Two long bread rolls with slices of ham hock and hard cheese. Crunchy whole grain baguettes with sliced ham and smoked edam on wood background. Stock Photo
RFM8ECR5–Two long bread rolls with slices of ham hock and hard cheese. Crunchy whole grain baguettes with sliced ham and smoked edam on wood background.
Slow cooked pork hock on a bed of rice with hard boiled egg and preserved veg,street food,Chiang Mai,northern Thai cuisine Stock Photo
RMGABYD3–Slow cooked pork hock on a bed of rice with hard boiled egg and preserved veg,street food,Chiang Mai,northern Thai cuisine
S G Gross Co pawnbrokers in New York Stock Photo
RMB7EWPP–S G Gross Co pawnbrokers in New York
Nazareth: 1974. LP front cover: Rampant Stock Photo
RF2F2N9NE–Nazareth: 1974. LP front cover: Rampant
Money vs. Love Stock Photo
RMBN0E9E–Money vs. Love
pork leg on a stand Stock Photo
RMF36YE6–pork leg on a stand
tasty delicious smoked dried sausages, thin salami and red, yellow tomatoes, garlic, peppers, rosemary on slate background, clos Stock Photo
RFH293G1–tasty delicious smoked dried sausages, thin salami and red, yellow tomatoes, garlic, peppers, rosemary on slate background, clos
. The standard horse book, comprising the taming, controlling and education of unbroken and vicious horses. Fid. 7:ii).—CappedHock. 430 DISEASES AND THEIR TREATMENT.. Fig. 740.—An OrdinaryCapped Hock. Capped Hock. This is an injury or bruise at the point of thehock, and is usually caused by striking the partsagainst some hard object. If the inflammationis acute, use cooling applications. When theinflammation has subsided, use any ordinarystimulant or blister recommended for the pur-pose. Wind-Galls. Wind-gall was the name given to those soft,puffy swellings found at the back part of thefetlock Stock Photo
RM2AFPNFF–. The standard horse book, comprising the taming, controlling and education of unbroken and vicious horses. Fid. 7:ii).—CappedHock. 430 DISEASES AND THEIR TREATMENT.. Fig. 740.—An OrdinaryCapped Hock. Capped Hock. This is an injury or bruise at the point of thehock, and is usually caused by striking the partsagainst some hard object. If the inflammationis acute, use cooling applications. When theinflammation has subsided, use any ordinarystimulant or blister recommended for the pur-pose. Wind-Galls. Wind-gall was the name given to those soft,puffy swellings found at the back part of thefetlock
Elements of hippology (1908) Elements of hippology .. elementsofhippo00mars Year: 1908 220 ELEMENTS OF HIPPO LOGY. Examine the back, especially the lumbar region, for evi- dences of kidney trouble. Examine the hip, croup, and stifle. Then pass to the hock. Raise the horse's tail, pull it to the off side with the left hand, stoop down slightly, and look at the inner side of the off hock Figure 105.—A Study in Conformation. from in front of the leg. If there is a protuberance on the lower edge of the hock-joint, inspect it with care for marks of blistering or firing. Feel it; if it is hard, Stock Photo
RMRWRH3C–Elements of hippology (1908) Elements of hippology .. elementsofhippo00mars Year: 1908 220 ELEMENTS OF HIPPO LOGY. Examine the back, especially the lumbar region, for evi- dences of kidney trouble. Examine the hip, croup, and stifle. Then pass to the hock. Raise the horse's tail, pull it to the off side with the left hand, stoop down slightly, and look at the inner side of the off hock Figure 105.—A Study in Conformation. from in front of the leg. If there is a protuberance on the lower edge of the hock-joint, inspect it with care for marks of blistering or firing. Feel it; if it is hard,
Gem Pawnbrokers in New York Stock Photo
RMB7F39M–Gem Pawnbrokers in New York
Nazareth: 1974. LP back cover: Rampant Stock Photo
RF2F2N9NK–Nazareth: 1974. LP back cover: Rampant
pork leg on a stand Stock Photo
RMF36YE5–pork leg on a stand
tasty delicious dried bundle red sausages, salami is isolated on white background, close up Stock Photo
RFH4F1X0–tasty delicious dried bundle red sausages, salami is isolated on white background, close up
