Thelwall war memorial, granite Anglo-Saxon cross, with a depiction of King Edward the Elder in the cross-piece, Bell Lane, Thelwall, Warrington ,UK

Image details
Tony Smith / Alamy Stock PhotoImage ID:
2M9F1KDFile size:
83.4 MB (4.9 MB Compressed download)Releases:
Model - no | Property - noDo I need a release?Dimensions:
6614 x 4409 px | 56 x 37.3 cm | 22 x 14.7 inches | 300dpiDate taken:
17 January 2023Location:
Bell Lane, Thelwall, Warrington , England,UK, WA4 2SXMore information:
A granite Anglo-Saxon cross, with a depiction of King Edward the Elder in the cross-piece, with angels above and to the sides, with vine-scroll decoration beneath, leading down to a carved quotation in Old English relating to the founding of Thelwall in 923 - a translation of which has been incorporated into the surrounding wall of the Memorial. The Memorial was erected in 1923 to commemorate the millennium of that foundation... and the dead of the Great War, whose names are in lead lettering at its base. The dead of WW2 have been added, again in lead lettering, to the step below the base of the cross Inscription HER ON THYSUM GEARE/FOR EADWEARD CYNING/MID FIERDE ON UFAN/HAERFEST TO THELWAELE/& HET GEWYRCAN THA/ BURG & GESETTAN &/GEMANNIAN & HET OTHRE/FIERD EAC OF MIERCNA/THEODE THA HWILE THE/HE THAER SAET GEFARAN/MAMECEASTER ON/NORTHHYMRUM & HIE/GEBETAN & GEMANNIAN/ DCCCXXIII In Remembrance/ Names/ 1914 - 1918/ 1939 - 1945/ Names DCCCCXXII/ IN THIS YEAR WENT KING EDWARD WITH A FORCE/ AFTER HARVEST TO THELWALL AND BADE BUILD THE/ CITY AND OCCUPY AND MAN IT/ ANGLO SAXON CHRONICLE CCC Library Cambridge Inscription legible? yes Names on memorial Brookes, Roland Densham, Walter Henry Hankinson, James Hankinson, Robert Holden, Legh Kennedy, Thomas Jefferson Nicholson, Francis Edward Dale Rendel, Reginald Aubrey Richards, James Shaw, Samuel See details for all 15 names Commemorations First World War (1914-1918) Total names on memorial: 10 Served and returned: 0 Died: 10 Exact count: yes Information shown: Forename, surname Order of information: Forename, surname, Medals Second World War (1939-1945) Total names on memorial: 5 Served and returned: 0 Died: 5 Exact count: yes Information shown: surname, forename Order of information: surname