. The peerage of the British Empire as at present existing : arranged and printed from the personal communications of the nobility. Tighe, of Woodstock, Co. Kilkenny, Lord-Lieutenant of the County and City of Kilkenny, and Custos Rotulorumof the County. 12 Lady Charlotte, b. 4 Dec. 1804, d. 20 Aug. 1833 ; having m. 4 Dec. 1823, Captain Maurice-Frederick-FitzhardingeBerkeley, R.N.—5eeBERKELEY. 13 Lieut.-Colonel Lord Arthur, M.P., b. 2 Oct. 1806, m. 1 Julyl835, Adelaide- Constance, daughter of the late Col. John Campbell, of Shawfield, andLady Charlotte Campbell,—see Argyll, and has had issue, 1
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. The peerage of the British Empire as at present existing : arranged and printed from the personal communications of the nobility. Tighe, of Woodstock, Co. Kilkenny, Lord-Lieutenant of the County and City of Kilkenny, and Custos Rotulorumof the County. 12 Lady Charlotte, b. 4 Dec. 1804, d. 20 Aug. 1833 ; having m. 4 Dec. 1823, Captain Maurice-Frederick-FitzhardingeBerkeley, R.N.—5eeBERKELEY. 13 Lieut.-Colonel Lord Arthur, M.P., b. 2 Oct. 1806, m. 1 Julyl835, Adelaide- Constance, daughter of the late Col. John Campbell, of Shawfield, andLady Charlotte Campbell, —see Argyll, and has had issue, 1 A son, b. 2, d. 4, May 1836. 2 Constauce-Charlotte-Elisa, b. March 1839. 3 Ada-Fannv-Susan, b. 18 Sept. 1840. 4 Arthur-Charles-Wrio- theslev, b. 25 Jan. 1842. 5 Ethel, b. May 1844. 14 Lady Sophia-Georgiana, b. 21 July 1809, m. 8 Aug. 1838, Lord Thomas Cecil.—See Exeter. Creations.—All the English and Scotch titles in 1075. Genealogy.—See Genealogical Volume. Motto.—En la rose je fleurie : I flourish in the rose. Toivn Residence.—51, Portland Place. Seals.—Goodwood, Chichester ; Gordon Castle, Banffshire. O-^. RIlON, EARL OF. (Robinson.) Frederick-John Robinson, Earl of Ripon, Co. York, Vistouiit Goderich ofNocton, Co. Lincoln, in the Peerage of the United Kingdom ; P.C., a Counsellor of Kings College, London, a Trustee of the National Gallery, a Governor of the Charter-House; b. 1 Nov. 17H2, 452 I Ill V m. 1 Sept. 1814, Liidy Sarah-Albinia-Louisa Hobart, only child ofRobert, 4th Earl of Buckinghamshire, by whom, who was 6.22 Feb.1793. he has had issue: 1 Eleanor-Henrietta-Victoria, b. 22 May 1815, d. 31 Oct. 1826. 2 Hobart-Frederick, b. 8 Sept. 1816, d. an infant.3*George-Fredenck-Sauiuel, Viscount Godericli, b. 24 Oct. 1827. His Lordship, who has filled various important situations in the Government of theCountry, and in 1827 succeeded Mr. Canning for a short time as First Lord ofthe Treasur)-^, is the 2n(! son of Thomas, 2nd Lord Grantham, and brother and hei