The Shipwreck. Date/Period: 1805. Painting. Oil on canvas. Height: 170.5 cm (67.1 in); Width: 241.5 cm (95 in). Author: J. M. W. Turner. TURNER, JOSEPH MALLORD WILLIAM. ROUSSEAU, HENRI. TURNER, CHARLES. Stock Photo
RMPNCND6–The Shipwreck. Date/Period: 1805. Painting. Oil on canvas. Height: 170.5 cm (67.1 in); Width: 241.5 cm (95 in). Author: J. M. W. Turner. TURNER, JOSEPH MALLORD WILLIAM. ROUSSEAU, HENRI. TURNER, CHARLES.
Church review . sident Hartford Fire Insurance Co., Hartford.Rev. JOSEPH H TWITCHELL, Pastor Asylum Hill Congregational Church, Hartford.REV. MATTHEW B RIDDLE. D. D., Prof, of Greek. Alleghanv Theological Seminarv,Mr. CHARLES C GOODRICH, Alleghanv. Pa. of w. C. Langley & Co., 80 Worth St., N. v. Citv.Rev. GEORGE WILLIAMSON SMITH, D. D., Iresident of Trinilv College, Hartford.Mr. ROWLAND SWIFT, President American National Bank, Hartford.REV S. F GALE, Jacksonville, Florida.Mr. JAMES H. KNIGHT. President First National Bank, HartfordHon. JOHN G. ROOT, Iresident Farmers k Mechanics Bank, Hartford Stock Photo
RM2AJEWJ1–Church review . sident Hartford Fire Insurance Co., Hartford.Rev. JOSEPH H TWITCHELL, Pastor Asylum Hill Congregational Church, Hartford.REV. MATTHEW B RIDDLE. D. D., Prof, of Greek. Alleghanv Theological Seminarv,Mr. CHARLES C GOODRICH, Alleghanv. Pa. of w. C. Langley & Co., 80 Worth St., N. v. Citv.Rev. GEORGE WILLIAMSON SMITH, D. D., Iresident of Trinilv College, Hartford.Mr. ROWLAND SWIFT, President American National Bank, Hartford.REV S. F GALE, Jacksonville, Florida.Mr. JAMES H. KNIGHT. President First National Bank, HartfordHon. JOHN G. ROOT, Iresident Farmers k Mechanics Bank, Hartford
Joseph Gale Two workers with horse -drawn trailers in a ditch. Albumin paper, on the box box 1885 , 1885 Stock Photo
RM2T852FC–Joseph Gale Two workers with horse -drawn trailers in a ditch. Albumin paper, on the box box 1885 , 1885
A small lighthouse out on a pier in St. Joeseph Michigan during stromy weather with waves crashing into the pier and a seagulll flying by. Stock Photo
RFMMYEPP–A small lighthouse out on a pier in St. Joeseph Michigan during stromy weather with waves crashing into the pier and a seagulll flying by.
Homewards from Plough, c. 1889, printed October 1889. Photogravure, from "Sun Artists, number 1" (1889). Stock Photo
RM2GPP6FX–Homewards from Plough, c. 1889, printed October 1889. Photogravure, from "Sun Artists, number 1" (1889).
Horse Racing - The Royal Ascot Meeting 2013 - Day Two - Ascot Racecourse Stock Photo
RMG649MK–Horse Racing - The Royal Ascot Meeting 2013 - Day Two - Ascot Racecourse
Schatten und Dunkelheit: Der Abend vor der Sintflut. Date/Period: 1843. Painting. Oil on canvas. 78.7 × 78 cm (30.9 × 30.7 in). Author: J. M. W. Turner. William Turner. TURNER, JOSEPH MALLORD WILLIAM. Stock Photo
RMPNCPFK–Schatten und Dunkelheit: Der Abend vor der Sintflut. Date/Period: 1843. Painting. Oil on canvas. 78.7 × 78 cm (30.9 × 30.7 in). Author: J. M. W. Turner. William Turner. TURNER, JOSEPH MALLORD WILLIAM.
