Warszawa 08.05.2002. Spotkanie zorganizowane na zaproszenie prezydenta RP Aleksandra Kwaœniewskiego (nz.) w ogrodach Pa³acu Prezydenckiego z okazji Dnia Europy. uu PAP/Grzegorz Rogiñski Warsaw 8 May 2002. A meeting organised on an invitation from Poland's President Aleksander Kwasniewski (pictured) in the gardens of the presidential palace on Europe Day. uu PAP/Grzegorz Roginski

Warszawa 08.05.2002. Spotkanie zorganizowane na zaproszenie prezydenta RP Aleksandra Kwaœniewskiego (nz.) w ogrodach Pa³acu Prezydenckiego z okazji Dnia Europy. uu  PAP/Grzegorz Rogiñski       Warsaw 8 May 2002. A meeting organised on an invitation from Poland's President Aleksander Kwasniewski (pictured) in the gardens of the presidential palace on Europe Day.  uu  PAP/Grzegorz Roginski Stock Photo

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PAP / Alamy Stock Photo

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File size:

27.5 MB (1.1 MB Compressed download)


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2504 x 3840 px | 21.2 x 32.5 cm | 8.3 x 12.8 inches | 300dpi

Date taken:

8 May 2002

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This image could have imperfections as it’s either historical or reportage.