James D. Innes - Spanish landscape Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-james-d-innes-spanish-landscape-99604205.html
RMFP1A51–James D. Innes - Spanish landscape
James D Ross, Preston North End and Liverpool FC footballer. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/james-d-ross-preston-north-end-and-liverpool-fc-footballer-image504826376.html
RM2M98R5C–James D Ross, Preston North End and Liverpool FC footballer.
James D. Hoskins Library. Knoxville. 1950 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/james-d-hoskins-library-knoxville-1950-image184462582.html
RMMM2YWA–James D. Hoskins Library. Knoxville. 1950
Poster for the re-election to the US Senate in 1920 of James D Phelan (1861-1930) American Democrat politician and banker. He campaigned against Japanese settlement in California. One poster said 'Keep California White'. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-poster-for-the-re-election-to-the-us-senate-in-1920-of-james-d-phelan-57357347.html
RMD98RTK–Poster for the re-election to the US Senate in 1920 of James D Phelan (1861-1930) American Democrat politician and banker. He campaigned against Japanese settlement in California. One poster said 'Keep California White'.
JAMES D. FELLERS Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/james-d-fellers-image69364547.html
James D Innes - Spanish Landscape - 1912 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/james-d-innes-spanish-landscape-1912-image571126336.html
RF2T551D4–James D Innes - Spanish Landscape - 1912
Prof. James D. Dana., still image, Stereographs Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/prof-james-d-dana-still-image-stereographs-image386403751.html
RM2DCJ5WY–Prof. James D. Dana., still image, Stereographs
Unken: church hl . James d . Ä . and cemetery at a commemoration of the dead on All Saints, Austria, Salzburg, Pinzgau Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-unken-church-hl-james-d-and-cemetery-at-a-commemoration-of-the-dead-113513762.html
RMGGJYXX–Unken: church hl . James d . Ä . and cemetery at a commemoration of the dead on All Saints, Austria, Salzburg, Pinzgau
JAMES D BRUBAKER 'DRAGONFLY' LA PREMIER DIRECTORS GUILD HOLLYWOOD LA USA 18 February 2002 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-james-d-brubaker-dragonfly-la-premier-directors-guild-hollywood-la-125433648.html
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr George Carey (right) with the President of the World Bank, James D Wolfensohn, at Lambeth Palace in London today (Thursday) where they hosted a Dialogue of leaders from nine world Faiths. The aim of the two day discussions was to broaden opportunities for common understanding between the Bank and the Faiths in order to take action in tackling the critical issue of global poverty. Photo by John Stillwell/PA Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-archbishop-of-canterbury-dr-george-carey-right-with-the-president-of-the-world-bank-james-d-wolfensohn-at-lambeth-palace-in-london-today-thursday-where-they-hosted-a-dialogue-of-leaders-from-nine-world-faiths-the-aim-of-the-two-day-discussions-was-to-broaden-opportunities-for-common-understanding-between-the-bank-and-the-faiths-in-order-to-take-action-in-tackling-the-critical-issue-of-global-poverty-photo-by-john-stillwellpa-image380461147.html
RM2D2YE23–The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr George Carey (right) with the President of the World Bank, James D Wolfensohn, at Lambeth Palace in London today (Thursday) where they hosted a Dialogue of leaders from nine world Faiths. The aim of the two day discussions was to broaden opportunities for common understanding between the Bank and the Faiths in order to take action in tackling the critical issue of global poverty. Photo by John Stillwell/PA
James D. Solomon at arrivals for THE CONSPIRATOR Premiere Screening at Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF), Roy Thomson Hall, Toronto, ON September 11, 2010. Photo By: Gregorio T. Binuya/Everett Collection Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-james-d-solomon-at-arrivals-for-the-conspirator-premiere-screening-38211454.html
RMC64K2P–James D. Solomon at arrivals for THE CONSPIRATOR Premiere Screening at Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF), Roy Thomson Hall, Toronto, ON September 11, 2010. Photo By: Gregorio T. Binuya/Everett Collection
Art inspired by Ladle, 1820–30, Made in New York, New York, United States, American, Silver, L. 7 5/8 in. (19.4 cm), Silver, James D. Stout (active ca. 1805–39, Classic works modernized by Artotop with a splash of modernity. Shapes, color and value, eye-catching visual impact on art. Emotions through freedom of artworks in a contemporary way. A timeless message pursuing a wildly creative new direction. Artists turning to the digital medium and creating the Artotop NFT Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/art-inspired-by-ladle-182030-made-in-new-york-new-york-united-states-american-silver-l-7-58-in-194-cm-silver-james-d-stout-active-ca-180539-classic-works-modernized-by-artotop-with-a-splash-of-modernity-shapes-color-and-value-eye-catching-visual-impact-on-art-emotions-through-freedom-of-artworks-in-a-contemporary-way-a-timeless-message-pursuing-a-wildly-creative-new-direction-artists-turning-to-the-digital-medium-and-creating-the-artotop-nft-image462885309.html
RF2HW26X5–Art inspired by Ladle, 1820–30, Made in New York, New York, United States, American, Silver, L. 7 5/8 in. (19.4 cm), Silver, James D. Stout (active ca. 1805–39, Classic works modernized by Artotop with a splash of modernity. Shapes, color and value, eye-catching visual impact on art. Emotions through freedom of artworks in a contemporary way. A timeless message pursuing a wildly creative new direction. Artists turning to the digital medium and creating the Artotop NFT
Commander James D Johnston, Confederate Navy commander, in charge of the CSS Tennessee when it was captured during the Battle of Mobile Bay on 5 August, 1864.American Civil War Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-commander-james-d-johnston-confederate-navy-commander-in-charge-of-83335594.html
RMERG7B6–Commander James D Johnston, Confederate Navy commander, in charge of the CSS Tennessee when it was captured during the Battle of Mobile Bay on 5 August, 1864.American Civil War
Poster of Senator James D. Phelan reelection campaign in 1920, Private Collection Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/poster-of-senator-james-d-phelan-reelection-campaign-in-1920-private-collection-image335858173.html
RM2AEBJEN–Poster of Senator James D. Phelan reelection campaign in 1920, Private Collection
Gen. James D. Thurman, former commanding general of United Nations Command/Combined Forces Command/United States Forces-Korea, and Brig. Gen. Scott McKean, deputy commanding general of operations at Fort Bliss and 1st Armored Division, stand steadfast whi Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/gen-james-d-thurman-former-commanding-general-of-united-nations-commandcombined-image62196868.html
RMDH58MM–Gen. James D. Thurman, former commanding general of United Nations Command/Combined Forces Command/United States Forces-Korea, and Brig. Gen. Scott McKean, deputy commanding general of operations at Fort Bliss and 1st Armored Division, stand steadfast whi
New York State Attorney General Letita James (D) during the New York City Pride March on Fifth Avenue in New York City. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/new-york-state-attorney-general-letita-james-d-during-the-new-york-city-pride-march-on-fifth-avenue-in-new-york-city-image258940456.html
RMW17N5C–New York State Attorney General Letita James (D) during the New York City Pride March on Fifth Avenue in New York City.
