General William Howe, 5th Viscount Howe, (1729 – 1814) was a British Army officer who rose to become Commander-in-Chief of British forces during the American War of Independence. Stock Photo
RMGCCKC4–General William Howe, 5th Viscount Howe, (1729 – 1814) was a British Army officer who rose to become Commander-in-Chief of British forces during the American War of Independence.
Julia Ward Howe (1819-1910), American poet, author, abolitionist and social activist for womens suffrage, portrait painting by John Elliott and William Henry Cotton, 1910-1925 Stock Photo
RM2HEYPFR–Julia Ward Howe (1819-1910), American poet, author, abolitionist and social activist for womens suffrage, portrait painting by John Elliott and William Henry Cotton, 1910-1925
William Howe British Commander in Chief during the American Revolution. Hand-colored engraving Stock Photo
RMADWBH5–William Howe British Commander in Chief during the American Revolution. Hand-colored engraving
William Howe, 5th Viscount Howe, 1729 – 1814. British Army officer. Howe was the Commander-in-Chief of British land forces in the Colonies during the American War of Independence. After an 18th century portrait. Stock Photo
RM2R4NHC3–William Howe, 5th Viscount Howe, 1729 – 1814. British Army officer. Howe was the Commander-in-Chief of British land forces in the Colonies during the American War of Independence. After an 18th century portrait.
Engraved portrait of Sir William Howe, a British army officer who rose to become Commander-in-Chief of British forces during the American War of Independence, his signature depicted at the bottom, 1832. From the New York Public Library. Stock Photo
RMKK4RXH–Engraved portrait of Sir William Howe, a British army officer who rose to become Commander-in-Chief of British forces during the American War of Independence, his signature depicted at the bottom, 1832. From the New York Public Library.
William Howe, 5th Viscount Howe, 1729 – 1814. British Army officer. H Commander-in-Chief of British land forces in the Colonies Stock Photo
RMBF25HC–William Howe, 5th Viscount Howe, 1729 – 1814. British Army officer. H Commander-in-Chief of British land forces in the Colonies
William Howe, English Military Officer Stock Photo
RM2BDYG4E–William Howe, English Military Officer
Old lithograph of William Howe, one of the British generals during the Revolutionary War Stock Photo
RMC1MH3A–Old lithograph of William Howe, one of the British generals during the Revolutionary War
Men of Progress, (19th Century American Inventors and Innovators), portrait painting in oil on canvas by Christian Schussele, 1862 Stock Photo
RM2NTT37Y–Men of Progress, (19th Century American Inventors and Innovators), portrait painting in oil on canvas by Christian Schussele, 1862
. Portrait of William Howe . circa 1850. Otis H. Cooley 564 William Howe by Otis H Cooley ca1850 USA NationalPortraitGallery Stock Photo
RMMY3302–. Portrait of William Howe . circa 1850. Otis H. Cooley 564 William Howe by Otis H Cooley ca1850 USA NationalPortraitGallery
rev john howe John Howe (May 17, 1630 – April 2, 1705) was an English Puritan theologian. He served briefly as chaplain to Olive Stock Photo
RMB7APNA–rev john howe John Howe (May 17, 1630 – April 2, 1705) was an English Puritan theologian. He served briefly as chaplain to Olive
ANN SHERIDAN portrait as Randy Monaghan in KING'S ROW 1942 director SAM WOOD novel Henry Bellamann screenplay Casey Robinson costume design Orry-Kelly music Erich Wolfgang Korngold cinematography James Wong Howe production design William Cameron Menzies executive producer Hal B. Wallis Warner Bros. Stock Photo
RM2G5W2XB–ANN SHERIDAN portrait as Randy Monaghan in KING'S ROW 1942 director SAM WOOD novel Henry Bellamann screenplay Casey Robinson costume design Orry-Kelly music Erich Wolfgang Korngold cinematography James Wong Howe production design William Cameron Menzies executive producer Hal B. Wallis Warner Bros.