Live stock : a cyclopedia for the farmer and stock owner including the breeding, care, feeding and management of horses, cattle, swine, sheep and poultry with a special department on dairying : being also a complete stock doctor : with one thousand explanatory engravings . OSTEOPHYTES ON THE PAS-TEllN BONES. DISEASED HOCKJOINT.Another dang-er fromsloping floors. Hockjoint of the left hindleer, in which the bonydeposit of spavin hasinvolved all but thetrue hock joint. 5i0 CrZCLOPEDIA OF LIVE SKJCK AND CSOMPLETE STOCK DOCTOR. is securely fastened there. Build the insides of the stalls of hard wo Stock Photo
RM2AX09WP–Live stock : a cyclopedia for the farmer and stock owner including the breeding, care, feeding and management of horses, cattle, swine, sheep and poultry with a special department on dairying : being also a complete stock doctor : with one thousand explanatory engravings . OSTEOPHYTES ON THE PAS-TEllN BONES. DISEASED HOCKJOINT.Another dang-er fromsloping floors. Hockjoint of the left hindleer, in which the bonydeposit of spavin hasinvolved all but thetrue hock joint. 5i0 CrZCLOPEDIA OF LIVE SKJCK AND CSOMPLETE STOCK DOCTOR. is securely fastened there. Build the insides of the stalls of hard wo
tasty delicious smoked dried spiral red sausages, salami is isolated on white background, close up Stock Photo
RFH3H192–tasty delicious smoked dried spiral red sausages, salami is isolated on white background, close up
pile of tasty delicious smoked dried sausages, salami is isolated on white background, close up Stock Photo
RFH32EXX–pile of tasty delicious smoked dried sausages, salami is isolated on white background, close up
S G Gross Co pawnbroker in New York Stock Photo
RMB7F3B2–S G Gross Co pawnbroker in New York
Nazareth: 1975. LP back cover: Hair Of The Dog Stock Photo
RF2F2N993–Nazareth: 1975. LP back cover: Hair Of The Dog
pork leg on a stand Stock Photo
RMF36YE4–pork leg on a stand
The stock owner's adviser; the breeding, rearing, management, diseases and treatment of domestic animals . CURB. Curb is an enlargement on the pos-terior aspect of the hock, due to aninjury or sprain of the calcaneo-cuboid ligament. It presents itself asa small, hard aodule in the lower partof the posterior aspect of the hock.It can easily be recognized on theback of the hock, about four or Rveinches below the point of the oscalces. Animals with sickle-shaped hocks are predisposed tocurb. A long, narrow, and coarse hock is more likely to sufferfrom curb than one well formed. The exciting cause Stock Photo
RM2AKPEWT–The stock owner's adviser; the breeding, rearing, management, diseases and treatment of domestic animals . CURB. Curb is an enlargement on the pos-terior aspect of the hock, due to aninjury or sprain of the calcaneo-cuboid ligament. It presents itself asa small, hard aodule in the lower partof the posterior aspect of the hock.It can easily be recognized on theback of the hock, about four or Rveinches below the point of the oscalces. Animals with sickle-shaped hocks are predisposed tocurb. A long, narrow, and coarse hock is more likely to sufferfrom curb than one well formed. The exciting cause
tasty delicious smoked dried sausages, thin salami is isolated on white background, close up Stock Photo
RFH293G3–tasty delicious smoked dried sausages, thin salami is isolated on white background, close up
tasty delicious dried white and red sausages, salami is isolated on white background, close up Stock Photo
RFH3H194–tasty delicious dried white and red sausages, salami is isolated on white background, close up
Gem Pawnbrokers in New York Stock Photo
RMB7F39E–Gem Pawnbrokers in New York
Nazareth: 1975. LP front cover: Hair Of The Dog Stock Photo
RF2F2N98W–Nazareth: 1975. LP front cover: Hair Of The Dog
A street corner on East 125th Street in Harlem in New York is ripe for development Stock Photo
RMDCMY60–A street corner on East 125th Street in Harlem in New York is ripe for development
Pawnbroker in New York is seen on Tuesday, January 6, 2009 Stock Photo
RMC5YM6X–Pawnbroker in New York is seen on Tuesday, January 6, 2009
. Elementary lectures on veterinary science, for agricultural students, farmers, and stockkeepers ... ration. Flat bonesare made up of two layers of compact tissue, with a layer of can-cellated or porous tissue in the middle. 50. Short and Irregular Bones are found in the backbone orvertebral column, knee, hock, and lower portions of the limbs.These bones are principally composed of cancellated tissue, coveredwith a thin layer of the compact or hard structure, and are soarranged as to bear weight, yet allow of movement, more particularlyof a gliding nature, and an open-and-shut motion. 51. The Stock Photo