(dpa) - World Bank President James D. Wolfensohn and Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul, the German Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, attend a press conference in Berlin, 22 May 2003. Wolfensohn stressed that fighting poverty was still a key issue despite the staggering economies and that de Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-dpa-world-bank-president-james-d-wolfensohn-and-heidemarie-wieczorek-53733035.html
RMD3BN0Y–(dpa) - World Bank President James D. Wolfensohn and Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul, the German Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, attend a press conference in Berlin, 22 May 2003. Wolfensohn stressed that fighting poverty was still a key issue despite the staggering economies and that de
James D-Train Williams Jessie Ware performs at the Cambridge Club Festival, UK. June 8, 2024 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/james-d-train-williams-jessie-ware-performs-at-the-cambridge-club-festival-uk-june-8-2024-image611651257.html
RM2XF33BN–James D-Train Williams Jessie Ware performs at the Cambridge Club Festival, UK. June 8, 2024
N/A. English: Asaphus gigas . 1863. James D. Dana 142 Asaphus gigas Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/na-english-asaphus-gigas-1863-james-d-dana-142-asaphus-gigas-image210067987.html
RMP5NBT3–N/A. English: Asaphus gigas . 1863. James D. Dana 142 Asaphus gigas
They can't hold up this train! 1893 October 11. President Cleveland as a railroad engineer driving a locomotive labeled 'Administration R.R.' that is roaring out of a tunnel labeled 'Business Depression Tunnel', and knocking out of the way legislators who are placing 'Dilatory Admendments' and 'Teller's Dilatory Tactics' on the tracks, trying to derail the train; among the legislators are Francis M. Cockrell, James Z. George, James L. Pugh, William A. Peffer, George G. Vest, James D. Cameron, William M. Stewart, Henry M. Teller, John P. Jones, and Edward O. Wolcott. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/they-cant-hold-up-this-train!-1893-october-11-president-cleveland-image65074673.html
RMDNTBBD–They can't hold up this train! 1893 October 11. President Cleveland as a railroad engineer driving a locomotive labeled 'Administration R.R.' that is roaring out of a tunnel labeled 'Business Depression Tunnel', and knocking out of the way legislators who are placing 'Dilatory Admendments' and 'Teller's Dilatory Tactics' on the tracks, trying to derail the train; among the legislators are Francis M. Cockrell, James Z. George, James L. Pugh, William A. Peffer, George G. Vest, James D. Cameron, William M. Stewart, Henry M. Teller, John P. Jones, and Edward O. Wolcott.
JAMES D OF ORMONDE Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-james-d-of-ormonde-56743047.html
Residence of Hon. James D. Smith. Stamford. 1892 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/residence-of-hon-james-d-smith-stamford-1892-image184440121.html
RMMM1Y75–Residence of Hon. James D. Smith. Stamford. 1892
President Franklin D Roosevelt with son James Roosevelt aboard rear of the Presidential Special of the Atlantic Coast Line campaign train, 1934. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/president-franklin-d-roosevelt-with-son-james-roosevelt-aboard-rear-image159684641.html
RMK7P7AW–President Franklin D Roosevelt with son James Roosevelt aboard rear of the Presidential Special of the Atlantic Coast Line campaign train, 1934.
Aug. 16, 1974 - President of ABA James D.Fellers Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/aug-16-1974-president-of-aba-james-dfellers-image69477466.html
RME10Y62–Aug. 16, 1974 - President of ABA James D.Fellers
James D. Reilly of Wisconsin ca. 1924 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/james-d-reilly-of-wisconsin-ca-1924-image561017972.html
RM2RGMG44–James D. Reilly of Wisconsin ca. 1924
Prof. James D. Dana., still image, Stereographs Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/prof-james-d-dana-still-image-stereographs-image387968924.html
RM2DF5E90–Prof. James D. Dana., still image, Stereographs
Unken: church hl . James d . Ä . and cemetery at a commemoration of the dead on All Saints, Austria, Salzburg, Pinzgau Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-unken-church-hl-james-d-and-cemetery-at-a-commemoration-of-the-dead-113513877.html
RMGGK031–Unken: church hl . James d . Ä . and cemetery at a commemoration of the dead on All Saints, Austria, Salzburg, Pinzgau
Photograph of an advanced model of the Ranger 3 spacecraft and the lunar capsule. Also pictured is Dr. Donald B. Duncan (left), general operations manager of Space System Operations at Aeronutronic Division of Ford Motor Company, where the capsule is being deployed; and James D. Burke, Ranger project manager at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Dated 20th century Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/photograph-of-an-advanced-model-of-the-ranger-3-spacecraft-and-the-lunar-capsule-also-pictured-is-dr-donald-b-duncan-left-general-operations-manager-of-space-system-operations-at-aeronutronic-division-of-ford-motor-company-where-the-capsule-is-being-deployed-and-james-d-burke-ranger-project-manager-at-the-jet-propulsion-laboratory-dated-20th-century-image186326598.html
RMMR3WDA–Photograph of an advanced model of the Ranger 3 spacecraft and the lunar capsule. Also pictured is Dr. Donald B. Duncan (left), general operations manager of Space System Operations at Aeronutronic Division of Ford Motor Company, where the capsule is being deployed; and James D. Burke, Ranger project manager at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Dated 20th century
Spanish landscape. Date/Period: 1912. Painting. Oil on wood panel. Height: 32.70 mm (1.28 in); Width: 40.60 mm (1.59 in). Author: James D. INNES. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/spanish-landscape-dateperiod-1912-painting-oil-on-wood-panel-height-3270-mm-128-in-width-4060-mm-159-in-author-james-d-innes-image219756752.html
RMPNENYC–Spanish landscape. Date/Period: 1912. Painting. Oil on wood panel. Height: 32.70 mm (1.28 in); Width: 40.60 mm (1.59 in). Author: James D. INNES.