Norsk lutherske prester i Amerika, 1843-1913 . QuALLY, *Ben Conrad. Ord. 1913. Forenede kirke, 1913—. F. nær Seneca, 111., 3 dec. 1885, af Neis J. Q.og Martha (f. Larson), frekv. Pleasant View Luth.Coll., 05—09, U. C. Sem., 10—13 (C.T.), prest,Powers Lake, N. D., 13—.. Rognlien, Joseph Bernhard. Ord. 1913. Norske synode, 1913—. F. nær Strum, Wis., 9 feb. 1883, af Anton R.og Marie Christine (f. Opsahl), frekv. Gale Coll.,02—06, Luther Coll., 06—10 (A.B.), Luther Sem.,10—13 (C.T.), prest, Walnut Grove (3 mghdr.),Neb., 13—. *01ga Valnette Wierson, 11. 1908. Stock Photo
RM2AM72A6–Norsk lutherske prester i Amerika, 1843-1913 . QuALLY, *Ben Conrad. Ord. 1913. Forenede kirke, 1913—. F. nær Seneca, 111., 3 dec. 1885, af Neis J. Q.og Martha (f. Larson), frekv. Pleasant View Luth.Coll., 05—09, U. C. Sem., 10—13 (C.T.), prest,Powers Lake, N. D., 13—.. Rognlien, Joseph Bernhard. Ord. 1913. Norske synode, 1913—. F. nær Strum, Wis., 9 feb. 1883, af Anton R.og Marie Christine (f. Opsahl), frekv. Gale Coll.,02—06, Luther Coll., 06—10 (A.B.), Luther Sem.,10—13 (C.T.), prest, Walnut Grove (3 mghdr.),Neb., 13—. *01ga Valnette Wierson, 11. 1908.
Joseph Gale Knitting girl and woman with a jug in front of a house entrance. Albumin paper, on the box box 1885 , 1885 Stock Photo
RM2T852B4–Joseph Gale Knitting girl and woman with a jug in front of a house entrance. Albumin paper, on the box box 1885 , 1885
A small lighthouse out on a pier in St. Joeseph Michigan during stromy weather with waves from Lake Michigan pounding against it. Stock Photo
RFMMYEP3–A small lighthouse out on a pier in St. Joeseph Michigan during stromy weather with waves from Lake Michigan pounding against it.
William Gale, 1776. Stock Photo
RM2AX1FRY–William Gale, 1776.
Horse Racing - The Royal Ascot Meeting 2013 - Day Two - Ascot Racecourse Stock Photo
RMG649NF–Horse Racing - The Royal Ascot Meeting 2013 - Day Two - Ascot Racecourse
Roger Gale, English antiquary and historian, 1672-1744. Educated at Trinity College, Cambridge, VP of the Society of Antiquaries, Treasurer of the Royal Society. In powdered wig, cloak and linen shirt. Copperplate engraving by Ignatius Joseph van den Berghe from John Adolphus The British Cabinet, containing Portraits of Illustrious Personages, printed by T. Bensley for E. Harding, 98 Pall Mall, London, 1800. Stock Photo
RM2T69BAE–Roger Gale, English antiquary and historian, 1672-1744. Educated at Trinity College, Cambridge, VP of the Society of Antiquaries, Treasurer of the Royal Society. In powdered wig, cloak and linen shirt. Copperplate engraving by Ignatius Joseph van den Berghe from John Adolphus The British Cabinet, containing Portraits of Illustrious Personages, printed by T. Bensley for E. Harding, 98 Pall Mall, London, 1800.
