Franz Leopold Sonnenschein Dissertation 1851 Lebenslauf 2. Stock Photo
RM2S2X132–Franz Leopold Sonnenschein Dissertation 1851 Lebenslauf 2.
Austria - Franz Ferdinand & daughter of Leopold Salvator. Upper right- Cardinal Nagle LCCN2014687353 Stock Photo
RMM76GDW–Austria - Franz Ferdinand & daughter of Leopold Salvator. Upper right- Cardinal Nagle LCCN2014687353
Franz Leopold Hermann. Lithograph by F. J. G. Leider, 1826. Stock Photo
RM2H44THB–Franz Leopold Hermann. Lithograph by F. J. G. Leider, 1826.
Leopold Puellacher, Franz Raffl verrät das Versteck des Andreas Hofer, 1820 Stock Photo
RMJ0BDBP–Leopold Puellacher, Franz Raffl verrät das Versteck des Andreas Hofer, 1820
Fotos: Leopold NEKULA/VIENNAREPORT e. U. âÖï Internationale UNO-Konferenz für die sofortige Unabhängigkeit Namibias . Namibia-Konferenz 07. Juli 1986. Wien, Hofburg Franz Vranitzky, Jassir Arafat, Karl KRAMMER, Rudolf Scholten Wien Austria *** Photos Leopold NEKULA VIENNAREPORT e U âÖï International UN Conference for the Immediate Independence of Namibia Namibia Conference 07 July 1986 Vienna, Hofburg Franz Vranitzky, Yasser Arafat, Karl KRAMMER, Rudolf Scholten Vienna Austria. Z101000436 101023 02jpeg Credit: Imago/Alamy Live News Stock Photo
RM2T12X36–Fotos: Leopold NEKULA/VIENNAREPORT e. U. âÖï Internationale UNO-Konferenz für die sofortige Unabhängigkeit Namibias . Namibia-Konferenz 07. Juli 1986. Wien, Hofburg Franz Vranitzky, Jassir Arafat, Karl KRAMMER, Rudolf Scholten Wien Austria *** Photos Leopold NEKULA VIENNAREPORT e U âÖï International UN Conference for the Immediate Independence of Namibia Namibia Conference 07 July 1986 Vienna, Hofburg Franz Vranitzky, Yasser Arafat, Karl KRAMMER, Rudolf Scholten Vienna Austria. Z101000436 101023 02jpeg Credit: Imago/Alamy Live News
Queen Silvia of Sweden (R), Count Franz of Bavaria (C) and Prince Leopold of Bavaria (L) arrive for a charity gala of World Childhood Foundation in Munich, Germany, 16 September 2010. Photo: Ursula Dueren Stock Photo
RMD4W7TM–Queen Silvia of Sweden (R), Count Franz of Bavaria (C) and Prince Leopold of Bavaria (L) arrive for a charity gala of World Childhood Foundation in Munich, Germany, 16 September 2010. Photo: Ursula Dueren
Laying of the foundation stone of the church of St. Leopold in Floridsdorf, Franz Joseph with the archdukess Leopold Salvator and Frederic under the court tent in escort of mayor Charles Lueger and following dignitary., 06.06.1905 - 19050606 PD0007 - Rechteinfo: Rights Managed (RM) Stock Photo
RM2X1AF1J–Laying of the foundation stone of the church of St. Leopold in Floridsdorf, Franz Joseph with the archdukess Leopold Salvator and Frederic under the court tent in escort of mayor Charles Lueger and following dignitary., 06.06.1905 - 19050606 PD0007 - Rechteinfo: Rights Managed (RM)
Franz Seraph Stirnbrand, Princess Sofia, Sofia, 1801-1865, Princess of Sweden, married to Grand Duke Leopold of Baden, painting, portrait, Oil on canvas, Height, 39.5 cm (15.5 inches), Width, 31.7 cm (12.4 inches), Reimagined by Gibon, design of warm cheerful glowing of brightness and light rays radiance. Classic art reinvented with a modern twist. Photography inspired by futurism, embracing dynamic energy of modern technology, movement, speed and revolutionize culture. Stock Photo
RF2B98YA2–Franz Seraph Stirnbrand, Princess Sofia, Sofia, 1801-1865, Princess of Sweden, married to Grand Duke Leopold of Baden, painting, portrait, Oil on canvas, Height, 39.5 cm (15.5 inches), Width, 31.7 cm (12.4 inches), Reimagined by Gibon, design of warm cheerful glowing of brightness and light rays radiance. Classic art reinvented with a modern twist. Photography inspired by futurism, embracing dynamic energy of modern technology, movement, speed and revolutionize culture.
Father Franz monument to Leopold III Frederick Franz, Duke of Anhalt-Dessau, St John's Church, Dessau, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany Stock Photo
RF2XG15WG–Father Franz monument to Leopold III Frederick Franz, Duke of Anhalt-Dessau, St John's Church, Dessau, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany
Archduke Leopold of Austria, Grand Duke of Tuscany (later Emperor Leopold II.) with his family around 1775, Caspar Franz Sambach (Breslau 1715 - 1795 Vienna), around 1775, drawing, pen and gray ink, washed, 42.7 x 32, 4 cm Stock Photo
RM2T8MMMG–Archduke Leopold of Austria, Grand Duke of Tuscany (later Emperor Leopold II.) with his family around 1775, Caspar Franz Sambach (Breslau 1715 - 1795 Vienna), around 1775, drawing, pen and gray ink, washed, 42.7 x 32, 4 cm
Johanna Staude, 1917/1918. This half-length portrait is one of the last portraits of women in Klimt's oeuvre. Johanna Staude (1883-1967) married Franz Staude in 1914 and was divorced in 1918. She was the sister of the two academic painters Leopold and Anton Widlicka and the opera singer Richard Widlicka. Stock Photo
RM2TBKT93–Johanna Staude, 1917/1918. This half-length portrait is one of the last portraits of women in Klimt's oeuvre. Johanna Staude (1883-1967) married Franz Staude in 1914 and was divorced in 1918. She was the sister of the two academic painters Leopold and Anton Widlicka and the opera singer Richard Widlicka.
