters to the first people inSavannah. Dont lose a moment, said I. Deliver themat once. This will sound your ar
. Fall and Winter, 1890-91 Fashion Catalogue / H. O'Neill and Co.. 665 Short GilbertFlannel Skirt emb; oi<i -trea in ^!1K, 81.49, I.on.a d 1.98: -1 and 6 jr.« /PS S1.9S. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/fall-and-winter-1890-91-fashion-catalogue-h-oneill-and-co-665-short-gilbertflannel-skirt-emb-oilti-trea-in-!1k-8149-iona-d-198-1-and-6-jr-ps-s19s-image336675603.html
RM2AFMW4K–. Fall and Winter, 1890-91 Fashion Catalogue / H. O'Neill and Co.. 665 Short GilbertFlannel Skirt emb; oi<i -trea in ^!1K, 81.49, I.on.a d 1.98: -1 and 6 jr.« /PS S1.9S.
Review of reviews and world's work . MISS IANE kDDAMS, MJTHOR OF TWENTY YEARS I HUU HOt SOME OF THE BOOKS OF 110 I Di. • • VEDDER, WHOSE Y. THE l>: V, II WE PUBLISHED In the - iding Amer- i vol u mi Leading American Men : has just appeared. This volume, nt Jordan, of Stanford University,duals with the ? venteen nun. from Count Rumford. of the eighteenth century, o> Dr.William K. Brooks, of John- Hopkins University,who died only t ler.will note in | ?• .f them, like Louis pi< lur- til, Inn in the i Dr. Jordan if these men of them II as - tn refer to the American career of Mme.Modjes Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/review-of-reviews-and-worlds-work-miss-iane-kddams-mjthor-of-twenty-years-i-huu-hot-some-of-the-books-of-110-i-di-vedder-whose-y-the-lgt-v-ii-we-published-in-the-iding-amer-i-vol-u-mi-leading-american-men-has-just-appeared-this-volume-nt-jordan-of-stanford-universityduals-with-the-venteen-nun-from-count-rumford-of-the-eighteenth-century-ogt-drwilliam-k-brooks-of-john-hopkins-universitywho-died-only-t-lerwill-note-in-f-them-like-louis-pilt-lur-til-inn-in-the-i-dr-jordan-if-these-men-of-them-ii-as-tn-refer-to-the-american-career-of-mmemodjes-image339044853.html
RM2AKGR4N–Review of reviews and world's work . MISS IANE kDDAMS, MJTHOR OF TWENTY YEARS I HUU HOt SOME OF THE BOOKS OF 110 I Di. • • VEDDER, WHOSE Y. THE l>: V, II WE PUBLISHED In the - iding Amer- i vol u mi Leading American Men : has just appeared. This volume, nt Jordan, of Stanford University,duals with the ? venteen nun. from Count Rumford. of the eighteenth century, o> Dr.William K. Brooks, of John- Hopkins University,who died only t ler.will note in | ?• .f them, like Louis pi< lur- til, Inn in the i Dr. Jordan if these men of them II as - tn refer to the American career of Mme.Modjes
. Review of reviews and world's work. floating minks.- From the Globe (New York). CURRENT HISTORY IN CARTOONS. 29. THE CONVENTION HAS ARRIVED. From the Herald (New York). Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/review-of-reviews-and-worlds-work-floating-minks-from-the-globe-new-york-current-history-in-cartoons-29-the-convention-has-arrived-from-the-herald-new-york-image337052394.html
RM2AGA1NE–. Review of reviews and world's work. floating minks.- From the Globe (New York). CURRENT HISTORY IN CARTOONS. 29. THE CONVENTION HAS ARRIVED. From the Herald (New York).
The Century illustrated monthly magazine . secration of all the women who have dweltas priestesses therein since the days of his fathers. This preliminary statement is succeeded bythe first item in the programme, The carry-ing of the king upon his throne; but theblock which should show this scene is missing.The procession of the queen probably fol-lowed the procession of the king. Then came block to block, each priest carrying a bird inone hand and a fish in the other. A short in-scription specifies in every instance to whatdeity that bird or fish is sacred. On otherblocks are depicted rows of Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-century-illustrated-monthly-magazine-secration-of-all-the-women-who-have-dweltas-priestesses-therein-since-the-days-of-his-fathers-this-preliminary-statement-is-succeeded-bythe-first-item-in-the-programme-the-carry-ing-of-the-king-upon-his-throne-but-theblock-which-should-show-this-scene-is-missingthe-procession-of-the-queen-probably-fol-lowed-the-procession-of-the-king-then-came-block-to-block-each-priest-carrying-a-bird-inone-hand-and-a-fish-in-the-other-a-short-in-scription-specifies-in-every-instance-to-whatdeity-that-bird-or-fish-is-sacred-on-otherblocks-are-depicted-rows-of-image338503789.html
RM2AJM511–The Century illustrated monthly magazine . secration of all the women who have dweltas priestesses therein since the days of his fathers. This preliminary statement is succeeded bythe first item in the programme, The carry-ing of the king upon his throne; but theblock which should show this scene is missing.The procession of the queen probably fol-lowed the procession of the king. Then came block to block, each priest carrying a bird inone hand and a fish in the other. A short in-scription specifies in every instance to whatdeity that bird or fish is sacred. On otherblocks are depicted rows of
. Review of reviews and world's work. SCENE Ot^THE BOEUS IlECENT KAIUINO OPEKATIONS. pouring into Bloemfontein daily, and it looksnow as if the British communications would bekept open without trouble, and Lord Robertswould be ready in a week or two to move for-ward with the seventy-five thousand or moremen which he can easily spare for a determinedadvance on Kroonstadt and the Vaal River.The thorough little commander is not satisfiedwith the material perfection of his army. Gen-. MAJ.-GEN. SIR H. CHERMSIDE. (Successor to General Gatacre.) Oliviers commando, which, though incumberedwith a long Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/review-of-reviews-and-worlds-work-scene-otthe-boeus-ilecent-kaiuino-opekations-pouring-into-bloemfontein-daily-and-it-looksnow-as-if-the-british-communications-would-bekept-open-without-trouble-and-lord-robertswould-be-ready-in-a-week-or-two-to-move-for-ward-with-the-seventy-five-thousand-or-moremen-which-he-can-easily-spare-for-a-determinedadvance-on-kroonstadt-and-the-vaal-riverthe-thorough-little-commander-is-not-satisfiedwith-the-material-perfection-of-his-army-gen-maj-gen-sir-h-chermside-successor-to-general-gatacre-oliviers-commando-which-though-incumberedwith-a-long-image336954469.html
RM2AG5GT5–. Review of reviews and world's work. SCENE Ot^THE BOEUS IlECENT KAIUINO OPEKATIONS. pouring into Bloemfontein daily, and it looksnow as if the British communications would bekept open without trouble, and Lord Robertswould be ready in a week or two to move for-ward with the seventy-five thousand or moremen which he can easily spare for a determinedadvance on Kroonstadt and the Vaal River.The thorough little commander is not satisfiedwith the material perfection of his army. Gen-. MAJ.-GEN. SIR H. CHERMSIDE. (Successor to General Gatacre.) Oliviers commando, which, though incumberedwith a long
. Review of reviews and world's work. atic allies, is silent as tothe future course, as to further progress in theestablishment of a sound currency. He reposeshope for the future in the wisdom of the Secre-tary of the Treasury, who, circumscribed by law,is unable to apply any other remedy than thedubious one of an expanding bank circulation,which does not contain any of the elements ofcompressibility when redundancy is the evil, not-withstanding Mr. Roots characterization of it asan elastic one, and adjustable to varying condi-tions. Imperialism is eliminated from the plat-form, though it is d Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/review-of-reviews-and-worlds-work-atic-allies-is-silent-as-tothe-future-course-as-to-further-progress-in-theestablishment-of-a-sound-currency-he-reposeshope-for-the-future-in-the-wisdom-of-the-secre-tary-of-the-treasury-who-circumscribed-by-lawis-unable-to-apply-any-other-remedy-than-thedubious-one-of-an-expanding-bank-circulationwhich-does-not-contain-any-of-the-elements-ofcompressibility-when-redundancy-is-the-evil-not-withstanding-mr-roots-characterization-of-it-asan-elastic-one-and-adjustable-to-varying-condi-tions-imperialism-is-eliminated-from-the-plat-form-though-it-is-d-image336994650.html
RM2AG7C36–. Review of reviews and world's work. atic allies, is silent as tothe future course, as to further progress in theestablishment of a sound currency. He reposeshope for the future in the wisdom of the Secre-tary of the Treasury, who, circumscribed by law,is unable to apply any other remedy than thedubious one of an expanding bank circulation,which does not contain any of the elements ofcompressibility when redundancy is the evil, not-withstanding Mr. Roots characterization of it asan elastic one, and adjustable to varying condi-tions. Imperialism is eliminated from the plat-form, though it is d
. Review of reviews and world's work. was nearly 37,000. This year it isabout 32,500. In Maine, the Republican plural-ity was about 34,000, and, as in Vermont, waseven a little larger than the Republican man-agers had figured upon. An election was heldin Arkansas on September 3, and the Denu)-cratic candidate for governor, the Hon. JeffDavis, received a plurality of about 40,000 votes. Mr. Payne, of Wisconsin, vice-chair- Republican ,• ?, t^ it x- i /i Forecasts for man ot the Republican iNational C.oni-Nouember. YnittQQ^ early in September issued astatement representing the forecast of the Re Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/review-of-reviews-and-worlds-work-was-nearly-37000-this-year-it-isabout-32500-in-maine-the-republican-plural-ity-was-about-34000-and-as-in-vermont-waseven-a-little-larger-than-the-republican-man-agers-had-figured-upon-an-election-was-heldin-arkansas-on-september-3-and-the-denu-cratic-candidate-for-governor-the-hon-jeffdavis-received-a-plurality-of-about-40000-votes-mr-payne-of-wisconsin-vice-chair-republican-t-it-x-i-i-forecasts-for-man-ot-the-republican-inational-coni-nouember-ynittqq-early-in-september-issued-astatement-representing-the-forecast-of-the-re-image337058413.html