James D. Solomon at arrivals for THE CONSPIRATOR Premiere Screening at Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF), Roy Thomson Hall, Toronto, ON September 11, 2010. Photo By: Gregorio T. Binuya/Everett Collection Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-james-d-solomon-at-arrivals-for-the-conspirator-premiere-screening-38211447.html
RMC64K2F–James D. Solomon at arrivals for THE CONSPIRATOR Premiere Screening at Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF), Roy Thomson Hall, Toronto, ON September 11, 2010. Photo By: Gregorio T. Binuya/Everett Collection
Art inspired by Tea Spoon, 1825, Made in New York, New York, United States, American, Silver, L. 5 7/8 in. (14.9 cm), Silver, James D. Stout (active ca. 1805–39, Classic works modernized by Artotop with a splash of modernity. Shapes, color and value, eye-catching visual impact on art. Emotions through freedom of artworks in a contemporary way. A timeless message pursuing a wildly creative new direction. Artists turning to the digital medium and creating the Artotop NFT Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/art-inspired-by-tea-spoon-1825-made-in-new-york-new-york-united-states-american-silver-l-5-78-in-149-cm-silver-james-d-stout-active-ca-180539-classic-works-modernized-by-artotop-with-a-splash-of-modernity-shapes-color-and-value-eye-catching-visual-impact-on-art-emotions-through-freedom-of-artworks-in-a-contemporary-way-a-timeless-message-pursuing-a-wildly-creative-new-direction-artists-turning-to-the-digital-medium-and-creating-the-artotop-nft-image462893898.html
RF2HW2HTX–Art inspired by Tea Spoon, 1825, Made in New York, New York, United States, American, Silver, L. 5 7/8 in. (14.9 cm), Silver, James D. Stout (active ca. 1805–39, Classic works modernized by Artotop with a splash of modernity. Shapes, color and value, eye-catching visual impact on art. Emotions through freedom of artworks in a contemporary way. A timeless message pursuing a wildly creative new direction. Artists turning to the digital medium and creating the Artotop NFT
Original Film Title: STONED. English Title: STONED. Film Director: STEPHEN WOOLLEY. Year: 2005. Stars: LUKE DE WOOLFSON; LEO GREGORY; BEN WHISHAW; JAMES D. WHITE. Credit: NUMBER 9 FILMS LTD. / Album Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/original-film-title-stoned-english-title-stoned-film-director-stephen-woolley-year-2005-stars-luke-de-woolfson-leo-gregory-ben-whishaw-james-d-white-credit-number-9-films-ltd-album-image207519676.html
RMP1H9D0–Original Film Title: STONED. English Title: STONED. Film Director: STEPHEN WOOLLEY. Year: 2005. Stars: LUKE DE WOOLFSON; LEO GREGORY; BEN WHISHAW; JAMES D. WHITE. Credit: NUMBER 9 FILMS LTD. / Album
James D Cameron, (1833-1918), 1920s. Artist: Unknown Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/james-d-cameron-1833-1918-1920s-artist-unknown-image262778400.html
RMW7EGET–James D Cameron, (1833-1918), 1920s. Artist: Unknown
Gen. James D. Thurman, former commanding general of United Nations Command/Combined Forces Command/United States Forces-Korea, speaks about the stature and professionalism of Brig. Gen. Scott McKean during a promotion ceremony Oct. 29, 2013, at the 1st Ar Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/gen-james-d-thurman-former-commanding-general-of-united-nations-commandcombined-image62196883.html
RMDH58N7–Gen. James D. Thurman, former commanding general of United Nations Command/Combined Forces Command/United States Forces-Korea, speaks about the stature and professionalism of Brig. Gen. Scott McKean during a promotion ceremony Oct. 29, 2013, at the 1st Ar
Battle between the Constitution and the Guerriere - painted by Alonzo Chappel ; engraved by James D. Smillie. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/battle-between-the-constitution-and-the-guerriere-painted-by-alonzo-chappel-engraved-by-james-d-smillie-image218134734.html
RMPJTW26–Battle between the Constitution and the Guerriere - painted by Alonzo Chappel ; engraved by James D. Smillie.
D. James (Gwalch Ebrill), U.D. A gallery of Welsh and Welsh-American poets. 1893 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/d-james-gwalch-ebrill-ud-a-gallery-of-welsh-and-welsh-american-poets-1893-image433345140.html
RM2G50G44–D. James (Gwalch Ebrill), U.D. A gallery of Welsh and Welsh-American poets. 1893
N/A. English: Ampyx nudus . 1863. James D. Dana 94 Ampyx nudus Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/na-english-ampyx-nudus-1863-james-d-dana-94-ampyx-nudus-image210029071.html
RMP5KJ67–N/A. English: Ampyx nudus . 1863. James D. Dana 94 Ampyx nudus
Harvard Biology Professor James D. Watson (far right), who won the Nobel Prize as one of the discoverers of the structure of Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-harvard-biology-professor-james-d-watson-far-right-who-won-the-nobel-50021068.html
RMCWAJAM–Harvard Biology Professor James D. Watson (far right), who won the Nobel Prize as one of the discoverers of the structure of
SIR JAMES D LINTON Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-sir-james-d-linton-105281576.html
THE BRIDE CAME C.O.D. (1941) JAMES CAGNEY, BETTE DAVIS BRCM 006P Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-the-bride-came-cod-1941-james-cagney-bette-davis-brcm-006p-29290368.html
Te Heuheu III, photograph by James D. Richardson Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-te-heuheu-iii-photograph-by-james-d-richardson-140497541.html
RMJ4G619–Te Heuheu III, photograph by James D. Richardson
Dec. 09, 2011 - Idlewild Airport, N.Y. Aug 10: James D. Zellebbach, United State ambassadors To Italy, and his wife are shown on arrival here this morning VIA TWA From Rome. The ambassador leaves Monday for Washington, for consultation s at the state department, and then goes home to California for a holiday. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/dec-09-2011-idlewild-airport-ny-aug-10-james-d-zellebbach-united-state-image69509309.html
RME12BR9–Dec. 09, 2011 - Idlewild Airport, N.Y. Aug 10: James D. Zellebbach, United State ambassadors To Italy, and his wife are shown on arrival here this morning VIA TWA From Rome. The ambassador leaves Monday for Washington, for consultation s at the state department, and then goes home to California for a holiday.
