EVANGELICAL MAGAZINE. Ridley sculp. MR. THOMAS BURGESS. London. Published by T. Chapman, 151 Fleet Street, Feby. 1, 1800 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/evangelical-magazine-ridley-sculp-mr-thomas-burgess-london-published-by-t-chapman-151-fleet-street-feby-1-1800-image573207251.html
RM2T8FRKF–EVANGELICAL MAGAZINE. Ridley sculp. MR. THOMAS BURGESS. London. Published by T. Chapman, 151 Fleet Street, Feby. 1, 1800
Flycasting tournament at Ranelagh . Left to right :- Mr Arthur New ( USA ) , Lord Glenusk , and Mr Mervyn Redge ( World Champion trout flycast with 151 feet , of America ) . Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/flycasting-tournament-at-ranelagh-left-to-right-mr-arthur-new-usa-lord-glenusk-and-mr-mervyn-redge-world-champion-trout-flycast-with-151-feet-of-america-image359805693.html
RM2BWAFR9–Flycasting tournament at Ranelagh . Left to right :- Mr Arthur New ( USA ) , Lord Glenusk , and Mr Mervyn Redge ( World Champion trout flycast with 151 feet , of America ) .
whitewater kayaking Martins Rapids McKenzie River Oregon USA US U S MR 151 158926 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/whitewater-kayaking-martins-rapids-mckenzie-river-oregon-usa-us-u-image1988565.html
RMA3H7D6–whitewater kayaking Martins Rapids McKenzie River Oregon USA US U S MR 151 158926
Mr Godfrey Wicksteed, a Leeds schoolmaster, has a golden cutty sark (short chemise) slung from his shoulders as he negins the ascent of the 151 foot high mainmast of the old tea clipper Cutty sark at greenwich, He was placing the emblem at the top of the mast, wher, in the old days of sail, it distinguished the Cutty Sark from all other ships. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-mr-godfrey-wicksteed-a-leeds-schoolmaster-has-a-golden-cutty-sark-109409251.html
RMGA00H7–Mr Godfrey Wicksteed, a Leeds schoolmaster, has a golden cutty sark (short chemise) slung from his shoulders as he negins the ascent of the 151 foot high mainmast of the old tea clipper Cutty sark at greenwich, He was placing the emblem at the top of the mast, wher, in the old days of sail, it distinguished the Cutty Sark from all other ships.
Mar. 03, 1960 - Ceylon Gets A New Government: The Right wing parties won a resouding victory in the Ceylon General Election - held recently. Of the 151 deats in the House of Representatives which were contested - the Conservative United National Party, led by Mr. Dudlley Senanayake (49) won 50. - and the Right leaning Freedom Party formed by Mr. Bandaranaikem the assassinated Prime Minister and led by Mr. P. de. Silva under the guidance of the Premier's widow - won 46. The Caretaker Premier Mr Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/mar-03-1960-ceylon-gets-a-new-government-the-right-wing-parties-won-image69362759.html
RME0RMWB–Mar. 03, 1960 - Ceylon Gets A New Government: The Right wing parties won a resouding victory in the Ceylon General Election - held recently. Of the 151 deats in the House of Representatives which were contested - the Conservative United National Party, led by Mr. Dudlley Senanayake (49) won 50. - and the Right leaning Freedom Party formed by Mr. Bandaranaikem the assassinated Prime Minister and led by Mr. P. de. Silva under the guidance of the Premier's widow - won 46. The Caretaker Premier Mr
. English: Fleuron from book: A new history of England. From the earliest period, to the present time. ON A Plan Recommended BY The Earl of Chesterfield. Embellished with copper plates. By the Reverend Mr. Cooper. 151 A new history of England Fleuron T135566-2 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/english-fleuron-from-book-a-new-history-of-england-from-the-earliest-period-to-the-present-time-on-a-plan-recommended-by-the-earl-of-chesterfield-embellished-with-copper-plates-by-the-reverend-mr-cooper-151-a-new-history-of-england-fleuron-t135566-2-image206743119.html
RMP09XXR–. English: Fleuron from book: A new history of England. From the earliest period, to the present time. ON A Plan Recommended BY The Earl of Chesterfield. Embellished with copper plates. By the Reverend Mr. Cooper. 151 A new history of England Fleuron T135566-2
[Portrait of Mr. Watson]. Date/Period: August - October 1860. Print. Albumen silver. Height: 197 mm (7.75 in); Width: 151 mm (5.94 in). Author: Felice Beato. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/portrait-of-mr-watson-dateperiod-august-october-1860-print-albumen-silver-height-197-mm-775-in-width-151-mm-594-in-author-felice-beato-image219104546.html
RMPMD22A–[Portrait of Mr. Watson]. Date/Period: August - October 1860. Print. Albumen silver. Height: 197 mm (7.75 in); Width: 151 mm (5.94 in). Author: Felice Beato.
Galatea Married Restored by Mr. Punch from one of the Elgin Bas-Reliefs representing the fragment of a Wheel (Punch, or the London Charivari, April 14, 1866, p. 151) 2012 by Anonymous, British, 19th century Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/galatea-married-restored-by-mr-punch-from-one-of-the-elgin-bas-reliefs-representing-the-fragment-of-a-wheel-punch-or-the-london-charivari-april-14-1866-p-151-2012-by-anonymous-british-19th-century-image575198090.html
RM2TBPF0X–Galatea Married Restored by Mr. Punch from one of the Elgin Bas-Reliefs representing the fragment of a Wheel (Punch, or the London Charivari, April 14, 1866, p. 151) 2012 by Anonymous, British, 19th century
Businessman Jack Hayward in London for the continuation of the Old Bailey trail at which former Liberal Party leader Jeremy Thorpe and three others have pleaded not guilty to charges of conspiring to murder former male model Norman Scott. Mr Hayward is expected to give evidence. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-businessman-jack-hayward-in-london-for-the-continuation-of-the-old-110923987.html
RMGCD0JY–Businessman Jack Hayward in London for the continuation of the Old Bailey trail at which former Liberal Party leader Jeremy Thorpe and three others have pleaded not guilty to charges of conspiring to murder former male model Norman Scott. Mr Hayward is expected to give evidence.
Ende & Böckmann, Villa of Mr. Hofmarschall v. St. Paul-Illaire, Fischbach/Silesia. (From: Architectural sketchbook, H. 151/4, 1878.) (1878-1878): Perspective view. Stitch on paper, 25.4 x 34.9 cm (including scan edges) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/ende-bckmann-villa-of-mr-hofmarschall-v-st-paul-illaire-fischbachsilesia-from-architectural-sketchbook-h-1514-1878-1878-1878-perspective-view-stitch-on-paper-254-x-349-cm-including-scan-edges-image477575013.html
RM2JMYBPD–Ende & Böckmann, Villa of Mr. Hofmarschall v. St. Paul-Illaire, Fischbach/Silesia. (From: Architectural sketchbook, H. 151/4, 1878.) (1878-1878): Perspective view. Stitch on paper, 25.4 x 34.9 cm (including scan edges)
Schooner and Yawl Match of the Royal Thames Yacht Club last Saturday: the Pantomine fouling the Mouse Light-Vessel, 1876. 'There was a very fine wind for the schooner and yawl matches of this club, sailed on Saturday last, from Gravesend round the Mouse Light-Ship and back...The Pantomime (151 tons, Mr. J. Starkey) made her first appearance in a match since lengthening 4 ft. by the stern. She did not appear to be improved as far as speed goes and, by some awkwardness, she sailed plump into the Mouse Light-Ship and got crippled... The Pantomime took more scope than the others for her gybe, and, Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/schooner-and-yawl-match-of-the-royal-thames-yacht-club-last-saturday-the-pantomine-fouling-the-mouse-light-vessel-1876-there-was-a-very-fine-wind-for-the-schooner-and-yawl-matches-of-this-club-sailed-on-saturday-last-from-gravesend-round-the-mouse-light-ship-and-backthe-pantomime-151-tons-mr-j-starkey-made-her-first-appearance-in-a-match-since-lengthening-4-ft-by-the-stern-she-did-not-appear-to-be-improved-as-far-as-speed-goes-and-by-some-awkwardness-she-sailed-plump-into-the-mouse-light-ship-and-got-crippled-the-pantomime-took-more-scope-than-the-others-for-her-gybe-and-image565272094.html
RM2RRJA92–Schooner and Yawl Match of the Royal Thames Yacht Club last Saturday: the Pantomine fouling the Mouse Light-Vessel, 1876. 'There was a very fine wind for the schooner and yawl matches of this club, sailed on Saturday last, from Gravesend round the Mouse Light-Ship and back...The Pantomime (151 tons, Mr. J. Starkey) made her first appearance in a match since lengthening 4 ft. by the stern. She did not appear to be improved as far as speed goes and, by some awkwardness, she sailed plump into the Mouse Light-Ship and got crippled... The Pantomime took more scope than the others for her gybe, and,
George Morland, his life and works . land Packer, Bob, 98Phillips, William, 208Pilkington, Matthew, 3Plumbley, Mr., 151 Rathbone, John, 107Redgrave, S., 5Raid, Mrs., 189Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 8, 10 Samuel William, 226Richardson, Ralph, 89Robinson, J. R., 98Romney, George, 27Rowlandson, Thomas, 227Rusworth, Edward, J.P., 156 Scott, John, 231 Sherborne, Mr., 42 Smith, Claude Lorrain, 106 John Raphael, 67, 222, 225, 232Southampton, Lord, 193Spencer, Mr., 163, 175Stuart, Colonel Charles, 87Stubbs, George, R.A., 18, 199 Suntach, A., 231Sympson, George, 129 Tupman, 113Turnerelli, P., 186 Vivares, Tho Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/george-morland-his-life-and-works-land-packer-bob-98phillips-william-208pilkington-matthew-3plumbley-mr-151-rathbone-john-107redgrave-s-5raid-mrs-189reynolds-sir-joshua-8-10-samuel-william-226richardson-ralph-89robinson-j-r-98romney-george-27rowlandson-thomas-227rusworth-edward-jp-156-scott-john-231-sherborne-mr-42-smith-claude-lorrain-106-john-raphael-67-222-225-232southampton-lord-193spencer-mr-163-175stuart-colonel-charles-87stubbs-george-ra-18-199-suntach-a-231sympson-george-129-tupman-113turnerelli-p-186-vivares-tho-image342692646.html
RM2AWEYY2–George Morland, his life and works . land Packer, Bob, 98Phillips, William, 208Pilkington, Matthew, 3Plumbley, Mr., 151 Rathbone, John, 107Redgrave, S., 5Raid, Mrs., 189Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 8, 10 Samuel William, 226Richardson, Ralph, 89Robinson, J. R., 98Romney, George, 27Rowlandson, Thomas, 227Rusworth, Edward, J.P., 156 Scott, John, 231 Sherborne, Mr., 42 Smith, Claude Lorrain, 106 John Raphael, 67, 222, 225, 232Southampton, Lord, 193Spencer, Mr., 163, 175Stuart, Colonel Charles, 87Stubbs, George, R.A., 18, 199 Suntach, A., 231Sympson, George, 129 Tupman, 113Turnerelli, P., 186 Vivares, Tho
Photo reproduction of a painting of a Cleveland bay horse in a stable Cleveland Bay Stallion, 'Sultan' (title object) Property Type: photomechanical print reproduction page Item number: RP-F 2001-7-403-8 Inscriptions / brands: inscription, recto, printed: 'The property of Mr. Burdett-Coutts, MP' Manufacturer : creator: anonymous to painting by: anonymous Date: ca. 1883 - or for 1893 Material: paper Technique: light pressure measurements: imprinted: H 151 mm × W 213 mmToelichtingPrent front page 107. Subject: horse tall, stable Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/photo-reproduction-of-a-painting-of-a-cleveland-bay-horse-in-a-stable-cleveland-bay-stallion-sultan-title-object-property-type-photomechanical-print-reproduction-page-item-number-rp-f-2001-7-403-8-inscriptions-brands-inscription-recto-printed-the-property-of-mr-burdett-coutts-mp-manufacturer-creator-anonymous-to-painting-by-anonymous-date-ca-1883-or-for-1893-material-paper-technique-light-pressure-measurements-imprinted-h-151-mm-w-213-mmtoelichtingprent-front-page-107-subject-horse-tall-stable-image348356153.html
RM2B6MYR5–Photo reproduction of a painting of a Cleveland bay horse in a stable Cleveland Bay Stallion, 'Sultan' (title object) Property Type: photomechanical print reproduction page Item number: RP-F 2001-7-403-8 Inscriptions / brands: inscription, recto, printed: 'The property of Mr. Burdett-Coutts, MP' Manufacturer : creator: anonymous to painting by: anonymous Date: ca. 1883 - or for 1893 Material: paper Technique: light pressure measurements: imprinted: H 151 mm × W 213 mmToelichtingPrent front page 107. Subject: horse tall, stable
Sam Ahtye plays flute above LEDGES CAMP mile 151 GRAND CANYON NATIONAL PARK ARIZONA MR Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-sam-ahtye-plays-flute-above-ledges-camp-mile-151-grand-canyon-national-12689475.html
America's Challenge To England's Fattest Boy Leslie Bowls, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bowls of Lowerstoft, England, is claimed to be the world's fattest baby for his age. Leslie is only 2 3/4 years of age, he weights 7 stone and is 36 1/2 inches in height, now from America comes a challenge to this claim from Joseph Randazza Jnr., of Gloucester Mass.,who is three years of age and weights 8 stone 151 bs. Both these boys weighted 7 1/2 lbs at birth and were perfectly normal babies. Here is Joseph Randazza, America's challenge to Leslie Bowls of Lowestoft. March 18, 1935. (Photo by Keystone). Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/americas-challenge-to-englands-fattest-boy-leslie-bowls-son-of-mr-and-mrs-bowls-of-lowerstoft-england-is-claimed-to-be-the-worlds-fattest-baby-for-his-age-leslie-is-only-2-34-years-of-age-he-weights-7-stone-and-is-36-12-inches-in-height-now-from-america-comes-a-challenge-to-this-claim-from-joseph-randazza-jnr-of-gloucester-masswho-is-three-years-of-age-and-weights-8-stone-151-bs-both-these-boys-weighted-7-12-lbs-at-birth-and-were-perfectly-normal-babies-here-is-joseph-randazza-americas-challenge-to-leslie-bowls-of-lowestoft-march-18-1935-photo-by-keystone-image463568104.html
RM2HX59RM–America's Challenge To England's Fattest Boy Leslie Bowls, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bowls of Lowerstoft, England, is claimed to be the world's fattest baby for his age. Leslie is only 2 3/4 years of age, he weights 7 stone and is 36 1/2 inches in height, now from America comes a challenge to this claim from Joseph Randazza Jnr., of Gloucester Mass.,who is three years of age and weights 8 stone 151 bs. Both these boys weighted 7 1/2 lbs at birth and were perfectly normal babies. Here is Joseph Randazza, America's challenge to Leslie Bowls of Lowestoft. March 18, 1935. (Photo by Keystone).
