. Title: The Sisters Creator: Allston, Washington (1779 - 1843), American Date: c. 1816-c. 1817 Materials/Techniques: Oil on canvas Repository: Harvard Art Museum . between circa 1816 and circa 1817. Washington Allston  (1779–1843)     Alternative names W. Allston; Washington Alston; Allston Description American painter, poet and writer Date of birth/death 5 November 1779 9 July 1843 Location of birth/death Charleston Cambridge Work location London, Boston Authority control : Q468272 VIAF: 57408203 ISNI: 0000 0000 8385 3930 ULAN: 500016005 LCCN: n80010033 NLA: 35003796 WorldCat 112

.  Title: The Sisters Creator: Allston, Washington (1779 - 1843), American Date: c. 1816-c. 1817 Materials/Techniques: Oil on canvas Repository: Harvard Art Museum . between circa 1816 and circa 1817.    Washington Allston  (1779–1843)       Alternative names W. Allston; Washington Alston; Allston  Description American painter, poet and writer  Date of birth/death 5 November 1779 9 July 1843  Location of birth/death Charleston Cambridge  Work location London, Boston  Authority control  : Q468272 VIAF: 57408203 ISNI: 0000 0000 8385 3930 ULAN: 500016005 LCCN: n80010033 NLA: 35003796 WorldCat 112 Stock Photo

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The Picture Art Collection / Alamy Stock Photo

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2008 x 2489 px | 17 x 21.1 cm | 6.7 x 8.3 inches | 300dpi

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. Title: The Sisters Creator: Allston, Washington (1779 - 1843), American Date: c. 1816-c. 1817 Materials/Techniques: Oil on canvas Repository: Harvard Art Museum . between circa 1816 and circa 1817. Washington Allston  (1779–1843)     Alternative names W. Allston; Washington Alston; Allston Description American painter, poet and writer Date of birth/death 5 November 1779 9 July 1843 Location of birth/death Charleston Cambridge Work location London, Boston Authority control : Q468272 VIAF: 57408203 ISNI: 0000 0000 8385 3930 ULAN: 500016005 LCCN: n80010033 NLA: 35003796 WorldCat 1126 Sisters ca1817 byWashingtonAllston Harvard