RM2AGA9CD–. Review of reviews and world's work. was nearly 37,000. This year it isabout 32,500. In Maine, the Republican plural-ity was about 34,000, and, as in Vermont, waseven a little larger than the Republican man-agers had figured upon. An election was heldin Arkansas on September 3, and the Denu)-cratic candidate for governor, the Hon. JeffDavis, received a plurality of about 40,000 votes. Mr. Payne, of Wisconsin, vice-chair- Republican ,• ?, t^ it x- i /i Forecasts for man ot the Republican iNational C.oni-Nouember. YnittQQ^ early in September issued astatement representing the forecast of the Re
. Review of reviews and world's work. ffice even after repressivemeasures began to be applied against (ireeceand all formal relations had been cut off onthe part of the Entente. Since the polic ofGreece had changed from a friendly to anopenly unfriendly one. in spite of repeatedotes of the representatives of the nation andin spite of the popular t)te on May .^1. Mr.Wnizelos regards it as only natural that thep(twers, as protectors of the independence andconstitutional liberties of the Greek people,should demand that the people be called wynmafter the demobilization to express their willconc Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/review-of-reviews-and-worlds-work-ffice-even-after-repressivemeasures-began-to-be-applied-against-ireeceand-all-formal-relations-had-been-cut-off-onthe-part-of-the-entente-since-the-polic-ofgreece-had-changed-from-a-friendly-to-anopenly-unfriendly-one-in-spite-of-repeatedotes-of-the-representatives-of-the-nation-andin-spite-of-the-popular-tte-on-may-1-mrwnizelos-regards-it-as-only-natural-that-theptwers-as-protectors-of-the-independence-andconstitutional-liberties-of-the-greek-peopleshould-demand-that-the-people-be-called-wynmafter-the-demobilization-to-express-their-willconc-image336729526.html
RM2AFR9XE–. Review of reviews and world's work. ffice even after repressivemeasures began to be applied against (ireeceand all formal relations had been cut off onthe part of the Entente. Since the polic ofGreece had changed from a friendly to anopenly unfriendly one. in spite of repeatedotes of the representatives of the nation andin spite of the popular t)te on May .^1. Mr.Wnizelos regards it as only natural that thep(twers, as protectors of the independence andconstitutional liberties of the Greek people,should demand that the people be called wynmafter the demobilization to express their willconc
The literary digest . of Li The prime requisite in an aviation battery is absolute reliability.The spark in the cylinders is the life of the engine.And the life of the engine means life to the aviator.. There are two interesting factsin connection with this for the motorcar owner to consider. Fi?^st: Aviation has given a search-ing test and a convincing demonstra-tion of the rehabihty of WillardBatteries and the superior durabihtyand efficiency of Willard ThreadedRu.bber Insulation. They haveproven their dependability in keep-ing the craft aloft for hours andbringing it safely home even if bot Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-literary-digest-of-li-the-prime-requisite-in-an-aviation-battery-is-absolute-reliabilitythe-spark-in-the-cylinders-is-the-life-of-the-engineand-the-life-of-the-engine-means-life-to-the-aviator-there-are-two-interesting-factsin-connection-with-this-for-the-motorcar-owner-to-consider-fist-aviation-has-given-a-search-ing-test-and-a-convincing-demonstra-tion-of-the-rehabihty-of-willardbatteries-and-the-superior-durabihtyand-efficiency-of-willard-threadedrubber-insulation-they-haveproven-their-dependability-in-keep-ing-the-craft-aloft-for-hours-andbringing-it-safely-home-even-if-bot-image338449782.html
RM2AJHM46–The literary digest . of Li The prime requisite in an aviation battery is absolute reliability.The spark in the cylinders is the life of the engine.And the life of the engine means life to the aviator.. There are two interesting factsin connection with this for the motorcar owner to consider. Fi?^st: Aviation has given a search-ing test and a convincing demonstra-tion of the rehabihty of WillardBatteries and the superior durabihtyand efficiency of Willard ThreadedRu.bber Insulation. They haveproven their dependability in keep-ing the craft aloft for hours andbringing it safely home even if bot
Jesse Beery's practical system of colt training . submissive, it is very important that you treat them with the greatest of kindness, inorder to fix the impression, and teach them that we are masters; and not only masters,but a kind friend to them. This method is better to be used in connection withother methods of subjection. The next best method of subduing vicious Horses is by the use of the DoubleSafety Rope. This is undoubtedly the best means of control that has ever beendevised, of which the appliances used are few, simple, and easy to manipulate.Have two rings about five inches apart in Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/jesse-beerys-practical-system-of-colt-training-submissive-it-is-very-important-that-you-treat-them-with-the-greatest-of-kindness-inorder-to-fix-the-impression-and-teach-them-that-we-are-masters-and-not-only-mastersbut-a-kind-friend-to-them-this-method-is-better-to-be-used-in-connection-withother-methods-of-subjection-the-next-best-method-of-subduing-vicious-horses-is-by-the-use-of-the-doublesafety-rope-this-is-undoubtedly-the-best-means-of-control-that-has-ever-beendevised-of-which-the-appliances-used-are-few-simple-and-easy-to-manipulatehave-two-rings-about-five-inches-apart-in-image340177833.html
RM2ANCC89–Jesse Beery's practical system of colt training . submissive, it is very important that you treat them with the greatest of kindness, inorder to fix the impression, and teach them that we are masters; and not only masters,but a kind friend to them. This method is better to be used in connection withother methods of subjection. The next best method of subduing vicious Horses is by the use of the DoubleSafety Rope. This is undoubtedly the best means of control that has ever beendevised, of which the appliances used are few, simple, and easy to manipulate.Have two rings about five inches apart in
. Review of reviews and world's work. 00,000 lie with-in the humid region and aresuitable for wheat-raising.Assuming that no more thanni.1100,000 acres will ever bedevoted to wheat, western(anada will one day raiseson.000,000 bushel.- o wheat, — some 50,000, more than the largest whealcrop the whole of the UnitedStates has ever produced.Some enthusiasts have im-agined that these 40,000,000acres will be sown to whealby 102.) ; but as the total plowed area of west-ern Canada does not now exceed 6,000,000 acres,this is not probable. It took the United Statestwenty years to increase its wheat acre Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/review-of-reviews-and-worlds-work-00000-lie-with-in-the-humid-region-and-aresuitable-for-wheat-raisingassuming-that-no-more-thanni1100000-acres-will-ever-bedevoted-to-wheat-westernanada-will-one-day-raiseson000000-bushel-o-wheat-some-50000-more-than-the-largest-whealcrop-the-whole-of-the-unitedstates-has-ever-producedsome-enthusiasts-have-im-agined-that-these-40000000acres-will-be-sown-to-whealby-102-but-as-the-total-plowed-area-of-west-ern-canada-does-not-now-exceed-6000000-acresthis-is-not-probable-it-took-the-united-statestwenty-years-to-increase-its-wheat-acre-image336892919.html
RM2AG2P9Y–. Review of reviews and world's work. 00,000 lie with-in the humid region and aresuitable for wheat-raising.Assuming that no more thanni.1100,000 acres will ever bedevoted to wheat, western(anada will one day raiseson.000,000 bushel.- o wheat, — some 50,000, more than the largest whealcrop the whole of the UnitedStates has ever produced.Some enthusiasts have im-agined that these 40,000,000acres will be sown to whealby 102.) ; but as the total plowed area of west-ern Canada does not now exceed 6,000,000 acres,this is not probable. It took the United Statestwenty years to increase its wheat acre
The literary digest . J mDia Grafonola in^r.od desj. ^^ t ^?M-^^m^ u -> ??r..« How joyously guests are welcomed,when beauty fills the home! The superb records of Columbiaartists place at your instantcommand the unrivaled charmof good music. The gracefulloveliness expressed in theGrafonola Period Designs givesthe added delight of artisticexcellence in form and color.. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-literary-digest-j-mdia-grafonola-inrod-desj-t-m-m-u-gt-r-how-joyously-guests-are-welcomedwhen-beauty-fills-the-home!-the-superb-records-of-columbiaartists-place-at-your-instantcommand-the-unrivaled-charmof-good-music-the-gracefulloveliness-expressed-in-thegrafonola-period-designs-givesthe-added-delight-of-artisticexcellence-in-form-and-color-image338295162.html
RM2AJAJX2–The literary digest . J mDia Grafonola in^r.od desj. ^^ t ^?M-^^m^ u -> ??r..« How joyously guests are welcomed,when beauty fills the home! The superb records of Columbiaartists place at your instantcommand the unrivaled charmof good music. The gracefulloveliness expressed in theGrafonola Period Designs givesthe added delight of artisticexcellence in form and color..
