The Cromartie Fool . This grinning man holds a kail stock with a burning candle stuck in the top. This helps identify him as the fool or jester of a Scottish laird, who probably presided over Halloween festivities, such as those described in Robert Burns' poetry. Traditionally, unmarried men and women pulled up kail stocks to confirm the character of their future partner. A candle was then stuck into the end to make a torch. This portrait, painted in 1731, was possibly part of a series depicting Scottish clan members. 1731. Richard Waitt 1061 Richard Waitt cromartie fool
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The Picture Art Collection / Alamy Stock PhotoImage ID:
MNTWJ3File size:
14.3 MB (399.2 KB Compressed download)Releases:
Model - no | Property - noDo I need a release?Dimensions:
2052 x 2436 px | 34.7 x 41.2 cm | 13.7 x 16.2 inches | 150dpiMore information:
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