Roberto francesco romolo bellarmino Stock Photos and Images
Notes of the church, as laid down by Cardinal Bellarmin : examined and confuted : Bellarmino, Roberto Francesco Romolo, Saint, 1542-1621 Stock Photo
RMW58PT3–Notes of the church, as laid down by Cardinal Bellarmin : examined and confuted : Bellarmino, Roberto Francesco Romolo, Saint, 1542-1621
portrait of Roberto Francesco Romolo Bellarmino, 1542 - 1621, a theologian and a Jesuit Stock Photo
RMDCH9Y5–portrait of Roberto Francesco Romolo Bellarmino, 1542 - 1621, a theologian and a Jesuit
Cardinal Roberto Bellarmino at his desk, writing, 1604. Stock Photo
RM2EH61YB–Cardinal Roberto Bellarmino at his desk, writing, 1604.
Robert Bellarmine, 1542 – 1621, an Italian Jesuit and a cardinal of the Catholic Church Stock Photo
RM2GHXJCF–Robert Bellarmine, 1542 – 1621, an Italian Jesuit and a cardinal of the Catholic Church
Steps of ascension to God : written originally in Latin by the famous Cardinal Bellarmine : Bellarmino, Roberto Francesco Romolo, Saint, 1542-1621 Stock Photo
RMW58Y6E–Steps of ascension to God : written originally in Latin by the famous Cardinal Bellarmine : Bellarmino, Roberto Francesco Romolo, Saint, 1542-1621
Robert Bellarmine, 1542 – 1621, an Italian Jesuit and a cardinal of the Catholic Church Stock Photo
RM2GHXJ9K–Robert Bellarmine, 1542 – 1621, an Italian Jesuit and a cardinal of the Catholic Church