The last moments of John Brown before being taken to his execution by hanging, 1859. John Brown , 1800 – 1859. White American abolitionist. After a painting by Thomas Hovenden. Stock Photo
RMEY8RX5–The last moments of John Brown before being taken to his execution by hanging, 1859. John Brown , 1800 – 1859. White American abolitionist. After a painting by Thomas Hovenden.
Brownists Brownist execution hang hanging gallows murder death sentence English Dissenters Robert Browne Tolethorpe Hall Rutland Stock Photo
RMC7FRPT–Brownists Brownist execution hang hanging gallows murder death sentence English Dissenters Robert Browne Tolethorpe Hall Rutland
Execution of John Brown. John Brown (1800-1859), a white abolitionist, attempted to start an armed slave revolt by seizing a military arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia in 1859. He was defeated by a detachment of Marines led by Colonel Robert E. Lee. John Stock Photo
RMG15K3R–Execution of John Brown. John Brown (1800-1859), a white abolitionist, attempted to start an armed slave revolt by seizing a military arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia in 1859. He was defeated by a detachment of Marines led by Colonel Robert E. Lee. John
John Brown ascending the scaffold before being hanged. John Brown, 1800 - 1859. White American abolitionist. Stock Photo
RM2BY79MJ–John Brown ascending the scaffold before being hanged. John Brown, 1800 - 1859. White American abolitionist.
execution montrose edinburgh 1650 hanging castle ladder swing death neck rope choke Montrose had planned on taking an army from Stock Photo
RMB7P535–execution montrose edinburgh 1650 hanging castle ladder swing death neck rope choke Montrose had planned on taking an army from
The oak Gibbert post in Bilstone, Leicestershire, that the hanged body of John Massey was chained to after his execution. Stock Photo
RM2EWPKB0–The oak Gibbert post in Bilstone, Leicestershire, that the hanged body of John Massey was chained to after his execution.
JOHN BROWN (1800-1859) American abolitionist being executed in Charles Town, Jefferson County, Virginia, on 2 December 1859 Stock Photo
RMF8CGTW–JOHN BROWN (1800-1859) American abolitionist being executed in Charles Town, Jefferson County, Virginia, on 2 December 1859
execution of joseph suss oppenheimer Stock Photo
RMBDWY2P–execution of joseph suss oppenheimer
Bean Vine. Artist: Ito Jakuchu (Japanese, 1716-1800). Calligrapher: Inscribed by Musen Jozen (Japanese, 1693-1764). Culture: Japan. Dimensions: Image: 49 1/2 x 18 7/8 in. (125.7 x 47.9 cm) Overall with mounting: 75 5/8 x 24 1/4 in. (192.1 x 61.6 cm) Overall with knobs: 75 5/8 x 26 1/2 in. (192.1 x 67.3 cm). Date: mid-18th century. Ito Jakuchu, son of a greengrocer, used vegetables and plants as a personal iconography that almost always included a moral or religious meaning. This handsome sketch of a bean plant, paired with a poem by Obaku Zen monk Musen Jozen (Tangai), refers to a story abo Stock Photo
RMPB1MTG–Bean Vine. Artist: Ito Jakuchu (Japanese, 1716-1800). Calligrapher: Inscribed by Musen Jozen (Japanese, 1693-1764). Culture: Japan. Dimensions: Image: 49 1/2 x 18 7/8 in. (125.7 x 47.9 cm) Overall with mounting: 75 5/8 x 24 1/4 in. (192.1 x 61.6 cm) Overall with knobs: 75 5/8 x 26 1/2 in. (192.1 x 67.3 cm). Date: mid-18th century. Ito Jakuchu, son of a greengrocer, used vegetables and plants as a personal iconography that almost always included a moral or religious meaning. This handsome sketch of a bean plant, paired with a poem by Obaku Zen monk Musen Jozen (Tangai), refers to a story abo
1747 Marble Arch idle apprentice executed EXECUTION tyburn William hogarth HANGING hung death penalty public London Greater capi Stock Photo
RMAMHBNX–1747 Marble Arch idle apprentice executed EXECUTION tyburn William hogarth HANGING hung death penalty public London Greater capi