James D. Phelan standing outdoors ca. 1924 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/james-d-phelan-standing-outdoors-ca-1924-image561017783.html
RM2RGMFWB–James D. Phelan standing outdoors ca. 1924
Place names of West Aberdeenshire : Macdonald, James, d. 1897 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/place-names-of-west-aberdeenshire-macdonald-james-d-1897-image261423133.html
RMW58RTD–Place names of West Aberdeenshire : Macdonald, James, d. 1897
Franklin D. Roosevelt with James A. Farley, 1937 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-franklin-d-roosevelt-with-james-a-farley-1937-48391557.html
RMCPMBWW–Franklin D. Roosevelt with James A. Farley, 1937
Funeral of James A. Garfield, the 20th president of the United States, in 1881. Garfield was shot at the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad Station in Washington, D.C. Garfield died two months later from infections related to the wounds. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/funeral-of-james-a-garfield-the-20th-president-of-the-united-states-in-1881-garfield-was-shot-at-the-baltimore-and-potomac-railroad-station-in-washington-dc-garfield-died-two-months-later-from-infections-related-to-the-wounds-image634300382.html
RM2YRXTH2–Funeral of James A. Garfield, the 20th president of the United States, in 1881. Garfield was shot at the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad Station in Washington, D.C. Garfield died two months later from infections related to the wounds.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt with James Roosevelt aboard Rear of Train, Presidential Special of the Atlantic Coast Line. 1934 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/president-franklin-d-roosevelt-with-james-roosevelt-aboard-rear-of-train-presidential-special-of-the-atlantic-coast-line-1934-image618359485.html
RM2XX0KR9–President Franklin D. Roosevelt with James Roosevelt aboard Rear of Train, Presidential Special of the Atlantic Coast Line. 1934
Nobel Prize winners James D. Watson and Francis Crick on NOVA's science adventure THE RACE FOR THE DOUBLE HELIX, 1976 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-nobel-prize-winners-james-d-watson-and-francis-crick-on-novas-science-32373142.html
RMBTJM7J–Nobel Prize winners James D. Watson and Francis Crick on NOVA's science adventure THE RACE FOR THE DOUBLE HELIX, 1976
Inspired by Mountain Landscape, J. Hall, possibly James D. Hall, American, active ca. 1850, Oil on canvas, 1853, 19 13/16 x 29 1/8 in., 50.4 x 74 cm, 1853, american, landscape, mountain, mountains, natural, oil on canvas, painting, river, trees, valley, water, Reimagined by Artotop. Classic art reinvented with a modern twist. Design of warm cheerful glowing of brightness and light ray radiance. Photography inspired by surrealism and futurism, embracing dynamic energy of modern technology, movement, speed and revolutionize culture Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/inspired-by-mountain-landscape-j-hall-possibly-james-d-hall-american-active-ca-1850-oil-on-canvas-1853-19-1316-x-29-18-in-504-x-74-cm-1853-american-landscape-mountain-mountains-natural-oil-on-canvas-painting-river-trees-valley-water-reimagined-by-artotop-classic-art-reinvented-with-a-modern-twist-design-of-warm-cheerful-glowing-of-brightness-and-light-ray-radiance-photography-inspired-by-surrealism-and-futurism-embracing-dynamic-energy-of-modern-technology-movement-speed-and-revolutionize-culture-image459250110.html
RF2HK4J5J–Inspired by Mountain Landscape, J. Hall, possibly James D. Hall, American, active ca. 1850, Oil on canvas, 1853, 19 13/16 x 29 1/8 in., 50.4 x 74 cm, 1853, american, landscape, mountain, mountains, natural, oil on canvas, painting, river, trees, valley, water, Reimagined by Artotop. Classic art reinvented with a modern twist. Design of warm cheerful glowing of brightness and light ray radiance. Photography inspired by surrealism and futurism, embracing dynamic energy of modern technology, movement, speed and revolutionize culture
Original Film Title: STONED. English Title: STONED. Film Director: STEPHEN WOOLLEY. Year: 2005. Stars: LUKE DE WOOLFSON; LEO GREGORY; BEN WHISHAW; JAMES D. WHITE. Credit: NUMBER 9 FILMS LTD. / Album Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/original-film-title-stoned-english-title-stoned-film-director-stephen-woolley-year-2005-stars-luke-de-woolfson-leo-gregory-ben-whishaw-james-d-white-credit-number-9-films-ltd-album-image207519677.html
RMP1H9D1–Original Film Title: STONED. English Title: STONED. Film Director: STEPHEN WOOLLEY. Year: 2005. Stars: LUKE DE WOOLFSON; LEO GREGORY; BEN WHISHAW; JAMES D. WHITE. Credit: NUMBER 9 FILMS LTD. / Album
James D' Arcy 'W.E' UK premiere held at the Odeon Kensington - Arrivals London, England - 11.01.12 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-james-d-arcy-we-uk-premiere-held-at-the-odeon-kensington-arrivals-55372523.html
RMD62C63–James D' Arcy 'W.E' UK premiere held at the Odeon Kensington - Arrivals London, England - 11.01.12
Gen. James D. Thurman, former commanding general of United Nations Command/Combined Forces Command/United States Forces-Korea, and Kim McKean replace the shoulder rank of Brig. Gen. Scott McKean's dress coat during his promotion to brigadier general Oct. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/gen-james-d-thurman-former-commanding-general-of-united-nations-commandcombined-image62196873.html
RMDH58MW–Gen. James D. Thurman, former commanding general of United Nations Command/Combined Forces Command/United States Forces-Korea, and Kim McKean replace the shoulder rank of Brig. Gen. Scott McKean's dress coat during his promotion to brigadier general Oct.
Ambassador James D Melville Jr. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/ambassador-james-d-melville-jr-image214494119.html
RMPCY1C7–Ambassador James D Melville Jr.
Re-Elect James D. Phelan U.S. Senator And let him finish the work he now has under way to stop the Silent Invasion. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Author: Dan Sweeney. Copyright: This artwork is not in public domain. It is your responsibility to obtain all necessary third party permissions from the copyright handler in your country prior to publication. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/re-elect-james-d-phelan-us-senator-and-let-him-finish-the-work-he-now-has-under-way-to-stop-the-silent-invasion-museum-private-collection-author-dan-sweeney-copyright-this-artwork-is-not-in-public-domain-it-is-your-responsibility-to-obtain-all-necessary-third-party-permissions-from-the-copyright-handler-in-your-country-prior-to-publication-image630977705.html
RM2YJFEE1–Re-Elect James D. Phelan U.S. Senator And let him finish the work he now has under way to stop the Silent Invasion. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Author: Dan Sweeney. Copyright: This artwork is not in public domain. It is your responsibility to obtain all necessary third party permissions from the copyright handler in your country prior to publication.
