. The universal anthology ; a collection of the best literature, ancient, mediaeval and modern, with biographical and explanatory notes. VERSAL ANTHOLOGY WITH BIBLIOGRAPHIC ESSAYS BY RICHARD GARNETT(Editor-in-Chief) LEON VALLEE (French Literature) ALOIS BRANDL (German Literature) AND PAUL BOURGET (French Critical Essays) EMILE ZOLA (French Naturalistic Literature) EDWARD DOW DEN (Elizabethan Literature) DEAN FARRAR (Literature of Religious Criticism) £. MELCHIOR DE VOGUE (Russian Literature) DONALD G. MITCHELL (Collected Literature) F. BRUNETIERE (Modern French Poetrj) HENRY SMITH WIlLIAMS (Sc

. The universal anthology ; a collection of the best literature, ancient, mediaeval and modern, with biographical and explanatory notes. VERSAL ANTHOLOGY WITH BIBLIOGRAPHIC ESSAYS BY RICHARD GARNETT(Editor-in-Chief) LEON VALLEE (French Literature) ALOIS BRANDL (German Literature) AND PAUL BOURGET (French Critical Essays) EMILE ZOLA (French Naturalistic Literature) EDWARD DOW DEN (Elizabethan Literature) DEAN FARRAR (Literature of Religious Criticism) £. MELCHIOR DE VOGUE (Russian Literature) DONALD G. MITCHELL (Collected Literature) F. BRUNETIERE (Modern French Poetrj) HENRY SMITH WIlLIAMS (Sc Stock Photo

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. The universal anthology ; a collection of the best literature, ancient, mediaeval and modern, with biographical and explanatory notes. VERSAL ANTHOLOGY WITH BIBLIOGRAPHIC ESSAYS BY RICHARD GARNETT(Editor-in-Chief) LEON VALLEE (French Literature) ALOIS BRANDL (German Literature) AND PAUL BOURGET (French Critical Essays) EMILE ZOLA (French Naturalistic Literature) EDWARD DOW DEN (Elizabethan Literature) DEAN FARRAR (Literature of Religious Criticism) £. MELCHIOR DE VOGUE (Russian Literature) DONALD G. MITCHELL (Collected Literature) F. BRUNETIERE (Modern French Poetrj) HENRY SMITH WIlLIAMS (Scientific Literature) AINSWORTH R. SPOFFORD (American Literature) ANDREW LANG (Nineteenth Century Literature) HENRY JAMES (The Novel) MAURICE MAETERLINCK (The Modern Drama) PASQUALE VILLARI (The Italian Renaissance) BRET HARTE (Short Stories) ARMANDO PALACIO VALDES (Decadent Literature) EDMUND GOSSE (Poetry) J. P. MAHAFFY (Historical Literature) WALTER BESANT (Historical Novels) This Garnett Memorial Edition, in English, of The Universal Anthology is limited to one thousand complete sets, of which this copy is number .<.V.». /universalantho31garn. 9