Title print for 'Les plans et profils des principales Villes et lieux considerables duché de Gueldre' by Sébastien Beaulieu de Pontault, Romeyn de Hooghe, 1666 - 1670, Various mythological and allegorical figures sit and stand around a plinth with a French-language text, on which the coat of arms of Gelre appears., print maker: Romeyn de Hooghe, (mentioned on object), Romeyn de Hooghe, (mentioned on object), publisher: Sébastien Pontault de Beaulieu, (mentioned on object), print maker: Amsterdam, publisher: Paris, 1666 - 1670, paper, etching, h 107 mm × w 154 mm Image details File size:
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4159 x 2898 px | 35.2 x 24.5 cm | 13.9 x 9.7 inches | 300dpi
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Classic art reinvented with a modern twist. Design of warm cheerful glowing of brightness and light ray radiance. Photography inspired by surrealism and futurism, embracing dynamic energy of modern technology, movement, speed and revolutionize culture Title print for printing: Les Forces de l'Europe, Asie, Afrique et Amerique (part 1), ca. 1702, 1702 - 1703 print A French army commander standing for his army tent chooses the plan offered by Monsieur de Vauban from different floor plans. Title print for the first part print work: Les Forces de l'Europe, Asie, Afrique et Amerique, issued approx. 1702. The print work consists of a total of 276 numbered records of renowned strong cities and fortresses in the context of the Spanish Succession War. For the most part these records have been copied to the anonymous French records: in Les Forces de Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1 https://www.alamy.com/title-print-for-printing-les-forces-de-leurope-asie-afrique-et-amerique-part-1-ca-1702-1702-1703-print-a-french-army-commander-standing-for-his-army-tent-chooses-the-plan-offered-by-monsieur-de-vauban-from-different-floor-plans-title-print-for-the-first-part-print-work-les-forces-de-leurope-asie-afrique-et-amerique-issued-approx-1702-the-print-work-consists-of-a-total-of-276-numbered-records-of-renowned-strong-cities-and-fortresses-in-the-context-of-the-spanish-succession-war-for-the-most-part-these-records-have-been-copied-to-the-anonymous-french-records-in-les-forces-de-image595249412.html RM 2WGBXKG – Title print for printing: Les Forces de l'Europe, Asie, Afrique et Amerique (part 1), ca. 1702, 1702 - 1703 print A French army commander standing for his army tent chooses the plan offered by Monsieur de Vauban from different floor plans. 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Dessignées PAR LES MEILLEURS Engineers, private party Celles Qui Sont Sous La Domination de la France (...) Et Ornées the plusieurs Superbes Edifes. A French army leader standing for his army tent chooses the plan that is offered by Monsieur de Vauban from various floor plans. Title print for the first part of Picture: Les Forces de l'Europe, Asie, Afriq Title page for: Table des cartes des Paysbas, 1712, Table des cartes des Paysbas et des frontieres de France, Avec un Recueil des plans des villes, sieges et battailles données entre les Hauts Allies et la France (title on object), Title page for a bundled collection of plans of battles and cities renowned in the War of the Spanish Succession: Table des cartes des Paysbas ... from 1712. With at the top a table of the 24 plates that make up a large map of the Southern Netherlands (box 24 is blank), at the bottom a list of the remaining maps. 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With at the top a table of the 24 plates that make up a large map of the Southern Netherlands (box 24 is blank), at the bottom a list of the remaining maps. In a frame decorated with figures of Neptune, Ceres Art inspired by Title page for: Table des cartes des Paysbas, 1712, Table des cartes des Paysbas et des frontieres de France, Avec un Recueil des plans des villes, sieges et battailles données entre les Hauts Allies et la France, Title page for a bundled collection of plans of battles, Classic works modernized by Artotop with a splash of modernity. Shapes, color and value, eye-catching visual impact on art. Emotions through freedom of artworks in a contemporary way. A timeless message pursuing a wildly creative new direction. Artists turning to the digital medium and creating the Artotop NFT Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1 https://www.alamy.com/art-inspired-by-title-page-for-table-des-cartes-des-paysbas-1712-table-des-cartes-des-paysbas-et-des-frontieres-de-france-avec-un-recueil-des-plans-des-villes-sieges-et-battailles-donnes-entre-les-hauts-allies-et-la-france-title-page-for-a-bundled-collection-of-plans-of-battles-classic-works-modernized-by-artotop-with-a-splash-of-modernity-shapes-color-and-value-eye-catching-visual-impact-on-art-emotions-through-freedom-of-artworks-in-a-contemporary-way-a-timeless-message-pursuing-a-wildly-creative-new-direction-artists-turning-to-the-digital-medium-and-creating-the-artotop-nft-image459724876.html RF 2HKX7NG – Art inspired by Title page for: Table des cartes des