(left to right, back to front) Wales' goalkeeper Danny Ward, Joe Rodon, Kieffer Moore, Ethan Ampadu, Connor Roberts, Jordan James, Ben Davies, Chris Mepham, Harry Wilson, Neco Williams and David Brooks before the UEFA Euro 2024 Qualifying Group D match at the Cardiff City Stadium, Wales. Picture date: Sunday October 15, 2023. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/left-to-right-back-to-front-wales-goalkeeper-danny-ward-joe-rodon-kieffer-moore-ethan-ampadu-connor-roberts-jordan-james-ben-davies-chris-mepham-harry-wilson-neco-williams-and-david-brooks-before-the-uefa-euro-2024-qualifying-group-d-match-at-the-cardiff-city-stadium-wales-picture-date-sunday-october-15-2023-image569115079.html
RM2T1WC2F–(left to right, back to front) Wales' goalkeeper Danny Ward, Joe Rodon, Kieffer Moore, Ethan Ampadu, Connor Roberts, Jordan James, Ben Davies, Chris Mepham, Harry Wilson, Neco Williams and David Brooks before the UEFA Euro 2024 Qualifying Group D match at the Cardiff City Stadium, Wales. Picture date: Sunday October 15, 2023.
N/A. English: Belemnotheutis antiquus . 1863. James D. Dana 184 Belemnotheutis antiquus Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/na-english-belemnotheutis-antiquus-1863-james-d-dana-184-belemnotheutis-antiquus-image210077780.html
RMP5NT9T–N/A. English: Belemnotheutis antiquus . 1863. James D. Dana 184 Belemnotheutis antiquus
Nobel Prize winners James D. Watson and Francis Crick on NOVA's science adventure THE RACE FOR THE DOUBLE HELIX, 1976. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-nobel-prize-winners-james-d-watson-and-francis-crick-on-novas-science-50021070.html
RMCWAJAP–Nobel Prize winners James D. Watson and Francis Crick on NOVA's science adventure THE RACE FOR THE DOUBLE HELIX, 1976.
Cartoon of James D Stoyle (1831-1880), English character actor and comedian, seen here in the character of Ben Barnacle in a production of Billee Taylor by Stephens and Solomon at the Imperial Theatre, London. The song he sang, All on Account of Eliza, was whistled all over London. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/cartoon-of-james-d-stoyle-1831-1880-english-character-actor-and-comedian-seen-here-in-the-character-of-ben-barnacle-in-a-production-of-billee-taylor-by-stephens-and-solomon-at-the-imperial-theatre-london-the-song-he-sang-all-on-account-of-eliza-was-whistled-all-over-london-image504806648.html
RM2M97X0T–Cartoon of James D Stoyle (1831-1880), English character actor and comedian, seen here in the character of Ben Barnacle in a production of Billee Taylor by Stephens and Solomon at the Imperial Theatre, London. The song he sang, All on Account of Eliza, was whistled all over London.
THE BRIDE CAME C.O.D. (1941) JAMES CAGNEY, BETTE DAVIS BRCM 003P Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-the-bride-came-cod-1941-james-cagney-bette-davis-brcm-003p-29290365.html
James D. Williams - Brady-Handy Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-image-james-d-williams-brady-handy-169730810.html
RMKT3WAJ–James D. Williams - Brady-Handy
The James D. Reader Center at the Matthaei Botanical Gardens and Nichols Arboretum in Ann Arbor Michigan USA Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-the-james-d-reader-center-at-the-matthaei-botanical-gardens-and-nichols-14731605.html
RMAJGEMP–The James D. Reader Center at the Matthaei Botanical Gardens and Nichols Arboretum in Ann Arbor Michigan USA
(1 Sept 1985) --- Astronaut James D. van Hoften on the Discovery's remote manipulator system (RMS) arm visually tracks the distant Syncom IV-3 communications satellite after its second release, on Sept. 1, 1985. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/1-sept-1985-astronaut-james-d-van-hoften-on-the-discoverys-remote-manipulator-system-rms-arm-visually-tracks-the-distant-syncom-iv-3-communications-satellite-after-its-second-release-on-sept-1-1985-image259694077.html
RMW2E2CD–(1 Sept 1985) --- Astronaut James D. van Hoften on the Discovery's remote manipulator system (RMS) arm visually tracks the distant Syncom IV-3 communications satellite after its second release, on Sept. 1, 1985.
The place names of west Aberdeenshire : Macdonald, James, d. 1897 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-place-names-of-west-aberdeenshire-macdonald-james-d-1897-image261423126.html
RMW58RT6–The place names of west Aberdeenshire : Macdonald, James, d. 1897
T.U.C. meeting at Transport House. On left, Rev James Barr, D.D., M.P. 27 August 1931 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/tuc-meeting-at-transport-house-on-left-rev-james-barr-dd-mp-27-august-1931-image359631908.html
RM2BW2J4M–T.U.C. meeting at Transport House. On left, Rev James Barr, D.D., M.P. 27 August 1931
Trial of Charles Julius Guiteau (1841 ? 1882) assassinated James A. Garfield, the 20th president of the United States, in 1881. Guiteau believed he had played a major role in Garfield's election victory, for which he should have been rewarded with a consulship. He felt frustrated and offended by the Garfield administration's rejections of his applications to serve in Vienna or Paris to such a degree that he decided to kill Garfield and shot him at the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad Station in Washington, D.C. Garfield died two months later from infections related to the wounds. In January 1882 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/trial-of-charles-julius-guiteau-1841-1882-assassinated-james-a-garfield-the-20th-president-of-the-united-states-in-1881-guiteau-believed-he-had-played-a-major-role-in-garfields-election-victory-for-which-he-should-have-been-rewarded-with-a-consulship-he-felt-frustrated-and-offended-by-the-garfield-administrations-rejections-of-his-applications-to-serve-in-vienna-or-paris-to-such-a-degree-that-he-decided-to-kill-garfield-and-shot-him-at-the-baltimore-and-potomac-railroad-station-in-washington-dc-garfield-died-two-months-later-from-infections-related-to-the-wounds-in-january-1882-image634300411.html
RM2YRXTJ3–Trial of Charles Julius Guiteau (1841 ? 1882) assassinated James A. Garfield, the 20th president of the United States, in 1881. Guiteau believed he had played a major role in Garfield's election victory, for which he should have been rewarded with a consulship. He felt frustrated and offended by the Garfield administration's rejections of his applications to serve in Vienna or Paris to such a degree that he decided to kill Garfield and shot him at the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad Station in Washington, D.C. Garfield died two months later from infections related to the wounds. In January 1882
Children of Men (2006) directed by Alfonso Cuarón and starring Julianne Moore, Clive Owen, Chiwetel Ejiofor and Michael Caine. P.D. James' dystopian future world of mass illegal immigration and infertility hits the big screen. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/children-of-men-2006-directed-by-alfonso-cuarn-and-starring-julianne-moore-clive-owen-chiwetel-ejiofor-and-michael-caine-pd-james-dystopian-future-world-of-mass-illegal-immigration-and-infertility-hits-the-big-screen-image344964472.html
RM2B16DKM–Children of Men (2006) directed by Alfonso Cuarón and starring Julianne Moore, Clive Owen, Chiwetel Ejiofor and Michael Caine. P.D. James' dystopian future world of mass illegal immigration and infertility hits the big screen.