Bean Vine, Edo period (1615–1868), 18th century, Japan, Hanging scroll; ink on paper, Image: 49 1/2 x 18 7/8 in. (125.7 x 47.9 Stock Photo
RMKCD8AA–Bean Vine, Edo period (1615–1868), 18th century, Japan, Hanging scroll; ink on paper, Image: 49 1/2 x 18 7/8 in. (125.7 x 47.9
1918 Gibbets six murdered victims hanged by German execution executed hang hanging horror terror evil murder genocide gallows Stock Photo
RFCCA7K8–1918 Gibbets six murdered victims hanged by German execution executed hang hanging horror terror evil murder genocide gallows
execution pike pikes beheaded brutal punishment savage head heads blood torture crime criminal death dead death penalty Stock Photo
RMC7HA78–execution pike pikes beheaded brutal punishment savage head heads blood torture crime criminal death dead death penalty
Execution of John Brown. John Brown (1800-1859), a white abolitionist, attempted to start an armed slave revolt by seizing a military arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia in 1859. He was defeated by a detachment of Marines led by Colonel Robert E. Lee. John Stock Photo
RMG16B2B–Execution of John Brown. John Brown (1800-1859), a white abolitionist, attempted to start an armed slave revolt by seizing a military arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia in 1859. He was defeated by a detachment of Marines led by Colonel Robert E. Lee. John
The oak Gibbert post in Bilstone, Leicestershire, that the hanged body of John Massey was chained to after his execution. Stock Photo
RM2EWPKAK–The oak Gibbert post in Bilstone, Leicestershire, that the hanged body of John Massey was chained to after his execution.
JOHN BROWN (1800-1859) being executed near Jefferson County Jail, Virginia, 2 December 1859 as shown in Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper Stock Photo
RMH3EC4Y–JOHN BROWN (1800-1859) being executed near Jefferson County Jail, Virginia, 2 December 1859 as shown in Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper
The oak Gibbert post in Bilstone, Leicestershire, that the hanged body of John Massey was chained to after his execution. Stock Photo
RM2EWPKAW–The oak Gibbert post in Bilstone, Leicestershire, that the hanged body of John Massey was chained to after his execution.
The oak Gibbert post in Bilstone, Leicestershire, that the hanged body of John Massey was chained to after his execution. Stock Photo
RM2EWPJR2–The oak Gibbert post in Bilstone, Leicestershire, that the hanged body of John Massey was chained to after his execution.
The oak Gibbert post in Bilstone, Leicestershire, that the hanged body of John Massey was chained to after his execution. Stock Photo
RM2EWPJR7–The oak Gibbert post in Bilstone, Leicestershire, that the hanged body of John Massey was chained to after his execution.
The oak Gibbert post in Bilstone, Leicestershire, that the hanged body of John Massey was chained to after his execution. Stock Photo
RM2EWPJR6–The oak Gibbert post in Bilstone, Leicestershire, that the hanged body of John Massey was chained to after his execution.
The oak Gibbert post in Bilstone, Leicestershire, that the hanged body of John Massey was chained to after his execution. Stock Photo
RM2EWPJR8–The oak Gibbert post in Bilstone, Leicestershire, that the hanged body of John Massey was chained to after his execution.
The oak Gibbert post in Bilstone, Leicestershire, that the hanged body of John Massey was chained to after his execution. Stock Photo
RM2EWPJR9–The oak Gibbert post in Bilstone, Leicestershire, that the hanged body of John Massey was chained to after his execution.
The oak Gibbert post in Bilstone, Leicestershire, that the hanged body of John Massey was chained to after his execution. Stock Photo
RM2EWPJR0–The oak Gibbert post in Bilstone, Leicestershire, that the hanged body of John Massey was chained to after his execution.