RM2AG2R44–. Elementary lectures on veterinary science, for agricultural students, farmers, and stockkeepers ... ration. Flat bonesare made up of two layers of compact tissue, with a layer of can-cellated or porous tissue in the middle. 50. Short and Irregular Bones are found in the backbone orvertebral column, knee, hock, and lower portions of the limbs.These bones are principally composed of cancellated tissue, coveredwith a thin layer of the compact or hard structure, and are soarranged as to bear weight, yet allow of movement, more particularlyof a gliding nature, and an open-and-shut motion. 51. The
Pawnbroker in New York is seen on Tuesday, January 6, 2009 Stock Photo
RMC5YM70–Pawnbroker in New York is seen on Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Live stock : a cyclopedia for the farmer and stock owner including the breeding, care, feeding and management of horses, cattle, swine, sheep and poultry with a special department on dairying : being also a complete stock doctor : with one thousand explanatory engravings . OSTEOPHYTES ON THE PAS-TEllN BONES. DISEASED HOCKJOINT.Another dang-er fromsloping floors. Hockjoint of the left hindleer, in which the bonydeposit of spavin hasinvolved all but thetrue hock joint. 5i0 CrZCLOPEDIA OF LIVE SKJCK AND CSOMPLETE STOCK DOCTOR. is securely fastened there. Build the insides of the stalls of hard wo Stock Photo
RM2AX0B17–Live stock : a cyclopedia for the farmer and stock owner including the breeding, care, feeding and management of horses, cattle, swine, sheep and poultry with a special department on dairying : being also a complete stock doctor : with one thousand explanatory engravings . OSTEOPHYTES ON THE PAS-TEllN BONES. DISEASED HOCKJOINT.Another dang-er fromsloping floors. Hockjoint of the left hindleer, in which the bonydeposit of spavin hasinvolved all but thetrue hock joint. 5i0 CrZCLOPEDIA OF LIVE SKJCK AND CSOMPLETE STOCK DOCTOR. is securely fastened there. Build the insides of the stalls of hard wo
Pawnbroker in New York is seen on Tuesday, January 6, 2009 Stock Photo
RMC5YM6W–Pawnbroker in New York is seen on Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Swine husbandry in Canada . s very undesirable. Fig. 7 shows an idealham hung up; note that it is medium in size and tapers evenly down to the hock. Hind legs, (firmly and squarely set with hocks tolerably well apart but not bowedoutward; the bone should be clean and moderately fin, and the pasterns upright andstrong. They should be of medium length, as already mentioned in describing theforelegs; a very short leg usually indicates a short, compact conformation through-out, while excessive length of leg is often associated with poor feeding qualities. Quality is a general term somewhat hard to Stock Photo
RM2AN4G9E–Swine husbandry in Canada . s very undesirable. Fig. 7 shows an idealham hung up; note that it is medium in size and tapers evenly down to the hock. Hind legs, (firmly and squarely set with hocks tolerably well apart but not bowedoutward; the bone should be clean and moderately fin, and the pasterns upright andstrong. They should be of medium length, as already mentioned in describing theforelegs; a very short leg usually indicates a short, compact conformation through-out, while excessive length of leg is often associated with poor feeding qualities. Quality is a general term somewhat hard to
Gem Pawnbrokers in New York advertises that they buy gold Stock Photo
RMC30JWX–Gem Pawnbrokers in New York advertises that they buy gold
An EZ Pawn Corp. store in New York Stock Photo
RMBXYHHY–An EZ Pawn Corp. store in New York
A treatise on the horse and his diseases .. . remain. Yours truly, R. A. Gaines. Horsemen should read the following statement made under oath: To whom it mat concern:—In the year 1875, I treated with Ken-dalls Spavin Cure a bone spavin of several months growth, nearly halfas large as a hens egg, and completely stopped the lameness and re-moved the engagement so far, as I can see. I have worked the horseever since very hard and he never has been lame, nor could I ever seeany difference in the size of the hock joints since I treated him withKendalls Spavin Cure. R. A. Gaines. Enosburgh Falls, Vt Stock Photo