Paysbas, 1712, Table des cartes des Paysbas et des frontieres de France, Avec un Recueil des plans des villes, sieges et battailles données entre les Hauts Allies et la France, Title page for a bundled collection of plans of battles, Classic works modernized by Artotop with a splash of modernity. Shapes, color and value, eye-catching visual impact on art. Emotions through freedom of artworks in a contemporary way. A timeless message pursuing a wildly creative new direction. Artists turning to the digital medium and creating the Artotop NFT View of one of the facades of the castle of Richelieu, Castle of Richelieu (series title), Le magnifique chasteau de Richelieu, ou les plans, les fassades, les elevations et profils du dit chasteau (...) (series title), This print is part of an album., print maker: Jean Marot (I), Anna Beeck, The Hague, 1629 - 1679, paper, etching, height 57 mm × width 168 mm, height 532 mm × width 320 mm, print Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1 https://www.alamy.com/view-of-one-of-the-facades-of-the-castle-of-richelieu-castle-of-richelieu-series-title-le-magnifique-chasteau-de-richelieu-ou-les-plans-les-fassades-les-elevations-et-profils-du-dit-chasteau-series-title-this-print-is-part-of-an-album-print-maker-jean-marot-i-anna-beeck-the-hague-1629-1679-paper-etching-height-57-mm-width-168-mm-height-532-mm-width-320-mm-print-image599524790.html RM 2WRAKYJ – View of one of the facades of the castle of Richelieu, Castle of Richelieu (series title), Le magnifique chasteau de Richelieu, ou les plans, les fassades, les elevations et profils du dit chasteau (...) (series title), This print is part of an album., print maker: Jean Marot (I), Anna Beeck, The Hague, 1629 - 1679, paper, etching, height 57 mm × width 168 mm, height 532 mm × width 320 mm, print Fortress plan of Dunkirk, 1712, Plan de la Ville et Citadelle de Dunkerque Avec les Forts zux Environs (...) Elle est au Roy depuis le 27e Novembre [1662] Et cédée à L Angleterre en 1712 (title on object), Fortress plan of Dunkirk, occupied by agreement by the English in June 1712. Below a view of Dunkirk, on the right fortification plans of Sint-Winoksbergen, Fort Risbank and Fort Knokke., print, print maker: anonymous, publisher: Pieter Husson, (mentioned on object), The Hague, 1712 - 1732, paper, etching, height, 373 mm × width, 580 mm Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1 https://www.alamy.com/fortress-plan-of-dunkirk-1712-plan-de-la-ville-et-citadelle-de-dunkerque-avec-les-forts-zux-environs-elle-est-au-roy-depuis-le-27e-novembre-1662-et-cde-l-angleterre-en-1712-title-on-object-fortress-plan-of-dunkirk-occupied-by-agreement-by-the-english-in-june-1712-below-a-view-of-dunkirk-on-the-right-fortification-plans-of-sint-winoksbergen-fort-risbank-and-fort-knokke-print-print-maker-anonymous-publisher-pieter-husson-mentioned-on-object-the-hague-1712-1732-paper-etching-height-373-mm-width-580-mm-image606630979.html RM 2X6XC03 – Fortress plan of Dunkirk, 1712, Plan de la Ville et Citadelle de Dunkerque Avec les Forts zux Environs (...) Elle est au Roy depuis le 27e Novembre [1662] Et cédée à L Angleterre en 1712 (title on object), Fortress plan of Dunkirk, occupied by agreement by the English in June 1712. Below a view of Dunkirk, on the right fortification plans of Sint-Winoksbergen, Fort Risbank and Fort Knokke., print, print maker: anonymous, publisher: Pieter Husson, (mentioned on object), The Hague, 1712 - 1732, paper, etching, height, 373 mm × width, 580 mm Map of Namur, 1709, Plan de la ville et château de Namur avec les dernieres fortifications faites jusqu à l'an 1709 (title on object), Map of Namur with the fortifications up to the year 1709. Top right legend 1-53 and an explanation. Part of a bundled collection of plans of battles and cities famous in the War of the Spanish Succession., print maker: Jacobus Harrewijn (mentioned on object), publisher: Eugene Henry Fricx, Brussels, 1709, paper, etching, height 447 mm × width 570 mm Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1 https://www.alamy.com/map-of-namur-1709-plan-de-la-ville-et-chteau-de-namur-avec-les-dernieres-fortifications-faites-jusqu-lan-1709-title-on-object-map-of-namur-with-the-fortifications-up-to-the-year-1709-top-right-legend-1-53-and-an-explanation-part-of-a-bundled-collection-of-plans-of-battles-and-cities-famous-in-the-war-of-the-spanish-succession-print-maker-jacobus-harrewijn-mentioned-on-object-publisher-eugene-henry-fricx-brussels-1709-paper-etching-height-447-mm-width-570-mm-image454363566.html RM 2HB61A6 – Map of Namur, 1709, Plan de la ville et château de Namur avec les dernieres fortifications faites jusqu à l'an 1709 (title on object), Map of Namur with the fortifications up to the year 1709. Top right legend 1-53 and an explanation. Part of a bundled collection of plans of battles and cities famous in the War of the Spanish Succession., print maker: Jacobus Harrewijn (mentioned on object), publisher: Eugene Henry Fricx, Brussels, 1709, paper, etching, height 447 mm × width 570 mm Map of the Strait of Calais, 1709, Les Costes