Portrait plate - 'Colonel Sir William Howe de Lancey' from 'A Week at Waterloo in 1815. Lady de Lancey’s narrative. Being an account of how she nursed her husband, Colonel Sir William Howe de Lancey ... mortally wounded in the great battle.'. A Week at Waterloo in 1815. John Murray: London, 1906. Source: RL.239 38. Language: English. Stock Photo
RMR504RT–Portrait plate - 'Colonel Sir William Howe de Lancey' from 'A Week at Waterloo in 1815. Lady de Lancey’s narrative. Being an account of how she nursed her husband, Colonel Sir William Howe de Lancey ... mortally wounded in the great battle.'. A Week at Waterloo in 1815. John Murray: London, 1906. Source: RL.239 38. Language: English.
CARMEL MYERS in SORRELL AND SON 1927 director HERBERT BRENON novel Warwick Deeping cinematographer James Wong Howe art direction William Cameron Menzies presenter Joseph M. Schenck Feature Productions / United Artists Stock Photo
RM2J85PB4–CARMEL MYERS in SORRELL AND SON 1927 director HERBERT BRENON novel Warwick Deeping cinematographer James Wong Howe art direction William Cameron Menzies presenter Joseph M. Schenck Feature Productions / United Artists
The Honble. Sr. Wm. Howe, Knight of the Bath, & Commander in Chief of his Majesty's Forces in America. Date/Period: 1777. Mezzotint. Width: 27.6 cm. Height: 41 cm (sheet). Author: RICHARD PURCELL. Stock Photo
RMPNCCYN–The Honble. Sr. Wm. Howe, Knight of the Bath, & Commander in Chief of his Majesty's Forces in America. Date/Period: 1777. Mezzotint. Width: 27.6 cm. Height: 41 cm (sheet). Author: RICHARD PURCELL.
(Mrs. H. Kinnicutt) Mrs. Fuller Potter, Mrs. H.W. Howe, 1915. Probably shows Helen Fidelia Hoffman (Mrs. William Kinnicutt Draper), a Red Cross volunteer involved in the March 1915 Red Cross Tea Room at the International Flower Show in New York City; and Mary B. Atterbury (Mrs. J. Fuller Potter), later Mrs. Henry Wainwright. Stock Photo
RM2XT39EF–(Mrs. H. Kinnicutt) Mrs. Fuller Potter, Mrs. H.W. Howe, 1915. Probably shows Helen Fidelia Hoffman (Mrs. William Kinnicutt Draper), a Red Cross volunteer involved in the March 1915 Red Cross Tea Room at the International Flower Show in New York City; and Mary B. Atterbury (Mrs. J. Fuller Potter), later Mrs. Henry Wainwright.
International studio . is an old-time dignityabout Robert Tolmans portrait, Eleanor. Thesubject has been graciously portrayed. In TheCanton Platter Lucien Abrams brings out hand-somely the colour contrasts, the singing blues andgreens, of an interesting still life. William H.Howe paints his cattle coming up out of mistylowlands in Morning, Connecticut River, and WillHowe Foot in Our Bermuda House shows a while- Bessie Potter Vonnoh, Robert Vonnoh, completethe list of Lyme exhibitors. One notes with re-gret the tender landscape, memorial to JulesTurcas, deceased. The Mystic Art Association this Stock Photo
RM2AXJDHX–International studio . is an old-time dignityabout Robert Tolmans portrait, Eleanor. Thesubject has been graciously portrayed. In TheCanton Platter Lucien Abrams brings out hand-somely the colour contrasts, the singing blues andgreens, of an interesting still life. William H.Howe paints his cattle coming up out of mistylowlands in Morning, Connecticut River, and WillHowe Foot in Our Bermuda House shows a while- Bessie Potter Vonnoh, Robert Vonnoh, completethe list of Lyme exhibitors. One notes with re-gret the tender landscape, memorial to JulesTurcas, deceased. The Mystic Art Association this
. Lady Harriet Georgiana Brudenell (1799-1836), daughter of Robert Brudenell, 6th Earl of Cardigan and Lady Penelope Anne Cooke. Married Richard William Penn Curzon-Howe, 2nd Viscount Curzon (later 1st Earl Howe) in 1820. Portrait of Harriet Brudenell, Countess Howe (1799-1836). 1834. Margaret Sarah Carpenter Portrait of Harriet Countess Howe Stock Photo
RMMMTMGJ–. Lady Harriet Georgiana Brudenell (1799-1836), daughter of Robert Brudenell, 6th Earl of Cardigan and Lady Penelope Anne Cooke. Married Richard William Penn Curzon-Howe, 2nd Viscount Curzon (later 1st Earl Howe) in 1820. Portrait of Harriet Brudenell, Countess Howe (1799-1836). 1834. Margaret Sarah Carpenter Portrait of Harriet Countess Howe
rev john howe John Howe (May 17, 1630 – April 2, 1705) was an English Puritan theologian. He served briefly as chaplain to Olive Stock Photo
RFB7APNG–rev john howe John Howe (May 17, 1630 – April 2, 1705) was an English Puritan theologian. He served briefly as chaplain to Olive
Portrait plate - Lady de Lancey. Frontispiece from A Week at Waterloo in 1815. Lady de Lancey’s narrative. Being an account of how she nursed her husband, Colonel Sir William Howe de Lancey ... mortally wounded in the great battle. A Week at Waterloo in 1815. Lady de Lancey’s narrative. John Murray: London, 1906. Source: RL.239 24. Language: English. Stock Photo
RMR50XR2–Portrait plate - Lady de Lancey. Frontispiece from A Week at Waterloo in 1815. Lady de Lancey’s narrative. Being an account of how she nursed her husband, Colonel Sir William Howe de Lancey ... mortally wounded in the great battle. A Week at Waterloo in 1815. Lady de Lancey’s narrative. John Murray: London, 1906. Source: RL.239 24. Language: English.