Harvard Biology Professor James D. Watson (far right), who won the Nobel Prize as one of the discoverers of the structure of t Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-harvard-biology-professor-james-d-watson-far-right-who-won-the-nobel-32373140.html
RMBTJM7G–Harvard Biology Professor James D. Watson (far right), who won the Nobel Prize as one of the discoverers of the structure of t
Art inspired by Mountain Landscape, J. Hall, possibly James D. Hall, American, active ca. 1850, Oil on canvas, 1853, 19 13/16 x 29 1/8 in., 50.4 x 74 cm, 1853, american, landscape, mountain, mountains, natural, oil on canvas, painting, river, trees, valley, water, Classic works modernized by Artotop with a splash of modernity. Shapes, color and value, eye-catching visual impact on art. Emotions through freedom of artworks in a contemporary way. A timeless message pursuing a wildly creative new direction. Artists turning to the digital medium and creating the Artotop NFT Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/art-inspired-by-mountain-landscape-j-hall-possibly-james-d-hall-american-active-ca-1850-oil-on-canvas-1853-19-1316-x-29-18-in-504-x-74-cm-1853-american-landscape-mountain-mountains-natural-oil-on-canvas-painting-river-trees-valley-water-classic-works-modernized-by-artotop-with-a-splash-of-modernity-shapes-color-and-value-eye-catching-visual-impact-on-art-emotions-through-freedom-of-artworks-in-a-contemporary-way-a-timeless-message-pursuing-a-wildly-creative-new-direction-artists-turning-to-the-digital-medium-and-creating-the-artotop-nft-image459566771.html
RF2HKK22Y–Art inspired by Mountain Landscape, J. Hall, possibly James D. Hall, American, active ca. 1850, Oil on canvas, 1853, 19 13/16 x 29 1/8 in., 50.4 x 74 cm, 1853, american, landscape, mountain, mountains, natural, oil on canvas, painting, river, trees, valley, water, Classic works modernized by Artotop with a splash of modernity. Shapes, color and value, eye-catching visual impact on art. Emotions through freedom of artworks in a contemporary way. A timeless message pursuing a wildly creative new direction. Artists turning to the digital medium and creating the Artotop NFT
The caption for this 1902 illustration reads: Duke of Monmouth craving pardon of King James.It is from The Defeat of Duke of Monmouth from Lorna Doone by R D Blackmore. A Romance of Exmoor is a novel by English author Richard Doddridge Blackmore, published in 1869. It is a romance based on a group of historical characters and set in the late 17th century in Devon and Somerset, particularly around the East Lyn Valley area of Exmoor. Richard Doddridge Blackmore, known as R. D. Blackmore, was one of the most famous English novelists of the second half of the nineteenth century. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-caption-for-this-1902-illustration-reads-duke-of-monmouth-craving-pardon-of-king-jamesit-is-from-the-defeat-of-duke-of-monmouth-from-lorna-doone-by-r-d-blackmore-a-romance-of-exmoor-is-a-novel-by-english-author-richard-doddridge-blackmore-published-in-1869-it-is-a-romance-based-on-a-group-of-historical-characters-and-set-in-the-late-17th-century-in-devon-and-somerset-particularly-around-the-east-lyn-valley-area-of-exmoor-richard-doddridge-blackmore-known-as-r-d-blackmore-was-one-of-the-most-famous-english-novelists-of-the-second-half-of-the-nineteenth-century-image415741769.html
RF2F4AJT9–The caption for this 1902 illustration reads: Duke of Monmouth craving pardon of King James.It is from The Defeat of Duke of Monmouth from Lorna Doone by R D Blackmore. A Romance of Exmoor is a novel by English author Richard Doddridge Blackmore, published in 1869. It is a romance based on a group of historical characters and set in the late 17th century in Devon and Somerset, particularly around the East Lyn Valley area of Exmoor. Richard Doddridge Blackmore, known as R. D. Blackmore, was one of the most famous English novelists of the second half of the nineteenth century.
Jayne Houdyshell, Euan Morton and James D. Clow Euan Morton promoting his new CD, 'Caledonia – The Homecoming' at Birdland Jazz Club. New York City, USA - 29.05.11 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-jayne-houdyshell-euan-morton-and-james-d-clow-euan-morton-promoting-58697516.html
RMDBDW7T–Jayne Houdyshell, Euan Morton and James D. Clow Euan Morton promoting his new CD, 'Caledonia – The Homecoming' at Birdland Jazz Club. New York City, USA - 29.05.11
STS-41C astronauts George D. Nelson, right, and James D. van Hoften share a repair task at the captured Solar Maximum Mission Satellite (SMMS) in the aft end of the Challenger's cargo bay. The two mission specialist use the mobile foot restraint and the remote manipulator system (RMS) as a "cherry picker" device for moving about. Later, the RMS lifted the SMMS into space once more. Image # : 84-H-168 Date: April 11, 1984 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-sts-41c-astronauts-george-d-nelson-right-and-james-d-van-hoften-share-111969154.html
RMGE4HPA–STS-41C astronauts George D. Nelson, right, and James D. van Hoften share a repair task at the captured Solar Maximum Mission Satellite (SMMS) in the aft end of the Challenger's cargo bay. The two mission specialist use the mobile foot restraint and the remote manipulator system (RMS) as a "cherry picker" device for moving about. Later, the RMS lifted the SMMS into space once more. Image # : 84-H-168 Date: April 11, 1984
James D. Dana Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/james-d-dana-image367361261.html
RM2C9JN11–James D. Dana
James William Durbin and James D. Sparks, Texas Rangers Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-image-james-william-durbin-and-james-d-sparks-texas-rangers-169357458.html
RMKREW4J–James William Durbin and James D. Sparks, Texas Rangers
Soccer - UEFA Euro 2016 - Qualifying - Group D - Scotland v Poland - Hampden Park. Scotland's James McArthur Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-soccer-uefa-euro-2016-qualifying-group-d-scotland-v-poland-hampden-108438843.html
RMG8BPRR–Soccer - UEFA Euro 2016 - Qualifying - Group D - Scotland v Poland - Hampden Park. Scotland's James McArthur
N/A. English: Clymenia sedgwickii . 1863. James D. Dana 354 Clymenia sedgwickii Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/na-english-clymenia-sedgwickii-1863-james-d-dana-354-clymenia-sedgwickii-image210163621.html
RMP5WNRH–N/A. English: Clymenia sedgwickii . 1863. James D. Dana 354 Clymenia sedgwickii
Mrs. Ben Hogan, Ben Hogan, Pres. of U.S. Golf Assoc. James D. Standish, Jr. Ben Hogan with Cup is winner of the National Open Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-mrs-ben-hogan-ben-hogan-pres-of-us-golf-assoc-james-d-standish-jr-50016080.html
RMCWAC0G–Mrs. Ben Hogan, Ben Hogan, Pres. of U.S. Golf Assoc. James D. Standish, Jr. Ben Hogan with Cup is winner of the National Open
Portrait of James D Stoyle (1831-1880), English character actor and comedian, who had recently appeared in the role of Ben Barnacle (depicted in the top left corner) in a production of Billee Taylor by Stephens and Solomon at the Imperial Theatre, London. The song he sang, All on Account of Eliza, was whistled all over London. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/portrait-of-james-d-stoyle-1831-1880-english-character-actor-and-comedian-who-had-recently-appeared-in-the-role-of-ben-barnacle-depicted-in-the-top-left-corner-in-a-production-of-billee-taylor-by-stephens-and-solomon-at-the-imperial-theatre-london-the-song-he-sang-all-on-account-of-eliza-was-whistled-all-over-london-image504806593.html
RM2M97WXW–Portrait of James D Stoyle (1831-1880), English character actor and comedian, who had recently appeared in the role of Ben Barnacle (depicted in the top left corner) in a production of Billee Taylor by Stephens and Solomon at the Imperial Theatre, London. The song he sang, All on Account of Eliza, was whistled all over London.