du Boulenois, et le Pas de Calais (title on object), Map of the Strait of Calais, 1709. Part of a bundled collection of plans of battles and cities renowned in the War of the Spanish Succession. This plate is among the first 24 plates that make up a very large map of the Southern Netherlands., print maker: Jacobus Harrewijn (mentioned on object), publisher: Eugene Henry Fricx (mentioned on object), Brussels, 1709, paper, etching, engraving, height 445 mm × width 565 mm Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1 https://www.alamy.com/map-of-the-strait-of-calais-1709-les-costes-du-boulenois-et-le-pas-de-calais-title-on-object-map-of-the-strait-of-calais-1709-part-of-a-bundled-collection-of-plans-of-battles-and-cities-renowned-in-the-war-of-the-spanish-succession-this-plate-is-among-the-first-24-plates-that-make-up-a-very-large-map-of-the-southern-netherlands-print-maker-jacobus-harrewijn-mentioned-on-object-publisher-eugene-henry-fricx-mentioned-on-object-brussels-1709-paper-etching-engraving-height-445-mm-width-565-mm-image454363358.html RM 2HB612P – Map of the Strait of Calais, 1709, Les Costes du Boulenois, et le Pas de Calais (title on object), Map of the Strait of Calais, 1709. Part of a bundled collection of plans of battles and cities renowned in the War of the Spanish Succession. This plate is among the first 24 plates that make up a very large map of the Southern Netherlands., print maker: Jacobus Harrewijn (mentioned on object), publisher: Eugene Henry Fricx (mentioned on object), Brussels, 1709, paper, etching, engraving, height 445 mm × width 565 mm Map of the Strait of Dover, 1709, Les Costes du Boulenois, et le Pas de Calais (title on object), Map of the Strait of Dover, 1709. Part of a bundled collection of plans of battles and cities renowned in the War of the Spanish Succession. This plate is among the first 24 plates that make up a very large map of the Southern Netherlands., print maker: Jacobus Harrewijn (mentioned on object), publisher: Eugene Henry Fricx (mentioned on object), Brussels, 1709, paper, etching, engraving, height 448 mm × width 565 mm Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1 https://www.alamy.com/map-of-the-strait-of-dover-1709-les-costes-du-boulenois-et-le-pas-de-calais-title-on-object-map-of-the-strait-of-dover-1709-part-of-a-bundled-collection-of-plans-of-battles-and-cities-renowned-in-the-war-of-the-spanish-succession-this-plate-is-among-the-first-24-plates-that-make-up-a-very-large-map-of-the-southern-netherlands-print-maker-jacobus-harrewijn-mentioned-on-object-publisher-eugene-henry-fricx-mentioned-on-object-brussels-1709-paper-etching-engraving-height-448-mm-width-565-mm-image454363547.html RM 2HB619F – Map of the Strait of Dover, 1709, Les Costes du Boulenois, et le Pas de Calais (title on object), Map of the Strait of Dover, 1709. Part of a bundled collection of plans of battles and cities renowned in the War of the Spanish Succession. This plate is among the first 24 plates that make up a very large map of the Southern Netherlands., print maker: Jacobus Harrewijn (mentioned on object), publisher: Eugene Henry Fricx (mentioned on object), Brussels, 1709, paper, etching, engraving, height 448 mm × width 565 mm Map of Northern France with the course of the Somme, 1710, Les environs d'Abbeville, Dourlens, Amiens, Corbie, et du cours de la Somme (title on object), Map of Northern France with the area around the course of the Somme River, 1710. Part of a bundled collection of plans of battles and cities famous in the War of the Spanish Succession. This plate is one of the first 24 plates that make up a very large map of the Southern Netherlands., print maker: Jacobus Harrewijn (mentioned on object), publisher: Eugene Henry Fricx (mentioned on object), Brussels, 1710, paper, etching, engraving, height Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1 https://www.alamy.com/map-of-northern-france-with-the-course-of-the-somme-1710-les-environs-dabbeville-dourlens-amiens-corbie-et-du-cours-de-la-somme-title-on-object-map-of-northern-france-with-the-area-around-the-course-of-the-somme-river-1710-part-of-a-bundled-collection-of-plans-of-battles-and-cities-famous-in-the-war-of-the-spanish-succession-this-plate-is-one-of-the-first-24-plates-that-make-up-a-very-large-map-of-the-southern-netherlands-print-maker-jacobus-harrewijn-mentioned-on-object-publisher-eugene-henry-fricx-mentioned-on-object-brussels-1710-paper-etching-engraving-height-image454363451.html RM 2HB6163 – Map of Northern France with the course of the Somme, 1710, Les environs d'Abbeville, Dourlens, Amiens, Corbie, et du cours de la Somme (title on object), Map of Northern France with the area around the course of the Somme River, 1710. Part of a bundled collection of plans of battles and cities famous in the War of the Spanish Succession. This plate is one of the first 24 plates that make up a very large map of the Southern Netherlands., print maker: Jacobus Harrewijn (mentioned on object), publisher: Eugene Henry Fricx (mentioned on object), Brussels, 1710, paper, etching, engraving, height