. The city of Troy and its vicinity. Brins-made, M. D., Troy, 1S64-68 ; Hon.George Gould, Troy, 1868-60; E.Thompson Gale, C. E.. Troy. 1869-72:Hon. William Guiley, C. E., Troy,1872 to present time. Secretaries: Moses Hale, M. D.,1824-35 ; Rev. E. Hopkins, 1S35-41 ;Hon. Isaac McConihe, 1841-42; Hon.Joseph White, 1842-49; StephenWickes, M. D., 1849-54; Rev. JohnB. Tibbits, 1854-61; Hon. WilliamE. Gurley, C. E., 1861-72 ; WilliamH. Doughty, C. E., 1872 to presenttime. Treasurers : Hon. Hanford N. Lock-wood ; 1824-44; Thomas C. Brins-made, M. D., 1844-47 ; Hon. DayOtis Kellogg, 1847-50; William H. Stock Photo
RM2AFM4G6–. The city of Troy and its vicinity. Brins-made, M. D., Troy, 1S64-68 ; Hon.George Gould, Troy, 1868-60; E.Thompson Gale, C. E.. Troy. 1869-72:Hon. William Guiley, C. E., Troy,1872 to present time. Secretaries: Moses Hale, M. D.,1824-35 ; Rev. E. Hopkins, 1S35-41 ;Hon. Isaac McConihe, 1841-42; Hon.Joseph White, 1842-49; StephenWickes, M. D., 1849-54; Rev. JohnB. Tibbits, 1854-61; Hon. WilliamE. Gurley, C. E., 1861-72 ; WilliamH. Doughty, C. E., 1872 to presenttime. Treasurers : Hon. Hanford N. Lock-wood ; 1824-44; Thomas C. Brins-made, M. D., 1844-47 ; Hon. DayOtis Kellogg, 1847-50; William H.
Watering Hole. Col. Joseph Gale, photographer (British, 1830 - 1906) about 1896 A man and two horses resting on the side of a road at the edge of a small watering hole. The man is sitting on the edge of a small bridge. (Verso, mount) lower right, pencil: '#397'; Stock Photo
RM2WT18PD–Watering Hole. Col. Joseph Gale, photographer (British, 1830 - 1906) about 1896 A man and two horses resting on the side of a road at the edge of a small watering hole. The man is sitting on the edge of a small bridge. (Verso, mount) lower right, pencil: '#397';
A small lighthouse out on a pier in St. Joeseph Michigan during stromy weather with waves crashing into the pier. Stock Photo
RFMMYEP9–A small lighthouse out on a pier in St. Joeseph Michigan during stromy weather with waves crashing into the pier.
Image of Sgt. Morris Pineberg with officers and headquarters detachment of 158th Infantry Brigade in front of Brigade Headquarters. From left to right: Lieut. P. A. Gale, Lieut. W. A. Garlette, Lieut. W.M.E. Sullivan, Brig. Gen. Robert H. Noble, Major H.H. Smith, Lieut. Paul Rochat (French army), Lieut. 0.C. Alexander, M. Joseph Aubin (interpreter). Taken in Vaux-Sous-Aubigny, France. Official use only, not for publication. Stock Photo
RM2RC1K27–Image of Sgt. Morris Pineberg with officers and headquarters detachment of 158th Infantry Brigade in front of Brigade Headquarters. From left to right: Lieut. P. A. Gale, Lieut. W. A. Garlette, Lieut. W.M.E. Sullivan, Brig. Gen. Robert H. Noble, Major H.H. Smith, Lieut. Paul Rochat (French army), Lieut. 0.C. Alexander, M. Joseph Aubin (interpreter). Taken in Vaux-Sous-Aubigny, France. Official use only, not for publication.
William Gale. Artist: Joseph Dunkerley (active 1776-1806). Dimensions: Sight: 1 3/8 x 1 1/8 in. (3.5 x 2.9 cm). Date: 1776. This miniature is Dunkerley's earliest known dated work. Museum: Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA. Stock Photo
RMPAAGG6–William Gale. Artist: Joseph Dunkerley (active 1776-1806). Dimensions: Sight: 1 3/8 x 1 1/8 in. (3.5 x 2.9 cm). Date: 1776. This miniature is Dunkerley's earliest known dated work. Museum: Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA.