Portrait and biographical album of Jackson County, Michigan : containing full page portraits and biographical sketches of prominent and representative citizens of the County together with portraits & biographies of all the governors of the State and of the presidents of the United States . as elected by the people, by a majority of about athousand, over the brilliant and long-tried Repub-lican statesman, James G. Blaine. President Cleve-land resigned his office as Governor of New York inJanuary, 1885, in order to prepare for his duties asthe Chief Executive of the United States, in whichcapaci Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/portrait-and-biographical-album-of-jackson-county-michigan-containing-full-page-portraits-and-biographical-sketches-of-prominent-and-representative-citizens-of-the-county-together-with-portraits-biographies-of-all-the-governors-of-the-state-and-of-the-presidents-of-the-united-states-as-elected-by-the-people-by-a-majority-of-about-athousand-over-the-brilliant-and-long-tried-repub-lican-statesman-james-g-blaine-president-cleve-land-resigned-his-office-as-governor-of-new-york-injanuary-1885-in-order-to-prepare-for-his-duties-asthe-chief-executive-of-the-united-states-in-whichcapaci-image338214790.html
RM2AJ70BJ–Portrait and biographical album of Jackson County, Michigan : containing full page portraits and biographical sketches of prominent and representative citizens of the County together with portraits & biographies of all the governors of the State and of the presidents of the United States . as elected by the people, by a majority of about athousand, over the brilliant and long-tried Repub-lican statesman, James G. Blaine. President Cleve-land resigned his office as Governor of New York inJanuary, 1885, in order to prepare for his duties asthe Chief Executive of the United States, in whichcapaci
. Perfervid, the career of Ninian Jamieson. and left the house un-observed. PART II THE PILGRIMAGE OF STRONGSOULAND SAUNDERS ELSHANDER. 2 as O aX a X CHAPTER I THE GREAT MEN In a back room in a quiet street in Edinburgh ona December night, some ten or twelve years afterNinians campaign, five men sat round a tablesmoking churchwarden pipes and drinking whisky-toddy. It was an old-fashioned room with an old-fashioned fireplace ; and the fire was old-fashionedtoo, for it was wood that the Great Men burned.The)- had a contract with a turner, and got fromhim all his waste birch. What a fire it make Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/perfervid-the-career-of-ninian-jamieson-and-left-the-house-un-observed-part-ii-the-pilgrimage-of-strongsouland-saunders-elshander-2-as-o-ax-a-x-chapter-i-the-great-men-in-a-back-room-in-a-quiet-street-in-edinburgh-ona-december-night-some-ten-or-twelve-years-afterninians-campaign-five-men-sat-round-a-tablesmoking-churchwarden-pipes-and-drinking-whisky-toddy-it-was-an-old-fashioned-room-with-an-old-fashioned-fireplace-and-the-fire-was-old-fashionedtoo-for-it-was-wood-that-the-great-men-burnedthe-had-a-contract-with-a-turner-and-got-fromhim-all-his-waste-birch-what-a-fire-it-make-image337101963.html
RM2AGC8YR–. Perfervid, the career of Ninian Jamieson. and left the house un-observed. PART II THE PILGRIMAGE OF STRONGSOULAND SAUNDERS ELSHANDER. 2 as O aX a X CHAPTER I THE GREAT MEN In a back room in a quiet street in Edinburgh ona December night, some ten or twelve years afterNinians campaign, five men sat round a tablesmoking churchwarden pipes and drinking whisky-toddy. It was an old-fashioned room with an old-fashioned fireplace ; and the fire was old-fashionedtoo, for it was wood that the Great Men burned.The)- had a contract with a turner, and got fromhim all his waste birch. What a fire it make
. Fall and Winter, 1890-91 Fashion Catalogue / H. O'Neill and Co.. No. 651. Muslin; di^ep ruffle ofhemstltclipfl embroidery headedwith tuck.s, SI ;9 iff^irpfipriTVVk. No. 6i.3. Muslin . tucked cambricmfllB with deep torchon edge, 79c•ai- a 88c. No, 6r>n. Percale: hand embroidered, SaaSi flrer, M 2. ? less elahorate, Sl.79 ; wilh plain scallop,98c No. 657. Cambric ; dnep ruffle ofVan Dyke embroidery, headed withtucks. $2.75, No. 0.59 Cambric: deep ruffle withtwo insertions and deep eJ^e ofPlatte val. Ice. Hiiished with tucks,$1.69; finer. $1.98. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/fall-and-winter-1890-91-fashion-catalogue-h-oneill-and-co-no-651-muslin-diep-ruffle-ofhemstltclipfl-embroidery-headedwith-tucks-si-9-iffirpfipritvvk-no-6i3-muslin-tucked-cambricmfllb-with-deep-torchon-edge-79cai-a-88c-no-6rgtn-percale-hand-embroidered-saasi-flrer-m-2-less-elahorate-sl79-wilh-plain-scallop98c-no-657-cambric-dnep-ruffle-ofvan-dyke-embroidery-headed-withtucks-275-no-059-cambric-deep-ruffle-withtwo-insertions-and-deep-eje-ofplatte-val-ice-hiiished-with-tucks169-finer-198-image336706545.html
RM2AFP8HN–. Fall and Winter, 1890-91 Fashion Catalogue / H. O'Neill and Co.. No. 651. Muslin; di^ep ruffle ofhemstltclipfl embroidery headedwith tuck.s, SI ;9 iff^irpfipriTVVk. No. 6i.3. Muslin . tucked cambricmfllB with deep torchon edge, 79c•ai- a 88c. No, 6r>n. Percale: hand embroidered, SaaSi flrer, M 2. ? less elahorate, Sl.79 ; wilh plain scallop,98c No. 657. Cambric ; dnep ruffle ofVan Dyke embroidery, headed withtucks. $2.75, No. 0.59 Cambric: deep ruffle withtwo insertions and deep eJ^e ofPlatte val. Ice. Hiiished with tucks,$1.69; finer. $1.98.
The literary digest . s a dispatchfrom London. The North Russian Government officiallydeclines to accept the suggestion of thePeace Conference for a parley betweenthe various Russian factions and Alliedrepresentatives. No sane and honestRussian could take part in pourparlerswith the Bolsheviki, says the reply. King Nicholas of Montenegro, chargingthat the Servians are kiUing his support-ers without trial, urges that the PeaceConference prevent forcible annexationof his country by Seria. Belgium as represented bj- Paul Hymans,JNIinister of Foreign Affairs, says adispatch from Paris, desires to Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-literary-digest-s-a-dispatchfrom-london-the-north-russian-government-officiallydeclines-to-accept-the-suggestion-of-thepeace-conference-for-a-parley-betweenthe-various-russian-factions-and-alliedrepresentatives-no-sane-and-honestrussian-could-take-part-in-pourparlerswith-the-bolsheviki-says-the-reply-king-nicholas-of-montenegro-chargingthat-the-servians-are-kiuing-his-support-ers-without-trial-urges-that-the-peaceconference-prevent-forcible-annexationof-his-country-by-seria-belgium-as-represented-bj-paul-hymansjniinister-of-foreign-affairs-says-adispatch-from-paris-desires-to-image338460095.html
RM2AJJ58F–The literary digest . s a dispatchfrom London. The North Russian Government officiallydeclines to accept the suggestion of thePeace Conference for a parley betweenthe various Russian factions and Alliedrepresentatives. No sane and honestRussian could take part in pourparlerswith the Bolsheviki, says the reply. King Nicholas of Montenegro, chargingthat the Servians are kiUing his support-ers without trial, urges that the PeaceConference prevent forcible annexationof his country by Seria. Belgium as represented bj- Paul Hymans,JNIinister of Foreign Affairs, says adispatch from Paris, desires to
. Review of reviews and world's work. r handmade a great reputation by the clearness of hisstatements in the House of Commons, and hissuperior comprehension of the military businessin hand. Lord Roseberv has freed himself fromresponsibility for any association with the Liberalparty as at present organized, and has steppedboldly forth as an imperialist who claims to un-derstand the British Empire and its needs betterthan Lord Salisburys government. He attacks 406 THE AMERICAN MONTHLY REFIEIV OF REI/IEIVS. the party in power on the ground of its unreadi-ness to face the serious dangeis which lur Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/review-of-reviews-and-worlds-work-r-handmade-a-great-reputation-by-the-clearness-of-hisstatements-in-the-house-of-commons-and-hissuperior-comprehension-of-the-military-businessin-hand-lord-roseberv-has-freed-himself-fromresponsibility-for-any-association-with-the-liberalparty-as-at-present-organized-and-has-steppedboldly-forth-as-an-imperialist-who-claims-to-un-derstand-the-british-empire-and-its-needs-betterthan-lord-salisburys-government-he-attacks-406-the-american-monthly-refieiv-of-reiieivs-the-party-in-power-on-the-ground-of-its-unreadi-ness-to-face-the-serious-dangeis-which-lur-image336979290.html
RM2AG6MEJ–. Review of reviews and world's work. r handmade a great reputation by the clearness of hisstatements in the House of Commons, and hissuperior comprehension of the military businessin hand. Lord Roseberv has freed himself fromresponsibility for any association with the Liberalparty as at present organized, and has steppedboldly forth as an imperialist who claims to un-derstand the British Empire and its needs betterthan Lord Salisburys government. He attacks 406 THE AMERICAN MONTHLY REFIEIV OF REI/IEIVS. the party in power on the ground of its unreadi-ness to face the serious dangeis which lur
. Fall and Winter, 1890-91 Fashion Catalogue / H. O'Neill and Co.. Nn. oil. Muslin : <lcpp ruffle wilhfine enihroidfrv eili:t heiided withtucks, Silc- Kxtra sizo, SI,9.. .^i. I II I... ucit^-Lucked Canbrie iuHIl, 49o, 9c ; in Cambrl$1.39. Extra size, muslin, $1,111. No M.). .. ... ??•roiilery headedSI.19, 1.49. l.(i!i,3 75 ; in C^inh-i**,tra size, muslin,2 98. with1 !«,, .9,$159, I.nil e 1.1tucks, 79e.8.2^, 3..i9, 3 7.J. 4,50I. 1.98, 3...9 Ex-and Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/fall-and-winter-1890-91-fashion-catalogue-h-oneill-and-co-nn-oil-muslin-ltlcpp-ruffle-wilhfine-enihroidfrv-eilit-heiided-withtucks-silc-kxtra-sizo-si9-i-i-ii-i-ucit-lucked-canbrie-iuhil-49o-9c-in-cambrl139-extra-size-muslin-1111-no-m-roiilery-headedsi19-149-li!i3-75-in-cinh-itra-size-muslin2-98-with1-!-9159-inil-e-11tucks-79e82-3i9-3-7j-450i-198-39-ex-and-image336707050.html
RM2AFP97P–. Fall and Winter, 1890-91 Fashion Catalogue / H. O'Neill and Co.. Nn. oil. Muslin : <lcpp ruffle wilhfine enihroidfrv eili:t heiided withtucks, Silc- Kxtra sizo, SI,9.. .^i. I II I... ucit^-Lucked Canbrie iuHIl, 49o, 9c ; in Cambrl$1.39. Extra size, muslin, $1,111. No M.). .. ... ??•roiilery headedSI.19, 1.49. l.(i!i,3 75 ; in C^inh-i**,tra size, muslin,2 98. with1 !«,, .9,$159, I.nil e 1.1tucks, 79e.8.2^, 3..i9, 3 7.J. 4,50I. 1.98, 3...9 Ex-and
. Fall and Winter, 1890-91 Fashion Catalogue / H. O'Neill and Co.. 573 White Sa^ionv Mitts.25c. 39o, fiSc: colored, 30cand 30c. in silk, white andcolored, 75c.. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/fall-and-winter-1890-91-fashion-catalogue-h-oneill-and-co-573-white-saionv-mitts25c-39o-fisc-colored-30cand-30c-in-silk-white-andcolored-75c-image336669977.html
RM2AFMHYN–. Fall and Winter, 1890-91 Fashion Catalogue / H. O'Neill and Co.. 573 White Sa^ionv Mitts.25c. 39o, fiSc: colored, 30cand 30c. in silk, white andcolored, 75c..
