Wool and manufactures of wool . 9.202,702, 326.323.069, 060.96 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 245, 5174, 432, 3924, 363,9939 855, 327 104, 222. 791,892, 316.791,810,530.165,283,369. 363,292,422.249,931,316.14 1865 1866 4, 700,02113,556,472 DRESS AND PIECE GOODS. Year ending- Worsted stuffgoods. Silk andworsted goods. Values. Values. Sept. 30—1821 Dollars. 1, 766,443 2, 269, 5131,504,4692. 1.58.680 Dollars. 1822 1823 1824 1825.1826.1827.18218.1829.1830.1831.1832.1833.1834.1835.1836.1837.1838.1839.1840.1841.1842. June 30- 1843b1844..1845..1846..1847.. 2, 277, 4681,143,1661,382,8751.446,1461, 600, 622

Wool and manufactures of wool . 9.202,702, 326.323.069, 060.96 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 245, 5174, 432, 3924, 363,9939 855, 327 104, 222. 791,892, 316.791,810,530.165,283,369. 363,292,422.249,931,316.14 1865 1866 4, 700,02113,556,472 DRESS AND PIECE GOODS. Year ending- Worsted stuffgoods. Silk andworsted goods. Values. Values. Sept. 30—1821 Dollars. 1, 766,443 2, 269, 5131,504,4692. 1.58.680 Dollars. 1822 1823 1824 1825.1826.1827.18218.1829.1830.1831.1832.1833.1834.1835.1836.1837.1838.1839.1840.1841.1842. June 30- 1843b1844..1845..1846..1847.. 2, 277, 4681,143,1661,382,8751.446,1461, 600, 622 Stock Photo

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Wool and manufactures of wool . 9.202, 702, 326.323.069, 060.96 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 245, 5174, 432, 3924, 363, 9939 855, 327 104, 222. 791, 892, 316.791, 810, 530.165, 283, 369. 363, 292, 422.249, 931, 316.14 1865 1866 4, 700, 02113, 556, 472 DRESS AND PIECE GOODS. Year ending- Worsted stuffgoods. Silk andworsted goods. Values. Values. Sept. 30—1821 Dollars. 1, 766, 443 2, 269, 5131, 504, 4692. 1.58.680 Dollars. 1822 1823 1824 1825.1826.1827.18218.1829.1830.1831.1832.1833.1834.1835.1836.1837.1838.1839.1840.1841.1842. June 30- 1843b1844..1845..1846..1847.. 2, 277, 4681, 143, 1661, 382, 8751.446, 1461, 600, 622 1, 397, 5453, 392, 037 2. 615.1244, 281, 309 5.55, 121a 6, 549, 278a 6, 609, 312a 3, 350, 266a 3, 933, 455a 7, 025, 898a 2, 387, 338a 3, 712, 2062, 366, 122 456, 0511, 835, 8751, 938, 1092, 6, 58. 0232, 924, 002 a Free. 625, 204225, 450123, .525162, 884233, 02853, 916 339, 82451, 766 a 993, 377a 3, 171, 023a 1, 810, 947a 1, 522, 272a 2, 319, 884a 1, 72., 792a 1, 931, 328 1, 311, 770 318, 685 1, 292, 4881, 510, 3101, 778, 2021, 965, 095 DRESS .ND PIECE GOODS—continued.. Worsted stuffgoods. Values. Dollars.3, 858, 4164, 070, 1855, 004, 2505.419, 1746, 296, 0579, 790, 38710. 37.5, 8798, 590, 50612, 236, 27511, 365, 66910, 780, 37912, 289, 57415, 018, 35120.914, 727 Silk andworsted goodie Values. Dollars.2, 456, 6522, 452, 2891, 653, 8091, 783, 0761, 067, 5131.880, 9181, 594, 0381, 133, 8391, 335, 2471, 580, 2461, 249, 3851, 623, 1062, 193, 376 Delaines and dress goods. Year ending- Quantities. Values. June 30— 1855.1856.1857.1858.18.59.1860.1861. 1862. 1863.1864.1865.1866. Pounds. 23, 183 Dollars.240, 722307, 328503, 993515, 641613, 248909, 371541, 890261, 96317, 229458, 471540, 646220, 670677, 193 Of wool or worsted, wholly or in part.Gray or uncolored. Year ending — Quantitie.H. Values. J line1861 30— .Square yards. 5, 625 7, 672, 987 39, 777, 952 C 289, 476 « 436, 885 C 37, 539 < 471, 359 Dollars. 1, 135 1863 1, 744, 639 10, 069, 768 84, 697 1864 1865 1866 97, 41410, 124 122, 839 Printed or colored. 1865.1806. 28, 89(1, 88274, 772, 895 8, 059, 12721, 125. 097 tXinc month