Norsk lutherske prester i Amerika, 1843-1913 . Rognlien, Joseph Bernhard. Ord. 1913. Norske synode, 1913—. F. nær Strum, Wis., 9 feb. 1883, af Anton R.og Marie Christine (f. Opsahl), frekv. Gale Coll.,02—06, Luther Coll., 06—10 (A.B.), Luther Sem.,10—13 (C.T.), prest, Walnut Grove (3 mghdr.),Neb., 13—. *01ga Valnette Wierson, 11. 1908.. ROSELAND, LeVI AbRAHAM. Ord. 1913. Forenede kirke, 1913—. F. i Milwaukee, Wis., 1 april 1889, af pastorJens C. R. og Rosa A. (f. Thompson), frekv.Austin, Minn., High School, 03—07, St. Olaf Coll.,07, Northwestern Univ., 08, Chicago Luth. Sem.,09—10, United Chur Stock Photo
RM2AM720T–Norsk lutherske prester i Amerika, 1843-1913 . Rognlien, Joseph Bernhard. Ord. 1913. Norske synode, 1913—. F. nær Strum, Wis., 9 feb. 1883, af Anton R.og Marie Christine (f. Opsahl), frekv. Gale Coll.,02—06, Luther Coll., 06—10 (A.B.), Luther Sem.,10—13 (C.T.), prest, Walnut Grove (3 mghdr.),Neb., 13—. *01ga Valnette Wierson, 11. 1908.. ROSELAND, LeVI AbRAHAM. Ord. 1913. Forenede kirke, 1913—. F. i Milwaukee, Wis., 1 april 1889, af pastorJens C. R. og Rosa A. (f. Thompson), frekv.Austin, Minn., High School, 03—07, St. Olaf Coll.,07, Northwestern Univ., 08, Chicago Luth. Sem.,09—10, United Chur
Sgt. Morris Pineberg captured a photograph of staff officers from the 158th Infantry Brigade, 79th Division in Vaux-Sous-Aubigny, France during World War I. The officers photographed include Brigadier General Robert H. Noble, Major H. H. Smith, Lieutenant Paul Rochat of the French Army, Lieutenant W.M.E. Sullivan, Lieutenant P.A. Gale, Lieutenant W. A. Garlette, Lieutenant O.C. Alexander, and interpreter Joseph Aubin. This photo is labeled for official use only and not for publication. Stock Photo
RM2RC0DWR–Sgt. Morris Pineberg captured a photograph of staff officers from the 158th Infantry Brigade, 79th Division in Vaux-Sous-Aubigny, France during World War I. The officers photographed include Brigadier General Robert H. Noble, Major H. H. Smith, Lieutenant Paul Rochat of the French Army, Lieutenant W.M.E. Sullivan, Lieutenant P.A. Gale, Lieutenant W. A. Garlette, Lieutenant O.C. Alexander, and interpreter Joseph Aubin. This photo is labeled for official use only and not for publication.
Portret van gale isaac gale, françois joseph pfefifer (i), print Amsterdam paper etching Stock Photo
RM2WCD7KM–Portret van gale isaac gale, françois joseph pfefifer (i), print Amsterdam paper etching
Sheerness and the Isle of Sheppey (after J.M.W. Turner). Date/Period: Ca. 1807. Painting. Oil on canvas. Height: 698 mm (27.48 in); Width: 895 mm (35.23 in). Author: AUGUSTUS WALL CALLCOTT. Callcott, Sir Augustus Wall. Stock Photo
RMPNCF80–Sheerness and the Isle of Sheppey (after J.M.W. Turner). Date/Period: Ca. 1807. Painting. Oil on canvas. Height: 698 mm (27.48 in); Width: 895 mm (35.23 in). Author: AUGUSTUS WALL CALLCOTT. Callcott, Sir Augustus Wall.