. Review of reviews and world's work. taken up in contemplation of thehouse. The lot had no possibilities. In the second, it was dug up. A few potato-vines wereplanted, perhaps a peach-tree. There were thepreliminary signs of a fence.. In the third, un-der the stimulus of a price offered by the man-agement, a garden was evolved, with, necessarily,a fence. At this point the potato became sud-denly an element. It had fed the family thewinter before without other outlay than a littlescratching of the ground. Its possibilities loomedlarge. The garden became a farm on a smallscale. Its owner applie Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/review-of-reviews-and-worlds-work-taken-up-in-contemplation-of-thehouse-the-lot-had-no-possibilities-in-the-second-it-was-dug-up-a-few-potato-vines-wereplanted-perhaps-a-peach-tree-there-were-thepreliminary-signs-of-a-fence-in-the-third-un-der-the-stimulus-of-a-price-offered-by-the-man-agement-a-garden-was-evolved-with-necessarilya-fence-at-this-point-the-potato-became-sud-denly-an-element-it-had-fed-the-family-thewinter-before-without-other-outlay-than-a-littlescratching-of-the-ground-its-possibilities-loomedlarge-the-garden-became-a-farm-on-a-smallscale-its-owner-applie-image336958957.html
RM2AG5PGD–. Review of reviews and world's work. taken up in contemplation of thehouse. The lot had no possibilities. In the second, it was dug up. A few potato-vines wereplanted, perhaps a peach-tree. There were thepreliminary signs of a fence.. In the third, un-der the stimulus of a price offered by the man-agement, a garden was evolved, with, necessarily,a fence. At this point the potato became sud-denly an element. It had fed the family thewinter before without other outlay than a littlescratching of the ground. Its possibilities loomedlarge. The garden became a farm on a smallscale. Its owner applie
The literary digest . i I iiii ! !I i !!1 I ^n^^-^- ^c^.^-^ •^ ^•^- ^h^.. A •^^ .^^•^ f STETSON. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-literary-digest-i-i-iiii-!-!i-i-!!1-i-n-c-h-a-f-stetson-image338459068.html
RM2AJJ3YT–The literary digest . i I iiii ! !I i !!1 I ^n^^-^- ^c^.^-^ •^ ^•^- ^h^.. A •^^ .^^•^ f STETSON.
Contributions from the United States National Herbarium . coloniaMuricy-S. Jose dos Pinhais, na beira da Estrada, 1Mar 1965, Scito & Kuniyoshi 1315 (K); Curitiba,Orla do brejo, 15 Jan 1975, Maguire 3487 (K); OrlaGuarapuava, fazenda Capao Redondo, 20-23 Mar1946, JR. Swallen 8859 (US); Mun. Palmas, 1100m, 16 Feb 1958, G. Hatschbach 4715 (US); Curitiba,Parque Barigui, area degradada, proxima a orla daforesta con Araucaria, 25°22S, 49°13W, 2 Apr 1997, Kozera & Izernhagen 476 (NY); Piraguara, admarginam, 1 Jul 1909, Dusen 7783 (K, NY); Mun.Rio Branco do Sul, Dombrowski 2432 (ICN, K);Sao Mateus do S Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/contributions-from-the-united-states-national-herbarium-coloniamuricy-s-jose-dos-pinhais-na-beira-da-estrada-1mar-1965-scito-kuniyoshi-1315-k-curitibaorla-do-brejo-15-jan-1975-maguire-3487-k-orlaguarapuava-fazenda-capao-redondo-20-23-mar1946-jr-swallen-8859-us-mun-palmas-1100m-16-feb-1958-g-hatschbach-4715-us-curitibaparque-barigui-area-degradada-proxima-a-orla-daforesta-con-araucaria-2522s-4913w-2-apr-1997-kozera-izernhagen-476-ny-piraguara-admarginam-1-jul-1909-dusen-7783-k-ny-munrio-branco-do-sul-dombrowski-2432-icn-ksao-mateus-do-s-image338356241.html
RM2AJDCRD–Contributions from the United States National Herbarium . coloniaMuricy-S. Jose dos Pinhais, na beira da Estrada, 1Mar 1965, Scito & Kuniyoshi 1315 (K); Curitiba,Orla do brejo, 15 Jan 1975, Maguire 3487 (K); OrlaGuarapuava, fazenda Capao Redondo, 20-23 Mar1946, JR. Swallen 8859 (US); Mun. Palmas, 1100m, 16 Feb 1958, G. Hatschbach 4715 (US); Curitiba,Parque Barigui, area degradada, proxima a orla daforesta con Araucaria, 25°22S, 49°13W, 2 Apr 1997, Kozera & Izernhagen 476 (NY); Piraguara, admarginam, 1 Jul 1909, Dusen 7783 (K, NY); Mun.Rio Branco do Sul, Dombrowski 2432 (ICN, K);Sao Mateus do S
. Review of reviews and world's work. on the initiative and by the specialdesire of King Edward. Burnand from his earliest youth had a strongbias toward the stage. He played in little dra-mas at home when he was five, and all thioughlife he was devoted to tlie theater. After plays,he was most devoted to novels. Scott, Lytton,James, and Harrison Ainsworth were his favor-ites. He was a little Tom All Alone withoutplaymates, and novels and plays filled up hisexistence. When he went to Eton he did notshine as a scholar. He never could learn hisclassical lessons, despite a phenomenal memory.He prof Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/review-of-reviews-and-worlds-work-on-the-initiative-and-by-the-specialdesire-of-king-edward-burnand-from-his-earliest-youth-had-a-strongbias-toward-the-stage-he-played-in-little-dra-mas-at-home-when-he-was-five-and-all-thioughlife-he-was-devoted-to-tlie-theater-after-playshe-was-most-devoted-to-novels-scott-lyttonjames-and-harrison-ainsworth-were-his-favor-ites-he-was-a-little-tom-all-alone-withoutplaymates-and-novels-and-plays-filled-up-hisexistence-when-he-went-to-eton-he-did-notshine-as-a-scholar-he-never-could-learn-hisclassical-lessons-despite-a-phenomenal-memoryhe-prof-image336738452.html
RM2AFRN98–. Review of reviews and world's work. on the initiative and by the specialdesire of King Edward. Burnand from his earliest youth had a strongbias toward the stage. He played in little dra-mas at home when he was five, and all thioughlife he was devoted to tlie theater. After plays,he was most devoted to novels. Scott, Lytton,James, and Harrison Ainsworth were his favor-ites. He was a little Tom All Alone withoutplaymates, and novels and plays filled up hisexistence. When he went to Eton he did notshine as a scholar. He never could learn hisclassical lessons, despite a phenomenal memory.He prof
. Review of reviews and world's work. The Japanese have often attracted the su-perior romantic muse of Jolm Luther Long, who nowpresents The Way of the (iods (Macmillan), whereinthe author sets forth that ideal self-abnegation so for-eign to the ferociously egoi.stic Western world. A suc-cessful psychologic study is Howard Sturgis AllThat Was Pos.sible (Putnams). Here is one Mrs.Sibyl Crofts, who discreetly retires to a Welsh coun-tryside after her London past. She meets RobertHenshaw, a rigidly conventional .squireen belongingto the neighborhood. At fir.st he shows open hos-tility to Sibyl, a Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/review-of-reviews-and-worlds-work-the-japanese-have-often-attracted-the-su-perior-romantic-muse-of-jolm-luther-long-who-nowpresents-the-way-of-the-iods-macmillan-whereinthe-author-sets-forth-that-ideal-self-abnegation-so-for-eign-to-the-ferociously-egoistic-western-world-a-suc-cessful-psychologic-study-is-howard-sturgis-allthat-was-possible-putnams-here-is-one-mrssibyl-crofts-who-discreetly-retires-to-a-welsh-coun-tryside-after-her-london-past-she-meets-roberthenshaw-a-rigidly-conventional-squireen-belongingto-the-neighborhood-at-first-he-shows-open-hos-tility-to-sibyl-a-image336693919.html
RM2AFNMER–. Review of reviews and world's work. The Japanese have often attracted the su-perior romantic muse of Jolm Luther Long, who nowpresents The Way of the (iods (Macmillan), whereinthe author sets forth that ideal self-abnegation so for-eign to the ferociously egoi.stic Western world. A suc-cessful psychologic study is Howard Sturgis AllThat Was Pos.sible (Putnams). Here is one Mrs.Sibyl Crofts, who discreetly retires to a Welsh coun-tryside after her London past. She meets RobertHenshaw, a rigidly conventional .squireen belongingto the neighborhood. At fir.st he shows open hos-tility to Sibyl, a
American spiders and their spinningworkA natural history of the orbweaving spiders of the United States, with special regard to their industry and habits . Fig. 188. Cocoon and tent of the Laterigrade, Misumena vatia,woven upon a ladies dressing bureau. Spidere^U. S., page 78, on Thoniisus fartus. GENERAL COCOONING HABITS OF SPIDERS. 153. Fig. 189. Cocoon of Huntsman spider, as clasped and carriedby the mother. (View from above.) flat circular plate which is attached to the ohject, rock, bark, or wood onwliich the cocoon is spini; and, second, a convex covering whicli fastensabove the eggs lik Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/american-spiders-and-their-spinningworka-natural-history-of-the-orbweaving-spiders-of-the-united-states-with-special-regard-to-their-industry-and-habits-fig-188-cocoon-and-tent-of-the-laterigrade-misumena-vatiawoven-upon-a-ladies-dressing-bureau-spidereu-s-page-78-on-thoniisus-fartus-general-cocooning-habits-of-spiders-153-fig-189-cocoon-of-huntsman-spider-as-clasped-and-carriedby-the-mother-view-from-above-flat-circular-plate-which-is-attached-to-the-ohject-rock-bark-or-wood-onwliich-the-cocoon-is-spini-and-second-a-convex-covering-whicli-fastensabove-the-eggs-lik-image342868664.html