Image from page 151 of 'Mr. Chaine's Sons. A novel' . Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/image-from-page-151-of-mr-chaines-sons-a-novel-image216412252.html
RMPG2C10–Image from page 151 of 'Mr. Chaine's Sons. A novel' .
June 15, 2009 - Fantastic Mr Fox - Jason Schwartzman as the voice of Ashley Soan, George Clooney as the voice of Mr Fox, Meryl Streep as the voice of Mrs Fox and Eric Chase Anderson as the voice of Kristofferson..Fantastic Mr Fox - 2009. (Credit Image: c Entertainment Pictures) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-june-15-2009-fantastic-mr-fox-jason-schwartzman-as-the-voice-of-ashley-90187322.html
RMF6MARP–June 15, 2009 - Fantastic Mr Fox - Jason Schwartzman as the voice of Ashley Soan, George Clooney as the voice of Mr Fox, Meryl Streep as the voice of Mrs Fox and Eric Chase Anderson as the voice of Kristofferson..Fantastic Mr Fox - 2009. (Credit Image: c Entertainment Pictures)
Isabella Cramp arriving at the Mr Peabody & Sherman Premiere at the Regency Village Theatre In Westwood, Los Angeles.Isabella Cramp 151 Red Carpet Event, Vertical, USA, Film Industry, Celebrities, Photography, Bestof, Arts Culture and Entertainment, Topix Celebrities fashion / Vertical, Best of, Event in Hollywood Life - California, Red Carpet and backstage, USA, Film Industry, Celebrities, movie celebrities, TV celebrities, Music celebrities, Photography, Bestof, Arts Culture and Entertainment, Topix, headshot, vertical, one person,, from the year , 2014, inquiry tsuni@Gamma-USA.com Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/isabella-cramp-arriving-at-the-mr-peabody-sherman-premiere-at-the-regency-village-theatre-in-westwood-los-angelesisabella-cramp-151-red-carpet-event-vertical-usa-film-industry-celebrities-photography-bestof-arts-culture-and-entertainment-topix-celebrities-fashion-vertical-best-of-event-in-hollywood-life-california-red-carpet-and-backstage-usa-film-industry-celebrities-movie-celebrities-tv-celebrities-music-celebrities-photography-bestof-arts-culture-and-entertainment-topix-headshot-vertical-one-person-from-the-year-2014-inquiry-tsuni@gamma-usacom-image184266943.html
RMMKP2A7–Isabella Cramp arriving at the Mr Peabody & Sherman Premiere at the Regency Village Theatre In Westwood, Los Angeles.Isabella Cramp 151 Red Carpet Event, Vertical, USA, Film Industry, Celebrities, Photography, Bestof, Arts Culture and Entertainment, Topix Celebrities fashion / Vertical, Best of, Event in Hollywood Life - California, Red Carpet and backstage, USA, Film Industry, Celebrities, movie celebrities, TV celebrities, Music celebrities, Photography, Bestof, Arts Culture and Entertainment, Topix, headshot, vertical, one person,, from the year , 2014, inquiry tsuni@Gamma-USA.com
Letter to Philip Zilcken, name, stamped: 'Mr. H. LOUIS ISRAËLS AMSTERDAM, Weteringschans 151, (Telephone N. 1356)', writer: H. Louis Israëls, Amsterdam, June 6, 1918, cardboard ink, pen, writing, printing, Philip Zilcken Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/letter-to-philip-zilcken-name-stamped-mr-h-louis-israls-amsterdam-weteringschans-151-telephone-n-1356-writer-h-louis-israls-amsterdam-june-6-1918-cardboard-ink-pen-writing-printing-philip-zilcken-image631153905.html
RM2YJRF6W–Letter to Philip Zilcken, name, stamped: 'Mr. H. LOUIS ISRAËLS AMSTERDAM, Weteringschans 151, (Telephone N. 1356)', writer: H. Louis Israëls, Amsterdam, June 6, 1918, cardboard ink, pen, writing, printing, Philip Zilcken
Flycasting tournament at Ranelagh . Left to right :- Mr Arthur New ( USA ) , Lord Glenusk , and Mr Mervyn Redge ( World Champion trout flycast with 151 feet , of America ) . Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/flycasting-tournament-at-ranelagh-left-to-right-mr-arthur-new-usa-lord-glenusk-and-mr-mervyn-redge-world-champion-trout-flycast-with-151-feet-of-america-image359805689.html
RM2BWAFR5–Flycasting tournament at Ranelagh . Left to right :- Mr Arthur New ( USA ) , Lord Glenusk , and Mr Mervyn Redge ( World Champion trout flycast with 151 feet , of America ) .
Spanish King Juan Carlos, Spanish Queen Sofia, Prince Felipe and Princess Letizia attend the Lunch to the President of the Republic of Chile Mr. Miguel Juan Sebastian Pin?era Echenique and Mrs. Pin?era at Zarzuela Palace in Madrid Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-spanish-king-juan-carlos-spanish-queen-sofia-prince-felipe-and-princess-42829709.html
RMCDK1MD–Spanish King Juan Carlos, Spanish Queen Sofia, Prince Felipe and Princess Letizia attend the Lunch to the President of the Republic of Chile Mr. Miguel Juan Sebastian Pin?era Echenique and Mrs. Pin?era at Zarzuela Palace in Madrid
New York, USA. 6th Apr, 2016. ActressAnna Askendrick, and actor SAM ROCKWELL attend the New York premiere of 'Mr. Right' held at AMC Lincoln Square. Credit: Nancy Kaszerman/ZUMA Wire/Alamy Live News Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-new-york-usa-6th-apr-2016-actressanna-askendrick-and-actor-sam-rockwell-101902559.html
RMFWP1N3–New York, USA. 6th Apr, 2016. ActressAnna Askendrick, and actor SAM ROCKWELL attend the New York premiere of 'Mr. Right' held at AMC Lincoln Square. Credit: Nancy Kaszerman/ZUMA Wire/Alamy Live News
. English: Fleuron from book: A new history of England. From the earliest period, to the present time. ON A Plan Recommended BY The Earl of Chesterfield. Embellished with copper plates. By the Reverend Mr. Cooper. 151 A new history of England Fleuron T135566-3 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/english-fleuron-from-book-a-new-history-of-england-from-the-earliest-period-to-the-present-time-on-a-plan-recommended-by-the-earl-of-chesterfield-embellished-with-copper-plates-by-the-reverend-mr-cooper-151-a-new-history-of-england-fleuron-t135566-3-image206743121.html
RMP09XXW–. English: Fleuron from book: A new history of England. From the earliest period, to the present time. ON A Plan Recommended BY The Earl of Chesterfield. Embellished with copper plates. By the Reverend Mr. Cooper. 151 A new history of England Fleuron T135566-3
Travelling Companion (Mr. Ch. Deering). Anders Zorn; Swedish, 1860-1920. Date: 1904. Dimensions: 199 x 151 mm (image/plate); 327 x 252 mm (sheet). Etching in black on ivory laid paper. Origin: Sweden. Museum: The Chicago Art Institute. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/travelling-companion-mr-ch-deering-anders-zorn-swedish-1860-1920-date-1904-dimensions-199-x-151-mm-imageplate-327-x-252-mm-sheet-etching-in-black-on-ivory-laid-paper-origin-sweden-museum-the-chicago-art-institute-image239952466.html
RMRXANPX–Travelling Companion (Mr. Ch. Deering). Anders Zorn; Swedish, 1860-1920. Date: 1904. Dimensions: 199 x 151 mm (image/plate); 327 x 252 mm (sheet). Etching in black on ivory laid paper. Origin: Sweden. Museum: The Chicago Art Institute.
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. 14th Sep, 2018. ALEXIS RIVERA of Puerto Rico poses during the judging of the 2018 Mr. Olympia competition at Joe Weider's Olympia Fitness and Performance Weekend 2018. Credit: Brian Cahn/ZUMA Wire/Alamy Live News Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/las-vegas-nevada-usa-14th-sep-2018-alexis-rivera-of-puerto-rico-poses-during-the-judging-of-the-2018-mr-olympia-competition-at-joe-weiders-olympia-fitness-and-performance-weekend-2018-credit-brian-cahnzuma-wirealamy-live-news-image218875507.html
RMPM2HXB–Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. 14th Sep, 2018. ALEXIS RIVERA of Puerto Rico poses during the judging of the 2018 Mr. Olympia competition at Joe Weider's Olympia Fitness and Performance Weekend 2018. Credit: Brian Cahn/ZUMA Wire/Alamy Live News
Ende & Böckmann, Villa of Mr. Hofmarschall v. St. Paul-Illaire, Fischbach/Silesia. (From: Architectural sketchbook, H. 151/4, 1878.) (1878-1878): floor plan with garden, perspective viewing stable. Stitch on paper, 25.4 x 35 cm (including scan edges) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/ende-bckmann-villa-of-mr-hofmarschall-v-st-paul-illaire-fischbachsilesia-from-architectural-sketchbook-h-1514-1878-1878-1878-floor-plan-with-garden-perspective-viewing-stable-stitch-on-paper-254-x-35-cm-including-scan-edges-image477575008.html
RM2JMYBP8–Ende & Böckmann, Villa of Mr. Hofmarschall v. St. Paul-Illaire, Fischbach/Silesia. (From: Architectural sketchbook, H. 151/4, 1878.) (1878-1878): floor plan with garden, perspective viewing stable. Stitch on paper, 25.4 x 35 cm (including scan edges)
Galatea Married – Restored by Mr. Punch from one of the Elgin Bas-Reliefs representing the fragment of a Wheel (Punch, or the London Charivari, April 14, 1866, p. 151) 1866 Anonymous, British, 19th century British This print came to the Museum inserted in an album of caricatures clipped from contemporary periodicals, assembled around 1873 by the artist and etcher Arthur Heseltine. Born in England, Heseltine lived for a time in Bourron-Marlotte, near the forest of Fountainebleau in France, and later in Glasgow. The album later belonged to William Lieberman, a curator at the Museum of Modern Art Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/galatea-married-restored-by-mr-punch-from-one-of-the-elgin-bas-reliefs-representing-the-fragment-of-a-wheel-punch-or-the-london-charivari-april-14-1866-p-151-1866-anonymous-british-19th-century-british-this-print-came-to-the-museum-inserted-in-an-album-of-caricatures-clipped-from-contemporary-periodicals-assembled-around-1873-by-the-artist-and-etcher-arthur-heseltine-born-in-england-heseltine-lived-for-a-time-in-bourron-marlotte-near-the-forest-of-fountainebleau-in-france-and-later-in-glasgow-the-album-later-belonged-to-william-lieberman-a-curator-at-the-museum-of-modern-art-image457889222.html
RM2HGXJAE–Galatea Married – Restored by Mr. Punch from one of the Elgin Bas-Reliefs representing the fragment of a Wheel (Punch, or the London Charivari, April 14, 1866, p. 151) 1866 Anonymous, British, 19th century British This print came to the Museum inserted in an album of caricatures clipped from contemporary periodicals, assembled around 1873 by the artist and etcher Arthur Heseltine. Born in England, Heseltine lived for a time in Bourron-Marlotte, near the forest of Fountainebleau in France, and later in Glasgow. The album later belonged to William Lieberman, a curator at the Museum of Modern Art
Graf van John Keble en zijn vrouw The Graves of Mr and Mrs Keble (titel op object) Tomb of John Keble and vrouwThe or Mr. Graves and Mrs. Keble (title object) Property Type: photo page Item number: RP-F 2001-7-254-32 Inscriptions / Brands: number, recto, printed: 'No. 32.' Manufacturer : Photographer: William Savage Place manufacture: Hursley Dating: about 1856 - or for 1866 Material: paper Technique: albumen print dimensions: photo: h 82 mm × W 116 mmToelichtingFoto page 151. Subject: grave, tomb where: HursleyWie John Keble Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/graf-van-john-keble-en-zijn-vrouw-the-graves-of-mr-and-mrs-keble-titel-op-object-tomb-of-john-keble-and-vrouwthe-or-mr-graves-and-mrs-keble-title-object-property-type-photo-page-item-number-rp-f-2001-7-254-32-inscriptions-brands-number-recto-printed-no-32-manufacturer-photographer-william-savage-place-manufacture-hursley-dating-about-1856-or-for-1866-material-paper-technique-albumen-print-dimensions-photo-h-82-mm-w-116-mmtoelichtingfoto-page-151-subject-grave-tomb-where-hursleywie-john-keble-image348417067.html
RM2B6RNEK–Graf van John Keble en zijn vrouw The Graves of Mr and Mrs Keble (titel op object) Tomb of John Keble and vrouwThe or Mr. Graves and Mrs. Keble (title object) Property Type: photo page Item number: RP-F 2001-7-254-32 Inscriptions / Brands: number, recto, printed: 'No. 32.' Manufacturer : Photographer: William Savage Place manufacture: Hursley Dating: about 1856 - or for 1866 Material: paper Technique: albumen print dimensions: photo: h 82 mm × W 116 mmToelichtingFoto page 151. Subject: grave, tomb where: HursleyWie John Keble
Crime - Jeremy Thorpe Trial - Old Bailey Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-crime-jeremy-thorpe-trial-old-bailey-107996204.html
RMG7KJ78–Crime - Jeremy Thorpe Trial - Old Bailey
Image from page 151 of 'Mr. Chaine's Sons. A novel' . Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/image-from-page-151-of-mr-chaines-sons-a-novel-image215814699.html
RMPF35RR–Image from page 151 of 'Mr. Chaine's Sons. A novel' .