. The life and voyages of Joseph Wiggins; modern discoverer of the Kara Sea route to Siberia, based on his journals & letters . underLieutenant Weyprecht. He went as far as KostinBay, but found no traces of the gallant party.Bad weather prevented him from pursuing hissearch along the coast. He then bore away forVardoe, but his intentions were again baffled.He was caught in a se^^ere westerly gale, drivennorthwards, and was then compelled to makestraight for Hammerfest. September 7. — Steamed into Hammerfest.On entering the harbour, our agent came onboard, and informed us of the safety of theAu Stock Photo
RM2CGHJWW–. The life and voyages of Joseph Wiggins; modern discoverer of the Kara Sea route to Siberia, based on his journals & letters . underLieutenant Weyprecht. He went as far as KostinBay, but found no traces of the gallant party.Bad weather prevented him from pursuing hissearch along the coast. He then bore away forVardoe, but his intentions were again baffled.He was caught in a se^^ere westerly gale, drivennorthwards, and was then compelled to makestraight for Hammerfest. September 7. — Steamed into Hammerfest.On entering the harbour, our agent came onboard, and informed us of the safety of theAu
Portret van gale isaac gale, françois joseph pfefifer (i), print Amsterdam paper etching Stock Photo
RM2WG5HJC–Portret van gale isaac gale, françois joseph pfefifer (i), print Amsterdam paper etching
. Anne Seymour Damer. A woman of art and fashion, 1748-1828 . ees, which were well tended and lookedin good order. Their next halting-place was Amiens; herethey found Lord Cornwallis, who was in chargeof the mission sent by the British Government toFrance, in order to carry out the negotiations inregard to signing the Treaty of Peace betweenthe two countries. Besides Lord Cornwallis,they met Mrs. Darners friend Mr. Merry, Mr.Moore, Colonel Littlehales, and Colonel Nightin-gale, who were attached to Lord Cornwallissstaff. It was during this halt at Amiens, thatMrs. Darner first met Joseph Buona Stock Photo
RM2CJ6C9X–. Anne Seymour Damer. A woman of art and fashion, 1748-1828 . ees, which were well tended and lookedin good order. Their next halting-place was Amiens; herethey found Lord Cornwallis, who was in chargeof the mission sent by the British Government toFrance, in order to carry out the negotiations inregard to signing the Treaty of Peace betweenthe two countries. Besides Lord Cornwallis,they met Mrs. Darners friend Mr. Merry, Mr.Moore, Colonel Littlehales, and Colonel Nightin-gale, who were attached to Lord Cornwallissstaff. It was during this halt at Amiens, thatMrs. Darner first met Joseph Buona
Rinsky, The Lead Dog, Sleeping Out An 80 Mile Per Hour Artic Gale. Rinsky Was Born At Little America, In The Antarctic And Is Owned By Sergeant Joseph D. Healey. ). Stock Photo
RM2JY43X2–Rinsky, The Lead Dog, Sleeping Out An 80 Mile Per Hour Artic Gale. Rinsky Was Born At Little America, In The Antarctic And Is Owned By Sergeant Joseph D. Healey. ).
. History of Northfield, New Hampshire 1780-1905. In two parts with many biographical sketches and portraits also pictures of public buildings and private residences . e d. April 8, 1866. They had two children. Mr. Thurston was anupright man in all the relations of life. The farm then, after threefourths of a century in the Rogers family, became the home of Ben-jamin C. Gale, and, later, of Leroy R. Brown. Sally Eaton Thurstonlived, and d., in N., Nov. 7, 1857. Second Generation. Lena Lucy Thubston, b. at Hill March 24, 1849; m., Sept. 29, 1877,Joseph J. Prescott, b. at Pittsfield Nov. 24, 185 Stock Photo