RM2AWR0DC–American spiders and their spinningworkA natural history of the orbweaving spiders of the United States, with special regard to their industry and habits . Fig. 188. Cocoon and tent of the Laterigrade, Misumena vatia,woven upon a ladies dressing bureau. Spidere^U. S., page 78, on Thoniisus fartus. GENERAL COCOONING HABITS OF SPIDERS. 153. Fig. 189. Cocoon of Huntsman spider, as clasped and carriedby the mother. (View from above.) flat circular plate which is attached to the ohject, rock, bark, or wood onwliich the cocoon is spini; and, second, a convex covering whicli fastensabove the eggs lik
The literary digest . i JTiiaun-retouehcd photograph showK the excfllmt condition of aSixS GoodyearSolid2¥re which, in service on a right front wheel—the point of hardest wear in thiscase—thus far has delivered li,90i milea on unit 6 of the Chicago Motor Bus Fleet. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-literary-digest-i-jtiiaun-retouehcd-photograph-showk-the-excfllmt-condition-of-asixs-goodyearsolid2re-which-in-service-on-a-right-front-wheelthe-point-of-hardest-wear-in-thiscasethus-far-has-delivered-li90i-milea-on-unit-6-of-the-chicago-motor-bus-fleet-image339107901.html
RM2AKKKGD–The literary digest . i JTiiaun-retouehcd photograph showK the excfllmt condition of aSixS GoodyearSolid2¥re which, in service on a right front wheel—the point of hardest wear in thiscase—thus far has delivered li,90i milea on unit 6 of the Chicago Motor Bus Fleet.
. Penman's Art Journal and Penman's Gazette. ith pleasure that I commend the course ofThe Penmans Art JouBNALin promoting theintereste of business colleges in the highest andbest sense. This does not mean that I always Andmyself entirely in accord with all that appearsin its pages, but I can always appreciate thegrxMl motive which seems to underlie its eveiyelTort in the interests of business education. Inregard tn the flourished specimens which ap-pear from time to time in its pages, I believethat they have had a most excellent influence inarousing an intere.tt in penmanship, While,in my opin Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/penmans-art-journal-and-penmans-gazette-ith-pleasure-that-i-commend-the-course-ofthe-penmans-art-joubnalin-promoting-theintereste-of-business-colleges-in-the-highest-andbest-sense-this-does-not-mean-that-i-always-andmyself-entirely-in-accord-with-all-that-appearsin-its-pages-but-i-can-always-appreciate-thegrxml-motive-which-seems-to-underlie-its-eveiyeltort-in-the-interests-of-business-education-inregard-tn-the-flourished-specimens-which-ap-pear-from-time-to-time-in-its-pages-i-believethat-they-have-had-a-most-excellent-influence-inarousing-an-interett-in-penmanship-whilein-my-opin-image337070581.html
RM2AGATY1–. Penman's Art Journal and Penman's Gazette. ith pleasure that I commend the course ofThe Penmans Art JouBNALin promoting theintereste of business colleges in the highest andbest sense. This does not mean that I always Andmyself entirely in accord with all that appearsin its pages, but I can always appreciate thegrxMl motive which seems to underlie its eveiyelTort in the interests of business education. Inregard tn the flourished specimens which ap-pear from time to time in its pages, I believethat they have had a most excellent influence inarousing an intere.tt in penmanship, While,in my opin
The literary digest . Imperial CompressionCouplings — for connectingbrass or copper tubine with-out soldering, flaring orthreading. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-literary-digest-imperial-compressioncouplings-for-connectingbrass-or-copper-tubine-with-out-soldering-flaring-orthreading-image338159187.html
RM2AJ4DDR–The literary digest . Imperial CompressionCouplings — for connectingbrass or copper tubine with-out soldering, flaring orthreading.
American spiders and their spinningworkA natural history of the orbweaving spiders of the United States, with special regard to their industry and habits . ir comrades. One might be seen dangling from a leaf by a slender filament; another with elevated abdomen sending outthe first lines of a tentative balloon; a thirdalready embarked on an aeronautic venture,swinging free and swaying in the breeze. (Fig.250.) Tiie general tendency was to ascend;scarcely a spider went below the point at whichthe egg sac was fixed. Here and there littlegroups would form and hang back downwardfor a while by a few Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/american-spiders-and-their-spinningworka-natural-history-of-the-orbweaving-spiders-of-the-united-states-with-special-regard-to-their-industry-and-habits-ir-comrades-one-might-be-seen-dangling-from-a-leaf-by-a-slender-filament-another-with-elevated-abdomen-sending-outthe-first-lines-of-a-tentative-balloon-a-thirdalready-embarked-on-an-aeronautic-ventureswinging-free-and-swaying-in-the-breeze-fig250-tiie-general-tendency-was-to-ascendscarcely-a-spider-went-below-the-point-at-whichthe-egg-sac-was-fixed-here-and-there-littlegroups-would-form-and-hang-back-downwardfor-a-while-by-a-few-image342858246.html
RM2AWPF5A–American spiders and their spinningworkA natural history of the orbweaving spiders of the United States, with special regard to their industry and habits . ir comrades. One might be seen dangling from a leaf by a slender filament; another with elevated abdomen sending outthe first lines of a tentative balloon; a thirdalready embarked on an aeronautic venture,swinging free and swaying in the breeze. (Fig.250.) Tiie general tendency was to ascend;scarcely a spider went below the point at whichthe egg sac was fixed. Here and there littlegroups would form and hang back downwardfor a while by a few
Review of reviews and world's work . THE FAMOUS FAST FREIGHT TRAIN B-H I. ON ITS WAY I ROM BOSTON TO NEW YORK RUSHING FREIGHT TO NEW YORK A Significani Aspect oi the Transportation ProblemBY SYLVESTER BAXTER ? 4H£ quest is now agitating the *? public a> never befon I m one point the Lnitc lay i- pecu- liarly a child of railroad development. Onthe other hand, th th of the counti- ng from its virgin lands and the multi-- they have drawn to tl Worlds shor- our railroads the deed, Didthe country make the railroad- or the rail-it may be answered,h! 1 in-mutual. I the publi< de- i. While the p Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/review-of-reviews-and-worlds-work-the-famous-fast-freight-train-b-h-i-on-its-way-i-rom-boston-to-new-york-rushing-freight-to-new-york-a-significani-aspect-oi-the-transportation-problemby-sylvester-baxter-4h-quest-is-now-agitating-the-public-agt-never-befon-i-m-one-point-the-lnitc-lay-i-pecu-liarly-a-child-of-railroad-development-onthe-other-hand-th-th-of-the-counti-ng-from-its-virgin-lands-and-the-multi-they-have-drawn-to-tl-worlds-shor-our-railroads-the-deed-didthe-country-make-the-railroad-or-the-rail-it-may-be-answeredh!-1-in-mutual-i-the-publilt-de-i-while-the-p-image339058907.html
RM2AKHD2K–Review of reviews and world's work . THE FAMOUS FAST FREIGHT TRAIN B-H I. ON ITS WAY I ROM BOSTON TO NEW YORK RUSHING FREIGHT TO NEW YORK A Significani Aspect oi the Transportation ProblemBY SYLVESTER BAXTER ? 4H£ quest is now agitating the *? public a> never befon I m one point the Lnitc lay i- pecu- liarly a child of railroad development. Onthe other hand, th th of the counti- ng from its virgin lands and the multi-- they have drawn to tl Worlds shor- our railroads the deed, Didthe country make the railroad- or the rail-it may be answered,h! 1 in-mutual. I the publi< de- i. While the p
Annals of Trinity church, Newport, Rhode Island1698-1821 . Measures were at once takento replace it.] December 26, 1739. The Church Wardens are desired to writeto the Rev. Mr. Caner, of Fairfield, and inquire at what price the 70 Penelope Honyman, the daughter of James Honyman, Jr., becamethe wife of Rev. George Bisset, Minister of the Church, April 26, 1773,went with him to New Brunswick, and died there August 2, 1816, aged 70years. Isaac Stelle was engaged in commercial pursuits with John Mawds-lcy and other merchants in Newport, and was one of the syndicate, 1761.that sought to control the Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/annals-of-trinity-church-newport-rhode-island1698-1821-measures-were-at-once-takento-replace-it-december-26-1739-the-church-wardens-are-desired-to-writeto-the-rev-mr-caner-of-fairfield-and-inquire-at-what-price-the-70-penelope-honyman-the-daughter-of-james-honyman-jr-becamethe-wife-of-rev-george-bisset-minister-of-the-church-april-26-1773went-with-him-to-new-brunswick-and-died-there-august-2-1816-aged-70years-isaac-stelle-was-engaged-in-commercial-pursuits-with-john-mawds-lcy-and-other-merchants-in-newport-and-was-one-of-the-syndicate-1761that-sought-to-control-the-image340215684.html
RM2ANE4G4–Annals of Trinity church, Newport, Rhode Island1698-1821 . Measures were at once takento replace it.] December 26, 1739. The Church Wardens are desired to writeto the Rev. Mr. Caner, of Fairfield, and inquire at what price the 70 Penelope Honyman, the daughter of James Honyman, Jr., becamethe wife of Rev. George Bisset, Minister of the Church, April 26, 1773,went with him to New Brunswick, and died there August 2, 1816, aged 70years. Isaac Stelle was engaged in commercial pursuits with John Mawds-lcy and other merchants in Newport, and was one of the syndicate, 1761.that sought to control the