FIRE IN THE SKY (1993) D B SWEENEY, JAMES GARNER FSKY 014 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-fire-in-the-sky-1993-d-b-sweeney-james-garner-fsky-014-29248510.html
James D. Post-hec.17006 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-image-james-d-post-hec17006-169730814.html
RMKT3WAP–James D. Post-hec.17006
BOB HOSKINS and DENZEL WASHINGTON in HEART CONDITION (1990), directed by JAMES D. PARRIOTT. Credit: NEW LINE CINEMA / Album Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/bob-hoskins-and-denzel-washington-in-heart-condition-1990-directed-by-james-d-parriott-credit-new-line-cinema-album-image335644253.html
(31 Aug-1 Sept. 1985) --- This photograph is one of a series of six covering extravehicular activity (EVA) which were released by NASA on Sept. 4, 1985. Here, astronaut James D. van Hoften, dwarfed by the large satellite, moves in for initial contact. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/31-aug-1-sept-1985-this-photograph-is-one-of-a-series-of-six-covering-extravehicular-activity-eva-which-were-released-by-nasa-on-sept-4-1985-here-astronaut-james-d-van-hoften-dwarfed-by-the-large-satellite-moves-in-for-initial-contact-image259732776.html
RMW2FRPG–(31 Aug-1 Sept. 1985) --- This photograph is one of a series of six covering extravehicular activity (EVA) which were released by NASA on Sept. 4, 1985. Here, astronaut James D. van Hoften, dwarfed by the large satellite, moves in for initial contact.
Library construction, architecture, fittings and furniture : Burgoyne, Frank James, d. 1913 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/library-construction-architecture-fittings-and-furniture-burgoyne-frank-james-d-1913-image261420772.html
RMW58MT4–Library construction, architecture, fittings and furniture : Burgoyne, Frank James, d. 1913
Victoria I (1819-1901), Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland (1837-1901) and Empress of India, (1876-1901), at the wedding of the Prince Leopold, Duke of Albany with the Princess Helena of Waldeck Pyrmont, April 27, 1882. Engraving by A. Closs from the painting of Sir James D. Linton. Almanaque de La Ilustracio n, 1880. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/victoria-i-1819-1901-queen-of-the-united-kingdom-of-great-britain-and-ireland-1837-1901-and-empress-of-india-1876-1901-at-the-wedding-of-the-prince-leopold-duke-of-albany-with-the-princess-helena-of-waldeck-pyrmont-april-27-1882-engraving-by-a-closs-from-the-painting-of-sir-james-d-linton-almanaque-de-la-ilustracio-n-1880-image211161288.html
RMP7F6AG–Victoria I (1819-1901), Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland (1837-1901) and Empress of India, (1876-1901), at the wedding of the Prince Leopold, Duke of Albany with the Princess Helena of Waldeck Pyrmont, April 27, 1882. Engraving by A. Closs from the painting of Sir James D. Linton. Almanaque de La Ilustracio n, 1880.
Trial of Charles Julius Guiteau (1841 ? 1882) assassinated James A. Garfield, the 20th president of the United States, in 1881. Guiteau believed he had played a major role in Garfield's election victory, for which he should have been rewarded with a consulship. He felt frustrated and offended by the Garfield administration's rejections of his applications to serve in Vienna or Paris to such a degree that he decided to kill Garfield and shot him at the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad Station in Washington, D.C. Garfield died two months later from infections related to the wounds. In January 1882 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/trial-of-charles-julius-guiteau-1841-1882-assassinated-james-a-garfield-the-20th-president-of-the-united-states-in-1881-guiteau-believed-he-had-played-a-major-role-in-garfields-election-victory-for-which-he-should-have-been-rewarded-with-a-consulship-he-felt-frustrated-and-offended-by-the-garfield-administrations-rejections-of-his-applications-to-serve-in-vienna-or-paris-to-such-a-degree-that-he-decided-to-kill-garfield-and-shot-him-at-the-baltimore-and-potomac-railroad-station-in-washington-dc-garfield-died-two-months-later-from-infections-related-to-the-wounds-in-january-1882-image634300387.html
RM2YRXTH7–Trial of Charles Julius Guiteau (1841 ? 1882) assassinated James A. Garfield, the 20th president of the United States, in 1881. Guiteau believed he had played a major role in Garfield's election victory, for which he should have been rewarded with a consulship. He felt frustrated and offended by the Garfield administration's rejections of his applications to serve in Vienna or Paris to such a degree that he decided to kill Garfield and shot him at the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad Station in Washington, D.C. Garfield died two months later from infections related to the wounds. In January 1882
Space Jam: A New Legacy (2021) directed by Malcolm D. Lee and starring LeBron James, Zendaya and Don Cheadle. NBA superstar LeBron James teams up with Bugs Bunny and the rest of the Looney Tunes for this long-awaited sequel. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/space-jam-a-new-legacy-2021-directed-by-malcolm-d-lee-and-starring-lebron-james-zendaya-and-don-cheadle-nba-superstar-lebron-james-teams-up-with-bugs-bunny-and-the-rest-of-the-looney-tunes-for-this-long-awaited-sequel-image432993639.html
RM2G4CFPF–Space Jam: A New Legacy (2021) directed by Malcolm D. Lee and starring LeBron James, Zendaya and Don Cheadle. NBA superstar LeBron James teams up with Bugs Bunny and the rest of the Looney Tunes for this long-awaited sequel.