RM2CHB4P6–. History of Northfield, New Hampshire 1780-1905. In two parts with many biographical sketches and portraits also pictures of public buildings and private residences . e d. April 8, 1866. They had two children. Mr. Thurston was anupright man in all the relations of life. The farm then, after threefourths of a century in the Rogers family, became the home of Ben-jamin C. Gale, and, later, of Leroy R. Brown. Sally Eaton Thurstonlived, and d., in N., Nov. 7, 1857. Second Generation. Lena Lucy Thubston, b. at Hill March 24, 1849; m., Sept. 29, 1877,Joseph J. Prescott, b. at Pittsfield Nov. 24, 185
Portrait of Roger Gale, Ignatius Joseph van den Berghe, 1798 print paper engraving Stock Photo
RM2WCP9G6–Portrait of Roger Gale, Ignatius Joseph van den Berghe, 1798 print paper engraving
William Gale 1776 Joseph Dunkerley This miniature is Dunkerley's earliest known dated work.. William Gale. Joseph Dunkerley (active 1776–1806). American. 1776. Watercolor on ivory Stock Photo
RM2HH7YD2–William Gale 1776 Joseph Dunkerley This miniature is Dunkerley's earliest known dated work.. William Gale. Joseph Dunkerley (active 1776–1806). American. 1776. Watercolor on ivory
Secretary Gale Norton with Joseph Findaro, Jr., lawyer specializing in natural resources and environment issues for the Florida-headquartered Akerman Senterfitt legal firm, and former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Interior for Water and Science in the Reagan Administration Stock Photo
RM2RPWTGN–Secretary Gale Norton with Joseph Findaro, Jr., lawyer specializing in natural resources and environment issues for the Florida-headquartered Akerman Senterfitt legal firm, and former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Interior for Water and Science in the Reagan Administration
. Home Missionary, The (April 1905-March 1906) . Hi nt Joseph B. Clai Was, Editorial Secretin Corr retary Don O. Shelton, . tary William B. Howlanu, Treasurer Executive Committee Watson L. Phillips, D.D., Edwakh nRev. WlLl ;ard Id Assistant, Superintend^ Moritz E. Eversz, D.D Edw. D. Curtis. D.D..- S. P. Gale, D.D Jai Mm Alfred K. Wray. D.D Fort 1 Frank E. Jenkins, D.D Thrall, D.D Hun, Secretaries and Treasurers of the Auxiliari harles Harbutt, Secretary ard, Treasun Alvin B. Crn. Rice, Tnel S. Ives, Si r H. Small. SiRev. Charles II. Small, .IllinoisJohn W. Ilifl kman, TreasT. O. Douglass, D. Stock Photo
RM2CDC5W2–. Home Missionary, The (April 1905-March 1906) . Hi nt Joseph B. Clai Was, Editorial Secretin Corr retary Don O. Shelton, . tary William B. Howlanu, Treasurer Executive Committee Watson L. Phillips, D.D., Edwakh nRev. WlLl ;ard Id Assistant, Superintend^ Moritz E. Eversz, D.D Edw. D. Curtis. D.D..- S. P. Gale, D.D Jai Mm Alfred K. Wray. D.D Fort 1 Frank E. Jenkins, D.D Thrall, D.D Hun, Secretaries and Treasurers of the Auxiliari harles Harbutt, Secretary ard, Treasun Alvin B. Crn. Rice, Tnel S. Ives, Si r H. Small. SiRev. Charles II. Small, .IllinoisJohn W. Ilifl kman, TreasT. O. Douglass, D.
Secretary Gale Norton with Joseph Findaro, Jr., lawyer specializing in natural resources and environment issues for the Florida-headquartered Akerman Senterfitt legal firm, and former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Interior for Water and Science in the Reagan Administration Stock Photo
RM2RPWTJG–Secretary Gale Norton with Joseph Findaro, Jr., lawyer specializing in natural resources and environment issues for the Florida-headquartered Akerman Senterfitt legal firm, and former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Interior for Water and Science in the Reagan Administration