RM2AKXRH6–A treatise on the horse and his diseases .. . remain. Yours truly, R. A. Gaines. Horsemen should read the following statement made under oath: To whom it mat concern:—In the year 1875, I treated with Ken-dalls Spavin Cure a bone spavin of several months growth, nearly halfas large as a hens egg, and completely stopped the lameness and re-moved the engagement so far, as I can see. I have worked the horseever since very hard and he never has been lame, nor could I ever seeany difference in the size of the hock joints since I treated him withKendalls Spavin Cure. R. A. Gaines. Enosburgh Falls, Vt
An EZ Pawn Corp. store in New York Stock Photo
RMBXYHHK–An EZ Pawn Corp. store in New York
Pawnbroker in New York is seen on Tuesday, January 6, 2009 Stock Photo
RMC5YM6N–Pawnbroker in New York is seen on Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Journal . Fig. X.. Fig. XI.of the vessel or flask. This apparatus answers allthe purposes of a small sand bath, but is much 210 THE JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF CHEMICAL INDUSTRY. [March 29,1887 cleaner and more easily regulated Solutions mayporated to dryness on it, even in glass vessels,without spirting and without cracking the glass. [mpkoved Filtering Appabatus. This will l/e 1 est understood by a reference to2 and 13. The bell-jar A (Fig. 12) restsduringfiltration on a square Hock C, of hard wood, prefer-,Mv Spanish mahogany, 25cm. square and 25mm.thick. The cross pieces c, c are of the same Stock Photo
RM2AKTCBW–Journal . Fig. X.. Fig. XI.of the vessel or flask. This apparatus answers allthe purposes of a small sand bath, but is much 210 THE JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF CHEMICAL INDUSTRY. [March 29,1887 cleaner and more easily regulated Solutions mayporated to dryness on it, even in glass vessels,without spirting and without cracking the glass. [mpkoved Filtering Appabatus. This will l/e 1 est understood by a reference to2 and 13. The bell-jar A (Fig. 12) restsduringfiltration on a square Hock C, of hard wood, prefer-,Mv Spanish mahogany, 25cm. square and 25mm.thick. The cross pieces c, c are of the same
Pawnbroker in New York is seen on Tuesday, January 6, 2009 Stock Photo
RMC5YM6P–Pawnbroker in New York is seen on Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Canadian grocer July-December 1908 . is without a peer in theCanadian marliet. No tea is more exten-sively advertised or betterknown. Good tea is a magnetwhich always draws trade. Ridgways Tea will be atrade winner for your store. CANADIAN OFFICE.VANCOUVER, B.C. Acents—RIcLards & Brown, 314 RossAvenue, Winnipeg, Man. THOS. C. IRVING, Gen. Man. Western Canada. Toronto. Shoe Boils, Capped Hock, Bursitis&re hard to cure, yet AJ3S0RBINE will remove them bhiI leave no blem-lIsti. I>oe9 not blister or leinovethe hair. Cures any pnff or swoUine. Horse canbe worked. $2.00 per bottle, Stock Photo
RM2AJ1PFN–Canadian grocer July-December 1908 . is without a peer in theCanadian marliet. No tea is more exten-sively advertised or betterknown. Good tea is a magnetwhich always draws trade. Ridgways Tea will be atrade winner for your store. CANADIAN OFFICE.VANCOUVER, B.C. Acents—RIcLards & Brown, 314 RossAvenue, Winnipeg, Man. THOS. C. IRVING, Gen. Man. Western Canada. Toronto. Shoe Boils, Capped Hock, Bursitis&re hard to cure, yet AJ3S0RBINE will remove them bhiI leave no blem-lIsti. I>oe9 not blister or leinovethe hair. Cures any pnff or swoUine. Horse canbe worked. $2.00 per bottle,
Pawnbroker in New York is seen on Tuesday, January 6, 2009 Stock Photo
RMC5YM6K–Pawnbroker in New York is seen on Tuesday, January 6, 2009
A pawnbroker in the New York neighborhood of Harlem advertises that they buy gold Stock Photo
RMC6XNBE–A pawnbroker in the New York neighborhood of Harlem advertises that they buy gold