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. 19th Oct, 2016. Las Vegas NV, USA. 19th Oct, 2016. (L-R) Mr. Las Vegas Wayne Newton and actor Scott Baio talk to the press after the debate Wednesday. Today will be the 3rd and final presidential debate between Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton at Las Vegas Nevada University. Photo by Gene BlevinsZumaPress Credit: Gene Blevins/ZUMA Wire/Alamy Live News Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-las-vegas-nevada-usa-19th-oct-2016-las-vegas-nv-usa-19th-oct-2016-123876419.html
RMH5F1HR–Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. 19th Oct, 2016. Las Vegas NV, USA. 19th Oct, 2016. (L-R) Mr. Las Vegas Wayne Newton and actor Scott Baio talk to the press after the debate Wednesday. Today will be the 3rd and final presidential debate between Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton at Las Vegas Nevada University. Photo by Gene BlevinsZumaPress Credit: Gene Blevins/ZUMA Wire/Alamy Live News
The rubber tree book . 151 - r -m-im :^^?l z^(fc^ XT MR Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-rubber-tree-book-151-r-m-im-l-zfc-xt-mr-image342777253.html
RM2AWJRTN–The rubber tree book . 151 - r -m-im :^^?l z^(fc^ XT MR
London, UK. 11th Dec, 2019. Jeremy Corbyn delivers a speech on the final day of the 2019 General Election campaign.Former Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn has been suspended from the party and has had the whip removed after his reaction to an anti-Semitism report. Labour suspended Mr Corbyn after an inquiry found the party responsible for ''unlawful'' harassment and discrimination when he was leader. However, Mr Corbyn said the scale of anti-Semitism within Labour had been ''dramatically overstated''. Labour then said it was suspending him for a ''failure to retract'' his rema Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/london-uk-11th-dec-2019-jeremy-corbyn-delivers-a-speech-on-the-final-day-of-the-2019-general-election-campaignformer-labour-party-leader-jeremy-corbyn-has-been-suspended-from-the-party-and-has-had-the-whip-removed-after-his-reaction-to-an-anti-semitism-report-labour-suspended-mr-corbyn-after-an-inquiry-found-the-party-responsible-for-unlawful-harassment-and-discrimination-when-he-was-leader-however-mr-corbyn-said-the-scale-of-anti-semitism-within-labour-had-been-dramatically-overstated-labour-then-said-it-was-suspending-him-for-a-failure-to-retract-his-rema-image383864062.html
RM2D8EEEP–London, UK. 11th Dec, 2019. Jeremy Corbyn delivers a speech on the final day of the 2019 General Election campaign.Former Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn has been suspended from the party and has had the whip removed after his reaction to an anti-Semitism report. Labour suspended Mr Corbyn after an inquiry found the party responsible for ''unlawful'' harassment and discrimination when he was leader. However, Mr Corbyn said the scale of anti-Semitism within Labour had been ''dramatically overstated''. Labour then said it was suspending him for a ''failure to retract'' his rema
Anonymous, British, 19th century, Galatea Married – Restored by Mr. Punch from one of the Elgin Bas-Reliefs representing the fragment of a Wheel (Punch, or the London Charivari, April 14, 1866, p. 151), Anonymous, British, 19th century, 1866, Wood engraving, Sheet: 4 1/2 x 6 13/16 in. (11.5 x 17.3 cm), Prints Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/anonymous-british-19th-century-galatea-married-restored-by-mr-punch-from-one-of-the-elgin-bas-reliefs-representing-the-fragment-of-a-wheel-punch-or-the-london-charivari-april-14-1866-p-151-anonymous-british-19th-century-1866-wood-engraving-sheet-4-12-x-6-1316-in-115-x-173-cm-prints-image344623026.html
RM2B0JX56–Anonymous, British, 19th century, Galatea Married – Restored by Mr. Punch from one of the Elgin Bas-Reliefs representing the fragment of a Wheel (Punch, or the London Charivari, April 14, 1866, p. 151), Anonymous, British, 19th century, 1866, Wood engraving, Sheet: 4 1/2 x 6 13/16 in. (11.5 x 17.3 cm), Prints
The World Championship Fly-casting Tournament of the British Casting Association is taking place at the Ranelagh Club, Barnes. Mr Arthur Neu, American champion in accuracy casting, casting watched by Mr Marvin Hedge, American and world champion trout caster with a cast of 151 ft. 17 July 1937 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-world-championship-fly-casting-tournament-of-the-british-casting-association-is-taking-place-at-the-ranelagh-club-barnes-mr-arthur-neu-american-champion-in-accuracy-casting-casting-watched-by-mr-marvin-hedge-american-and-world-champion-trout-caster-with-a-cast-of-151-ft-17-july-1937-image359617745.html
RM2BW202W–The World Championship Fly-casting Tournament of the British Casting Association is taking place at the Ranelagh Club, Barnes. Mr Arthur Neu, American champion in accuracy casting, casting watched by Mr Marvin Hedge, American and world champion trout caster with a cast of 151 ft. 17 July 1937
San Francisco, CA, USA. 25th Nov, 2013. ADRAIN BABET, 11, of Santa Cruz, California holds a protest sign aloft during the November 25th visit to San Francisco, California by President BARRACK OBAMA. Mr. OBAMA was greeted by protestors voicing a variety of issues during his visit today to the San Francisco Jazz Center in San Francisco, California. Most heavily represented were those voicing opposition to the use of drones and ongoing wars, the Keystone pipeline, and NSA spying. Credit: ZUMA Press, Inc./Alamy Live News Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/san-francisco-ca-usa-25th-nov-2013-adrain-babet-11-of-santa-cruz-california-image62920039.html
RMDJA747–San Francisco, CA, USA. 25th Nov, 2013. ADRAIN BABET, 11, of Santa Cruz, California holds a protest sign aloft during the November 25th visit to San Francisco, California by President BARRACK OBAMA. Mr. OBAMA was greeted by protestors voicing a variety of issues during his visit today to the San Francisco Jazz Center in San Francisco, California. Most heavily represented were those voicing opposition to the use of drones and ongoing wars, the Keystone pipeline, and NSA spying. Credit: ZUMA Press, Inc./Alamy Live News
Church of St. Mary in Toscanella. Ambon and Baptismal Fonts, Baptismal font and ambo of the church of Santa Maria Maggiore in Toscanella, signed: d'après Mr. Alb., Lenoir, J. Bury del et sc, Fig. 42, p. 151, Lenoir, Albert (inv.), Bury, Jean Baptiste Marie (del. d'après Albert Lenoir et sc.), 1853, Jules Gailhabaud: Monuments anciens et modernes: collection formant une histoire de l'architecture des différents peuples à toutes les époques. Paris: Librairie de Firmin Didot frères, 1853, Reimagined by Gibon, design of warm cheerful glowing of brightness and light rays radiance. Classic art reinv Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/church-of-st-mary-in-toscanella-ambon-and-baptismal-fonts-baptismal-font-and-ambo-of-the-church-of-santa-maria-maggiore-in-toscanella-signed-daprs-mr-alb-lenoir-j-bury-del-et-sc-fig-42-p-151-lenoir-albert-inv-bury-jean-baptiste-marie-del-daprs-albert-lenoir-et-sc-1853-jules-gailhabaud-monuments-anciens-et-modernes-collection-formant-une-histoire-de-larchitecture-des-diffrents-peuples-toutes-les-poques-paris-librairie-de-firmin-didot-frres-1853-reimagined-by-gibon-design-of-warm-cheerful-glowing-of-brightness-and-light-rays-radiance-classic-art-reinv-image349827092.html
RF2B9400M–Church of St. Mary in Toscanella. Ambon and Baptismal Fonts, Baptismal font and ambo of the church of Santa Maria Maggiore in Toscanella, signed: d'après Mr. Alb., Lenoir, J. Bury del et sc, Fig. 42, p. 151, Lenoir, Albert (inv.), Bury, Jean Baptiste Marie (del. d'après Albert Lenoir et sc.), 1853, Jules Gailhabaud: Monuments anciens et modernes: collection formant une histoire de l'architecture des différents peuples à toutes les époques. Paris: Librairie de Firmin Didot frères, 1853, Reimagined by Gibon, design of warm cheerful glowing of brightness and light rays radiance. Classic art reinv
. English: The sculptor Charles Dupaty (1771-1825) 230 x 151 mm 19th century Black lead inscribed on the reverse: essiné à Rome 1815 par Ingres / Mr.. Chs.. Dupaty . 19th century. Circle of Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres 123 Charles Dupaty (1771-1825) by Circle of Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/english-the-sculptor-charles-dupaty-1771-1825-230-x-151-mm-19th-century-black-lead-inscribed-on-the-reverse-essin-rome-1815-par-ingres-mr-chs-dupaty-19th-century-circle-of-jean-auguste-dominique-ingres-123-charles-dupaty-1771-1825-by-circle-of-jean-auguste-dominique-ingres-image187563169.html
RMMW46MH–. English: The sculptor Charles Dupaty (1771-1825) 230 x 151 mm 19th century Black lead inscribed on the reverse: essiné à Rome 1815 par Ingres / Mr.. Chs.. Dupaty . 19th century. Circle of Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres 123 Charles Dupaty (1771-1825) by Circle of Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres,
people Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/people-image7213980.html
Izmir, Izmir, Turkiye. 22nd Mar, 2023. These vehicles, which are the stars of the 90s from subculture to families, are still a symbol of expression and rebellion, as well as being a vehicle for some members of the society in Turkey''¦ Mr Oguz; the young person in the photo, loves his vehicle very much. He cleans it every evening after daily use in Bornova district of Izmir''¦ The Tofas Murat 131, Sahin, Dogan, and Kartal are Turkish versions of the old Fiat 131 (older models) automobile made in the Turk Otomobil Fabrikasi A.S. factory in Bursa, Turkey. While dogan means ''falcon'' in Turkish, Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/izmir-izmir-turkiye-22nd-mar-2023-these-vehicles-which-are-the-stars-of-the-90s-from-subculture-to-families-are-still-a-symbol-of-expression-and-rebellion-as-well-as-being-a-vehicle-for-some-members-of-the-society-in-turkey-mr-oguz-the-young-person-in-the-photo-loves-his-vehicle-very-much-he-cleans-it-every-evening-after-daily-use-in-bornova-district-of-izmir-the-tofas-murat-131-sahin-dogan-and-kartal-are-turkish-versions-of-the-old-fiat-131-older-models-automobile-made-in-the-turk-otomobil-fabrikasi-as-factory-in-bursa-turkey-while-dogan-means-falcon-in-turkish-image543699749.html
RM2PGFJG5–Izmir, Izmir, Turkiye. 22nd Mar, 2023. These vehicles, which are the stars of the 90s from subculture to families, are still a symbol of expression and rebellion, as well as being a vehicle for some members of the society in Turkey''¦ Mr Oguz; the young person in the photo, loves his vehicle very much. He cleans it every evening after daily use in Bornova district of Izmir''¦ The Tofas Murat 131, Sahin, Dogan, and Kartal are Turkish versions of the old Fiat 131 (older models) automobile made in the Turk Otomobil Fabrikasi A.S. factory in Bursa, Turkey. While dogan means ''falcon'' in Turkish,
. The cyclopædia of anatomy and physiology. Anatomy; Physiology; Zoology. REN. 241 empty, they cannot be distinguished from the fibrous tissue in which they are imbedded; it Fig. 151.. Section of the kidney, showing the relation of the tubes and blood-vessels to the fibrous matrix. «, portion of a tube; b, section of a blood-vessel; c, fibrous matrix. Magnified 100 diameters: from a specimen prepared by Mr. Bowman. is only by the contrast of their colour when filled with blood, or with injection, that it can be ascertained that, in addition to the capil- lary vessels which surround the tubes, Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-cyclopdia-of-anatomy-and-physiology-anatomy-physiology-zoology-ren-241-empty-they-cannot-be-distinguished-from-the-fibrous-tissue-in-which-they-are-imbedded-it-fig-151-section-of-the-kidney-showing-the-relation-of-the-tubes-and-blood-vessels-to-the-fibrous-matrix-portion-of-a-tube-b-section-of-a-blood-vessel-c-fibrous-matrix-magnified-100-diameters-from-a-specimen-prepared-by-mr-bowman-is-only-by-the-contrast-of-their-colour-when-filled-with-blood-or-with-injection-that-it-can-be-ascertained-that-in-addition-to-the-capil-lary-vessels-which-surround-the-tubes-image216210741.html
RMPFN705–. The cyclopædia of anatomy and physiology. Anatomy; Physiology; Zoology. REN. 241 empty, they cannot be distinguished from the fibrous tissue in which they are imbedded; it Fig. 151.. Section of the kidney, showing the relation of the tubes and blood-vessels to the fibrous matrix. «, portion of a tube; b, section of a blood-vessel; c, fibrous matrix. Magnified 100 diameters: from a specimen prepared by Mr. Bowman. is only by the contrast of their colour when filled with blood, or with injection, that it can be ascertained that, in addition to the capil- lary vessels which surround the tubes,
Los Angeles, USA. 24th Jan, 2017. Celebrating Bowie Tour live at the Wiltern Theatre featuring friends and former bandmates of David Bowie including Mike Garson, Earl Slick, Adrian Belew, Mark Plati, Gail Ann Dorsey, Sterling Campbell, Holly Palmer and Carmine Rojas. Guest artists included Gavin Rossdale from Bush, Joe Elliott from Def Leppard and Perry Farrell from Jane's Addiction along with Angelo Moore from Fishbone, Latin Grammy Award Winner Gaby Moreno, Bernard Fowler from The Rolling Stones and Mr Hudson from Duran Duran. Credit: ZUMA Press, Inc./Alamy Live News Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-los-angeles-usa-24th-jan-2017-celebrating-bowie-tour-live-at-the-wiltern-131670878.html