Otto Eduard Leopold Bismarck (1815-1898), Count von Bismarck-Schönhausen from 1865, Prince von Bismarck in 1871, Duke of Lauenburg in 1890, Prussian-German statesman and Chancellor of the Reich (1871-1890). Painting by Franz von Lenbach. Photo: Heliogravure, Corpus Imaginum, Hanfstaengl Collection. [automated translation] Stock Photo
RM2PYXETB–Otto Eduard Leopold Bismarck (1815-1898), Count von Bismarck-Schönhausen from 1865, Prince von Bismarck in 1871, Duke of Lauenburg in 1890, Prussian-German statesman and Chancellor of the Reich (1871-1890). Painting by Franz von Lenbach. Photo: Heliogravure, Corpus Imaginum, Hanfstaengl Collection. [automated translation]
Wroc³aw, 1948-02. Gmach g³ówny Uniwersytetu Wroc³awskiego. Nz. Aula Leopoldina, g³ówna reprezentacyjna aula uczelni, nazwana tak na czeœæ cesarza Leopolda I. Dekoracje stiukowe autorstwa Franza Mangoldta, freski Johanna Christopha Handkego, rzeŸby drewniane Krzysztofa Hollandta. bk PAP Dok³adny dzieñ wydarzenia nieustalony. Wroclaw, Feb. 1948. The main building of Wroclaw university. Pictured: the Leopoldin lecture theatre of Wroclaw university. Pictured: the Leopoldin lecture theatre, the university fine theatre named to honour Emperor Leopold I. Stucco decorations by Franza Mango Stock Photo
RM2H9FGGB–Wroc³aw, 1948-02. Gmach g³ówny Uniwersytetu Wroc³awskiego. Nz. Aula Leopoldina, g³ówna reprezentacyjna aula uczelni, nazwana tak na czeœæ cesarza Leopolda I. Dekoracje stiukowe autorstwa Franza Mangoldta, freski Johanna Christopha Handkego, rzeŸby drewniane Krzysztofa Hollandta. bk PAP Dok³adny dzieñ wydarzenia nieustalony. Wroclaw, Feb. 1948. The main building of Wroclaw university. Pictured: the Leopoldin lecture theatre of Wroclaw university. Pictured: the Leopoldin lecture theatre, the university fine theatre named to honour Emperor Leopold I. Stucco decorations by Franza Mango
Friedrich Christian Leopold Johann Georg Franz Xaver von Sachsen (* 5. September 1722 in Dresden; † 17. Dezember 1763 ebenda) war vom 5. Oktober 1763 bis zu seinem Tod Kurfürst von Sachsen, Historisch, digital restaurierte Reproduktion einer Originalvorlage aus dem 19. Jahrhundert, genaues Originaldatum nicht bekannt / Friedrich Christian Leopold Johann Georg Franz Xaver von Sachsen (* September 5, 1722 in Dresden; † December 17, 1763 ibid) was Elector of Saxony from October 5, 1763 until his death, Historical, digitally restored reproduction of a 19th century original, exact original date Stock Photo
RF2K6FXM3–Friedrich Christian Leopold Johann Georg Franz Xaver von Sachsen (* 5. September 1722 in Dresden; † 17. Dezember 1763 ebenda) war vom 5. Oktober 1763 bis zu seinem Tod Kurfürst von Sachsen, Historisch, digital restaurierte Reproduktion einer Originalvorlage aus dem 19. Jahrhundert, genaues Originaldatum nicht bekannt / Friedrich Christian Leopold Johann Georg Franz Xaver von Sachsen (* September 5, 1722 in Dresden; † December 17, 1763 ibid) was Elector of Saxony from October 5, 1763 until his death, Historical, digitally restored reproduction of a 19th century original, exact original date
Winterhalter Franz Xavier - Leopold I King of the Belgians 2 - German School - 19th Century - Winterhalter Franz Xavier - Leopold I King of the Belgians 2 - German School - 19th Century Stock Photo
RF2PGMMMM–Winterhalter Franz Xavier - Leopold I King of the Belgians 2 - German School - 19th Century - Winterhalter Franz Xavier - Leopold I King of the Belgians 2 - German School - 19th Century
16 April 2020, Saxony-Anhalt, Wörlitz: Behind spring blossoms you can see the Floratempel in the Wörlitz Park. The building was constructed in 1797/98 by Prince Leopold III Friedrich Franz von Anhalt - Dessau (1740-1817) as a music pavilion. The Wörlitz Park is part of today's UNESCO World Heritage Site Dessau-Wörlitz Garden Kingdom, which was created in the second half of the 18th century under Prince Franz. Photo: Waltraud Grubitzsch/dpa-Zentralbild/ZB Stock Photo
RM2BH5AGE–16 April 2020, Saxony-Anhalt, Wörlitz: Behind spring blossoms you can see the Floratempel in the Wörlitz Park. The building was constructed in 1797/98 by Prince Leopold III Friedrich Franz von Anhalt - Dessau (1740-1817) as a music pavilion. The Wörlitz Park is part of today's UNESCO World Heritage Site Dessau-Wörlitz Garden Kingdom, which was created in the second half of the 18th century under Prince Franz. Photo: Waltraud Grubitzsch/dpa-Zentralbild/ZB
Kowalski Leopold Franz - Autumn on the Shore of the Lake Stock Photo
RFPB0T9G–Kowalski Leopold Franz - Autumn on the Shore of the Lake
Vater Franz monument to Leopold III Frederick Franz, Duke of Anhalt-Dessau, St. John's Church, Dessau, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany, Europe. Stock Photo
RM2R36MCT–Vater Franz monument to Leopold III Frederick Franz, Duke of Anhalt-Dessau, St. John's Church, Dessau, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany, Europe.
N/A. Deutsch: Leo von Klenzes erster Entwurf des Kanaldenkmals in Erlangen. 29 August 1837. Leo von Klenze (1784–1864) Alternative names Leo von Klenze; ; ; , ; ; ; ; Leo Klenze; Klenze, Leo von; Leo van Klenze; Leo Von Klenze; Franz Leopold Karl von Klenze Description German architect, painter and writer Date of birth/death 29 February 1784 26 January 1864 Location of birth/death Schladen Munich Authority control : Q60163 VIAF:52481510 ISNI:0000 0000 8131 6912 ULAN:500115569 LCCN:n81063500 NLA:35043195 WorldCat 522 Erlangen Kanaldenkmal Entwurf Leo von Klenze 001 Stock Photo
RMP5YPH0–N/A. Deutsch: Leo von Klenzes erster Entwurf des Kanaldenkmals in Erlangen. 29 August 1837. Leo von Klenze (1784–1864) Alternative names Leo von Klenze; ; ; , ; ; ; ; Leo Klenze; Klenze, Leo von; Leo van Klenze; Leo Von Klenze; Franz Leopold Karl von Klenze Description German architect, painter and writer Date of birth/death 29 February 1784 26 January 1864 Location of birth/death Schladen Munich Authority control : Q60163 VIAF:52481510 ISNI:0000 0000 8131 6912 ULAN:500115569 LCCN:n81063500 NLA:35043195 WorldCat 522 Erlangen Kanaldenkmal Entwurf Leo von Klenze 001
Antonio Bencini - Franz Leopold Freiherr von Engelshofen Stock Photo
RM2WF14CA–Antonio Bencini - Franz Leopold Freiherr von Engelshofen
Europa, Deutschland, Frankreich, Deutsch-Französischer Krieg 1870-1871, ' Erstürmung von Weissenburg ' , Motiv aus dem Buch : ' Die Kriegs-Chronik von 1870-1871 ' von Franz Lubojatzky , Druck und Verlag von Adolph Wolf, Dresden, 1874 ? . / Europe, Germany, France, Franco-Prussion war 1870-1871 , ' storming of Weissenburg ' , image from the book : ' Die Kriegs-Chronik von 1870-1871 ' ( Chronicle of the war ) , by Franz Lubojatzky, publishing house Adolph Wolf, Dresden, 1874 ? . Stock Photo
RM2BWY075–Europa, Deutschland, Frankreich, Deutsch-Französischer Krieg 1870-1871, ' Erstürmung von Weissenburg ' , Motiv aus dem Buch : ' Die Kriegs-Chronik von 1870-1871 ' von Franz Lubojatzky , Druck und Verlag von Adolph Wolf, Dresden, 1874 ? . / Europe, Germany, France, Franco-Prussion war 1870-1871 , ' storming of Weissenburg ' , image from the book : ' Die Kriegs-Chronik von 1870-1871 ' ( Chronicle of the war ) , by Franz Lubojatzky, publishing house Adolph Wolf, Dresden, 1874 ? .