Annual report of the State Mineralogist for the year ending ... . *C O <V°6 SCALE 600 FEET TO ONE INCh. PLATE 12 CALIFORNIA STAR O/L WOf?KS CO.J?le.Vatiorz 2.02.7^ A/O 19. suhfacl 6, shale g SHALE w/r-v A LITTLE SAHE3 0, Sa/^d AAJO Cobbles Saa/o HOCK SOME. Cu QUITE HARD SHALE ^ SoMC OIL SHALE 3T1EAKS SAMO SHALE 0.0 SHALE SMAt. t 3 titeAKSOF O/L K Oi/ SAA/O u SHALt Co N 0/ Shalb K, OIL. SAAIO SHALE C^b SHALE S*1ALL N Oil n O/L SAUL SHALE k v. Ol OIL SAffO u SHALE fc SHAL£ MlttEO WITHSAA/O M Sa.*o A A/O SHALE Co ail*oil SHALE A Saa/o A NO SHALE Oil SHALE W/TH N STAIEAKS Ik or Oil O/L SAA/O SH Stock Photo
RM2AWX39H–Annual report of the State Mineralogist for the year ending ... . *C O <V°6 SCALE 600 FEET TO ONE INCh. PLATE 12 CALIFORNIA STAR O/L WOf?KS CO.J?le.Vatiorz 2.02.7^ A/O 19. suhfacl 6, shale g SHALE w/r-v A LITTLE SAHE3 0, Sa/^d AAJO Cobbles Saa/o HOCK SOME. Cu QUITE HARD SHALE ^ SoMC OIL SHALE 3T1EAKS SAMO SHALE 0.0 SHALE SMAt. t 3 titeAKSOF O/L K Oi/ SAA/O u SHALt Co N 0/ Shalb K, OIL. SAAIO SHALE C^b SHALE S*1ALL N Oil n O/L SAUL SHALE k v. Ol OIL SAffO u SHALE fc SHAL£ MlttEO WITHSAA/O M Sa.*o A A/O SHALE Co ail*oil SHALE A Saa/o A NO SHALE Oil SHALE W/TH N STAIEAKS Ik or Oil O/L SAA/O SH
A pawnbroker in the New York neighborhood of Harlem advertises that they buy gold Stock Photo
RMC6XNC8–A pawnbroker in the New York neighborhood of Harlem advertises that they buy gold
. The Wilderness road to Kentucky, its location and features . nlains that interfere wilh east and westtravel. When the travelei- had ])assed the fonl of the ( unihcrlandhe had surmounted the great natural ohstaeles of his joiuney. .Vnequally rough and hard part of his journey was left to him. He wasnot to get out of th(> foot hills of the ( unihcrland Mountains until hereached Crah ()rcliai(l oi Hcica. hiil he had ciossed the mounlauiranges which blocked his route, and he had crossed all of the ilillicultrivers in his course except the Hock (asllc. and this was the leastof his rivers. Lcax Stock Photo
RM2CH85NG–. The Wilderness road to Kentucky, its location and features . nlains that interfere wilh east and westtravel. When the travelei- had ])assed the fonl of the ( unihcrlandhe had surmounted the great natural ohstaeles of his joiuney. .Vnequally rough and hard part of his journey was left to him. He wasnot to get out of th(> foot hills of the ( unihcrland Mountains until hereached Crah ()rcliai(l oi Hcica. hiil he had ciossed the mounlauiranges which blocked his route, and he had crossed all of the ilillicultrivers in his course except the Hock (asllc. and this was the leastof his rivers. Lcax
. The Wilderness road to Kentucky, its location and features . he lioad [129] From Crab Ort-hard to Harrodsburg the road is representedto-day by the present pike going through Stanfonl and Danville.Eleven miles beyond Crab Orchard was Logans Old Fort, or St.Asaph. This was established by Logan after he separated fromHenderson near the Rock Castle in 1775 and was only a few weeksyounger than Boonesborough. It stood at the site of the presentwaterworks pumping station at Stanford. The location of the roadfrom the Hock Castle to Logans Fort, which became the main roadto Kentucky, was made by Loga Stock Photo
RM2CH85JW–. The Wilderness road to Kentucky, its location and features . he lioad [129] From Crab Ort-hard to Harrodsburg the road is representedto-day by the present pike going through Stanfonl and Danville.Eleven miles beyond Crab Orchard was Logans Old Fort, or St.Asaph. This was established by Logan after he separated fromHenderson near the Rock Castle in 1775 and was only a few weeksyounger than Boonesborough. It stood at the site of the presentwaterworks pumping station at Stanford. The location of the roadfrom the Hock Castle to Logans Fort, which became the main roadto Kentucky, was made by Loga
. The London magazine, or, Gentleman's monthly intelligencer, Volume 22 . PPff p 5=2r P ferv* oach pain—fal nUt, And each hard lef—fon Warn. ^n> i aTP P P -P t- —1 LW --^fH P Whet) wintry clouds obfcure the (ky,And heaven* the earrh dcf jrm 5 If fi**d rh: ftrofi* foundations lie,The caflle brave* the ftorm. Thus fixd on faith** unfailing rock,Lee me efutart awhile. Ms*tortuee*« rude tatpetnou* (hock,AmA glory iamy toil. HI fortune cannot always Isft,Or th)* it fhood remain j Yet t each painful moment hafte,A better world to gain. Where calamity no more (hill woundNor faitbteft friend* de Stock Photo