RMHJ63FA–Los Angeles, USA. 24th Jan, 2017. Celebrating Bowie Tour live at the Wiltern Theatre featuring friends and former bandmates of David Bowie including Mike Garson, Earl Slick, Adrian Belew, Mark Plati, Gail Ann Dorsey, Sterling Campbell, Holly Palmer and Carmine Rojas. Guest artists included Gavin Rossdale from Bush, Joe Elliott from Def Leppard and Perry Farrell from Jane's Addiction along with Angelo Moore from Fishbone, Latin Grammy Award Winner Gaby Moreno, Bernard Fowler from The Rolling Stones and Mr Hudson from Duran Duran. Credit: ZUMA Press, Inc./Alamy Live News
COLD FORGED PRODUCT. Fluted Tire Bolt COLD LOCK CAP SCREWS SIDE KNOB SCREWS THREADED WIRES E L AMERICAN SCREW COMPANY PROVIDENCE R. I. SAW S 8t. CHAL R FRASER MES 'Wise men ATENTS! U KODAKS. Take one with You to the World's Fair. Eastman Kodak Co. COLD ROLLEDSHEET AND STRIP STEEL prcATZNIT They Buy Columbia Bicycles. MR. BOOKKEEPER tOmeter 151 It costs you nothing accuracy is twice as rapid as the 31G3 OURS' ASIST B0; NEW YORK. CRON PHILADELPHIA: MEM Buggies Wagons Carriages Safes Sleighs Harness Cart TopsSkids Sewing Machines Accordeons (Organs Pianos Cider Mills Cash Drawers Feed Mills Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/cold-forged-product-fluted-tire-bolt-cold-lock-cap-screws-side-knob-screws-threaded-wires-e-l-american-screw-company-providence-r-i-saw-s-8t-chal-r-fraser-mes-wise-men-atents!-u-kodaks-take-one-with-you-to-the-worlds-fair-eastman-kodak-co-cold-rolledsheet-and-strip-steel-prcatznit-they-buy-columbia-bicycles-mr-bookkeeper-tometer-151-it-costs-you-nothing-accuracy-is-twice-as-rapid-as-the-31g3-ours-asist-b0-new-york-cron-philadelphia-mem-buggies-wagons-carriages-safes-sleighs-harness-cart-topsskids-sewing-machines-accordeons-organs-pianos-cider-mills-cash-drawers-feed-mills-image334336801.html
RM2ABXA01–COLD FORGED PRODUCT. Fluted Tire Bolt COLD LOCK CAP SCREWS SIDE KNOB SCREWS THREADED WIRES E L AMERICAN SCREW COMPANY PROVIDENCE R. I. SAW S 8t. CHAL R FRASER MES 'Wise men ATENTS! U KODAKS. Take one with You to the World's Fair. Eastman Kodak Co. COLD ROLLEDSHEET AND STRIP STEEL prcATZNIT They Buy Columbia Bicycles. MR. BOOKKEEPER tOmeter 151 It costs you nothing accuracy is twice as rapid as the 31G3 OURS' ASIST B0; NEW YORK. CRON PHILADELPHIA: MEM Buggies Wagons Carriages Safes Sleighs Harness Cart TopsSkids Sewing Machines Accordeons (Organs Pianos Cider Mills Cash Drawers Feed Mills
Gezicht op een landschap met bomen en een water Einsam (titel op object) View of a landscape with trees and a waterEinsam (title object) Property Type: photomechanical print page Item number: RP-F 2001-7-968-1-112 Inscriptions / Brands: monogram, recto, printed: 'MR / & Co' Manufacturer : photographer: George Einbeck (listed building) clichémaker: Riffarth & Co Meisenbach (possible) Place manufacture: Berlin Date: c.1893 - or for 1898 Material: paper Technique: autotypie Dimensions: print: h 151 mm × b 80 mmToelichtingPrent page 227. Subject: tree Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/gezicht-op-een-landschap-met-bomen-en-een-water-einsam-titel-op-object-view-of-a-landscape-with-trees-and-a-watereinsam-title-object-property-type-photomechanical-print-page-item-number-rp-f-2001-7-968-1-112-inscriptions-brands-monogram-recto-printed-mr-co-manufacturer-photographer-george-einbeck-listed-building-clichmaker-riffarth-co-meisenbach-possible-place-manufacture-berlin-date-c1893-or-for-1898-material-paper-technique-autotypie-dimensions-print-h-151-mm-b-80-mmtoelichtingprent-page-227-subject-tree-image348404608.html
RM2B6R5HM–Gezicht op een landschap met bomen en een water Einsam (titel op object) View of a landscape with trees and a waterEinsam (title object) Property Type: photomechanical print page Item number: RP-F 2001-7-968-1-112 Inscriptions / Brands: monogram, recto, printed: 'MR / & Co' Manufacturer : photographer: George Einbeck (listed building) clichémaker: Riffarth & Co Meisenbach (possible) Place manufacture: Berlin Date: c.1893 - or for 1898 Material: paper Technique: autotypie Dimensions: print: h 151 mm × b 80 mmToelichtingPrent page 227. Subject: tree
Model released , Wachhund ueberwaeltigt Einbrecher - watchdog overwhelms a housebreaker Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-model-released-wachhund-ueberwaeltigt-einbrecher-watchdog-overwhelms-134369216.html
RMHPH18G–Model released , Wachhund ueberwaeltigt Einbrecher - watchdog overwhelms a housebreaker
Image from page 151 of 'Prose and Verse ... Written and published in the course of fifty years, 1836-1886. [A collection in 20 volumes made by Mr. Linton of all his pamphlets and contributions to newspapers, magazines, etc0001. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/image-from-page-151-of-prose-and-verse-written-and-published-in-the-course-of-fifty-years-1836-1886-a-collection-in-20-volumes-made-by-mr-linton-of-all-his-pamphlets-and-contributions-to-newspapers-magazines-etc0001-image216659460.html
RMPGDK9T–Image from page 151 of 'Prose and Verse ... Written and published in the course of fifty years, 1836-1886. [A collection in 20 volumes made by Mr. Linton of all his pamphlets and contributions to newspapers, magazines, etc0001.
Model released, Liebespaar liegt in der Wiese - love couple lying in meadow Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-model-released-liebespaar-liegt-in-der-wiese-love-couple-lying-in-134153400.html
RMHP760T–Model released, Liebespaar liegt in der Wiese - love couple lying in meadow
The rubber tree book . 151 - r -m-im :^^?l z^(fc^ XT MR. Diagram of Cross-section through Untapped Stem (Outer Part)?of a Six-year-old Hevea. (Magnified 12 times.) B, Barkproper. St, Groups of hardened cells in cortex. MR,Layers of laticiferous vessels in cortex. C, Cambium. G,Some of water-conducting vessels in wood. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-rubber-tree-book-151-r-m-im-l-zfc-xt-mr-diagram-of-cross-section-through-untapped-stem-outer-partof-a-six-year-old-hevea-magnified-12-times-b-barkproper-st-groups-of-hardened-cells-in-cortex-mrlayers-of-laticiferous-vessels-in-cortex-c-cambium-gsome-of-water-conducting-vessels-in-wood-image342776916.html
RM2AWJRCM–The rubber tree book . 151 - r -m-im :^^?l z^(fc^ XT MR. Diagram of Cross-section through Untapped Stem (Outer Part)?of a Six-year-old Hevea. (Magnified 12 times.) B, Barkproper. St, Groups of hardened cells in cortex. MR,Layers of laticiferous vessels in cortex. C, Cambium. G,Some of water-conducting vessels in wood.
Model released , Vitale, junge Frau in Sportswear - sporty woman Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-model-released-vitale-junge-frau-in-sportswear-sporty-woman-134397078.html
RMHPJ8RJ–Model released , Vitale, junge Frau in Sportswear - sporty woman
View of the Kloveniersburgwal with the Trippenhuis and the Waag on the Nieuwmarkt, 't Huis van Mr. Mayor Trip; and St. Anthonis Waag (title on object), print, print maker: anonymous, publisher: Nicolaas ten Hoorn, Amsterdam, 1726, paper, etching, engraving, height, 151 mm × width, 187 mm Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/view-of-the-kloveniersburgwal-with-the-trippenhuis-and-the-waag-on-the-nieuwmarkt-t-huis-van-mr-mayor-trip-and-st-anthonis-waag-title-on-object-print-print-maker-anonymous-publisher-nicolaas-ten-hoorn-amsterdam-1726-paper-etching-engraving-height-151-mm-width-187-mm-image606665711.html
RM2X7008F–View of the Kloveniersburgwal with the Trippenhuis and the Waag on the Nieuwmarkt, 't Huis van Mr. Mayor Trip; and St. Anthonis Waag (title on object), print, print maker: anonymous, publisher: Nicolaas ten Hoorn, Amsterdam, 1726, paper, etching, engraving, height, 151 mm × width, 187 mm
. English: The sculptor Charles Dupaty (1771-1825) 230 x 151 mm 19th century Black lead inscribed on the reverse: essiné à Rome 1815 par Ingres / Mr.. Chs.. Dupaty . 19th century. Circle of Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres 123 Charles Dupaty (1771-1825) by Circle of Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/english-the-sculptor-charles-dupaty-1771-1825-230-x-151-mm-19th-century-black-lead-inscribed-on-the-reverse-essin-rome-1815-par-ingres-mr-chs-dupaty-19th-century-circle-of-jean-auguste-dominique-ingres-123-charles-dupaty-1771-1825-by-circle-of-jean-auguste-dominique-ingres-image188087135.html
RMMX031K–. English: The sculptor Charles Dupaty (1771-1825) 230 x 151 mm 19th century Black lead inscribed on the reverse: essiné à Rome 1815 par Ingres / Mr.. Chs.. Dupaty . 19th century. Circle of Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres 123 Charles Dupaty (1771-1825) by Circle of Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres,
. A practical treatise on the use of the microscope, including the different methods of preparing and examining animal, vegetable, and mineral structures. Microscopes; Microscopy. ACCESSORY INSTRUMENTS. 151 quite fall or nearly empty, the light is perfectly uniform, which is not the case with the Cambridge lamp before men- tioned, unless it be constructed upon the plan of Mr. Spencer, described in page 157. The author for many years has used a emaU French fountain lamp, fig. 107; it has an exceedingly small wick, always burns well, and gives an excellent light, and the consumption of oil being Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/a-practical-treatise-on-the-use-of-the-microscope-including-the-different-methods-of-preparing-and-examining-animal-vegetable-and-mineral-structures-microscopes-microscopy-accessory-instruments-151-quite-fall-or-nearly-empty-the-light-is-perfectly-uniform-which-is-not-the-case-with-the-cambridge-lamp-before-men-tioned-unless-it-be-constructed-upon-the-plan-of-mr-spencer-described-in-page-157-the-author-for-many-years-has-used-a-emau-french-fountain-lamp-fig-107-it-has-an-exceedingly-small-wick-always-burns-well-and-gives-an-excellent-light-and-the-consumption-of-oil-being-image216449728.html
RMPG43RC–. A practical treatise on the use of the microscope, including the different methods of preparing and examining animal, vegetable, and mineral structures. Microscopes; Microscopy. ACCESSORY INSTRUMENTS. 151 quite fall or nearly empty, the light is perfectly uniform, which is not the case with the Cambridge lamp before men- tioned, unless it be constructed upon the plan of Mr. Spencer, described in page 157. The author for many years has used a emaU French fountain lamp, fig. 107; it has an exceedingly small wick, always burns well, and gives an excellent light, and the consumption of oil being
'Coiffure' decorated with acacia flowers from the shops of Mr. Cartier, conducted by Mr. Victor. Gown 'poult de soie' from the studios of Boussard. Accessories: earrings, long gloves, fan, shoes with square toes and crossed straps (cothurnes). Print out the fashion magazine Le Messager des Dames (17-11-1832 to 16-5-1833) . Manufacturer : printmaker: anonieminkleurder J. Caron (listed property) Place manufacture: Paris Date: 1832 Physical features: engra, hand-colored material : paper Technique: engra (printing process) / hand-color measurements: sheet: h 240 mm × W 151 mm Subject: dress, gown Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/coiffure-decorated-with-acacia-flowers-from-the-shops-of-mr-cartier-conducted-by-mr-victor-gown-poult-de-soie-from-the-studios-of-boussard-accessories-earrings-long-gloves-fan-shoes-with-square-toes-and-crossed-straps-cothurnes-print-out-the-fashion-magazine-le-messager-des-dames-17-11-1832-to-16-5-1833-manufacturer-printmaker-anonieminkleurder-j-caron-listed-property-place-manufacture-paris-date-1832-physical-features-engra-hand-colored-material-paper-technique-engra-printing-process-hand-color-measurements-sheet-h-240-mm-w-151-mm-subject-dress-gown-image348552517.html
RM2B71X85–'Coiffure' decorated with acacia flowers from the shops of Mr. Cartier, conducted by Mr. Victor. Gown 'poult de soie' from the studios of Boussard. Accessories: earrings, long gloves, fan, shoes with square toes and crossed straps (cothurnes). Print out the fashion magazine Le Messager des Dames (17-11-1832 to 16-5-1833) . Manufacturer : printmaker: anonieminkleurder J. Caron (listed property) Place manufacture: Paris Date: 1832 Physical features: engra, hand-colored material : paper Technique: engra (printing process) / hand-color measurements: sheet: h 240 mm × W 151 mm Subject: dress, gown
Image from page 151 of 'Hungary and Transylvania; with remarks on their condition, social, political and economical . With numerous illustrations from sketches by Mr. Hering' . Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/image-from-page-151-of-hungary-and-transylvania-with-remarks-on-their-condition-social-political-and-economical-with-numerous-illustrations-from-sketches-by-mr-hering-image219770349.html
RMPNFB91–Image from page 151 of 'Hungary and Transylvania; with remarks on their condition, social, political and economical . With numerous illustrations from sketches by Mr. Hering' .