Schnorr of Carolsfeld, Franz Leopold (1842-1915, philologist, library director) Stock Photo
RM2F4XHXJ–Schnorr of Carolsfeld, Franz Leopold (1842-1915, philologist, library director)
Carl Ludwig Willdenow, Kupferstich von Franz Joseph Leopold, 1810 oder 1811 Stock Photo
RMHWW43Y–Carl Ludwig Willdenow, Kupferstich von Franz Joseph Leopold, 1810 oder 1811
1983: Als Paparazzo nah dran an Felice QUINTO, Ron GALELLA, WEEGEE und Co. Fotos: Leopold NEKULA / VIENNAREPORT e. U. âÖï Papst Johannes Paul II. auf Pastoralreise in Österreich 10. -13- September 1983, Heldenplatz, Praterstadion, Donaupark, Wien . âï Vor 30 Jahren: Erster Papstbesuch in Österreich . Bild: Zu sehen hier sind Papst Johannes Paul II. und Kardinal Franz König bei der Feier einer Europavesper am Wiener Heldenplatz. Johannes Paul II. lateinisch Ioannes Paulus PP. II bürgerlich Karol Jozef WojtyÅa * 18. Mai 19 Stock Photo
RM2TD24RM–1983: Als Paparazzo nah dran an Felice QUINTO, Ron GALELLA, WEEGEE und Co. Fotos: Leopold NEKULA / VIENNAREPORT e. U. âÖï Papst Johannes Paul II. auf Pastoralreise in Österreich 10. -13- September 1983, Heldenplatz, Praterstadion, Donaupark, Wien . âï Vor 30 Jahren: Erster Papstbesuch in Österreich . Bild: Zu sehen hier sind Papst Johannes Paul II. und Kardinal Franz König bei der Feier einer Europavesper am Wiener Heldenplatz. Johannes Paul II. lateinisch Ioannes Paulus PP. II bürgerlich Karol Jozef WojtyÅa * 18. Mai 19
(L-R) Prince Leopold of Bavaria, Count Franz of Bavaria, and Queen Silvia of Sweden smile during a reception in Munich, Germany, 16 September 2010. Eralier the day, Queen Silvia of Sweden was Guest of Honour to the awarding of 'Prix Courage' prize. Photo: Ursula Dueren Stock Photo
RMD4W7PH–(L-R) Prince Leopold of Bavaria, Count Franz of Bavaria, and Queen Silvia of Sweden smile during a reception in Munich, Germany, 16 September 2010. Eralier the day, Queen Silvia of Sweden was Guest of Honour to the awarding of 'Prix Courage' prize. Photo: Ursula Dueren
Franz Ferdinand, archduke of Austria-Este, laying of the headstone and initiation of the Lower Austrian State cure- and nursing Home for spiritual and neuropath on the Steinhof archduke Franz Ferdinand and main curator representative Leopold Stein in front of the establishment in group., 08.10.1907 - 19071008 PD0003 - Rechteinfo: Rights Managed (RM) Stock Photo
RM2X1AFA9–Franz Ferdinand, archduke of Austria-Este, laying of the headstone and initiation of the Lower Austrian State cure- and nursing Home for spiritual and neuropath on the Steinhof archduke Franz Ferdinand and main curator representative Leopold Stein in front of the establishment in group., 08.10.1907 - 19071008 PD0003 - Rechteinfo: Rights Managed (RM)
Mirabell Gardens, Salzburg, dusk, with Fortress Hohensalzburg behind. The gardens remodeled around 1730 by Franz Anton Stock Photo
RMFW6ME0–Mirabell Gardens, Salzburg, dusk, with Fortress Hohensalzburg behind. The gardens remodeled around 1730 by Franz Anton
Father Franz monument to Leopold III Frederick Franz, Duke of Anhalt-Dessau, St John's Church, Dessau, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany, Europe Stock Photo
RF2YNPCFP–Father Franz monument to Leopold III Frederick Franz, Duke of Anhalt-Dessau, St John's Church, Dessau, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany, Europe
Portrait of Leopold II, print, print maker: Franz Xaver Gebhard, (mentioned on object), after drawing by: Clemens Maria Anton Reichsgraf von Toerring-Seefeld, (mentioned on object), 1785 - 1792, paper, height, 247 mm × width, 195 mm Stock Photo
RM2X6XP7C–Portrait of Leopold II, print, print maker: Franz Xaver Gebhard, (mentioned on object), after drawing by: Clemens Maria Anton Reichsgraf von Toerring-Seefeld, (mentioned on object), 1785 - 1792, paper, height, 247 mm × width, 195 mm
Portrait of Leopold II, Grand Duke of Tuscany, 1831-33. Stock Photo
RM2CNJM3N–Portrait of Leopold II, Grand Duke of Tuscany, 1831-33.
View of Wörlitz Palace, which is one of the earliest classical palace buildings outside England. It was built between 1769 and 1773 by master builder Friedrich Wilhelm von Erdmannsdorff as a summer palace for Prince Leopold Freidrich Franz von Anhalt-Dessau. As part of the Dessau-Wörlitz Garden Kingdom, the castle has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2000. [automated translation] Stock Photo
RM2FNFCHB–View of Wörlitz Palace, which is one of the earliest classical palace buildings outside England. It was built between 1769 and 1773 by master builder Friedrich Wilhelm von Erdmannsdorff as a summer palace for Prince Leopold Freidrich Franz von Anhalt-Dessau. As part of the Dessau-Wörlitz Garden Kingdom, the castle has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2000. [automated translation]
Engagement to the Princess Ileana -- Portrait of Prince Anton von Habsburg who is engaged to Princess Ileana of Rumania. June 19, 1931. Stock Photo
RM2HX4P88–Engagement to the Princess Ileana -- Portrait of Prince Anton von Habsburg who is engaged to Princess Ileana of Rumania. June 19, 1931.