. Review of reviews and world's work. for the position. TheFrench republic, says an editorial writer in theRevue Bleue, is so well established, and has sunkso deep into the affections and consciousness ofthe French people, and, moreovei, the machineryof election is so perfectly adjusted, that thechoice of a new President excites little morecomment than the election of a new Senator.It is a very modest role that the French Presi-dent plays. The French political system, more-over, brings to the front typical men, and alwaysproduces quiet, safe, common-sense politicians,whose advent at the Elysee Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/review-of-reviews-and-worlds-work-for-the-position-thefrench-republic-says-an-editorial-writer-in-therevue-bleue-is-so-well-established-and-has-sunkso-deep-into-the-affections-and-consciousness-ofthe-french-people-and-moreovei-the-machineryof-election-is-so-perfectly-adjusted-that-thechoice-of-a-new-president-excites-little-morecomment-than-the-election-of-a-new-senatorit-is-a-very-modest-role-that-the-french-presi-dent-plays-the-french-political-system-more-over-brings-to-the-front-typical-men-and-alwaysproduces-quiet-safe-common-sense-politicianswhose-advent-at-the-elysee-image336764287.html
RM2AFTX7Y–. Review of reviews and world's work. for the position. TheFrench republic, says an editorial writer in theRevue Bleue, is so well established, and has sunkso deep into the affections and consciousness ofthe French people, and, moreovei, the machineryof election is so perfectly adjusted, that thechoice of a new President excites little morecomment than the election of a new Senator.It is a very modest role that the French Presi-dent plays. The French political system, more-over, brings to the front typical men, and alwaysproduces quiet, safe, common-sense politicians,whose advent at the Elysee
Bulletin of the Geological Society of America . Figure 13.—Pacific Geosyncline, Arctic and Mexican Seas of late Triassic Time Areas of fresh-water red deposits in east and southwest. Shading indicates areas of greatest subsidence. 226 C. SCIIUCHERT TPTE XORTH AMERICAX GEOSYNCLIXES. Figure 14.—Pacific and Mexican Geosynclines and Logan Sea of early Upper Jurassic Time Shading indicates areas of greatest subsidence. ILLUSTRATIONS 227 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/bulletin-of-the-geological-society-of-america-figure-13pacific-geosyncline-arctic-and-mexican-seas-of-late-triassic-time-areas-of-fresh-water-red-deposits-in-east-and-southwest-shading-indicates-areas-of-greatest-subsidence-226-c-sciiuchert-tpte-xorth-americax-geosynclixes-figure-14pacific-and-mexican-geosynclines-and-logan-sea-of-early-upper-jurassic-time-shading-indicates-areas-of-greatest-subsidence-illustrations-227-image339947324.html
RM2AN1X7T–Bulletin of the Geological Society of America . Figure 13.—Pacific Geosyncline, Arctic and Mexican Seas of late Triassic Time Areas of fresh-water red deposits in east and southwest. Shading indicates areas of greatest subsidence. 226 C. SCIIUCHERT TPTE XORTH AMERICAX GEOSYNCLIXES. Figure 14.—Pacific and Mexican Geosynclines and Logan Sea of early Upper Jurassic Time Shading indicates areas of greatest subsidence. ILLUSTRATIONS 227
. The literary digest. to 5. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-literary-digest-to-5-image337036552.html
RM2AG99FM–. The literary digest. to 5.
Text-book of hygiene; a comprehensive treatise on the principles and practice of preventive medicine from an American stand-point . t to the conclusion that not only does the numberof near-sighted pupils increase as the higher classes are reached,but the degree of myopia increases likewise. Thus, a pupilwho may have only a moderate degree of myopia on enteringthe school will have myopia in a higher degree as he advancesin his classes. Erismann found, on re-examining tlie samepupils annually, that in six years 13.14 per cent, of those ex-amined had developed myopia from emmetropia, while in 24. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/text-book-of-hygiene-a-comprehensive-treatise-on-the-principles-and-practice-of-preventive-medicine-from-an-american-stand-point-t-to-the-conclusion-that-not-only-does-the-numberof-near-sighted-pupils-increase-as-the-higher-classes-are-reachedbut-the-degree-of-myopia-increases-likewise-thus-a-pupilwho-may-have-only-a-moderate-degree-of-myopia-on-enteringthe-school-will-have-myopia-in-a-higher-degree-as-he-advancesin-his-classes-erismann-found-on-re-examining-tlie-samepupils-annually-that-in-six-years-1314-per-cent-of-those-ex-amined-had-developed-myopia-from-emmetropia-while-in-24-image338934622.html
RM2AKBPFX–Text-book of hygiene; a comprehensive treatise on the principles and practice of preventive medicine from an American stand-point . t to the conclusion that not only does the numberof near-sighted pupils increase as the higher classes are reached,but the degree of myopia increases likewise. Thus, a pupilwho may have only a moderate degree of myopia on enteringthe school will have myopia in a higher degree as he advancesin his classes. Erismann found, on re-examining tlie samepupils annually, that in six years 13.14 per cent, of those ex-amined had developed myopia from emmetropia, while in 24.
Review of reviews and world's work . I FKl.DI.KIt K S. I oN ERSE l, The Sacrifice. is to be produ.in Boston this season) and Olive Mead Quartets, the Barrere En-semble (of wind instrument players), theAdele Margulies Trio, and Mr. and Mrs.David Marines with their sonata recitals, areagain in the field, with concerts planned forNew York and elsewhere, i OISTS, KNiU |) l Ko Qcerningthegreatarmyof soloists,il maylid that a li-t of them would, in the main,i itself into a catalogue of thrice-familiar names— such names as Sembrich,Schumann-Heink, Hofmann, Busoni, MischaElman. There are co Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/review-of-reviews-and-worlds-work-i-fkldikit-k-s-i-on-erse-l-the-sacrifice-is-to-be-produin-boston-this-season-and-olive-mead-quartets-the-barrere-en-semble-of-wind-instrument-players-theadele-margulies-trio-and-mr-and-mrsdavid-marines-with-their-sonata-recitals-areagain-in-the-field-with-concerts-planned-fornew-york-and-elsewhere-i-oists-kniu-l-ko-qcerningthegreatarmyof-soloistsil-maylid-that-a-li-t-of-them-would-in-the-maini-itself-into-a-catalogue-of-thrice-familiar-names-such-names-as-sembrichschumann-heink-hofmann-busoni-mischaelman-there-are-co-image339063850.html
RM2AKHKB6–Review of reviews and world's work . I FKl.DI.KIt K S. I oN ERSE l, The Sacrifice. is to be produ.in Boston this season) and Olive Mead Quartets, the Barrere En-semble (of wind instrument players), theAdele Margulies Trio, and Mr. and Mrs.David Marines with their sonata recitals, areagain in the field, with concerts planned forNew York and elsewhere, i OISTS, KNiU |) l Ko Qcerningthegreatarmyof soloists,il maylid that a li-t of them would, in the main,i itself into a catalogue of thrice-familiar names— such names as Sembrich,Schumann-Heink, Hofmann, Busoni, MischaElman. There are co
Review of reviews and world's work . KIDNAPPED Eriftt?™ FE VRITI.I.Y HANDICA]svj,.,: Id like to known paign speeches. From the Tribune (Chicago). (Referring to rumors 01 an ai Vice-President Sherman has been muchcartooned recently on account of his activepart in the politics of New ork State. Thepolitical situations in the various * this fall are unusually interesting. Mr. Poin-dexters campaign for the Senatorial nomina-tion in Washington was successful, althoughthere was the usual charge of assistance fromthe opposite party at the primaries. (.1 l ROl 5 DONKEY(Referring to the nomination Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/review-of-reviews-and-worlds-work-kidnapped-eriftt-fe-vritiiy-handica-svj-id-like-to-known-paign-speeches-from-the-tribune-chicago-referring-to-rumors-01-an-ai-vice-president-sherman-has-been-muchcartooned-recently-on-account-of-his-activepart-in-the-politics-of-new-ork-state-thepolitical-situations-in-the-various-this-fall-are-unusually-interesting-mr-poin-dexters-campaign-for-the-senatorial-nomina-tion-in-washington-was-successful-althoughthere-was-the-usual-charge-of-assistance-fromthe-opposite-party-at-the-primaries-1-l-rol-5-donkeyreferring-to-the-nomination-image339134063.html
RM2AKMTXR–Review of reviews and world's work . KIDNAPPED Eriftt?™ FE VRITI.I.Y HANDICA]svj,.,: Id like to known paign speeches. From the Tribune (Chicago). (Referring to rumors 01 an ai Vice-President Sherman has been muchcartooned recently on account of his activepart in the politics of New ork State. Thepolitical situations in the various * this fall are unusually interesting. Mr. Poin-dexters campaign for the Senatorial nomina-tion in Washington was successful, althoughthere was the usual charge of assistance fromthe opposite party at the primaries. (.1 l ROl 5 DONKEY(Referring to the nomination