Julia Ward Howe. Date/Period: Begun ca. 1910, finished ca. 1925. Painting. Oil on canvas. Height: 1,080 mm (42.51 in); Width: 721 mm (28.38 in). Author: John Elliott. Stock Photo
RMPNE4B3–Julia Ward Howe. Date/Period: Begun ca. 1910, finished ca. 1925. Painting. Oil on canvas. Height: 1,080 mm (42.51 in); Width: 721 mm (28.38 in). Author: John Elliott.
Men of Progress, 1862. Stock Photo
RM2FN8WHK–Men of Progress, 1862.
. Animal life in Italian painting. Horses; Animals in art; Painting, Italian. PORTRAIT LOTTO Photo: Allnari BERGAMO. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Howe, William Norton. London : G. Allen & Co. Stock Photo
RMRN50X9–. Animal life in Italian painting. Horses; Animals in art; Painting, Italian. PORTRAIT LOTTO Photo: Allnari BERGAMO. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Howe, William Norton. London : G. Allen & Co.
battle bunker hill 1775 Breed Near Siege boston USA US North America Massachusetts Boston Charlestown English British American R Stock Photo
RMAMH53P–battle bunker hill 1775 Breed Near Siege boston USA US North America Massachusetts Boston Charlestown English British American R
Colonel Sir William Howe de Lancey,. Museum: BRITISH LIBRARY. Stock Photo
RMR4XBGG–Colonel Sir William Howe de Lancey,. Museum: BRITISH LIBRARY.
Grant and His Generals. oil on canvas. Date: c. 1865. Museum: NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY. Joseph Anthony Mower. Stock Photo
RM2R6F27D–Grant and His Generals. oil on canvas. Date: c. 1865. Museum: NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY. Joseph Anthony Mower.
. Animal life in Italian painting. Horses; Animals in art; Painting, Italian. PORTRAIT MILANESE SCHOOL—ROLTRAFFIO? rhoio: PaiK'Uhoivsli CZAKTORVSKI GALLERY, CRACOW. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Howe, William Norton. London : G. Allen & Co. Stock Photo
RMRN50K3–. Animal life in Italian painting. Horses; Animals in art; Painting, Italian. PORTRAIT MILANESE SCHOOL—ROLTRAFFIO? rhoio: PaiK'Uhoivsli CZAKTORVSKI GALLERY, CRACOW. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Howe, William Norton. London : G. Allen & Co.
. Animal life in Italian painting. Horses; Animals in art; Painting, Italian. THE LIFE OF ST. BENEDICT, PORTRAIT OF HIMSELF (detail) SODOMA Pilot0: Brogi MONTE OLIVETO 225. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Howe, William Norton. London : G. Allen & Co. Stock Photo
RMRN50HX–. Animal life in Italian painting. Horses; Animals in art; Painting, Italian. THE LIFE OF ST. BENEDICT, PORTRAIT OF HIMSELF (detail) SODOMA Pilot0: Brogi MONTE OLIVETO 225. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Howe, William Norton. London : G. Allen & Co.