Leopold I (born June 9, 1640 in Vienna, died May 5, 1705 there), VI of the House of Habsburg, born Leopold Ignaz Joseph Balthasar Franz Felician, was Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire from 1658 to 1705 and King of Germania, Hungary (from 1655), Bohemia (from 1656), Croatia and Slavonia (from 1657), historical, digitally restored reproduction from an original from the 19th century, Record date not stated / , Leopold I. (geb. 9. Juni 1640 in Wien, gest. 5. Mai 1705 ebenda), VI. aus dem Hause Habsburg, geboren als Leopold Ignaz Joseph Balthasar Franz Felician, war von 1658 bis 1705 Kaiser des He Stock Photo
RF2XPH2HR–Leopold I (born June 9, 1640 in Vienna, died May 5, 1705 there), VI of the House of Habsburg, born Leopold Ignaz Joseph Balthasar Franz Felician, was Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire from 1658 to 1705 and King of Germania, Hungary (from 1655), Bohemia (from 1656), Croatia and Slavonia (from 1657), historical, digitally restored reproduction from an original from the 19th century, Record date not stated / , Leopold I. (geb. 9. Juni 1640 in Wien, gest. 5. Mai 1705 ebenda), VI. aus dem Hause Habsburg, geboren als Leopold Ignaz Joseph Balthasar Franz Felician, war von 1658 bis 1705 Kaiser des He
Winterhalter Franz Xavier - Leopold I King of the Belgians 1 - German School - 19th Century - Winterhalter Franz Xavier - Leopold I King of the Belgians 1 - German School - 19th Century Stock Photo
RF2PGMN3C–Winterhalter Franz Xavier - Leopold I King of the Belgians 1 - German School - 19th Century - Winterhalter Franz Xavier - Leopold I King of the Belgians 1 - German School - 19th Century
16 April 2020, Saxony-Anhalt, Wörlitz: Behind spring blossoms you can see the Floratempel in the Wörlitz Park. The building was constructed in 1797/98 by Prince Leopold III Friedrich Franz von Anhalt - Dessau (1740-1817) as a music pavilion. The Wörlitz Park is part of today's UNESCO World Heritage Site Dessau-Wörlitz Garden Kingdom, which was created in the second half of the 18th century under Prince Franz. Photo: Waltraud Grubitzsch/dpa-Zentralbild/ZB Stock Photo
RM2BH5AKX–16 April 2020, Saxony-Anhalt, Wörlitz: Behind spring blossoms you can see the Floratempel in the Wörlitz Park. The building was constructed in 1797/98 by Prince Leopold III Friedrich Franz von Anhalt - Dessau (1740-1817) as a music pavilion. The Wörlitz Park is part of today's UNESCO World Heritage Site Dessau-Wörlitz Garden Kingdom, which was created in the second half of the 18th century under Prince Franz. Photo: Waltraud Grubitzsch/dpa-Zentralbild/ZB
Kowalski Leopold Franz - Fauns Gamboling in the Forest Stock Photo
RFPB0TA1–Kowalski Leopold Franz - Fauns Gamboling in the Forest
Leopold Friedrich Franz v. Anhalt-Dessau im jugendlichen Alter. Date/Period: 1756. Painting. Oil on canvas. Height: 132.5 cm (52.1 in); Width: 108.5 cm (42.7 in). Author: Christoph Friedrich Reinhold Lisiewski. Stock Photo
RMPNDY0G–Leopold Friedrich Franz v. Anhalt-Dessau im jugendlichen Alter. Date/Period: 1756. Painting. Oil on canvas. Height: 132.5 cm (52.1 in); Width: 108.5 cm (42.7 in). Author: Christoph Friedrich Reinhold Lisiewski.
. German: Salvatorkirche zu Donaustauf und Walhalla . 1839. Leo von Klenze (1784–1864) Alternative names Leo von Klenze; ליאו פון קלנצה; Фон Кленце; Кленце, Лео; Кленце Лео фон; Лео фон Кленце; Лео Кленце; Leo Klenze; Klenze, Leo von; Leo van Klenze; Leo Von Klenze; Franz Leopold Karl von Klenze Description German architect, painter and writer Date of birth/death 29 February 1784 26 January 1864 Location of birth/death Schladen Munich Authority control : Q60163 VIAF: 52481510 ISNI: 0000 0000 8131 6912 ULAN: 500115569 LCCN: n81063500 NLA: 35043195 WorldCat 802 Leo von Klenze Salvat Stock Photo
RMMP3DME–. German: Salvatorkirche zu Donaustauf und Walhalla . 1839. Leo von Klenze (1784–1864) Alternative names Leo von Klenze; ליאו פון קלנצה; Фон Кленце; Кленце, Лео; Кленце Лео фон; Лео фон Кленце; Лео Кленце; Leo Klenze; Klenze, Leo von; Leo van Klenze; Leo Von Klenze; Franz Leopold Karl von Klenze Description German architect, painter and writer Date of birth/death 29 February 1784 26 January 1864 Location of birth/death Schladen Munich Authority control : Q60163 VIAF: 52481510 ISNI: 0000 0000 8131 6912 ULAN: 500115569 LCCN: n81063500 NLA: 35043195 WorldCat 802 Leo von Klenze Salvat
Franz Leopold Graf Sternberg (1680–1745) crop. Stock Photo
RM2S2X12M–Franz Leopold Graf Sternberg (1680–1745) crop.
Europa, Deutschland, Frankreich, Deutsch-Französischer Krieg , 1870-1871, ' Schlacht bei Gravelotte ' , Motiv aus dem Buch : ' Die Kriegs-Chronik von 1870-1871 ' von Franz Lubojatzky , Druck und Verlag von Adolph Wolf, Dresden, 1874 ? . / Europe, Germany, France, Franco-Prussion war , 1870-1871 , ' battle of Gravelotte ' , image from the book : ' Die Kriegs-Chronik von 1870-1871 ' ( Chronicle of the war ) , by Franz Lubojatzky, publishing house Adolph Wolf, Dresden, 1874 ? . Stock Photo
RM2BX03FP–Europa, Deutschland, Frankreich, Deutsch-Französischer Krieg , 1870-1871, ' Schlacht bei Gravelotte ' , Motiv aus dem Buch : ' Die Kriegs-Chronik von 1870-1871 ' von Franz Lubojatzky , Druck und Verlag von Adolph Wolf, Dresden, 1874 ? . / Europe, Germany, France, Franco-Prussion war , 1870-1871 , ' battle of Gravelotte ' , image from the book : ' Die Kriegs-Chronik von 1870-1871 ' ( Chronicle of the war ) , by Franz Lubojatzky, publishing house Adolph Wolf, Dresden, 1874 ? .
Schnorr of Carolsfeld, Franz Leopold (1842-1915, philologist, library director) Stock Photo
RM2F45GP4–Schnorr of Carolsfeld, Franz Leopold (1842-1915, philologist, library director)
Christoph Friedrich Reinhold Lisiewski Leopold Friedrich Franz v. Anhalt Dessau in jugendlichem Alter (1756) Stock Photo
RMHYGWFK–Christoph Friedrich Reinhold Lisiewski Leopold Friedrich Franz v. Anhalt Dessau in jugendlichem Alter (1756)
Franz Xaver Kozell 1767-1842, Hofrat, Ritter des Leopold Ordens, Historisch, digital restaurierte Reproduktion von einer Vorlage aus dem 19. Jahrhunde Stock Photo
RM2Y334TJ–Franz Xaver Kozell 1767-1842, Hofrat, Ritter des Leopold Ordens, Historisch, digital restaurierte Reproduktion von einer Vorlage aus dem 19. Jahrhunde
Franz Duke of Bavaria (R-L), Duke Max and his wife Elizabeth of Bavaria, Prince Luitpold and Princess Beatrix of Bavaria, Prince Rasso of Bavaria and Leopold Prince of Bavaria join for the memorial service in Berg am Starnberger See, Germany, 13 June 2011. 125 years ago, Ludwig II of Bavaria drowned and was found close to the chapel. Photo: Tobias Hase (ATTENTION!! Use for current Stock Photo
RMDAMG8D–Franz Duke of Bavaria (R-L), Duke Max and his wife Elizabeth of Bavaria, Prince Luitpold and Princess Beatrix of Bavaria, Prince Rasso of Bavaria and Leopold Prince of Bavaria join for the memorial service in Berg am Starnberger See, Germany, 13 June 2011. 125 years ago, Ludwig II of Bavaria drowned and was found close to the chapel. Photo: Tobias Hase (ATTENTION!! Use for current
Franz Joseph I, Emperor of Austria with family, The Austrian Imperial couple Franz Joseph and Elisabeth, the Belgian royal couple Leopold II and Queen Marie Henriette and the successor's couple crown prince Rudolf and crown princess Stephanie, composite photograph, 1881, - 18810101 PD1218 - Rechteinfo: Rights Managed (RM) Stock Photo
RM2X1B2XR–Franz Joseph I, Emperor of Austria with family, The Austrian Imperial couple Franz Joseph and Elisabeth, the Belgian royal couple Leopold II and Queen Marie Henriette and the successor's couple crown prince Rudolf and crown princess Stephanie, composite photograph, 1881, - 18810101 PD1218 - Rechteinfo: Rights Managed (RM)
The Mirabell Gardens, Salzburg, dusk, with Fortress Hohensalzburg behind. The gardens remodeled around 1730 by Franz Anton Stock Photo
RMFW6ME1–The Mirabell Gardens, Salzburg, dusk, with Fortress Hohensalzburg behind. The gardens remodeled around 1730 by Franz Anton
Vater Franz monument to Leopold III Frederick Franz, Duke of Anhalt-Dessau, St. John's Church, Dessau, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany, Europe Stock Photo
RM2WHAM3M–Vater Franz monument to Leopold III Frederick Franz, Duke of Anhalt-Dessau, St. John's Church, Dessau, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany, Europe
Portrait of Leopold, Grand Duke of Baden, Friedrich Rossmässler, after Franz Xaver Winterhalter, 1785 - 1858, print maker: Friedrich Rossmässler, (mentioned on object), Franz Xaver Winterhalter, (mentioned on object), 1785 - 1858, paper, engraving, h 108 mm - w 69 mm Stock Photo
RM2JE411G–Portrait of Leopold, Grand Duke of Baden, Friedrich Rossmässler, after Franz Xaver Winterhalter, 1785 - 1858, print maker: Friedrich Rossmässler, (mentioned on object), Franz Xaver Winterhalter, (mentioned on object), 1785 - 1858, paper, engraving, h 108 mm - w 69 mm
Oval portrait of Leopold II, Grand Duke of Tuscany, 1833. Stock Photo
RM2CNJM4B–Oval portrait of Leopold II, Grand Duke of Tuscany, 1833.