Historical sketches of the town of Milford . ite, Mass.; William Thomas, Rocky Hill; Ebenezer Truman,Harwinton; Hezikiah Lee, Norwalk; Joseph Trowbridge, Killingly;Stephen Brown, Mass.; Benjamin Peas, Attleborough; Samuel Everett,W^rentham; Samuel Gale, Penn.; Richard Polsey, Conn.; Nathan Wil-ton, Conn.; Elijah Gregory, New London; Thomas Madison, ; Solomon Jackson, Middlebury; Joseph Arnold, Chatham; ThomasWright, Simsbury; Simon Elwell, Mass.; Abel Hart, Farmington; Constant Turner, Middletown; John , Penn.; Robert Coling- ham. Cape Ann; Benjamin Frisby, Harwinton; Abram Beach, Goshen;Asa L Stock Photo
RM2AJDW8E–Historical sketches of the town of Milford . ite, Mass.; William Thomas, Rocky Hill; Ebenezer Truman,Harwinton; Hezikiah Lee, Norwalk; Joseph Trowbridge, Killingly;Stephen Brown, Mass.; Benjamin Peas, Attleborough; Samuel Everett,W^rentham; Samuel Gale, Penn.; Richard Polsey, Conn.; Nathan Wil-ton, Conn.; Elijah Gregory, New London; Thomas Madison, ; Solomon Jackson, Middlebury; Joseph Arnold, Chatham; ThomasWright, Simsbury; Simon Elwell, Mass.; Abel Hart, Farmington; Constant Turner, Middletown; John , Penn.; Robert Coling- ham. Cape Ann; Benjamin Frisby, Harwinton; Abram Beach, Goshen;Asa L
Secretary Gale Norton with Joseph Findaro, Jr., lawyer specializing in natural resources and environment issues for the Florida-headquartered Akerman Senterfitt legal firm, and former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Interior for Water and Science in the Reagan Administration Stock Photo
RM2RPWTG7–Secretary Gale Norton with Joseph Findaro, Jr., lawyer specializing in natural resources and environment issues for the Florida-headquartered Akerman Senterfitt legal firm, and former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Interior for Water and Science in the Reagan Administration
. Allen's digest of plows, with attachments, patented in the United States from A.D. 1789 to January 1883 ... Plows; Patents. r>s4 No. 103,038. PLOWS. H. GALE. Plow, Patented May 17, 1870.. TYm.. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Allen, James T. (James Titus). [Washington, D. C. , Joseph Bart, Printer Stock Photo
RMRPK6JY–. Allen's digest of plows, with attachments, patented in the United States from A.D. 1789 to January 1883 ... Plows; Patents. r>s4 No. 103,038. PLOWS. H. GALE. Plow, Patented May 17, 1870.. TYm.. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Allen, James T. (James Titus). [Washington, D. C. , Joseph Bart, Printer
. A voyage round the world, but more particularly to the north-west coast of America [microform] : performed in 1785, 1786, 1787, and 1788, in the King George and Queen Charlotte, Captains Portlock and Dixon ; dedicated, by permission, to Sir Joseph Banks, Bart.. Voyages around the world; Botany; Zoology; Voyages autour du monde; Botanique; Zoologie. NORTH-WEST COAST OF AMERICA. At tv.'o o'clock in the morning of th.e iitli, tlic gale came on heavier than before, with much rain, and continued without inter- niillioii till the 13th, at noon, when the weather grew moderate, and tolerably clear. Stock Photo
RMRJ2A9C–. A voyage round the world, but more particularly to the north-west coast of America [microform] : performed in 1785, 1786, 1787, and 1788, in the King George and Queen Charlotte, Captains Portlock and Dixon ; dedicated, by permission, to Sir Joseph Banks, Bart.. Voyages around the world; Botany; Zoology; Voyages autour du monde; Botanique; Zoologie. NORTH-WEST COAST OF AMERICA. At tv.'o o'clock in the morning of th.e iitli, tlic gale came on heavier than before, with much rain, and continued without inter- niillioii till the 13th, at noon, when the weather grew moderate, and tolerably clear.