History of Pittsburgh and environs, from prehistoric days to the beginning of the American revolution .. . BIOGRAPHICAL 151 the active practice of his profession, establishing him-self in Pittsburgh, where he has since continuouslyremained. He devoted himself to general law, andunswerving fidelity to the trusts committed to him hasplaced him in possession of a large and constantlyincreasing clientele. In early manhood Mr. Adams associated himself withthe Republican party, and has never failed in his alle-giance. From 1907 to 1909 he served as State repre-sentative, demonstrating so fully his p Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/history-of-pittsburgh-and-environs-from-prehistoric-days-to-the-beginning-of-the-american-revolution-biographical-151-the-active-practice-of-his-profession-establishing-him-self-in-pittsburgh-where-he-has-since-continuouslyremained-he-devoted-himself-to-general-law-andunswerving-fidelity-to-the-trusts-committed-to-him-hasplaced-him-in-possession-of-a-large-and-constantlyincreasing-clientele-in-early-manhood-mr-adams-associated-himself-withthe-republican-party-and-has-never-failed-in-his-alle-giance-from-1907-to-1909-he-served-as-state-repre-sentative-demonstrating-so-fully-his-p-image339120744.html
RM2AKM7Y4–History of Pittsburgh and environs, from prehistoric days to the beginning of the American revolution .. . BIOGRAPHICAL 151 the active practice of his profession, establishing him-self in Pittsburgh, where he has since continuouslyremained. He devoted himself to general law, andunswerving fidelity to the trusts committed to him hasplaced him in possession of a large and constantlyincreasing clientele. In early manhood Mr. Adams associated himself withthe Republican party, and has never failed in his alle-giance. From 1907 to 1909 he served as State repre-sentative, demonstrating so fully his p
Church of St. Mary in Toscanella. Ambon and Baptismal Fonts, Baptismal font and ambo of the church of Santa Maria Maggiore in Toscanella, signed: d'après Mr. Alb., Lenoir, J. Bury del et sc, Fig. 42, p. 151, Lenoir, Albert (inv.); Bury, Jean Baptiste Marie (del. d'après Albert Lenoir et sc.), 1853, Jules Gailhabaud: Monuments anciens et modernes: collection formant une histoire de l'architecture des différents peuples à toutes les époques. Paris: Librairie de Firmin Didot frères, 1853 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/church-of-st-mary-in-toscanella-ambon-and-baptismal-fonts-baptismal-font-and-ambo-of-the-church-of-santa-maria-maggiore-in-toscanella-signed-daprs-mr-alb-lenoir-j-bury-del-et-sc-fig-42-p-151-lenoir-albert-inv-bury-jean-baptiste-marie-del-daprs-albert-lenoir-et-sc-1853-jules-gailhabaud-monuments-anciens-et-modernes-collection-formant-une-histoire-de-larchitecture-des-diffrents-peuples-toutes-les-poques-paris-librairie-de-firmin-didot-frres-1853-image328762518.html
RM2A2TBXE–Church of St. Mary in Toscanella. Ambon and Baptismal Fonts, Baptismal font and ambo of the church of Santa Maria Maggiore in Toscanella, signed: d'après Mr. Alb., Lenoir, J. Bury del et sc, Fig. 42, p. 151, Lenoir, Albert (inv.); Bury, Jean Baptiste Marie (del. d'après Albert Lenoir et sc.), 1853, Jules Gailhabaud: Monuments anciens et modernes: collection formant une histoire de l'architecture des différents peuples à toutes les époques. Paris: Librairie de Firmin Didot frères, 1853
. English: The sculptor Charles Dupaty (1771-1825) 230 x 151 mm 19th century Black lead inscribed on the reverse: essiné à Rome 1815 par Ingres / Mr.. Chs.. Dupaty . 19th century. Circle of Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres 106 Charles Dupaty (1771-1825) by Circle of Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/english-the-sculptor-charles-dupaty-1771-1825-230-x-151-mm-19th-century-black-lead-inscribed-on-the-reverse-essin-rome-1815-par-ingres-mr-chs-dupaty-19th-century-circle-of-jean-auguste-dominique-ingres-106-charles-dupaty-1771-1825-by-circle-of-jean-auguste-dominique-ingres-image188818310.html
RMMY5BK2–. English: The sculptor Charles Dupaty (1771-1825) 230 x 151 mm 19th century Black lead inscribed on the reverse: essiné à Rome 1815 par Ingres / Mr.. Chs.. Dupaty . 19th century. Circle of Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres 106 Charles Dupaty (1771-1825) by Circle of Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres,
Newspaper clipping regarding John Levison illegally making copies of and selling work by artist William J. Hays. Transcription: [William] Levison ?s brother [John Levison], referred to in page 151. An odious style of individual generally. [newspaper clipping] Mr. John Levison is a picture auctioneer, and taking a fancy to one of Mr. [William J.] Hays ?s creations, of which the artist had published a lithograph, he has copies made in oil and sells them under the hammer for what they will bring. To this, Mr. Hays most naturally objects; in the first place, objects to have these daubs palmed off Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/newspaper-clipping-regarding-john-levison-illegally-making-copies-of-and-selling-work-by-artist-william-j-hays-transcription-william-levison-s-brother-john-levison-referred-to-in-page-151-an-odious-style-of-individual-generally-newspaper-clipping-mr-john-levison-is-a-picture-auctioneer-and-taking-a-fancy-to-one-of-mr-william-j-hays-s-creations-of-which-the-artist-had-published-a-lithograph-he-has-copies-made-in-oil-and-sells-them-under-the-hammer-for-what-they-will-bring-to-this-mr-hays-most-naturally-objects-in-the-first-place-objects-to-have-these-daubs-palmed-off-image178683995.html
RMMAKN77–Newspaper clipping regarding John Levison illegally making copies of and selling work by artist William J. Hays. Transcription: [William] Levison ?s brother [John Levison], referred to in page 151. An odious style of individual generally. [newspaper clipping] Mr. John Levison is a picture auctioneer, and taking a fancy to one of Mr. [William J.] Hays ?s creations, of which the artist had published a lithograph, he has copies made in oil and sells them under the hammer for what they will bring. To this, Mr. Hays most naturally objects; in the first place, objects to have these daubs palmed off
. Fresh-water rhizopods of North America. Rhizopoda; Freshwater animals. GENUS NEBELA—NEBELA COLLAEIS. 151 In all other respects, the forms agree with the varieties of N. collaris, hut I have never met with specimens in which the shell was otherwise than com- pressed. Mr. Carter, in the same work, described a form under the name of Difflugia peltigeracea, which probably also belongs to the same animal as Nebela collaris. The nature of the singularly varied shell of Nebela collaris I have not been able to determine with any satisfaction. In the characteristic forms, the elements of structure, t Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/fresh-water-rhizopods-of-north-america-rhizopoda-freshwater-animals-genus-nebelanebela-collaeis-151-in-all-other-respects-the-forms-agree-with-the-varieties-of-n-collaris-hut-i-have-never-met-with-specimens-in-which-the-shell-was-otherwise-than-com-pressed-mr-carter-in-the-same-work-described-a-form-under-the-name-of-difflugia-peltigeracea-which-probably-also-belongs-to-the-same-animal-as-nebela-collaris-the-nature-of-the-singularly-varied-shell-of-nebela-collaris-i-have-not-been-able-to-determine-with-any-satisfaction-in-the-characteristic-forms-the-elements-of-structure-t-image216365301.html
RMPG0845–. Fresh-water rhizopods of North America. Rhizopoda; Freshwater animals. GENUS NEBELA—NEBELA COLLAEIS. 151 In all other respects, the forms agree with the varieties of N. collaris, hut I have never met with specimens in which the shell was otherwise than com- pressed. Mr. Carter, in the same work, described a form under the name of Difflugia peltigeracea, which probably also belongs to the same animal as Nebela collaris. The nature of the singularly varied shell of Nebela collaris I have not been able to determine with any satisfaction. In the characteristic forms, the elements of structure, t
Gezicht op drie mannen met een stuk steen met daarom een ketting View of three men with a piece of stone with a chain therefore object type: photomechanical print page Item number: RP-F 2001-7-968-3-151 Inscriptions / Brands: monogram, recto, printed: 'MR & Co ' Manufacture Creator: photographer: Ludwig David (listed building) clichémaker: Riffarth & Co Meisenbach (possible) printer: Wilhelm Knapp Verlag (listed building) publisher: Wilhelm Knapp Verlag (listed property) Place manufacture: clichémaker: Berlin publisher: Halle an der Saal Publisher: Halle an der Saal Dated: ca. 1895 - in or in Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/gezicht-op-drie-mannen-met-een-stuk-steen-met-daarom-een-ketting-view-of-three-men-with-a-piece-of-stone-with-a-chain-therefore-object-type-photomechanical-print-page-item-number-rp-f-2001-7-968-3-151-inscriptions-brands-monogram-recto-printed-mr-co-manufacture-creator-photographer-ludwig-david-listed-building-clichmaker-riffarth-co-meisenbach-possible-printer-wilhelm-knapp-verlag-listed-building-publisher-wilhelm-knapp-verlag-listed-property-place-manufacture-clichmaker-berlin-publisher-halle-an-der-saal-publisher-halle-an-der-saal-dated-ca-1895-in-or-in-image348401477.html
RM2B6R1HW–Gezicht op drie mannen met een stuk steen met daarom een ketting View of three men with a piece of stone with a chain therefore object type: photomechanical print page Item number: RP-F 2001-7-968-3-151 Inscriptions / Brands: monogram, recto, printed: 'MR & Co ' Manufacture Creator: photographer: Ludwig David (listed building) clichémaker: Riffarth & Co Meisenbach (possible) printer: Wilhelm Knapp Verlag (listed building) publisher: Wilhelm Knapp Verlag (listed property) Place manufacture: clichémaker: Berlin publisher: Halle an der Saal Publisher: Halle an der Saal Dated: ca. 1895 - in or in
Image from page 151 of 'Prose and Verse . Written and published in the course of fifty years, 1836-1886. [A collection in 20 volumes made by Mr. Linton of all his pamphlets and contributions to newspapers, magazines, etc.,0079. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/image-from-page-151-of-prose-and-verse-written-and-published-in-the-course-of-fifty-years-1836-1886-a-collection-in-20-volumes-made-by-mr-linton-of-all-his-pamphlets-and-contributions-to-newspapers-magazines-etc0079-image219770368.html
RMPNFB9M–Image from page 151 of 'Prose and Verse . Written and published in the course of fifty years, 1836-1886. [A collection in 20 volumes made by Mr. Linton of all his pamphlets and contributions to newspapers, magazines, etc.,0079.
