The text consists of the History of Mason and Dixon's Line, by J.H.B. Latrobe, Philadelphia, 1855; Lecture upon the controversy between Pennsylvania and Virginia, by N.B. Craig, Pittsburg, 1843; Mason and Dixon's Line, by J. Veech, Pittsburg[h], 1857; and Message from the Governor of Maryland, transmitting reports in relation to the boundary lines of Maryland, Pennsylvania and Delaware, Washington, 1850. Citation/Reference: EM14541; Carolus Dei gratia Magnae Britanniae, Franciae et Hiberniae rex.

The text consists of the History of Mason and Dixon's Line, by J.H.B. Latrobe, Philadelphia, 1855; Lecture upon the controversy between Pennsylvania and Virginia, by N.B. Craig, Pittsburg, 1843; Mason and Dixon's Line, by J. Veech, Pittsburg[h], 1857; and Message from the Governor of Maryland, transmitting reports in relation to the boundary lines of Maryland, Pennsylvania and Delaware, Washington, 1850. Citation/Reference: EM14541; Carolus Dei gratia Magnae Britanniae, Franciae et Hiberniae rex. Stock Photo

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