Green Man - Cross now, Pelican Crossing, England, UK
Image details
Tony Smith / Alamy Stock PhotoImage ID:
2C9E2TGFile size:
51.4 MB (1.6 MB Compressed download)Releases:
Model - no | Property - noDo I need a release?Dimensions:
4973 x 3615 px | 42.1 x 30.6 cm | 16.6 x 12.1 inches | 300dpiDate taken:
5 February 2019Location:
ridgwater,Somerset, England, UKMore information:
A pelican crossing (previously Pelicon Crossing – PEdestrian LIght CONtrolled Crossing) is a type of pedestrian crossing, which features a pair of poles each with a standard set of traffic lights facing oncoming traffic, a push button and two illuminated, coloured pictograms facing the pedestrian from across the road. These are a red, stationary person to indicate that it is not safe to cross, and a green, walking person to indicate that it is safe to do so. Pelican crossings also provide non-visual indication that it is safe to cross, such as a beep, vibrating button or tactile rotating cone in order to assist visually impaired pedestrians.