The history of the San Francisco disaster and Mount Vesuvius horror . THE SAN FRANCISCO DISASTER 151 of Trustees were authorized to use the revenue fromthe 85,000 acres of land conveyed to the institution,but none of the land could be sold. All this was stip-ulated in the grant made by Mr. Stanford when hefirst conceived the general outline for the university. While the trustees had the management of the finan-cial part of the institution, the president was author-ized to carry on the management of the teaching forceand to lay out the curriculum and the mode of teach-ing. It was stated that th Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-history-of-the-san-francisco-disaster-and-mount-vesuvius-horror-the-san-francisco-disaster-151-of-trustees-were-authorized-to-use-the-revenue-fromthe-85000-acres-of-land-conveyed-to-the-institutionbut-none-of-the-land-could-be-sold-all-this-was-stip-ulated-in-the-grant-made-by-mr-stanford-when-hefirst-conceived-the-general-outline-for-the-university-while-the-trustees-had-the-management-of-the-finan-cial-part-of-the-institution-the-president-was-author-ized-to-carry-on-the-management-of-the-teaching-forceand-to-lay-out-the-curriculum-and-the-mode-of-teach-ing-it-was-stated-that-th-image339257979.html
RM2AKXF0B–The history of the San Francisco disaster and Mount Vesuvius horror . THE SAN FRANCISCO DISASTER 151 of Trustees were authorized to use the revenue fromthe 85,000 acres of land conveyed to the institution,but none of the land could be sold. All this was stip-ulated in the grant made by Mr. Stanford when hefirst conceived the general outline for the university. While the trustees had the management of the finan-cial part of the institution, the president was author-ized to carry on the management of the teaching forceand to lay out the curriculum and the mode of teach-ing. It was stated that th
Man plants crops, Title page for: Ambroise Paré, De chirurgie, ende alle de opera, ofte Wercken van Mr. Ambrosius Paré (...), 1627, Oval medallion with a man planting crops. Surrounding the motto: Ick have planted. Apollo has wet gemaect. Godt must give the growth. In the four corners are Faith with cross, Hope with anchor, Love with child and Strength (Sterche) with helmet., print maker: Christoffel van Sichem (II), (possibly), print maker: C. Visscher, (possibly), printer: Herman Theunisz Kranepoel, (mentioned on object), printer: Haarlem, publisher: Amsterdam, 1627, paper, letterpress print Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/man-plants-crops-title-page-for-ambroise-par-de-chirurgie-ende-alle-de-opera-ofte-wercken-van-mr-ambrosius-par-1627-oval-medallion-with-a-man-planting-crops-surrounding-the-motto-ick-have-planted-apollo-has-wet-gemaect-godt-must-give-the-growth-in-the-four-corners-are-faith-with-cross-hope-with-anchor-love-with-child-and-strength-sterche-with-helmet-print-maker-christoffel-van-sichem-ii-possibly-print-maker-c-visscher-possibly-printer-herman-theunisz-kranepoel-mentioned-on-object-printer-haarlem-publisher-amsterdam-1627-paper-letterpress-print-image473278470.html
RM2JDYKEE–Man plants crops, Title page for: Ambroise Paré, De chirurgie, ende alle de opera, ofte Wercken van Mr. Ambrosius Paré (...), 1627, Oval medallion with a man planting crops. Surrounding the motto: Ick have planted. Apollo has wet gemaect. Godt must give the growth. In the four corners are Faith with cross, Hope with anchor, Love with child and Strength (Sterche) with helmet., print maker: Christoffel van Sichem (II), (possibly), print maker: C. Visscher, (possibly), printer: Herman Theunisz Kranepoel, (mentioned on object), printer: Haarlem, publisher: Amsterdam, 1627, paper, letterpress print
. History of Hereford cattle : proven conclusively the oldest of improved breeds . Hereford cattle. HISTORY OF HEREFOED CATTLE 151 Herefords from Mr. Corning, and they were used as mountain teams at three years old, from grass, made 1,600 pound bullocks. A Mr. Gird took a half-blood Hereford to Colorado and he gave character and reputation to the cattle of his neighborhood, and Judge Wilcox, whose herd run with the descendants of this bull, said the calves from the quarter- blood were as good at two years old as the others were at three. We might repeat these influences almost without limit. A Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/history-of-hereford-cattle-proven-conclusively-the-oldest-of-improved-breeds-hereford-cattle-history-of-herefoed-cattle-151-herefords-from-mr-corning-and-they-were-used-as-mountain-teams-at-three-years-old-from-grass-made-1600-pound-bullocks-a-mr-gird-took-a-half-blood-hereford-to-colorado-and-he-gave-character-and-reputation-to-the-cattle-of-his-neighborhood-and-judge-wilcox-whose-herd-run-with-the-descendants-of-this-bull-said-the-calves-from-the-quarter-blood-were-as-good-at-two-years-old-as-the-others-were-at-three-we-might-repeat-these-influences-almost-without-limit-a-image216370348.html
RMPG0EGC–. History of Hereford cattle : proven conclusively the oldest of improved breeds . Hereford cattle. HISTORY OF HEREFOED CATTLE 151 Herefords from Mr. Corning, and they were used as mountain teams at three years old, from grass, made 1,600 pound bullocks. A Mr. Gird took a half-blood Hereford to Colorado and he gave character and reputation to the cattle of his neighborhood, and Judge Wilcox, whose herd run with the descendants of this bull, said the calves from the quarter- blood were as good at two years old as the others were at three. We might repeat these influences almost without limit. A
Image from page 151 of 'Ten Years in Equatoria and the Return with Emin Pasha . Translated . by the Hon. Mrs. J. Randolph Clay, assisted by Mr. I. Walter Savage Landor. With . illustrations and . maps. [With a portra0069. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/image-from-page-151-of-ten-years-in-equatoria-and-the-return-with-emin-pasha-translated-by-the-hon-mrs-j-randolph-clay-assisted-by-mr-i-walter-savage-landor-with-illustrations-and-maps-with-a-portra0069-image220032305.html
RMPNY9CH–Image from page 151 of 'Ten Years in Equatoria and the Return with Emin Pasha . Translated . by the Hon. Mrs. J. Randolph Clay, assisted by Mr. I. Walter Savage Landor. With . illustrations and . maps. [With a portra0069.
. Scottish geographical magazine. THE DEVELOPMENT OF RHODESIA. 151 buried. A railway has been built from Bulawayo to the Matopos bythe Trustees of the Rhodes Estate, as it was Mr. Rhodess -wish thatthe people of Bulawayo may enjoy the glory- of the Matapos from. Fig. 5.—Looking up the Gorge towards the Victoria Falls. The site of the RailwayBridge is indicated. Saturday to Monday. The grandeur of those hills is aptly described in the words of Mr. Rhodes when he called them The View of the World. The other renowned locality is that of the Great Zimbabwe. The historical associations of these anc Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/scottish-geographical-magazine-the-development-of-rhodesia-151-buried-a-railway-has-been-built-from-bulawayo-to-the-matopos-bythe-trustees-of-the-rhodes-estate-as-it-was-mr-rhodess-wish-thatthe-people-of-bulawayo-may-enjoy-the-glory-of-the-matapos-from-fig-5looking-up-the-gorge-towards-the-victoria-falls-the-site-of-the-railwaybridge-is-indicated-saturday-to-monday-the-grandeur-of-those-hills-is-aptly-described-in-the-words-of-mr-rhodes-when-he-called-them-the-view-of-the-world-the-other-renowned-locality-is-that-of-the-great-zimbabwe-the-historical-associations-of-these-anc-image337001585.html
RM2AG7MXW–. Scottish geographical magazine. THE DEVELOPMENT OF RHODESIA. 151 buried. A railway has been built from Bulawayo to the Matopos bythe Trustees of the Rhodes Estate, as it was Mr. Rhodess -wish thatthe people of Bulawayo may enjoy the glory- of the Matapos from. Fig. 5.—Looking up the Gorge towards the Victoria Falls. The site of the RailwayBridge is indicated. Saturday to Monday. The grandeur of those hills is aptly described in the words of Mr. Rhodes when he called them The View of the World. The other renowned locality is that of the Great Zimbabwe. The historical associations of these anc
Man plants crops, Title page for: Ambroise Paré, De chirurgie, ende alle de opera, ofte Wercken van Mr. Ambrosius Paré (...), 1627, Oval medallion with a man planting crops. Surrounding the motto: Ick have planted. Apollo has wet gemaect. Godt must give the growth. In the four corners are Faith with cross, Hope with anchor, Love with child and Strength (Sterche) with helmet., print maker: Christoffel van Sichem (II), (possibly), print maker: C. Visscher, (possibly), printer: Herman Theunisz Kranepoel, (mentioned on object), printer: Haarlem, publisher: Amsterdam, 1627, paper, letterpress print Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/man-plants-crops-title-page-for-ambroise-par-de-chirurgie-ende-alle-de-opera-ofte-wercken-van-mr-ambrosius-par-1627-oval-medallion-with-a-man-planting-crops-surrounding-the-motto-ick-have-planted-apollo-has-wet-gemaect-godt-must-give-the-growth-in-the-four-corners-are-faith-with-cross-hope-with-anchor-love-with-child-and-strength-sterche-with-helmet-print-maker-christoffel-van-sichem-ii-possibly-print-maker-c-visscher-possibly-printer-herman-theunisz-kranepoel-mentioned-on-object-printer-haarlem-publisher-amsterdam-1627-paper-letterpress-print-image473361176.html
RM2JE3D08–Man plants crops, Title page for: Ambroise Paré, De chirurgie, ende alle de opera, ofte Wercken van Mr. Ambrosius Paré (...), 1627, Oval medallion with a man planting crops. Surrounding the motto: Ick have planted. Apollo has wet gemaect. Godt must give the growth. In the four corners are Faith with cross, Hope with anchor, Love with child and Strength (Sterche) with helmet., print maker: Christoffel van Sichem (II), (possibly), print maker: C. Visscher, (possibly), printer: Herman Theunisz Kranepoel, (mentioned on object), printer: Haarlem, publisher: Amsterdam, 1627, paper, letterpress print
. The fruits of Ontario. Fruit-culture. 1905 FRUITS OF ONTARIO. 151 LOUISE {Louise Bonne de Jersey).. An excellent export pear if well grown. This and the Duchess have long held the first place as market varieties with grow- ers of dwarf pears in Ontario. Origin : at Avranches, France, about 1780, by Mr. Longueval, and named after Madam Louise de Longueval. About 1827, grafts were secured by Andre Leroy of Angers. The original tree is said to be still standing. Tree : hardy in southern Ontario, suc- ceeds better on quince than on pear stock ; a vigorous, upright grower ; very p reduc- tive, if Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-fruits-of-ontario-fruit-culture-1905-fruits-of-ontario-151-louise-louise-bonne-de-jersey-an-excellent-export-pear-if-well-grown-this-and-the-duchess-have-long-held-the-first-place-as-market-varieties-with-grow-ers-of-dwarf-pears-in-ontario-origin-at-avranches-france-about-1780-by-mr-longueval-and-named-after-madam-louise-de-longueval-about-1827-grafts-were-secured-by-andre-leroy-of-angers-the-original-tree-is-said-to-be-still-standing-tree-hardy-in-southern-ontario-suc-ceeds-better-on-quince-than-on-pear-stock-a-vigorous-upright-grower-very-p-reduc-tive-if-image216458155.html
RMPG4EGB–. The fruits of Ontario. Fruit-culture. 1905 FRUITS OF ONTARIO. 151 LOUISE {Louise Bonne de Jersey).. An excellent export pear if well grown. This and the Duchess have long held the first place as market varieties with grow- ers of dwarf pears in Ontario. Origin : at Avranches, France, about 1780, by Mr. Longueval, and named after Madam Louise de Longueval. About 1827, grafts were secured by Andre Leroy of Angers. The original tree is said to be still standing. Tree : hardy in southern Ontario, suc- ceeds better on quince than on pear stock ; a vigorous, upright grower ; very p reduc- tive, if
Image taken from page 151 of 'What Mr. Darwin saw in his Voyage round The World in the Ship u201cBeagle. u201d [Compiled and adapted from u201cJournal of Researches into the Geology and Natural History of the Various Countries v 0252. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/image-taken-from-page-151-of-what-mr-darwin-saw-in-his-voyage-round-the-world-in-the-ship-u201cbeagle-u201d-compiled-and-adapted-from-u201cjournal-of-researches-into-the-geology-and-natural-history-of-the-various-countries-v-0252-image215457519.html
RMPEEX7B–Image taken from page 151 of 'What Mr. Darwin saw in his Voyage round The World in the Ship u201cBeagle. u201d [Compiled and adapted from u201cJournal of Researches into the Geology and Natural History of the Various Countries v 0252.
Pictures of life & character . ?-r^^- -?--?-!? i-K^-^ COMING TO THE POINT. Lmcr. Sweet girl, let me—here—away from the busy hum of men—and where no mortal eye can see us—declare that passion which—which Ladv. There! for goodness sake get up, Mr. Tomkins, and dont be ridiculous —just consider all the tele-scopes from the parade!! 150. AWFUL SCENE ON THE CHAIN PIER, BRIGHTON. yhtrscmaid. Lawk! there goes Charley, and hes took his Marsparaic. What will Missus say? 151 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/pictures-of-life-character-r-!-i-k-coming-to-the-point-lmcr-sweet-girl-let-mehereaway-from-the-busy-hum-of-menand-where-no-mortal-eye-can-see-usdeclare-that-passion-whichwhich-ladv-there!-for-goodness-sake-get-up-mr-tomkins-and-dont-be-ridiculous-just-consider-all-the-tele-scopes-from-the-parade!!-150-awful-scene-on-the-chain-pier-brighton-yhtrscmaid-lawk!-there-goes-charley-and-hes-took-his-marsparaic-what-will-missus-say-151-image340033397.html
RM2AN5T1W–Pictures of life & character . ?-r^^- -?--?-!? i-K^-^ COMING TO THE POINT. Lmcr. Sweet girl, let me—here—away from the busy hum of men—and where no mortal eye can see us—declare that passion which—which Ladv. There! for goodness sake get up, Mr. Tomkins, and dont be ridiculous —just consider all the tele-scopes from the parade!! 150. AWFUL SCENE ON THE CHAIN PIER, BRIGHTON. yhtrscmaid. Lawk! there goes Charley, and hes took his Marsparaic. What will Missus say? 151
. Designing an optimum protected areas system for Sri Lanka's natural forests. Volume 1. 4i« '425 12 J53 lis p^iii 380 243 ^354 185 -380-. 264 151 434 333 n' 1>5 267 iT'rmi! 136 463 !ik;Sv-,vfe; 277 483 326 >V'' 496 142 148 4S6 395 407 434 109 101 ;;jgi;S'- 145 144 ^ .161 364 : 364 mr 2 138 i. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. IUCN, WCMC, FAO. Sri Lanka Forest Dept. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/designing-an-optimum-protected-areas-system-for-sri-lankas-natural-forests-volume-1-4i-425-12-j53-lis-piii-380-243-354-185-380-264-151-434-333-n-1gt5-267-itrmi!-136-463-!iksv-vfe-277-483-326-gtv-496-142-148-4s6-395-407-434-109-101-jgis-145-144-161-364-364-mr-2-138-i-please-note-that-these-images-are-extracted-from-scanned-page-images-that-may-have-been-digitally-enhanced-for-readability-coloration-and-appearance-of-these-illustrations-may-not-perfectly-resemble-the-original-work-iucn-wcmc-fao-sri-lanka-forest-dept-image215978801.html
RMPFAK4H–. Designing an optimum protected areas system for Sri Lanka's natural forests. Volume 1. 4i« '425 12 J53 lis p^iii 380 243 ^354 185 -380-. 264 151 434 333 n' 1>5 267 iT'rmi! 136 463 !ik;Sv-,vfe; 277 483 326 >V'' 496 142 148 4S6 395 407 434 109 101 ;;jgi;S'- 145 144 ^ .161 364 : 364 mr 2 138 i. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. IUCN, WCMC, FAO. Sri Lanka Forest Dept.
Image from page 151 of 'Mr. Midshipman Easy . With an introduction by David Hannay' . Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/image-from-page-151-of-mr-midshipman-easy-with-an-introduction-by-david-hannay-image218699840.html
RMPKPHTG–Image from page 151 of 'Mr. Midshipman Easy . With an introduction by David Hannay' .
