Statue of Constantine the Great, Roman emperor from AD 306 to 337, in York, in front of York Minster, Deangate, York, Yorkshire, England, UK, YO1 7HH

Image details
Tony Smith / Alamy Stock PhotoImage ID:
2KF7FCBFile size:
52 MB (2.2 MB Compressed download)Releases:
Model - no | Property - noDo I need a release?Dimensions:
4980 x 3648 px | 42.2 x 30.9 cm | 16.6 x 12.2 inches | 300dpiDate taken:
16 October 2022Location:
Deangate, York, Yorkshire, England, UK, YO1 7HHMore information:
The Statue of Constantine the Great is a bronze statue depicting the Roman Emperor Constantine I seated on a throne, commissioned by York Civic Trust and designed by the sculptor Philip Jackson. It was unveiled in 1998 and is situated on Minster Yard, outside York Minster. It commemorates the accession of Constantine as Roman Emperor in AD 306 on this site, after the death of his father Constantius Chlorus in York The statue depicts a seated Constantine wearing military dress. His right arm is outstretched behind him and his left holds the pommel of a sword, the tip of which is shown to be broken. A legend inscribed on the base reads "Constantine by this sign conquer". This phrase is a translation of the latin in hoc signo vinces; a reference to a passage from the historian Eusebius of Caesaria, who recounts how Constantine was marching with his army and looked up to the sun and saw a cross of light above it, and with it the Greek words "(ἐν) τούτῳ νίκα" ("In this, conquer")