Emergency Military Hospital In The Church Of Suta Painting By Franz Kienmayer Stock Photo
RFF2RJWW–Emergency Military Hospital In The Church Of Suta Painting By Franz Kienmayer
O.W. Fisher in 'The perjury farmer', 1941 Stock Photo
RMCPHWR9–O.W. Fisher in 'The perjury farmer', 1941
Tracht, Bekleidung, Romanorum Imperator Leopoldus I., Leopold I. (9. Juni 1640 bis 5. Mai 1705), VI. aus dem Hause Habsburg, geboren als Leopold Ignaz Joseph Balthasar Franz Felician, war von 1658 bis 1705 Kaiser des Heiligen Römischen Reich, Kupferstich von Caspar Luyken von 1703, digital restaurierte Reproduktion von einer Vorlage aus dem 18. Jahrhundert / Traditional costume, clothing, Romanorum Imperator Leopoldus I, Leopold I (9 June 1640 to 5 May 1705), VI of the House of Habsburg, born Leopold Ignaz Joseph Balthasar Franz Felician, was Holy Roman Emperor from 1658 to 1705, copperplate Stock Photo
RF2T8WP83–Tracht, Bekleidung, Romanorum Imperator Leopoldus I., Leopold I. (9. Juni 1640 bis 5. Mai 1705), VI. aus dem Hause Habsburg, geboren als Leopold Ignaz Joseph Balthasar Franz Felician, war von 1658 bis 1705 Kaiser des Heiligen Römischen Reich, Kupferstich von Caspar Luyken von 1703, digital restaurierte Reproduktion von einer Vorlage aus dem 18. Jahrhundert / Traditional costume, clothing, Romanorum Imperator Leopoldus I, Leopold I (9 June 1640 to 5 May 1705), VI of the House of Habsburg, born Leopold Ignaz Joseph Balthasar Franz Felician, was Holy Roman Emperor from 1658 to 1705, copperplate
Prince of Hohenlohe, 19th century. Artist: Unknown Stock Photo
RMW7DFGY–Prince of Hohenlohe, 19th century. Artist: Unknown
16 April 2020, Saxony-Anhalt, Wörlitz: Behind spring blossoms you can see the Floratempel in the Wörlitz Park. The building was constructed in 1797/98 by Prince Leopold III Friedrich Franz von Anhalt - Dessau (1740-1817) as a music pavilion. The Wörlitz Park is part of today's UNESCO World Heritage Site Dessau-Wörlitz Garden Kingdom, which was created in the second half of the 18th century under Prince Franz. Photo: Waltraud Grubitzsch/dpa-Zentralbild/ZB Stock Photo
RM2BH5AG7–16 April 2020, Saxony-Anhalt, Wörlitz: Behind spring blossoms you can see the Floratempel in the Wörlitz Park. The building was constructed in 1797/98 by Prince Leopold III Friedrich Franz von Anhalt - Dessau (1740-1817) as a music pavilion. The Wörlitz Park is part of today's UNESCO World Heritage Site Dessau-Wörlitz Garden Kingdom, which was created in the second half of the 18th century under Prince Franz. Photo: Waltraud Grubitzsch/dpa-Zentralbild/ZB
Kowalski Leopold Franz - Lectuur in Open Lucht Stock Photo
RFPB0TAJ–Kowalski Leopold Franz - Lectuur in Open Lucht
Greeks and Turks in a Viennese coffee house. Museum: Vienna Museum. Author: THEODOR LEOPOLD WELLER. Stock Photo
RM2G79A5D–Greeks and Turks in a Viennese coffee house. Museum: Vienna Museum. Author: THEODOR LEOPOLD WELLER.
. English: Carl Ludwig Willdenow (1765–1812) Deutsch: Carl Ludwig Willdenow. Kupferstich von Franz Joseph Leopold, 1810 oder 1811. 1810 or 1811. Franz Joseph Leopold 113 Carl Ludwig Willdenow, Kupferstich von Franz Joseph Leopold, 1810 oder 1811 Stock Photo
RMMW9FN5–. English: Carl Ludwig Willdenow (1765–1812) Deutsch: Carl Ludwig Willdenow. Kupferstich von Franz Joseph Leopold, 1810 oder 1811. 1810 or 1811. Franz Joseph Leopold 113 Carl Ludwig Willdenow, Kupferstich von Franz Joseph Leopold, 1810 oder 1811
Franz Leopold Sonnenschein De Molybdaeni Acido 1851 Titel. Stock Photo
RM2S2X12N–Franz Leopold Sonnenschein De Molybdaeni Acido 1851 Titel.
Europa, Deutschland, Frankreich, Deutsch-Französischer Krieg , 1870-1871, Originaltext : ' Die Explosion von Laon ' , Motiv aus dem Buch : ' Die Kriegs-Chronik von 1870-1871 ' von Franz Lubojatzky , Druck und Verlag von Adolph Wolf, Dresden, 1874 ? . / Europe, Germany, France, Franco-Prussion war , 1870-1871 , original text ' The explosion of Laon ' , image from the book : ' Die Kriegs-Chronik von 1870-1871 ' ( Chronicle of the war ) , by Franz Lubojatzky, publishing house Adolph Wolf, Dresden, 1874 ? . Stock Photo
RM2BY5KY4–Europa, Deutschland, Frankreich, Deutsch-Französischer Krieg , 1870-1871, Originaltext : ' Die Explosion von Laon ' , Motiv aus dem Buch : ' Die Kriegs-Chronik von 1870-1871 ' von Franz Lubojatzky , Druck und Verlag von Adolph Wolf, Dresden, 1874 ? . / Europe, Germany, France, Franco-Prussion war , 1870-1871 , original text ' The explosion of Laon ' , image from the book : ' Die Kriegs-Chronik von 1870-1871 ' ( Chronicle of the war ) , by Franz Lubojatzky, publishing house Adolph Wolf, Dresden, 1874 ? .