Life and times in Hopkinton, N.H . legis-lature in 1877 and 1878 ; etc. In 1852, he married Mary F. Kelly, daughter of the Rev.Samuel Kelly and Mary Ann Sherburne, of Lawrence,Mass. They have children,—Ella M., Fred K. Aaron Smith, the son of Aaron Smith and Eliza AnnSherburne, was born in Hopkinton, August 17, 1827, andhas always resided in this town. He is a carpenter andfarmer. He was a lieutenant of militia in former days, andis a deacon of the Congregational church. In 1856, September, Aaron Smith married Philena P.Hawthorne, daughter of Calvin Hawthorne and RachelJackman, of Hopkinton. S Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/life-and-times-in-hopkinton-nh-legis-lature-in-1877-and-1878-etc-in-1852-he-married-mary-f-kelly-daughter-of-the-revsamuel-kelly-and-mary-ann-sherburne-of-lawrencemass-they-have-childrenella-m-fred-k-aaron-smith-the-son-of-aaron-smith-and-eliza-annsherburne-was-born-in-hopkinton-august-17-1827-andhas-always-resided-in-this-town-he-is-a-carpenter-andfarmer-he-was-a-lieutenant-of-militia-in-former-days-andis-a-deacon-of-the-congregational-church-in-1856-september-aaron-smith-married-philena-phawthorne-daughter-of-calvin-hawthorne-and-racheljackman-of-hopkinton-s-image343217391.html
RM2AXAW7Y–Life and times in Hopkinton, N.H . legis-lature in 1877 and 1878 ; etc. In 1852, he married Mary F. Kelly, daughter of the Rev.Samuel Kelly and Mary Ann Sherburne, of Lawrence,Mass. They have children,—Ella M., Fred K. Aaron Smith, the son of Aaron Smith and Eliza AnnSherburne, was born in Hopkinton, August 17, 1827, andhas always resided in this town. He is a carpenter andfarmer. He was a lieutenant of militia in former days, andis a deacon of the Congregational church. In 1856, September, Aaron Smith married Philena P.Hawthorne, daughter of Calvin Hawthorne and RachelJackman, of Hopkinton. S
Bates Student . Particular Attention Given to College Workof all kinds. 105 I¥)etir> Si.. a#uWr).. mm YOUR MONEY REFUNDED If it fails to benefit youwhen used strictly asdirected on t he insidowrapper. Try it. Prepared by tho Norway Medicine Co.,Norway, Me. SOLD BY ALL DEALEK3 A VALUABLE REMEDY. I have used Browns Instant Relief andconsider it a valuable remedy for colds andtroubles arising therefrom. A. S. Kim hall. Norway. Me. LHNGMHID, Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/bates-student-particular-attention-given-to-college-workof-all-kinds-105-ietirgt-si-auwr-mm-your-money-refunded-if-it-fails-to-benefit-youwhen-used-strictly-asdirected-on-t-he-insidowrapper-try-it-prepared-by-tho-norway-medicine-conorway-me-sold-by-all-dealek3-a-valuable-remedy-i-have-used-browns-instant-relief-andconsider-it-a-valuable-remedy-for-colds-andtroubles-arising-therefrom-a-s-kim-hall-norway-me-lhngmhid-image339979546.html
RM2AN3BAJ–Bates Student . Particular Attention Given to College Workof all kinds. 105 I¥)etir> Si.. a#uWr).. mm YOUR MONEY REFUNDED If it fails to benefit youwhen used strictly asdirected on t he insidowrapper. Try it. Prepared by tho Norway Medicine Co.,Norway, Me. SOLD BY ALL DEALEK3 A VALUABLE REMEDY. I have used Browns Instant Relief andconsider it a valuable remedy for colds andtroubles arising therefrom. A. S. Kim hall. Norway. Me. LHNGMHID,
Cole's garden annual . er seen. The fourlarge lower petals show distinctly a Victoria Cross; while looking at thegrand double flowers on the top or side they each appear a glowing ball ofthe most vivid scarlet. The flowers are quite 3^4 to i inches in diameter; thepetals are finely cut or fimbriated, which adds greatly to their beauty. Theplants grow 2*4 feet high, and bear in abundance the magiiiticent doubleflowers gracefully on long stems. On account of so many varieties beingcoarse, Poppies are not generally grown, and those who have never seen thelatest novelties of the Poppy may be slow Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/coles-garden-annual-er-seen-the-fourlarge-lower-petals-show-distinctly-a-victoria-cross-while-looking-at-thegrand-double-flowers-on-the-top-or-side-they-each-appear-a-glowing-ball-ofthe-most-vivid-scarlet-the-flowers-are-quite-34-to-i-inches-in-diameter-thepetals-are-finely-cut-or-fimbriated-which-adds-greatly-to-their-beauty-theplants-grow-24-feet-high-and-bear-in-abundance-the-magiiiticent-doubleflowers-gracefully-on-long-stems-on-account-of-so-many-varieties-beingcoarse-poppies-are-not-generally-grown-and-those-who-have-never-seen-thelatest-novelties-of-the-poppy-may-be-slow-image342766008.html
RM2AWJ9F4–Cole's garden annual . er seen. The fourlarge lower petals show distinctly a Victoria Cross; while looking at thegrand double flowers on the top or side they each appear a glowing ball ofthe most vivid scarlet. The flowers are quite 3^4 to i inches in diameter; thepetals are finely cut or fimbriated, which adds greatly to their beauty. Theplants grow 2*4 feet high, and bear in abundance the magiiiticent doubleflowers gracefully on long stems. On account of so many varieties beingcoarse, Poppies are not generally grown, and those who have never seen thelatest novelties of the Poppy may be slow
The literary digest . ts, in competitive tests, inthe hands of Government officials, and subjected to the mostexacting trials, made a perfect score, and it became the officialGovernment standard—picked as it stood. Because of the enormous Government demand our production on thismodel had reached the point at the close of the war which now enablesus, by continuing full speed ahead, to offer the trade this same modelat our pre-war price of $1495, a reduction of $280. This is the truck that made good in France, Belgium and Italy in thedays of battle; and it will continue to make good in peaceful Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-literary-digest-ts-in-competitive-tests-inthe-hands-of-government-officials-and-subjected-to-the-mostexacting-trials-made-a-perfect-score-and-it-became-the-officialgovernment-standardpicked-as-it-stood-because-of-the-enormous-government-demand-our-production-on-thismodel-had-reached-the-point-at-the-close-of-the-war-which-now-enablesus-by-continuing-full-speed-ahead-to-offer-the-trade-this-same-modelat-our-pre-war-price-of-1495-a-reduction-of-280-this-is-the-truck-that-made-good-in-france-belgium-and-italy-in-thedays-of-battle-and-it-will-continue-to-make-good-in-peaceful-image339038971.html
RM2AKGFJK–The literary digest . ts, in competitive tests, inthe hands of Government officials, and subjected to the mostexacting trials, made a perfect score, and it became the officialGovernment standard—picked as it stood. Because of the enormous Government demand our production on thismodel had reached the point at the close of the war which now enablesus, by continuing full speed ahead, to offer the trade this same modelat our pre-war price of $1495, a reduction of $280. This is the truck that made good in France, Belgium and Italy in thedays of battle; and it will continue to make good in peaceful
Review of reviews and world's work . MK. lCTOK v. BKCNKER. cents. The Government would probablyhave to increase the interest on these bonds. Pbutut^rapli by lifuw i> brus„ N. V- CROWD OF PEOPLE IN UNE FOR SEVERAL BLOCKS AT SUB-TREASURY IN NEW YORK, OBTAINING THE UNCOLN PENNIES. 270 THE AMERICAN REVIEW Of REI/lEiVS. to 3 per cent., which would mean a consider-able item of expense. These questions ofcurrenc} and banking, together with themany questions involved in the administra-tion of the new Payne bill, must give Secre-tary MacVeagh and his able corps of assist-ants and counselors the che Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/review-of-reviews-and-worlds-work-mk-lctok-v-bkcnker-cents-the-government-would-probablyhave-to-increase-the-interest-on-these-bonds-pbututrapli-by-lifuw-igt-brus-n-v-crowd-of-people-in-une-for-several-blocks-at-sub-treasury-in-new-york-obtaining-the-uncoln-pennies-270-the-american-review-of-reileivs-to-3-per-cent-which-would-mean-a-consider-able-item-of-expense-these-questions-ofcurrenc-and-banking-together-with-themany-questions-involved-in-the-administra-tion-of-the-new-payne-bill-must-give-secre-tary-macveagh-and-his-able-corps-of-assist-ants-and-counselors-the-che-image338327894.html
RM2AJC4K2–Review of reviews and world's work . MK. lCTOK v. BKCNKER. cents. The Government would probablyhave to increase the interest on these bonds. Pbutut^rapli by lifuw i> brus„ N. V- CROWD OF PEOPLE IN UNE FOR SEVERAL BLOCKS AT SUB-TREASURY IN NEW YORK, OBTAINING THE UNCOLN PENNIES. 270 THE AMERICAN REVIEW Of REI/lEiVS. to 3 per cent., which would mean a consider-able item of expense. These questions ofcurrenc} and banking, together with themany questions involved in the administra-tion of the new Payne bill, must give Secre-tary MacVeagh and his able corps of assist-ants and counselors the che
. Review of reviews and world's work. nges, of course, must result fromthe death of sf) many trained industrial work-ers, and from the vast destruction of capitalin war expenditure. It is not pf)ssible to seehow any European nation can ever pay itswar indcbtedne>s. .American^ who are con-stantly invited to subscribe to European warloans would do well to leave it to the muni-tion makers and other beneficiaries of thewar to take the risk of these investments^.Furopran workers will not rnnain patientlyin their home countries and devote them-M-lves for generations to the pavmrnt of in-trrest on Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/review-of-reviews-and-worlds-work-nges-of-course-must-result-fromthe-death-of-sf-many-trained-industrial-work-ers-and-from-the-vast-destruction-of-capitalin-war-expenditure-it-is-not-pfssible-to-seehow-any-european-nation-can-ever-pay-itswar-indcbtednegts-american-who-are-con-stantly-invited-to-subscribe-to-european-warloans-would-do-well-to-leave-it-to-the-muni-tion-makers-and-other-beneficiaries-of-thewar-to-take-the-risk-of-these-investmentsfuropran-workers-will-not-rnnain-patientlyin-their-home-countries-and-devote-them-m-lves-for-generations-to-the-pavmrnt-of-in-trrest-on-image336760737.html
