. The peerage of the British Empire as at present existing : arranged and printed from the personal communications of the nobility. ana Annesley, eldest daughter ofArthur, 1st Earl of Mountnorris, who was b. 1772, and d. 10 Oct. 1833. John-James, fourth Lord, and 2nd Earl of Farnham, was b. Feb. 1760, m1784, Grace, now Countess Dowager, only daughter of Tliomas Cuffe, Esq., ofGrange, Co. Kilkenny, and d. without issue, 23 July 1823, when the Earldom be-came extinct. Creatinn.-156. Genealogy.—See Genealogical Volume. Motto.—Je suis pret: I am ready. Seat.—Farnham, Cavan. Collateral ISranc^es.
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. The peerage of the British Empire as at present existing : arranged and printed from the personal communications of the nobility. ana Annesley, eldest daughter ofArthur, 1st Earl of Mountnorris, who was b. 1772, and d. 10 Oct. 1833. John-James, fourth Lord, and 2nd Earl of Farnham, was b. Feb. 1760, m1784, Grace, now Countess Dowager, only daughter of Tliomas Cuffe, Esq., ofGrange, Co. Kilkenny, and d. without issue, 23 July 1823, when the Earldom be-came extinct. Creatinn.-~156. Genealogy.—See Genealogical Volume. Motto.—Je suis pret: I am ready. Seat.—Farnham, Cavan. Collateral ISranc^es. [Issue of Robert, 2nU Lord, and Earl of Farn-ham.]Lady Henrietta, m. 5 July 1780, The RightHon. Oeiiif Daly, of Dunsandle, Co. Gal-way, and by him, who d. 10 Oct. 1792, wasmother of the present Lord Dunsandle. 227 [Issue of Barry, 3rd Lord, Ist Earl of Farn-ham, and Sisters of the 2nd Earl.] 1 Lady Anne, dec., having m. 6 Dec. 1787, Richard Fox, Esq., of Foxhall.Co. Lonpford. 2 Lady Judith, d.tniin. 17 Aug. 1818:= 3 Lady Grace, m. Mr Ka/jih-St.-GeorgeGore, Bart., who rf. 25 March 1842. 4 Lady Elizabeth, d. Jan. 1782. e2. FERRERS, EARL. (Shirley.) Washingtox-Sewallis Shirley, Earl Ferrers, and ViscountTatnworth, in the Peerage of Great Britain, and a Baronet; b. 3 Jan.1822, succeeded his grandfather, Washington, the 8th Earl, 2 Oct.1842; m. 23 .July 1844, Augusta-Annabelhi, daughter of the VeryRev. Lord Edward Chichester, —see Donegall, and has had issue, 1 ^y son, still-born 16 July 1845.2*Visci)unt T;unwortli, 6. 24 Jan. 1847. Washington, eighth Earl, his Lordships grandfather, was J. 13 Nov. 1760, succeeded on the death of his brother Robert, 7tli Earl, 2 May 1827; m. 1st, 24July 1781, Frances, daiighter of the Rev. William Ward, and aunt of the late LordW.nrd, who tl. 4 March 1812 ; and 2ndly, 28 Sept. 1829, Sarah, daughter of WilliamDavy, Esq., who d. 30 June 183.5. By his 1st marriage tlie Earl had issue, 1 Lady Frances, b. 24 March 1782, d. b Feb. 1834. 2 Robert-Will