Franz Leopold von Nádasdy (1708-1783), Feldmarschall, Ban of Croatia. Johann Hieronymus Delete Kohl (1753-1807), publishing house Stock Photo
RM2JADH1E–Franz Leopold von Nádasdy (1708-1783), Feldmarschall, Ban of Croatia. Johann Hieronymus Delete Kohl (1753-1807), publishing house
Leopold I. geb. 9. Juni 1640 in Wien, gest. 5. Mai 1705 ebenda, VI. aus dem Hause Habsburg, geboren als Leopold Ignaz Joseph Balthasar Franz Felician, Stock Photo
RM2XPF6D3–Leopold I. geb. 9. Juni 1640 in Wien, gest. 5. Mai 1705 ebenda, VI. aus dem Hause Habsburg, geboren als Leopold Ignaz Joseph Balthasar Franz Felician,
Eduard Prince of Anhalt smiles with two significant paintings by German painter Christoph Friedrich Reinhold Lisiewski (1725-1794) he received at Moigkau Palace in Dessau, Germany, 15 April 2010. The pastel paintings 'Leopold Frederick Franz of Anhalt-Dessau' (L) and 'Henriette Catharina Agnese of Anhalt-Dessau' (R) were made some 250 years ago and derive from from the former prope Stock Photo
RMD574DY–Eduard Prince of Anhalt smiles with two significant paintings by German painter Christoph Friedrich Reinhold Lisiewski (1725-1794) he received at Moigkau Palace in Dessau, Germany, 15 April 2010. The pastel paintings 'Leopold Frederick Franz of Anhalt-Dessau' (L) and 'Henriette Catharina Agnese of Anhalt-Dessau' (R) were made some 250 years ago and derive from from the former prope
Franz Joseph I, Emperor of Austria with family, family image in composite photograph: Franz Joseph with Elisabeth, in the middle of the whose daughter archduchess Gisela with her children Auguste and Elisabeth, behind standing crown prince Rudolf and Leopold, Prince of Bavaria, background: park scenery, - 18760101 PD0943 - Rechteinfo: Rights Managed (RM) Stock Photo
RM2X1AA4C–Franz Joseph I, Emperor of Austria with family, family image in composite photograph: Franz Joseph with Elisabeth, in the middle of the whose daughter archduchess Gisela with her children Auguste and Elisabeth, behind standing crown prince Rudolf and Leopold, Prince of Bavaria, background: park scenery, - 18760101 PD0943 - Rechteinfo: Rights Managed (RM)
Deutsches barock und rokoko : herausgegeben im anschluss an die Jahrhundert-ausstellung deutscher kunst 1650-1800, Darmstadt, 1914 . >- X u> ts) s- Ui O *v* — — X 7 CO < < Z< z u.z 53 411. 694. ANTON MARON (1733 — 1808) Leopold Friedrich Franz, Herzog von Anhalt L. h. 2,46, br. 1,74Se. Hoheit der Herzog von Anhalt 412 Stock Photo
RM2AKWG4H–Deutsches barock und rokoko : herausgegeben im anschluss an die Jahrhundert-ausstellung deutscher kunst 1650-1800, Darmstadt, 1914 . >- X u> ts) s- Ui O *v* — — X 7 CO < < Z< z u.z 53 411. 694. ANTON MARON (1733 — 1808) Leopold Friedrich Franz, Herzog von Anhalt L. h. 2,46, br. 1,74Se. Hoheit der Herzog von Anhalt 412
Vater Franz monument to Leopold III Frederick Franz, Duke of Anhalt-Dessau, St. John's Church, Dessau, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany, Europe Stock Photo
RM2MBEH99–Vater Franz monument to Leopold III Frederick Franz, Duke of Anhalt-Dessau, St. John's Church, Dessau, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany, Europe
Portrait of Leopold III Friedrich Franz von Anhalt-Dessau, Ludwig Buchhorn, 1803, print maker: Ludwig Buchhorn, (mentioned on object), Ludwig Buchhorn, (mentioned on object), Ludwig Buchhorn, (mentioned on object), Dessau, 1803, paper, h 279 mm - w 217 mm Stock Photo
RM2JE4115–Portrait of Leopold III Friedrich Franz von Anhalt-Dessau, Ludwig Buchhorn, 1803, print maker: Ludwig Buchhorn, (mentioned on object), Ludwig Buchhorn, (mentioned on object), Ludwig Buchhorn, (mentioned on object), Dessau, 1803, paper, h 279 mm - w 217 mm
Emperor Franz Joseph I, 1904-1906. Stock Photo
RM2TBKP9J–Emperor Franz Joseph I, 1904-1906.
The exhibition Old Empire and New States 1495 - 1806 Stock Photo
RMGDWTFJ–The exhibition Old Empire and New States 1495 - 1806
O.W. Fisher in 'The perjury farmer', 1941 Stock Photo
RMCPHWR4–O.W. Fisher in 'The perjury farmer', 1941
Ferdinand I. Karl Leopold Joseph Franz Marcellin, called the Kind, (born 19 April 1793 in Vienna, died 29 June 1875 in Prague) was Emperor of Austria and King of Bohemia from 1835 to 1848 and as Ferdinand V from 1830 also King of Hungary and Croatia, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from an original from the 19th century, Record date not stated / , genannt der Gütige, (geb. 19. April 1793 in Wien, gest. 29. Juni 1875 in Prag) war von 1835 bis 1848 Kaiser von Österreich und König von Böhmen und als Ferdinand V. seit 1830 auch König von Ungarn und Kroatien, Historisch, digital resta Stock Photo
RF2XPH2AG–Ferdinand I. Karl Leopold Joseph Franz Marcellin, called the Kind, (born 19 April 1793 in Vienna, died 29 June 1875 in Prague) was Emperor of Austria and King of Bohemia from 1835 to 1848 and as Ferdinand V from 1830 also King of Hungary and Croatia, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from an original from the 19th century, Record date not stated / , genannt der Gütige, (geb. 19. April 1793 in Wien, gest. 29. Juni 1875 in Prag) war von 1835 bis 1848 Kaiser von Österreich und König von Böhmen und als Ferdinand V. seit 1830 auch König von Ungarn und Kroatien, Historisch, digital resta
''Fürst Bismarck 1815-1898. - Gemälde von Lenbach', 1934. Artist: Unknown. Stock Photo
RMMPR5E6–''Fürst Bismarck 1815-1898. - Gemälde von Lenbach', 1934. Artist: Unknown.