RM2AFTNN5–. Review of reviews and world's work. nges, of course, must result fromthe death of sf) many trained industrial work-ers, and from the vast destruction of capitalin war expenditure. It is not pf)ssible to seehow any European nation can ever pay itswar indcbtedne>s. .American^ who are con-stantly invited to subscribe to European warloans would do well to leave it to the muni-tion makers and other beneficiaries of thewar to take the risk of these investments^.Furopran workers will not rnnain patientlyin their home countries and devote them-M-lves for generations to the pavmrnt of in-trrest on
Review of reviews and world's work . the rates have pre- vented certain kinds of commodities fromreaching certain kinds of markets; a factwhich has been the cause of fully as inuchconcern to the railways as to the communi-ties served. The seven States, Idaho, Ne-vada, Montana, Oregon, Utah, Washington,and California, are populated at the rate of6.4 persons per square mile, as comparedwith 391.8 persons in Massachusetts and 43persons in Wisconsin, not long ago an agri-cultural outpost State. The railway build-ers have in their control the only availablemeans of bringing up the population densit Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/review-of-reviews-and-worlds-work-the-rates-have-pre-vented-certain-kinds-of-commodities-fromreaching-certain-kinds-of-markets-a-factwhich-has-been-the-cause-of-fully-as-inuchconcern-to-the-railways-as-to-the-communi-ties-served-the-seven-states-idaho-ne-vada-montana-oregon-utah-washingtonand-california-are-populated-at-the-rate-of64-persons-per-square-mile-as-comparedwith-3918-persons-in-massachusetts-and-43persons-in-wisconsin-not-long-ago-an-agri-cultural-outpost-state-the-railway-build-ers-have-in-their-control-the-only-availablemeans-of-bringing-up-the-population-densit-image338362098.html
RM2AJDM8J–Review of reviews and world's work . the rates have pre- vented certain kinds of commodities fromreaching certain kinds of markets; a factwhich has been the cause of fully as inuchconcern to the railways as to the communi-ties served. The seven States, Idaho, Ne-vada, Montana, Oregon, Utah, Washington,and California, are populated at the rate of6.4 persons per square mile, as comparedwith 391.8 persons in Massachusetts and 43persons in Wisconsin, not long ago an agri-cultural outpost State. The railway build-ers have in their control the only availablemeans of bringing up the population densit
The literary digest . THE WHITE COMPANY CLEVELAND Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-literary-digest-the-white-company-cleveland-image338955465.html
Official souvenir program of the Twenty-fourth national encampment, Boston, Mass., Aug., 1890, of the Grand Army of the Republic; also Fourth Convention National Naval Veteran's Association, and the Eighth Annual Convention Woman's Relief Corps . K.A. ^f ^^.y.^y. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/official-souvenir-program-of-the-twenty-fourth-national-encampment-boston-mass-aug-1890-of-the-grand-army-of-the-republic-also-fourth-convention-national-naval-veterans-association-and-the-eighth-annual-convention-womans-relief-corps-ka-f-yy-image338144555.html
RM2AJ3PR7–Official souvenir program of the Twenty-fourth national encampment, Boston, Mass., Aug., 1890, of the Grand Army of the Republic; also Fourth Convention National Naval Veteran's Association, and the Eighth Annual Convention Woman's Relief Corps . K.A. ^f ^^.y.^y.
Jesse Beery's practical system of colt training . irely due to the treat-ment I gave him for running away. The idea struck me then that if it was possibleto change a Horses character in so short a time, and so fix the impression on thebrain that he would never forget his training, it would surely be something worthknowing, and I began handling Horses and studying their nature from that time on.I had handled Colts and bad Horses for six months, and had fully made up mymind to master, control, and educate Horses, before I had ever heard of Horse train-ers, or ever knew there was any body travell Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/jesse-beerys-practical-system-of-colt-training-irely-due-to-the-treat-ment-i-gave-him-for-running-away-the-idea-struck-me-then-that-if-it-was-possibleto-change-a-horses-character-in-so-short-a-time-and-so-fix-the-impression-on-thebrain-that-he-would-never-forget-his-training-it-would-surely-be-something-worthknowing-and-i-began-handling-horses-and-studying-their-nature-from-that-time-oni-had-handled-colts-and-bad-horses-for-six-months-and-had-fully-made-up-mymind-to-master-control-and-educate-horses-before-i-had-ever-heard-of-horse-train-ers-or-ever-knew-there-was-any-body-travell-image340161377.html
RM2ANBK8H–Jesse Beery's practical system of colt training . irely due to the treat-ment I gave him for running away. The idea struck me then that if it was possibleto change a Horses character in so short a time, and so fix the impression on thebrain that he would never forget his training, it would surely be something worthknowing, and I began handling Horses and studying their nature from that time on.I had handled Colts and bad Horses for six months, and had fully made up mymind to master, control, and educate Horses, before I had ever heard of Horse train-ers, or ever knew there was any body travell
Meyers Konversations-Lexikon : eine Encyklopädie des allgemeinen Wissens . TY Bei 4er auiopoii«: 1 !ti/t/ir/ion 2 DwAAMcM II lrn/ntäe/i i ,<,{/ Tuns ffrvtte le. ftitinvsiihv !• .l/ti.svitm l />(> rtiufe(rxi(/c/ieri ZuMiri Im-M^ McAnrti ttü //oAc/i tri J/i**vri iXitl«| ll<K lutl . lifOTtl) «/*»• Am ./,»/ L y kab etto srg riüversitüt Froschmaul Akexefe-inie i(ft- h/.KSC/Si/r« //< Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/meyers-konversations-lexikon-eine-encyklopdie-des-allgemeinen-wissens-ty-bei-4er-auiopoii-1-!titirion-2-dwaamcm-ii-lrnntei-i-lt-tuns-ffrvtte-le-ftitinvsiihv-!-ltisvitm-l-gtgt-rtiuferxicieri-zumiri-im-m-mcanrti-tt-oaci-tri-jivri-ixitl-llltk-lutl-lifottl-am-l-y-kab-etto-srg-riversitt-froschmaul-akexefe-inie-ift-hkscsir-lt-image342678113.html
RM2AWE9C1–Meyers Konversations-Lexikon : eine Encyklopädie des allgemeinen Wissens . TY Bei 4er auiopoii«: 1 !ti/t/ir/ion 2 DwAAMcM II lrn/ntäe/i i ,<,{/ Tuns ffrvtte le. ftitinvsiihv !• .l/ti.svitm l />(> rtiufe(rxi(/c/ieri ZuMiri Im-M^ McAnrti ttü //oAc/i tri J/i**vri iXitl«| ll<K lutl . lifOTtl) «/*»• Am ./,»/ L y kab etto srg riüversitüt Froschmaul Akexefe-inie i(ft- h/.KSC/Si/r« //<
Review of reviews and world's work . RUSSIAN PEASANT PLOUGHING. HOW TO LEARN A LANGUAGE IN SIX MONTHS. BY W. T. STEAD.. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/review-of-reviews-and-worlds-work-russian-peasant-ploughing-how-to-learn-a-language-in-six-months-by-w-t-stead-image339961600.html
. Review of reviews and world's work. od foundation on which to rest.The concerts will be confined to few localities and tothose who have the most money until the nation gener-ally is educated to a degree of appreciation which willbring good music into greater demand and make it ac-cessible to the masses. THE SONG OF THE THRUSH. ONE of the most interesting papers of its kindthat has recently appeared in any Ameri-can magazine is Mr. Theodore Clarke Smithsarticle entitled Song-Forms of the Thrush, inthe Atlantic Monthly for June. In this article,Mr. Smith gives the results of his observationsam Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/review-of-reviews-and-worlds-work-od-foundation-on-which-to-restthe-concerts-will-be-confined-to-few-localities-and-tothose-who-have-the-most-money-until-the-nation-gener-ally-is-educated-to-a-degree-of-appreciation-which-willbring-good-music-into-greater-demand-and-make-it-ac-cessible-to-the-masses-the-song-of-the-thrush-one-of-the-most-interesting-papers-of-its-kindthat-has-recently-appeared-in-any-ameri-can-magazine-is-mr-theodore-clarke-smithsarticle-entitled-song-forms-of-the-thrush-inthe-atlantic-monthly-for-june-in-this-articlemr-smith-gives-the-results-of-his-observationsam-image336981641.html
RM2AG6REH–. Review of reviews and world's work. od foundation on which to rest.The concerts will be confined to few localities and tothose who have the most money until the nation gener-ally is educated to a degree of appreciation which willbring good music into greater demand and make it ac-cessible to the masses. THE SONG OF THE THRUSH. ONE of the most interesting papers of its kindthat has recently appeared in any Ameri-can magazine is Mr. Theodore Clarke Smithsarticle entitled Song-Forms of the Thrush, inthe Atlantic Monthly for June. In this article,Mr. Smith gives the results of his observationsam