. Allen's digest of plows, with attachments, patented in the United States from A.D. 1789 to January 1883 ... Plows; Patents. COLTERS. 1:^5 E. WIARD. Plow-Colteri. JJo 142.310. Patentsd August 26, 1873. H. GALE. Plow Jointers. No,147.629 Pattiiilert Feb. 17. 1874. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Allen, James T. (James Titus). [Washington, D. C. , Joseph Bart, Printer Stock Photo
RMRPR4C3–. Allen's digest of plows, with attachments, patented in the United States from A.D. 1789 to January 1883 ... Plows; Patents. COLTERS. 1:^5 E. WIARD. Plow-Colteri. JJo 142.310. Patentsd August 26, 1873. H. GALE. Plow Jointers. No,147.629 Pattiiilert Feb. 17. 1874. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Allen, James T. (James Titus). [Washington, D. C. , Joseph Bart, Printer
. The Canadian field-naturalist. Natural history. 86 The Ottawa Naturalist [Vol. XXXIl. some striking examples of the rapid changes which a coast line may undergo. Hon. Joseph Howe a number of years ago reported that by actual measurement 1 I miles of the west end of the island had disappeared in 30 years. The commodious harbour on Sable island which was formerly a favorite haven of safety for fishing vessels was closed by a gale in 1836 shutting in two American vessels whose ribs are now buried in the sand. On parts of the south coast of England the work of the sea is largely constructive. So Stock Photo
RMRG3TGC–. The Canadian field-naturalist. Natural history. 86 The Ottawa Naturalist [Vol. XXXIl. some striking examples of the rapid changes which a coast line may undergo. Hon. Joseph Howe a number of years ago reported that by actual measurement 1 I miles of the west end of the island had disappeared in 30 years. The commodious harbour on Sable island which was formerly a favorite haven of safety for fishing vessels was closed by a gale in 1836 shutting in two American vessels whose ribs are now buried in the sand. On parts of the south coast of England the work of the sea is largely constructive. So
. Allen's digest of plows, with attachments, patented in the United States from A.D. 1789 to January 1883 ... Plows; Patents. 126 COLTERS. H. GALE, ABeljndr, by nostie aselgnmeiil*. to Tbb Oai.ii MafufactI'hinu Cu Plow. No. 8.082. Reissued Feb. 12. 1878 No. 107.063. H M KEITH, Plow Colter. Patontnd Sept. 6. 1870.. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Allen, James T. (James Titus). [Washington, D. C. , Joseph Bart Stock Photo
RMRPR5BA–. Allen's digest of plows, with attachments, patented in the United States from A.D. 1789 to January 1883 ... Plows; Patents. 126 COLTERS. H. GALE, ABeljndr, by nostie aselgnmeiil*. to Tbb Oai.ii MafufactI'hinu Cu Plow. No. 8.082. Reissued Feb. 12. 1878 No. 107.063. H M KEITH, Plow Colter. Patontnd Sept. 6. 1870.. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Allen, James T. (James Titus). [Washington, D. C. , Joseph Bart
. Historical sketches of the town of Milford . hite, Mass.; William Thomas, Rocky Hill; Ebenezer Truman,Harwinton; Hezikiah Lee, Norwalk; Joseph Trowbridge, Killingly;Stephen Brown, Mass.; Benjamin Peas, Attleborough; Samuel Everett,Wrentham; Samuel Gale, Penn.; Richard Polsey, Conn.; Nathan Wil-ton, Conn.; Elijah Gregory, New London; Thomas Madison, ; Solomon Jackson, Middlebury; Joseph Arnold, Chatham; ThomasWright, Simsbury; Simon Elwell, Mass.; Abel Hart, Farmington; Constant Turner, Middletown; John , Penn.; Robert Coling- ham, Cape Ann; Benjamin Frisby, Harwinton; Abram Beach, Goshen;Asa Stock Photo
RM2CDADX5–. Historical sketches of the town of Milford . hite, Mass.; William Thomas, Rocky Hill; Ebenezer Truman,Harwinton; Hezikiah Lee, Norwalk; Joseph Trowbridge, Killingly;Stephen Brown, Mass.; Benjamin Peas, Attleborough; Samuel Everett,Wrentham; Samuel Gale, Penn.; Richard Polsey, Conn.; Nathan Wil-ton, Conn.; Elijah Gregory, New London; Thomas Madison, ; Solomon Jackson, Middlebury; Joseph Arnold, Chatham; ThomasWright, Simsbury; Simon Elwell, Mass.; Abel Hart, Farmington; Constant Turner, Middletown; John , Penn.; Robert Coling- ham, Cape Ann; Benjamin Frisby, Harwinton; Abram Beach, Goshen;Asa