Mrs. Ben Hogan, Ben Hogan, Pres. of U.S. Golf Assoc. James D. Standish, Jr. Ben Hogan with Cup is winner of the National Open Go Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-mrs-ben-hogan-ben-hogan-pres-of-us-golf-assoc-james-d-standish-jr-32370553.html
RMBTJGY5–Mrs. Ben Hogan, Ben Hogan, Pres. of U.S. Golf Assoc. James D. Standish, Jr. Ben Hogan with Cup is winner of the National Open Go
Unken: church hl . James d . Ä . and cemetery at a commemoration of the dead on All Saints, Austria, Salzburg, Pinzgau Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-unken-church-hl-james-d-and-cemetery-at-a-commemoration-of-the-dead-113513970.html
RMGGK06A–Unken: church hl . James d . Ä . and cemetery at a commemoration of the dead on All Saints, Austria, Salzburg, Pinzgau
Gibbs, and his accomplice, Thomas Wansley, bury treasure. Charles Gibbs (November 5, 1798 – April 25, 1831) was an American pirate (born James D. Jeff Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/gibbs-and-his-accomplice-thomas-wansley-bury-treasure-charles-gibbs-november-5-1798-april-25-1831-was-an-american-pirate-born-james-d-jeff-image610256464.html
RM2XCRG9M–Gibbs, and his accomplice, Thomas Wansley, bury treasure. Charles Gibbs (November 5, 1798 – April 25, 1831) was an American pirate (born James D. Jeff
James D. Dana Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/james-d-dana-image270045907.html
RMWK9J8K–James D. Dana
(September 17, 1976) The Shuttle Enterprise rolls out of the Palmdale manufacturing facilities with Star Trek television cast members. From left to right they are: Dr. James D. Fletcher, NASA Administrator, DeForest Kelley (Dr. "Bones" McCoy), George Takei (Mr. Sulu), James Doohan (Mr. Scott), Nichelle Nichols (Lt. Uhura), Leonard Nimoy (the indefatigable Mr. Spock), Gene Rodenberry (The Great Bird of the Galaxy), and Walter Koenig (Ensign Pavel Chekov). Image # : S91-27436 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-september-17-1976-the-shuttle-enterprise-rolls-out-of-the-palmdale-111969527.html
RMGE4J7K–(September 17, 1976) The Shuttle Enterprise rolls out of the Palmdale manufacturing facilities with Star Trek television cast members. From left to right they are: Dr. James D. Fletcher, NASA Administrator, DeForest Kelley (Dr. "Bones" McCoy), George Takei (Mr. Sulu), James Doohan (Mr. Scott), Nichelle Nichols (Lt. Uhura), Leonard Nimoy (the indefatigable Mr. Spock), Gene Rodenberry (The Great Bird of the Galaxy), and Walter Koenig (Ensign Pavel Chekov). Image # : S91-27436
James D. Enoch. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/james-d-enoch-image367361265.html
RM2C9JN15–James D. Enoch.
Aug. 08, 1975 - Congressman James V. Stanton (D - Ohio) House Select Committee on Intelligence. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/aug-08-1975-congressman-james-v-stanton-d-ohio-house-select-committee-image69481507.html
RME114AB–Aug. 08, 1975 - Congressman James V. Stanton (D - Ohio) House Select Committee on Intelligence.
Soccer - UEFA European Championship Qualifying - Group D - Republic of Ireland v Scotland - Aviva Stadium. James Morrison, Scotland Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-soccer-uefa-european-championship-qualifying-group-d-republic-of-ireland-108539991.html
RMG8GBT7–Soccer - UEFA European Championship Qualifying - Group D - Republic of Ireland v Scotland - Aviva Stadium. James Morrison, Scotland
N/A. English: Arges armatus.jpg . 1863. James D. Dana 121 Arges armatus Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/na-english-arges-armatusjpg-1863-james-d-dana-121-arges-armatus-image210032821.html
RMP5KR05–N/A. English: Arges armatus.jpg . 1863. James D. Dana 121 Arges armatus
Levee at St James 's Palace . Lt Col C D V Cary Barnard leaving in company with a Guards Officer . 10 March 1925 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/levee-at-st-james-s-palace-lt-col-c-d-v-cary-barnard-leaving-in-company-with-a-guards-officer-10-march-1925-image359836750.html
RM2BWBYCE–Levee at St James 's Palace . Lt Col C D V Cary Barnard leaving in company with a Guards Officer . 10 March 1925
A photographer's studio portrait of D S James Esq, a railway guard on the Newport, Pembroke and Fishguard Railway, standing proudly in his uniform. His address is given as 6 High Street, Pembroke. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/a-photographers-studio-portrait-of-d-s-james-esq-a-railway-guard-on-the-newport-pembroke-and-fishguard-railway-standing-proudly-in-his-uniform-his-address-is-given-as-6-high-street-pembroke-image504773249.html
RM2M96BC1–A photographer's studio portrait of D S James Esq, a railway guard on the Newport, Pembroke and Fishguard Railway, standing proudly in his uniform. His address is given as 6 High Street, Pembroke.
THE BRIDE CAME C.O.D. (1941) JAMES CAGNEY, BETTE DAVIS BRCM 005P Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-the-bride-came-cod-1941-james-cagney-bette-davis-brcm-005p-29290367.html
J. Henry Goeke and James D. Post - 1913 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-image-j-henry-goeke-and-james-d-post-1913-169730441.html
RMKT3TWD–J. Henry Goeke and James D. Post - 1913
BOB HOSKINS and DENZEL WASHINGTON in HEART CONDITION (1990), directed by JAMES D. PARRIOTT. Credit: NEW LINE CINEMA / Album Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/bob-hoskins-and-denzel-washington-in-heart-condition-1990-directed-by-james-d-parriott-credit-new-line-cinema-album-image335644163.html