16 April 2020, Saxony-Anhalt, Wörlitz: Without its bark root cover, the bathhouse built some 235 years ago by Prince Leopold III Friedrich Franz von Anhalt Dessau (1740-1817) stands in Wörlitz Park. The half-timbered house, which is actually covered with bark wood and known as the Borkenhäuschen or Wurzelhütte, is currently being restored. Severe damage to the load-bearing structure, as well as to the outer bark and inner decorative cladding attached to it, will have to be repaired in the coming weeks. The Wörlitz Park is part of today's UNESCO World Heritage Site Dessau-Wörlitz Garden Kingdom Stock Photo
RM2BMHAHN–16 April 2020, Saxony-Anhalt, Wörlitz: Without its bark root cover, the bathhouse built some 235 years ago by Prince Leopold III Friedrich Franz von Anhalt Dessau (1740-1817) stands in Wörlitz Park. The half-timbered house, which is actually covered with bark wood and known as the Borkenhäuschen or Wurzelhütte, is currently being restored. Severe damage to the load-bearing structure, as well as to the outer bark and inner decorative cladding attached to it, will have to be repaired in the coming weeks. The Wörlitz Park is part of today's UNESCO World Heritage Site Dessau-Wörlitz Garden Kingdom
Kowalski Leopold Franz - La Main Chaude (Who Touched) Stock Photo
RFPB0TA9–Kowalski Leopold Franz - La Main Chaude (Who Touched)
Portrait of Marie d'Agoult (1805-1876). Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Stock Photo
RMPA7KEG–Portrait of Marie d'Agoult (1805-1876). Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION.
. English: Carl Ludwig Willdenow (1765–1812) Deutsch: Carl Ludwig Willdenow. Kupferstich von Franz Joseph Leopold, 1810 oder 1811. 1810 or 1811. Franz Joseph Leopold 98 Carl Ludwig Willdenow, Kupferstich von Franz Joseph Leopold, 1810 oder 1811 Stock Photo
RMMYBRND–. English: Carl Ludwig Willdenow (1765–1812) Deutsch: Carl Ludwig Willdenow. Kupferstich von Franz Joseph Leopold, 1810 oder 1811. 1810 or 1811. Franz Joseph Leopold 98 Carl Ludwig Willdenow, Kupferstich von Franz Joseph Leopold, 1810 oder 1811
Franz Xaver Winterhalter Prince Leopold. Stock Photo
RM2AYJBK9–Franz Xaver Winterhalter Prince Leopold.
Europa, Deutschland, Frankreich, Deutsch-Französischer Krieg , 1870-1871, ' Die Schlacht bei Wörth ' , Motiv aus dem Buch : ' Die Kriegs-Chronik von 1870-1871 ' von Franz Lubojatzky , Druck und Verlag von Adolph Wolf, Dresden, 1874 ? . / Europe, Germany, France, Franco-Prussion war, 1870-1871 , ' battle of Wörth ' , image from the book : ' Die Kriegs-Chronik von 1870-1871 ' ( Chronicle of the war ) , by Franz Lubojatzky, publishing house Adolph Wolf, Dresden, 1874 ? . Stock Photo
RM2BWYC49–Europa, Deutschland, Frankreich, Deutsch-Französischer Krieg , 1870-1871, ' Die Schlacht bei Wörth ' , Motiv aus dem Buch : ' Die Kriegs-Chronik von 1870-1871 ' von Franz Lubojatzky , Druck und Verlag von Adolph Wolf, Dresden, 1874 ? . / Europe, Germany, France, Franco-Prussion war, 1870-1871 , ' battle of Wörth ' , image from the book : ' Die Kriegs-Chronik von 1870-1871 ' ( Chronicle of the war ) , by Franz Lubojatzky, publishing house Adolph Wolf, Dresden, 1874 ? .
Portret van Franz Leopold von Nádasdy, Johann Ernst Mansfeld, After Johann Nepomuk Steiner, 1749 - 1796 print Vienna paper etching / engraving historical persons Stock Photo
RM2WCAT0R–Portret van Franz Leopold von Nádasdy, Johann Ernst Mansfeld, After Johann Nepomuk Steiner, 1749 - 1796 print Vienna paper etching / engraving historical persons
Cancelled postage stamp printed by North Korea, that shows Leopold II, Portraits of European Rulers, circa 1984. Stock Photo
RM2XMJ44F–Cancelled postage stamp printed by North Korea, that shows Leopold II, Portraits of European Rulers, circa 1984.
Ferdinand I. Karl Leopold Joseph Franz Marcellin, genannt der Gütige geb. 19. April 1793 in Wien, gest. 29. Juni 1875 in Prag war von 1835 bis 1848 Ka Stock Photo
RM2XPF61B–Ferdinand I. Karl Leopold Joseph Franz Marcellin, genannt der Gütige geb. 19. April 1793 in Wien, gest. 29. Juni 1875 in Prag war von 1835 bis 1848 Ka
Eduard Prince of Anhalt smiles with two significant paintings by German painter Christoph Friedrich Reinhold Lisiewski (1725-1794) he received at Moigkau Palace in Dessau, Germany, 15 April 2010. The pastel paintings 'Leopold Frederick Franz of Anhalt-Dessau' (R) and 'Henriette Catharina Agnese of Anhalt-Dessau' (not pictured) were made some 250 years ago and derive from from the f Stock Photo
RMD574E0–Eduard Prince of Anhalt smiles with two significant paintings by German painter Christoph Friedrich Reinhold Lisiewski (1725-1794) he received at Moigkau Palace in Dessau, Germany, 15 April 2010. The pastel paintings 'Leopold Frederick Franz of Anhalt-Dessau' (R) and 'Henriette Catharina Agnese of Anhalt-Dessau' (not pictured) were made some 250 years ago and derive from from the f
Franz Joseph I, Emperor of Austria with family, family image in composite photograph: Franz Joseph with Elisabeth, in the middle of the whose daughter archduchess Gisela with her children Auguste and Elisabeth, behind standing crown prince Rudolf and Leopold, Prince of Bavaria, background: park scenery, - 18760101 PD0943 - Rechteinfo: Rights Managed (RM) Stock Photo
RM2X1BP2G–Franz Joseph I, Emperor of Austria with family, family image in composite photograph: Franz Joseph with Elisabeth, in the middle of the whose daughter archduchess Gisela with her children Auguste and Elisabeth, behind standing crown prince Rudolf and Leopold, Prince of Bavaria, background: park scenery, - 18760101 PD0943 - Rechteinfo: Rights Managed (RM)
Deutsches barock und rokoko : herausgegeben im anschluss an die Jahrhundert-ausstellung deutscher kunst 1650-1800, Darmstadt, 1914 . 694. ANTON MARON (1733 — 1808) Leopold Friedrich Franz, Herzog von Anhalt L. h. 2,46, br. 1,74Se. Hoheit der Herzog von Anhalt 412. 695. W. PAHL (wahrscheinlich nach Meytens) Maria Theresia und ihre Familie K. h.lV-s:.. br.0,26 General Frhr. von Heyl, Darmsladl 413 Stock Photo
RM2AKWEBP–Deutsches barock und rokoko : herausgegeben im anschluss an die Jahrhundert-ausstellung deutscher kunst 1650-1800, Darmstadt, 1914 . 694. ANTON MARON (1733 — 1808) Leopold Friedrich Franz, Herzog von Anhalt L. h. 2,46, br. 1,74Se. Hoheit der Herzog von Anhalt 412. 695. W. PAHL (wahrscheinlich nach Meytens) Maria Theresia und ihre Familie K. h.lV-s:.. br.0,26 General Frhr. von Heyl, Darmsladl 413
1897 The Graphic Queen Victoria & Prince Albert & the Royal Family in 1846 Stock Photo
RMKKN8TT–1897 The Graphic Queen Victoria & Prince Albert & the Royal Family in 1846
Das all'zeit getreue Volk in Tirol', Franz Gerasch (1826-1906), lithographer, Johann Rauh (1803-1863), printer, Leopold Theodor Neumann (1804-1876), publisher, 1848, paper, chalk lithograph, height 28, 7 cm, width 41 cm, revolutions of 1848, 1849, assembly, gathering, The Vienna Collection Stock Photo
RM2T8XHE9–Das all'zeit getreue Volk in Tirol', Franz Gerasch (1826-1906), lithographer, Johann Rauh (1803-1863), printer, Leopold Theodor Neumann (1804-1876), publisher, 1848, paper, chalk lithograph, height 28, 7 cm, width 41 cm, revolutions of 1848, 1849, assembly, gathering, The Vienna Collection
Proscenium for Angelica, Vincitrice di Alcina, 1716. [Opera composed for the birth of Prince Leopold in 1716]. Stock Photo
RM2DCBDM3–Proscenium for Angelica, Vincitrice di Alcina, 1716. [Opera composed for the birth of Prince Leopold in 1716].
