The cake seller Le Marchand gimblettes the RP-P-OB-5711 A boy with a basket of round cakes. A girl sitting on a stone, a cake in her left hand and a bag with money in her right. A small dog jumps against it, looking at the cake. Among the show a four-line text in French and wapenschild. Manufacturer : printmaker Louis Marin Bonnet (listed property) to drawing: François Boucher Dedicated to Louis-François de Bausset (listed property) Place manufacture: France Date: 1757 - 1763 Physical features: etching and aquatint (imitation of Indian ink) Material: paper Technique: etching / aquatint dimensi
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Art World / Alamy Stock PhotoImage ID:
2B6J21PFile size:
7.1 MB (468.6 KB Compressed download)Releases:
Model - no | Property - noDo I need a release?Dimensions:
1772 x 1409 px | 30 x 23.9 cm | 11.8 x 9.4 inches | 150dpiMore information:
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The cake seller Le Marchand gimblettes the RP-P-OB-5711 A boy with a basket of round cakes. A girl sitting on a stone, a cake in her left hand and a bag with money in her right. A small dog jumps against it, looking at the cake. Among the show a four-line text in French and wapenschild. Manufacturer : printmaker Louis Marin Bonnet (listed property) to drawing: François Boucher Dedicated to Louis-François de Bausset (listed property) Place manufacture: France Date: 1757 - 1763 Physical features: etching and aquatint (imitation of Indian ink) Material: paper Technique: etching / aquatint dimensions: plate edge: h 261 mm × W 333 mm Subject: street-trader