Secrets of the Balkans . Family Meeting at Sofia. A Turkish House in Macedonia RUSSIAN REVOLUTION 151 In accordance with telegraphic advices from ourgovernments, we have informed the Prime Ministerthat the Entente is opposed to an armistice and desiresthat the Roumanian army be kept up. Mr. Bratianostates that through the treason of the Russian army,the Roumanian army is put in an unforeseen plight.He says a meeting, presided over by the king, hasinstructed the Roumanian parliament to act in accord-ance with the armistice. He says it is impossible forthe Roumanian army to move to Russia at pre Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/secrets-of-the-balkans-family-meeting-at-sofia-a-turkish-house-in-macedonia-russian-revolution-151-in-accordance-with-telegraphic-advices-from-ourgovernments-we-have-informed-the-prime-ministerthat-the-entente-is-opposed-to-an-armistice-and-desiresthat-the-roumanian-army-be-kept-up-mr-bratianostates-that-through-the-treason-of-the-russian-armythe-roumanian-army-is-put-in-an-unforeseen-plighthe-says-a-meeting-presided-over-by-the-king-hasinstructed-the-roumanian-parliament-to-act-in-accord-ance-with-the-armistice-he-says-it-is-impossible-forthe-roumanian-army-to-move-to-russia-at-pre-image340178375.html
RM2ANCCYK–Secrets of the Balkans . Family Meeting at Sofia. A Turkish House in Macedonia RUSSIAN REVOLUTION 151 In accordance with telegraphic advices from ourgovernments, we have informed the Prime Ministerthat the Entente is opposed to an armistice and desiresthat the Roumanian army be kept up. Mr. Bratianostates that through the treason of the Russian army,the Roumanian army is put in an unforeseen plight.He says a meeting, presided over by the king, hasinstructed the Roumanian parliament to act in accord-ance with the armistice. He says it is impossible forthe Roumanian army to move to Russia at pre
. British and Irish Salmonidae. Salmon. 298 INDEX. Wenern, Lake of, 5 West char, 237 Wethered, Mr., 39, 277, 282 White, 11 white-fish, 150, 162, 167, 168 white-fish, head of, 165 white-fish, tail fin of, 163 white salmon, 10 white trout, 11, 149, 150, 151, 154, 165, 249 White's trout, 152 whitelings, 159 whiting, 154, 159 whithng, 85, 149, 150, 152, 154, 166, 159, 189 whitling, head of, 159 whitling, series of, 159 whitling, tail fin of, 156 whitling, teeth on vomer, 156 Widegren, 13 Widegreu's trout, 152, 158 wild thyme, 279 Wilmot, Mr., 30 Willis-Bund, viii willoughbii, Salmo, 232, 238, 239 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/british-and-irish-salmonidae-salmon-298-index-wenern-lake-of-5-west-char-237-wethered-mr-39-277-282-white-11-white-fish-150-162-167-168-white-fish-head-of-165-white-fish-tail-fin-of-163-white-salmon-10-white-trout-11-149-150-151-154-165-249-whites-trout-152-whitelings-159-whiting-154-159-whithng-85-149-150-152-154-166-159-189-whitling-head-of-159-whitling-series-of-159-whitling-tail-fin-of-156-whitling-teeth-on-vomer-156-widegren-13-widegreus-trout-152-158-wild-thyme-279-wilmot-mr-30-willis-bund-viii-willoughbii-salmo-232-238-239-image216370824.html
RMPG0F5C–. British and Irish Salmonidae. Salmon. 298 INDEX. Wenern, Lake of, 5 West char, 237 Wethered, Mr., 39, 277, 282 White, 11 white-fish, 150, 162, 167, 168 white-fish, head of, 165 white-fish, tail fin of, 163 white salmon, 10 white trout, 11, 149, 150, 151, 154, 165, 249 White's trout, 152 whitelings, 159 whiting, 154, 159 whithng, 85, 149, 150, 152, 154, 166, 159, 189 whitling, head of, 159 whitling, series of, 159 whitling, tail fin of, 156 whitling, teeth on vomer, 156 Widegren, 13 Widegreu's trout, 152, 158 wild thyme, 279 Wilmot, Mr., 30 Willis-Bund, viii willoughbii, Salmo, 232, 238, 239
Image from page 151 of 'The adventures of Mr. Wilderspin on his journey through life. Illustrated by W. M'Connell' . Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/image-from-page-151-of-the-adventures-of-mr-wilderspin-on-his-journey-through-life-illustrated-by-w-mconnell-image218699844.html
RMPKPHTM–Image from page 151 of 'The adventures of Mr. Wilderspin on his journey through life. Illustrated by W. M'Connell' .
Old and new London : a narrative of its history, its people, and its places . sons of George III. Hehad a magnificent library at Kensington, includingone of the finest collection of Bibles in the world,which was dispersed, soon after his death, underthe hammer of the auctioneer. His widow, theDuchess of Inverness, was allowed to occupy hisapartments until her death, in 1873. Under dateof Sunday, 29th March, 1840, Mr. Raikes writesin his Journal : The Duke of Sussex claims Kensington Palace.] THE DUKE OF SUSSEX. 151 from the Whig Ministry the public acknowledg-ment of his marriage with Lady Cec Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/old-and-new-london-a-narrative-of-its-history-its-people-and-its-places-sons-of-george-iii-hehad-a-magnificent-library-at-kensington-includingone-of-the-finest-collection-of-bibles-in-the-worldwhich-was-dispersed-soon-after-his-death-underthe-hammer-of-the-auctioneer-his-widow-theduchess-of-inverness-was-allowed-to-occupy-hisapartments-until-her-death-in-1873-under-dateof-sunday-29th-march-1840-mr-raikes-writesin-his-journal-the-duke-of-sussex-claims-kensington-palace-the-duke-of-sussex-151-from-the-whig-ministry-the-public-acknowledg-ment-of-his-marriage-with-lady-cec-image342863203.html
RM2AWPNEB–Old and new London : a narrative of its history, its people, and its places . sons of George III. Hehad a magnificent library at Kensington, includingone of the finest collection of Bibles in the world,which was dispersed, soon after his death, underthe hammer of the auctioneer. His widow, theDuchess of Inverness, was allowed to occupy hisapartments until her death, in 1873. Under dateof Sunday, 29th March, 1840, Mr. Raikes writesin his Journal : The Duke of Sussex claims Kensington Palace.] THE DUKE OF SUSSEX. 151 from the Whig Ministry the public acknowledg-ment of his marriage with Lady Cec
A supplement to Ures Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines, : containing a clear exposition of their principles and practice. . CAOUTCHOUC. 501 introduced the use of rings of this material to form a joint between the locomotive andtender, {fi(i. 151.) They are extensively used, and entirely prevent the leakage commonto the old ball and socket joints, and are much cheaper in first co.st. Rings of Indian-rubber were proposed by Mr. Wicksteud, for closing the socket joint of water pipes, andthey are used in a variety of forms for that purpose. Messrs. W. B. Adams, NormanvUle, Wrighton, and Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/a-supplement-to-ures-dictionary-of-arts-manufactures-and-mines-containing-a-clear-exposition-of-their-principles-and-practice-caoutchouc-501-introduced-the-use-of-rings-of-this-material-to-form-a-joint-between-the-locomotive-andtender-fii-151-they-are-extensively-used-and-entirely-prevent-the-leakage-commonto-the-old-ball-and-socket-joints-and-are-much-cheaper-in-first-cost-rings-of-indian-rubber-were-proposed-by-mr-wicksteud-for-closing-the-socket-joint-of-water-pipes-andthey-are-used-in-a-variety-of-forms-for-that-purpose-messrs-w-b-adams-normanvule-wrighton-and-image339989283.html
RM2AN3RPB–A supplement to Ures Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines, : containing a clear exposition of their principles and practice. . CAOUTCHOUC. 501 introduced the use of rings of this material to form a joint between the locomotive andtender, {fi(i. 151.) They are extensively used, and entirely prevent the leakage commonto the old ball and socket joints, and are much cheaper in first co.st. Rings of Indian-rubber were proposed by Mr. Wicksteud, for closing the socket joint of water pipes, andthey are used in a variety of forms for that purpose. Messrs. W. B. Adams, NormanvUle, Wrighton, and
Hardwicke's science-gossip : an illustrated medium of interchange and gossip for students and lovers of nature . July 1, 1SG8.J HARDWICKES SCIENCE-GOSSIP. 151 and features that, simple as they may seem, mayhereafter be of importance when interpreted to. Fig. 1-13. End of poison bag of Wasp, as a polariscopicobject, x 40. the establishment of the laws of which they areexamples. Armagh. Lewis G. Mills, LL.B. MONSTROSITIES IN EGGS. npHE double egg described by Mr. A. Hawkins-- is of occasional occurrence. I have evenheard of a treble egg, each being perfect with its yolkand germ. I have seen the Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hardwickes-science-gossip-an-illustrated-medium-of-interchange-and-gossip-for-students-and-lovers-of-nature-july-1-1sg8j-hardwickes-science-gossip-151-and-features-that-simple-as-they-may-seem-mayhereafter-be-of-importance-when-interpreted-to-fig-1-13-end-of-poison-bag-of-wasp-as-a-polariscopicobject-x-40-the-establishment-of-the-laws-of-which-they-areexamples-armagh-lewis-g-mills-llb-monstrosities-in-eggs-nphe-double-egg-described-by-mr-a-hawkins-is-of-occasional-occurrence-i-have-evenheard-of-a-treble-egg-each-being-perfect-with-its-yolkand-germ-i-have-seen-the-image339464369.html
RM2AM7X7D–Hardwicke's science-gossip : an illustrated medium of interchange and gossip for students and lovers of nature . July 1, 1SG8.J HARDWICKES SCIENCE-GOSSIP. 151 and features that, simple as they may seem, mayhereafter be of importance when interpreted to. Fig. 1-13. End of poison bag of Wasp, as a polariscopicobject, x 40. the establishment of the laws of which they areexamples. Armagh. Lewis G. Mills, LL.B. MONSTROSITIES IN EGGS. npHE double egg described by Mr. A. Hawkins-- is of occasional occurrence. I have evenheard of a treble egg, each being perfect with its yolkand germ. I have seen the
Historic notices, with topographical and other gleanings descriptive of the borough and county-town of Flint . he, deserts him in thecourtyard of Flint Castle, and fawns upon the Duke of Lancaster (by Mr. Randolph Caldecott) 80 The Old Parish Church, Flint (from a sketch by Mr. D. Parkes, in the Gentlemans Magazine, Jzxmzry, 1801) . . . ,119 Tailpiece (by Mr. Randolph Caldecott) ....... 132 Plan of Flint Castle and Town (by John Speede, 1610) .... 137 The Mace : the Crown of the Mace, showing the Arms and Monogramsof William and Mary (from Photographs by Mr. G. W. Webster, of Chester) 151 The Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/historic-notices-with-topographical-and-other-gleanings-descriptive-of-the-borough-and-county-town-of-flint-he-deserts-him-in-thecourtyard-of-flint-castle-and-fawns-upon-the-duke-of-lancaster-by-mr-randolph-caldecott-80-the-old-parish-church-flint-from-a-sketch-by-mr-d-parkes-in-the-gentlemans-magazine-jzxmzry-1801-119-tailpiece-by-mr-randolph-caldecott-132-plan-of-flint-castle-and-town-by-john-speede-1610-137-the-mace-the-crown-of-the-mace-showing-the-arms-and-monogramsof-william-and-mary-from-photographs-by-mr-g-w-webster-of-chester-151-the-image339243828.html
RM2AKWTY0–Historic notices, with topographical and other gleanings descriptive of the borough and county-town of Flint . he, deserts him in thecourtyard of Flint Castle, and fawns upon the Duke of Lancaster (by Mr. Randolph Caldecott) 80 The Old Parish Church, Flint (from a sketch by Mr. D. Parkes, in the Gentlemans Magazine, Jzxmzry, 1801) . . . ,119 Tailpiece (by Mr. Randolph Caldecott) ....... 132 Plan of Flint Castle and Town (by John Speede, 1610) .... 137 The Mace : the Crown of the Mace, showing the Arms and Monogramsof William and Mary (from Photographs by Mr. G. W. Webster, of Chester) 151 The
. The great West: a vast empire. A comprehensive history of the trans-Mississippi states and territories. Containing detailed statistics and other information in support of the movement for deep harbors on the Texas-Gulf coast /by F.L. Dana. = vi|. if. Ex-Governor of Colorado.Treasurer Inter-State Deep Harbor Committee. The Great West. 151 Mr. Donnell taught for eight years, during which time lie wasprofessor of Natural Science in the Illinois State University, at Spring-Held, 111., of which Dr. Scott was president. He came to Colorado in 1872, and has been mining in all of thesuccessful Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-great-west-a-vast-empire-a-comprehensive-history-of-the-trans-mississippi-states-and-territories-containing-detailed-statistics-and-other-information-in-support-of-the-movement-for-deep-harbors-on-the-texas-gulf-coast-by-fl-dana-=-vi-if-ex-governor-of-coloradotreasurer-inter-state-deep-harbor-committee-the-great-west-151-mr-donnell-taught-for-eight-years-during-which-time-lie-wasprofessor-of-natural-science-in-the-illinois-state-university-at-spring-held-111-of-which-dr-scott-was-president-he-came-to-colorado-in-1872-and-has-been-mining-in-all-of-thesuccessful-image336619293.html
RM2AFJ99H–. The great West: a vast empire. A comprehensive history of the trans-Mississippi states and territories. Containing detailed statistics and other information in support of the movement for deep harbors on the Texas-Gulf coast /by F.L. Dana. = vi|. if. Ex-Governor of Colorado.Treasurer Inter-State Deep Harbor Committee. The Great West. 151 Mr. Donnell taught for eight years, during which time lie wasprofessor of Natural Science in the Illinois State University, at Spring-Held, 111., of which Dr. Scott was president. He came to Colorado in 1872, and has been mining in all of thesuccessful
