The book of British ballads . ctory wee have wonne,These are William Horseley, Henry Hunt,And Peter Simon, and his sonne. To Henry Hunt, the king then sayd, In lieu of what was from thee tane,A noble a day now thou shalt have, Sir Andrews jewels and his chayne.And Horseley thou shalt be a knight, And lands and livings shalt have store;Howard shall be Erie Surrye hight,As Howards erst have beene before. 4 Nowe, Peter Simon, thou art old, I will maintaine thee and thy sonne :And the men shall have five hundred markes For the good service they have done.Then in came the queene with ladyes fair To
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The book of British ballads . ctory wee have wonne, These are William Horseley, Henry Hunt, And Peter Simon, and his sonne. To Henry Hunt, the king then sayd, In lieu of what was from thee tane, A noble a day now thou shalt have, Sir Andrews jewels and his chayne.And Horseley thou shalt be a knight, And lands and livings shalt have store;Howard shall be Erie Surrye hight, As Howards erst have beene before. 4 Nowe, Peter Simon, thou art old, I will maintaine thee and thy sonne :And the men shall have five hundred markes For the good service they have done.Then in came the queene with ladyes fair To see Sir Andrew Barton, knight;They weend that hee were brought on shore, And thought to have seen a gallant sight. But when they see his deadlye face, And eyes soe hollow in his head, I wold give, quoth the king, a thousand markes, This man were alive as hee is dead :Yett for the manfull part hee playd, Which fought soe well with heart and hand, His men shall have twelvepence a day, Till they come to my brother kings high land.. F. W. Fairholt del. I. Armstrong sc.