The country weirs of CIS and Transleithania; E. H. Rainer; E. H. Josef; Landwehr Oberomandant; Landwehr dragoons and Honved-Husar (...) ". Archduke Rainer Ferdinand and Archduke Josef; The Landwehr Ober Commanders; Landwehr Dragoons and Honved-Husar; scenes of the country departments in Cis- and Transleithania (from" over country and sea. General illustrated newspaper "). Victor Odescalchi (1833-1880), Artist, Vinzenz Katzler (1823-1882), Artist

The country weirs of CIS and Transleithania; E. H. Rainer; E. H. Josef; Landwehr Oberomandant; Landwehr dragoons and Honved-Husar (...) ". Archduke Rainer Ferdinand and Archduke Josef; The Landwehr Ober Commanders; Landwehr Dragoons and Honved-Husar; scenes of the country departments in Cis- and Transleithania (from" over country and sea. General illustrated newspaper "). Victor Odescalchi (1833-1880), Artist, Vinzenz Katzler (1823-1882), Artist Stock Photo

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