A natural history of British grasses . FESTUCA UNIGLUMIS.XLVIII ^^ FESTUCA TNIGLUMIS. Flowers in June, and the seed becomes ripe in the middleof Julv. The illustration is from a specunen gathered at Southport,by Mr. Joseph Sidebotham, of Manchester.. 151 FESTUCA SYLVATICA. ViLLAES. Hooker and Aenott, Scheadee. Host. Babington. KUNTH. MaCEEIGHT. PLATE XLIX. Foa sylvatica, Pollich. Paenell. trinevata, Ehehaet. Scheadee. Willdenow. Oedee. Festuca calamaria, Smith. Hookee. Knapp. Wade. Schedonorus sylvaticus, LiNDLEY. The Reed Fescue Grass. Festuca— ? Sylvatica—The wood. A SOMEWHAT rare Grass, of Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/a-natural-history-of-british-grasses-festuca-uniglumisxlviii-festuca-tniglumis-flowers-in-june-and-the-seed-becomes-ripe-in-the-middleof-julv-the-illustration-is-from-a-specunen-gathered-at-southportby-mr-joseph-sidebotham-of-manchester-151-festuca-sylvatica-villaes-hooker-and-aenott-scheadee-host-babington-kunth-maceeight-plate-xlix-foa-sylvatica-pollich-paenell-trinevata-ehehaet-scheadee-willdenow-oedee-festuca-calamaria-smith-hookee-knapp-wade-schedonorus-sylvaticus-lindley-the-reed-fescue-grass-festuca-sylvaticathe-wood-a-somewhat-rare-grass-of-image340168521.html
RM2ANC0BN–A natural history of British grasses . FESTUCA UNIGLUMIS.XLVIII ^^ FESTUCA TNIGLUMIS. Flowers in June, and the seed becomes ripe in the middleof Julv. The illustration is from a specunen gathered at Southport,by Mr. Joseph Sidebotham, of Manchester.. 151 FESTUCA SYLVATICA. ViLLAES. Hooker and Aenott, Scheadee. Host. Babington. KUNTH. MaCEEIGHT. PLATE XLIX. Foa sylvatica, Pollich. Paenell. trinevata, Ehehaet. Scheadee. Willdenow. Oedee. Festuca calamaria, Smith. Hookee. Knapp. Wade. Schedonorus sylvaticus, LiNDLEY. The Reed Fescue Grass. Festuca— ? Sylvatica—The wood. A SOMEWHAT rare Grass, of
. Riding and driving. FIG. 97. —HURDLE-RACING. FIG. 98.—HIGH JUMPING. MR. ASHBROOK o > .-.lo i LEDOWN General Remarks 151 faults of a spoiled horse is to retrain the animalfrom the very first lessons in the cavesson. Inthis manner discipline may be reestablished, butthe animal will nearly always be disposed torevert to old tricks, particularly so if it remains inthe hands of him who has permitted the libertieswhich grew into vice. Some horses are ever onthe lookout for opportunities of taking advantageof a timid or irresolute rider, and such are out ofplace with him who lacks nerve, and sho Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/riding-and-driving-fig-97-hurdle-racing-fig-98high-jumping-mr-ashbrook-o-gt-lo-i-ledown-general-remarks-151-faults-of-a-spoiled-horse-is-to-retrain-the-animalfrom-the-very-first-lessons-in-the-cavesson-inthis-manner-discipline-may-be-reestablished-butthe-animal-will-nearly-always-be-disposed-torevert-to-old-tricks-particularly-so-if-it-remains-inthe-hands-of-him-who-has-permitted-the-libertieswhich-grew-into-vice-some-horses-are-ever-onthe-lookout-for-opportunities-of-taking-advantageof-a-timid-or-irresolute-rider-and-such-are-out-ofplace-with-him-who-lacks-nerve-and-sho-image336669657.html
RM2AFMHG9–. Riding and driving. FIG. 97. —HURDLE-RACING. FIG. 98.—HIGH JUMPING. MR. ASHBROOK o > .-.lo i LEDOWN General Remarks 151 faults of a spoiled horse is to retrain the animalfrom the very first lessons in the cavesson. Inthis manner discipline may be reestablished, butthe animal will nearly always be disposed torevert to old tricks, particularly so if it remains inthe hands of him who has permitted the libertieswhich grew into vice. Some horses are ever onthe lookout for opportunities of taking advantageof a timid or irresolute rider, and such are out ofplace with him who lacks nerve, and sho
. Canadian machinery and metalworking (January-June 1913). January 2, 1913 CANADIAN M A C III N E R Y 151 Dissolution ofPartnership Notice is hereby given thatfollowing an application tothe High Court of Justice ofthe Province of Ontario byMr. R. H. NICHOLS, thepartnership of the firmname known as VANEDLEURNICHOLS & is dissolved as and fromNov. 26, 1912. Mr. NICHOLS is continuing inbusiness in the usual manner,at the same business address,DINEEN BUILDING, Toronto,and solicits the continuance ofhis customers patronage.. National Cutters Will increase the efficiencyof your men and your machine. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/canadian-machinery-and-metalworking-january-june-1913-january-2-1913-canadian-m-a-c-iii-n-e-r-y-151-dissolution-ofpartnership-notice-is-hereby-given-thatfollowing-an-application-tothe-high-court-of-justice-ofthe-province-of-ontario-bymr-r-h-nichols-thepartnership-of-the-firmname-known-as-vanedleurnichols-is-dissolved-as-and-fromnov-26-1912-mr-nichols-is-continuing-inbusiness-in-the-usual-mannerat-the-same-business-addressdineen-building-torontoand-solicits-the-continuance-ofhis-customers-patronage-national-cutters-will-increase-the-efficiencyof-your-men-and-your-machine-image336697516.html
RM2AFNW38–. Canadian machinery and metalworking (January-June 1913). January 2, 1913 CANADIAN M A C III N E R Y 151 Dissolution ofPartnership Notice is hereby given thatfollowing an application tothe High Court of Justice ofthe Province of Ontario byMr. R. H. NICHOLS, thepartnership of the firmname known as VANEDLEURNICHOLS & is dissolved as and fromNov. 26, 1912. Mr. NICHOLS is continuing inbusiness in the usual manner,at the same business address,DINEEN BUILDING, Toronto,and solicits the continuance ofhis customers patronage.. National Cutters Will increase the efficiencyof your men and your machine.
Bartholdi souvenir : a sketch of the colossal statue presented by France to the United States . is 151 feet i inch, the vastproportions of which could onlybe shown to advantage by a ped-estal, whose contour and design should be solid without appearing tobe a mere mass of stone and concrete. Mr. M. R. Hunt, thedesigner of the pedestal, has struck that medium of solidity, relievedby just enough architectural finish and ornament, as will call no specialattention to itself, but will show off the statue to the best advantage.It is no mean monument, standing, as it does, feet 10 inchesabove low wate Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/bartholdi-souvenir-a-sketch-of-the-colossal-statue-presented-by-france-to-the-united-states-is-151-feet-i-inch-the-vastproportions-of-which-could-onlybe-shown-to-advantage-by-a-ped-estal-whose-contour-and-design-should-be-solid-without-appearing-tobe-a-mere-mass-of-stone-and-concrete-mr-m-r-hunt-thedesigner-of-the-pedestal-has-struck-that-medium-of-solidity-relievedby-just-enough-architectural-finish-and-ornament-as-will-call-no-specialattention-to-itself-but-will-show-off-the-statue-to-the-best-advantageit-is-no-mean-monument-standing-as-it-does-feet-10-inchesabove-low-wate-image339244362.html
RM2AKWWJ2–Bartholdi souvenir : a sketch of the colossal statue presented by France to the United States . is 151 feet i inch, the vastproportions of which could onlybe shown to advantage by a ped-estal, whose contour and design should be solid without appearing tobe a mere mass of stone and concrete. Mr. M. R. Hunt, thedesigner of the pedestal, has struck that medium of solidity, relievedby just enough architectural finish and ornament, as will call no specialattention to itself, but will show off the statue to the best advantage.It is no mean monument, standing, as it does, feet 10 inchesabove low wate
In Beaver Cove and elsewhere-- . an- zekil. 151 ners store and Zion Hill church. He attend-ed the church regularly, but always sat quiet-ly, unobtrusively in a corner, an alien, a manforever set apart from other men. As the years passed, openly expressed dis-trust and prejudice died out, though he wasnever admitted to the inner life of the settle-ment. He did not seem to expect it, goinghis way quietly, and ever maintaining an im-penetrable reserve about his own private his-tory. Not even Mr. Davy Tanner could winhim from that reticence, much as he desired tolearn all about those long years of Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/in-beaver-cove-and-elsewhere-an-zekil-151-ners-store-and-zion-hill-church-he-attend-ed-the-church-regularly-but-always-sat-quiet-ly-unobtrusively-in-a-corner-an-alien-a-manforever-set-apart-from-other-men-as-the-years-passed-openly-expressed-dis-trust-and-prejudice-died-out-though-he-wasnever-admitted-to-the-inner-life-of-the-settle-ment-he-did-not-seem-to-expect-it-goinghis-way-quietly-and-ever-maintaining-an-im-penetrable-reserve-about-his-own-private-his-tory-not-even-mr-davy-tanner-could-winhim-from-that-reticence-much-as-he-desired-tolearn-all-about-those-long-years-of-image342810360.html
RM2AWMA34–In Beaver Cove and elsewhere-- . an- zekil. 151 ners store and Zion Hill church. He attend-ed the church regularly, but always sat quiet-ly, unobtrusively in a corner, an alien, a manforever set apart from other men. As the years passed, openly expressed dis-trust and prejudice died out, though he wasnever admitted to the inner life of the settle-ment. He did not seem to expect it, goinghis way quietly, and ever maintaining an im-penetrable reserve about his own private his-tory. Not even Mr. Davy Tanner could winhim from that reticence, much as he desired tolearn all about those long years of
. The poets' Lincoln : tributes in verse to the martyred President. rtg|2opitf. HOUSE IN WHICH LINCOLN DIEDWashington, D. C. JOSEPHINE OLDROYD TIEFENTHALERBorn July 17,1896. Died February 20,1908 THE POETS LINCOLN 151 ROBERT MACKAY and his wife visited this his-. toric house in 1902. They were met at the doorand escorted through the various rooms containingthe Collection by Little Josephine, and were deeply im-pressed at the knowledge she exhibited of Lincoln andthe Collection, although she was but six years of age.Mr. Mackay was born at Virginia City, Nevada,April 22, 1871. Reporter Saw Franc Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-poets-lincoln-tributes-in-verse-to-the-martyred-president-rtg2opitf-house-in-which-lincoln-diedwashington-d-c-josephine-oldroyd-tiefenthalerborn-july-171896-died-february-201908-the-poets-lincoln-151-robert-mackay-and-his-wife-visited-this-his-toric-house-in-1902-they-were-met-at-the-doorand-escorted-through-the-various-rooms-containingthe-collection-by-little-josephine-and-were-deeply-im-pressed-at-the-knowledge-she-exhibited-of-lincoln-andthe-collection-although-she-was-but-six-years-of-agemr-mackay-was-born-at-virginia-city-nevadaapril-22-1871-reporter-saw-franc-image336879929.html
RM2AG25P1–. The poets' Lincoln : tributes in verse to the martyred President. rtg|2opitf. HOUSE IN WHICH LINCOLN DIEDWashington, D. C. JOSEPHINE OLDROYD TIEFENTHALERBorn July 17,1896. Died February 20,1908 THE POETS LINCOLN 151 ROBERT MACKAY and his wife visited this his-. toric house in 1902. They were met at the doorand escorted through the various rooms containingthe Collection by Little Josephine, and were deeply im-pressed at the knowledge she exhibited of Lincoln andthe Collection, although she was but six years of age.Mr. Mackay was born at Virginia City, Nevada,April 22, 1871. Reporter Saw Franc
Through South Westland : A journey to the Haast and Mount Aspiring New Zealand . we passed the night, withMount Alexander in the backgroimd. C. A. Tomlinson, Phot. ------ 109 Near the Junction of the Rivers, Haast Pass. C. A. Tomlinson, Phot. - - - - - - 115 In the Upper Haast. C. A. Tomlinson, Phot. - 116 The Fish River : Beech Forest. C. A. Tomlinson, Phot. -------- 119 PART II. The Old Homestead ------ 125 A Comer of Lake Hawea ----- 139 The Berline Leaving Pembroke - - - - 144 Our Nights Quarters in the Niger Hut - - - 151 Submerged - - 152 Mr. Ross to the Rescue - - - - - 154 The Berl Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/through-south-westland-a-journey-to-the-haast-and-mount-aspiring-new-zealand-we-passed-the-night-withmount-alexander-in-the-backgroimd-c-a-tomlinson-phot-109-near-the-junction-of-the-rivers-haast-pass-c-a-tomlinson-phot-115-in-the-upper-haast-c-a-tomlinson-phot-116-the-fish-river-beech-forest-c-a-tomlinson-phot-119-part-ii-the-old-homestead-125-a-comer-of-lake-hawea-139-the-berline-leaving-pembroke-144-our-nights-quarters-in-the-niger-hut-151-submerged-152-mr-ross-to-the-rescue-154-the-berl-image338429269.html
RM2AJGNYH–Through South Westland : A journey to the Haast and Mount Aspiring New Zealand . we passed the night, withMount Alexander in the backgroimd. C. A. Tomlinson, Phot. ------ 109 Near the Junction of the Rivers, Haast Pass. C. A. Tomlinson, Phot. - - - - - - 115 In the Upper Haast. C. A. Tomlinson, Phot. - 116 The Fish River : Beech Forest. C. A. Tomlinson, Phot. -------- 119 PART II. The Old Homestead ------ 125 A Comer of Lake Hawea ----- 139 The Berline Leaving Pembroke - - - - 144 Our Nights Quarters in the Niger Hut - - - 151 Submerged