RM2CE1341–. The London magazine, or, Gentleman's monthly intelligencer, Volume 22 . PPff p 5=2r P ferv* oach pain—fal nUt, And each hard lef—fon Warn. ^n> i aTP P P -P t- —1 LW --^fH P Whet) wintry clouds obfcure the (ky,And heaven* the earrh dcf jrm 5 If fi**d rh: ftrofi* foundations lie,The caflle brave* the ftorm. Thus fixd on faith** unfailing rock,Lee me efutart awhile. Ms*tortuee*« rude tatpetnou* (hock,AmA glory iamy toil. HI fortune cannot always Isft,Or th)* it fhood remain j Yet t each painful moment hafte,A better world to gain. Where calamity no more (hill woundNor faitbteft friend* de
. The breeds of live-stock : by live-stock breeders . Livestock. THE HEAVT-UAUNESS BREEDS OF HORSES 61 and bold knee action, with regular, uplifting, hock action. They have intelligent heads, graceful necks, snugly ribbed bodies and muscular quarters. If any part of the con- formation might be chosen as fit for general criticism, it would be the legs, although these, in most instances, are well set and have every evidence of quality. There is an airiness and graceful- ness about a well set- up French Coacher that is hard to find in any other coach breed. It is due chiefly to their unusual leng Stock Photo
RMRDYWHT–. The breeds of live-stock : by live-stock breeders . Livestock. THE HEAVT-UAUNESS BREEDS OF HORSES 61 and bold knee action, with regular, uplifting, hock action. They have intelligent heads, graceful necks, snugly ribbed bodies and muscular quarters. If any part of the con- formation might be chosen as fit for general criticism, it would be the legs, although these, in most instances, are well set and have every evidence of quality. There is an airiness and graceful- ness about a well set- up French Coacher that is hard to find in any other coach breed. It is due chiefly to their unusual leng
. Elements of hippology. Horses. 220 ELEMENTS OF HIPPOLOaY. Examine the back, especially the lumbar region, for evi- dences of kidney trouble. Examine the hip, croup, and stifle. Then pass to the hock. Raise the horse's tail, pull it to the off side with the left hand, stoop down slightly, and look at the inner side of the off hock. FiGUEE 105.—A Study in Conformation. from in front of the leg. If there is a protuberance on the lower edge of the hock-joint, inspect it with care for marks of blistering or firing. Feel it; if it is hard, it is probably a spavin, and the horse should not be bough Stock Photo
RMRDYMB5–. Elements of hippology. Horses. 220 ELEMENTS OF HIPPOLOaY. Examine the back, especially the lumbar region, for evi- dences of kidney trouble. Examine the hip, croup, and stifle. Then pass to the hock. Raise the horse's tail, pull it to the off side with the left hand, stoop down slightly, and look at the inner side of the off hock. FiGUEE 105.—A Study in Conformation. from in front of the leg. If there is a protuberance on the lower edge of the hock-joint, inspect it with care for marks of blistering or firing. Feel it; if it is hard, it is probably a spavin, and the horse should not be bough
. The dog in health and in disease [microform] : including his origin, history, varieties, breeding, education and general management in health, and his treatment in disease. Dogs; Dogs; Chiens; Chiens. CLASSIFICATION OP DOOa 46 no legs, and feet are all in harmony with the above ideal— i. e., of a dog intermediate between the fleetest and the strongest breeds. The tail is strong at the root, tapering to tlie end, reaching to the hock, carried slightly curved and not much if at all above the level of the back; when the ani- mal is tranquil it is carried very low. Coat.—Short, hard, and dense. Stock Photo
RMREW5CP–. The dog in health and in disease [microform] : including his origin, history, varieties, breeding, education and general management in health, and his treatment in disease. Dogs; Dogs; Chiens; Chiens. CLASSIFICATION OP DOOa 46 no legs, and feet are all in harmony with the above ideal— i. e., of a dog intermediate between the fleetest and the strongest breeds. The tail is strong at the root, tapering to tlie end, reaching to the hock, carried slightly curved and not much if at all above the level of the back; when the ani- mal is tranquil it is carried very low. Coat.—Short, hard, and dense.
