Shestock / Alamy

Photographers – find out what’s trending right now and get inspired!

Do you want to freshen up your collection or sometimes wonder what to photograph next?

With a world constantly in flux, it’s hard being a photographer hunting for that perfect shot – the one that stands out, is up to the minute and still carries your signature style. To make it a little bit easier we put together a few galleries with images that are stirring up a storm at the moment.

Why not dip in and see what today’s image buyers are looking for?

Sensing Gallery

© Igor Korionov / Alamy
© Igor Korionov / Alamy

Get closer and trigger the senses. All the hours spent in front of a screen urge our generation to seek something interactive in our visual surroundings. Images that recall a smell, a touch, or simply challenge the way we perceive colour, are top of the table. Transform the act of looking into an experience of feeling.

It’s predicted that we’ll see a lot more of the dusk and pastel colours this winter. In addition you can expect to find warmer tones such as peach, wine, earth and jungle green coming up. Having a defined colour pallet can be the golden key for your photos to be noticed… or sensed.

Living Gallery

© Image Source / Alamy
© Image Source / Alamy

Conscious consuming, global awareness and healthy living are all terms we are increasingly familiar with. But how are these trends reflected in the lifestyle and everyday images in the stock industry? While past generations carefully invested in their careers and homes to harvest the fruits of a good life later, we now want to harvest along the way.

It’s all about living in the now – moving, exploring and finding meaning in the everyday. This has moved picture buyers slightly away from otherworldly luxury towards the simple joys of real life.

Eating Gallery

© The Picture Pantry / Alamy
© The Picture Pantry / Alamy

The thought-leaders in food photography have labelled the newest trend “perfectly imperfect”. Carefully considered shots of food where flaws like crumbs and used cooking utensils left out have become key details of the photo. No doubt this has been driven by all the enthusiastic food bloggers snapping creative pictures on their phones with what’s in reach in their kitchens.

The process of making food and an awareness of ingredients’ origins is more and more visible in food imagery as well. Browse through a couple of high-end cookbooks and you will soon see that the photos no longer just show you the dish, but take you on a journey from seed to stomach.


© Hero Images Inc. / Alamy
© Hero Images Inc. / Alamy

Creating a business brand has never been more important and to do so every industry needs strong visuals. Think about how technology has changed the way we work and how this affects our working day. The normal office desk has been replaced by creative and dynamic work environments. The barriers between the office and the outside world are being broken down. Corporate companies also want to take part in global issues and caring for our future. They need a social presence that we can all relate to.

Travelling Gallery

© epa european pressphoto agency b.v. / Alamy
© epa european pressphoto agency b.v. / Alamy

Over the last few years travel has reinvented itself. With more flexible work solutions and the boom in affordable flights, moving between countries has become normality for most.  Gone are the days of the paradise island with its swaying palm trees and fruity cocktails. Today’s agencies have discovered new audiences. They are reaching for the travelers seeking more community-orientated experiences, the active explorers looking to live and learn as they discover new territories.

Take all this into account and get producing the images that will be of real need in the near future.