The exhibition Old Empire and New States 1495 - 1806 Stock Photo
RMGDWTFG–The exhibition Old Empire and New States 1495 - 1806
Alfred Hugenberg, 1929 Stock Photo
RMC4589A–Alfred Hugenberg, 1929
Ferdinand I. Karl Leopold Joseph Franz Marcellin, called the Kind (born 19 April 1793 in Vienna, died 29 June 1875 in Prague) was Emperor of Austria and King of Bohemia from 1835 to 1848 and as Ferdinand V from 1830 also King of Hungary and Croatia, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from an original from the 19th century, Record date not stated / , genannt der Gütige (geb. 19. April 1793 in Wien, gest. 29. Juni 1875 in Prag) war von 1835 bis 1848 Kaiser von Österreich und König von Böhmen und als Ferdinand V. seit 1830 auch König von Ungarn und Kroatien, Historisch, digital restaur Stock Photo
RF2XPH2B3–Ferdinand I. Karl Leopold Joseph Franz Marcellin, called the Kind (born 19 April 1793 in Vienna, died 29 June 1875 in Prague) was Emperor of Austria and King of Bohemia from 1835 to 1848 and as Ferdinand V from 1830 also King of Hungary and Croatia, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from an original from the 19th century, Record date not stated / , genannt der Gütige (geb. 19. April 1793 in Wien, gest. 29. Juni 1875 in Prag) war von 1835 bis 1848 Kaiser von Österreich und König von Böhmen und als Ferdinand V. seit 1830 auch König von Ungarn und Kroatien, Historisch, digital restaur
'Otto Von Bismarck', 1884, (1886). Artist: Hünemann. Stock Photo
RMPKCWHC–'Otto Von Bismarck', 1884, (1886). Artist: Hünemann.
16 April 2020, Saxony-Anhalt, Wörlitz: Without its bark - root - cover, the bathhouse of Prince Leopold III Friedrich Franz von Anhalt Dessau (1740-1817), built some 235 years ago, stands in Wörlitz Park. The half-timbered house, which is actually clad in bark wood and is known as Borkenhäuschen or Wurzelhütte, is currently being restored. Severe damage to the load-bearing structure, as well as to the outer bark and inner decorative cladding attached to it, will have to be repaired in the coming weeks. The Wörlitz Park is part of today's UNESCO World Heritage Site Dessau-Wörlitz Garden Kingdom Stock Photo
RM2BH5AGJ–16 April 2020, Saxony-Anhalt, Wörlitz: Without its bark - root - cover, the bathhouse of Prince Leopold III Friedrich Franz von Anhalt Dessau (1740-1817), built some 235 years ago, stands in Wörlitz Park. The half-timbered house, which is actually clad in bark wood and is known as Borkenhäuschen or Wurzelhütte, is currently being restored. Severe damage to the load-bearing structure, as well as to the outer bark and inner decorative cladding attached to it, will have to be repaired in the coming weeks. The Wörlitz Park is part of today's UNESCO World Heritage Site Dessau-Wörlitz Garden Kingdom
Kowalski Leopold Franz - Lady at Play 2 (a Game of Diabolo) Stock Photo
RFPB0TAA–Kowalski Leopold Franz - Lady at Play 2 (a Game of Diabolo)
View over Wroclaw town, Poland, Europe Stock Photo
RFFJC8T4–View over Wroclaw town, Poland, Europe
. English: Carl Ludwig Willdenow (1765–1812) Deutsch: Carl Ludwig Willdenow. Kupferstich von Franz Joseph Leopold, 1810 oder 1811. 1810 or 1811. Franz Joseph Leopold 113 Carl Ludwig Willdenow, Kupferstich von Franz Joseph Leopold, 1810 oder 1811 Stock Photo
RMMX768A–. English: Carl Ludwig Willdenow (1765–1812) Deutsch: Carl Ludwig Willdenow. Kupferstich von Franz Joseph Leopold, 1810 oder 1811. 1810 or 1811. Franz Joseph Leopold 113 Carl Ludwig Willdenow, Kupferstich von Franz Joseph Leopold, 1810 oder 1811
Franz Langhammer Johann Leopold von Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha. Stock Photo
RM2AYJ6N6–Franz Langhammer Johann Leopold von Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha.
Europa, Deutschland, Frankreich, Deutsch-Französischer Krieg 1870-1871, ' Der Brand des Schlosses Meudon ' , Motiv aus dem Buch : ' Die Kriegs-Chronik von 1870-1871 ' von Franz Lubojatzky , Druck und Verlag von Adolph Wolf, Dresden, 1874 ? . / Europe, Germany, France, Franco-Prussion war 1870-1871 , ' The fire of Meudon castle ' , image from the book : ' Die Kriegs-Chronik von 1870-1871 ' ( Chronicle of the war ) , by Franz Lubojatzky, publishing house Adolph Wolf, Dresden, 1874 ? . Stock Photo
RM2APWCPN–Europa, Deutschland, Frankreich, Deutsch-Französischer Krieg 1870-1871, ' Der Brand des Schlosses Meudon ' , Motiv aus dem Buch : ' Die Kriegs-Chronik von 1870-1871 ' von Franz Lubojatzky , Druck und Verlag von Adolph Wolf, Dresden, 1874 ? . / Europe, Germany, France, Franco-Prussion war 1870-1871 , ' The fire of Meudon castle ' , image from the book : ' Die Kriegs-Chronik von 1870-1871 ' ( Chronicle of the war ) , by Franz Lubojatzky, publishing house Adolph Wolf, Dresden, 1874 ? .
Portrait of Schnorr from Carolsfeld, Franz Leopold (1842-1915, philologist, library director). Photography of Constantin Schwendler, Cabinet (albumin tray on cardboard with gold cut and studio print Recto) Stock Photo
RM2F45BTW–Portrait of Schnorr from Carolsfeld, Franz Leopold (1842-1915, philologist, library director). Photography of Constantin Schwendler, Cabinet (albumin tray on cardboard with gold cut and studio print Recto)
Cancelled postage stamp printed by North Korea, that shows Franz Joseph I, Portraits of European Rulers, circa 1984. Stock Photo
RM2XMJ46M–Cancelled postage stamp printed by North Korea, that shows Franz Joseph I, Portraits of European Rulers, circa 1984.
Ferdinand I. Karl Leopold Joseph Franz Marcellin, genannt der Gütige geb. 19. April 1793 in Wien, gest. 29. Juni 1875 in Prag war von 1835 bis 1848 Ka Stock Photo
RM2XPF61A–Ferdinand I. Karl Leopold Joseph Franz Marcellin, genannt der Gütige geb. 19. April 1793 in Wien, gest. 29. Juni 1875 in Prag war von 1835 bis 1848 Ka