. Breeder and sportsman. Horses. lALAMEHORSEISWORSE Than No Horse At ALL Have You a Lame Horse? You can't afford to keep it and you can't sell it. You can put it out of its sufferingâor you can practically give it away. Losing money any way you figure. Maybe you have tried to cure itâ and now consider it incurable. Here is a gl,000 guarantee that you can cure it, cure it quickly, and make it as sound as it ever was. Mack's $1,000 Spavin Remedy has saved many a horse for years of hard, useful work, that veterinarians gave up. Whether it is spavin, ringbone, thoroughpin, curb, capped hock, shoe Stock Photo
RMRH6XRE–. Breeder and sportsman. Horses. lALAMEHORSEISWORSE Than No Horse At ALL Have You a Lame Horse? You can't afford to keep it and you can't sell it. You can put it out of its sufferingâor you can practically give it away. Losing money any way you figure. Maybe you have tried to cure itâ and now consider it incurable. Here is a gl,000 guarantee that you can cure it, cure it quickly, and make it as sound as it ever was. Mack's $1,000 Spavin Remedy has saved many a horse for years of hard, useful work, that veterinarians gave up. Whether it is spavin, ringbone, thoroughpin, curb, capped hock, shoe
. The dog in health and in disease [microform] : including his origin, history, varieties, breeding, education and general management in health, and his treatment in disease. Dogs; Dogs; Chiens; Chiens. CLASSIFICATION OP DOOa 46 no legs, and feet are all in harmony with the above ideal— i. e., of a dog intermediate between the fleetest and the strongest breeds. The tail is strong at the root, tapering to tlie end, reaching to the hock, carried slightly curved and not much if at all above the level of the back; when the ani- mal is tranquil it is carried very low. Coat.—Short, hard, and dense. Stock Photo
RMRJ0765–. The dog in health and in disease [microform] : including his origin, history, varieties, breeding, education and general management in health, and his treatment in disease. Dogs; Dogs; Chiens; Chiens. CLASSIFICATION OP DOOa 46 no legs, and feet are all in harmony with the above ideal— i. e., of a dog intermediate between the fleetest and the strongest breeds. The tail is strong at the root, tapering to tlie end, reaching to the hock, carried slightly curved and not much if at all above the level of the back; when the ani- mal is tranquil it is carried very low. Coat.—Short, hard, and dense.
. Sea-shore life; the invertebrates of the New York coast. Marine animals. 78 SEA-SHORE LIFE hard skin-armor of tlie body affords excellent attachment for the muscles, and it is well known that in proportion to their size in- sects and crustaceans are the strongest of all animals. It has even been calculated that if a man possessed muscles as strong in propor- tion as those of a flea he could readily leap over kSt. Paul's Cathedral.. Fig. 46; YOCNt; HOCK-CRAB. From life, iiatiiial size. Showing tlie rapid enlargement that toolt place after the shell was moulted. 'J'be Crab had oneof its Stock Photo
RMRDNHMH–. Sea-shore life; the invertebrates of the New York coast. Marine animals. 78 SEA-SHORE LIFE hard skin-armor of tlie body affords excellent attachment for the muscles, and it is well known that in proportion to their size in- sects and crustaceans are the strongest of all animals. It has even been calculated that if a man possessed muscles as strong in propor- tion as those of a flea he could readily leap over kSt. Paul's Cathedral.. Fig. 46; YOCNt; HOCK-CRAB. From life, iiatiiial size. Showing tlie rapid enlargement that toolt place after the shell was moulted. 'J'be Crab had oneof its
. Horse-breeding in Canada [microform]. Horses; Chevaux. FIfl. 28.—Defective conformation, hol- low, effaced, o r sheep like knee. F»o29. Defective conformation,— Arched Kneed.. riq. 30.-Defe equilibrium,— Kneed. testicles near the body, the upper ix)rtion8 of limbs should be long and muscular, the artery jng on the internal face of the hock should m large and noticeable, the hoof uniformly black hairs of the mane and tail should be fine and abi ant the flesh hard, the tail should be quite I at the root, and slender at its extremity. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned pag Stock Photo
RMRENWN8–. Horse-breeding in Canada [microform]. Horses; Chevaux. FIfl. 28.—Defective conformation, hol- low, effaced, o r sheep like knee. F»o29. Defective conformation,— Arched Kneed.. riq. 30.-Defe equilibrium,— Kneed. testicles near the body, the upper ix)rtion8 of limbs should be long and muscular, the artery jng on the internal face of the hock should m large and noticeable, the hoof uniformly black hairs of the mane and tail should be fine and abi ant the flesh hard, the tail should be quite I at the root, and slender at its extremity. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned pag
. Studies in horse breeding [microform] : an illustrated treatise on the science and practice of horse breeding. Chevaux; Horses; Horses; Chevaux. t2« STfDIF.S I IIORSR SKKKOIN'O an»l hard work, tlu' cenial nl any lu>r-*c in the world. A tcndmcv to thickntss or fiillnt-.s of the hock is nutict'al)lc in soinr of theni. I If lias thf least liair upon tii' lijjs of any draft horse known, dilTfrinjr from the othi-r British hrerds in this respect. Many inclividnals of iliis hrted are hel.nv the size now wanted for draft |inrposes. This is their worst defect as a true drafter.. 225. A Comparati Stock Photo
RMREN9MF–. Studies in horse breeding [microform] : an illustrated treatise on the science and practice of horse breeding. Chevaux; Horses; Horses; Chevaux. t2« STfDIF.S I IIORSR SKKKOIN'O an»l hard work, tlu' cenial nl any lu>r-*c in the world. A tcndmcv to thickntss or fiillnt-.s of the hock is nutict'al)lc in soinr of theni. I If lias thf least liair upon tii' lijjs of any draft horse known, dilTfrinjr from the othi-r British hrerds in this respect. Many inclividnals of iliis hrted are hel.nv the size now wanted for draft |inrposes. This is their worst defect as a true drafter.. 225. A Comparati
. Elements of hippology. Horses. 220 ELEMENTS OF HIPPOLOOY. Examine the back, especially the lumbar region, for evi- dences of kidney trouble. Examine the hip, croup, and stifle. Then pass to the hock. Raise the horse's tail, pull it to the off side with the left hand, stoop down slightly, and look at the inner side of the off hock. Figure 105.—A Study in Conformatk from in front of the leg. If there is a protuberance on the lower edge of the hock-joint, inspect it with care for marks of blistering or firing. Feel it; if it is hard, it is probably a spavin, and the horse should not be bought. Stock Photo
RMRCHGCE–. Elements of hippology. Horses. 220 ELEMENTS OF HIPPOLOOY. Examine the back, especially the lumbar region, for evi- dences of kidney trouble. Examine the hip, croup, and stifle. Then pass to the hock. Raise the horse's tail, pull it to the off side with the left hand, stoop down slightly, and look at the inner side of the off hock. Figure 105.—A Study in Conformatk from in front of the leg. If there is a protuberance on the lower edge of the hock-joint, inspect it with care for marks of blistering or firing. Feel it; if it is hard, it is probably a spavin, and the horse should not be bought.
. Elements of hippology ... Horses. 220 ELEMENTS OF HIPPO LOGY. Examine the back, especially the lumbar region, for evi- dences of kidney trouble. Examine the hip, croup, and stifle. Then pass to the hock. Raise the horse's tail, pull it to the off side with the left hand, stoop down slightly, and look at the inner side of the off hock. Figure 105.—A Study in Conformation. from in front of the leg. If there is a protuberance on the lower edge of the hock-joint, inspect it with care for marks of blistering or firing. Feel it; if it is hard, it is probably a spavin, and the horse should not be b Stock Photo
RMRCG4N4–. Elements of hippology ... Horses. 220 ELEMENTS OF HIPPO LOGY. Examine the back, especially the lumbar region, for evi- dences of kidney trouble. Examine the hip, croup, and stifle. Then pass to the hock. Raise the horse's tail, pull it to the off side with the left hand, stoop down slightly, and look at the inner side of the off hock. Figure 105.—A Study in Conformation. from in front of the leg. If there is a protuberance on the lower edge of the hock-joint, inspect it with care for marks of blistering or firing. Feel it; if it is hard, it is probably a spavin, and the horse should not be b