Charles frederick alexander Stock Photos and Images
Prince George Frederick Alexander Charles Ernest Augustus (Prince George of Cumberland, 1819-1878), later George V of Hanover. Stock Photo
RM2M98RKA–Prince George Frederick Alexander Charles Ernest Augustus (Prince George of Cumberland, 1819-1878), later George V of Hanover.
Prince Frederick Charles Alexander of Prussia or Prinz Carl von Preußen, 29 June 1801 - 21 January 1883, was a younger son of Frederick William III of Prussia. He served as a Prussian general for much of his adult life and became the first Herrenmeister (Grand Master) of the Order of Saint John after its restoration as a chivalric order, reproduction of a woodcut from 1882, digital improved Stock Photo
RFHTTTRH–Prince Frederick Charles Alexander of Prussia or Prinz Carl von Preußen, 29 June 1801 - 21 January 1883, was a younger son of Frederick William III of Prussia. He served as a Prussian general for much of his adult life and became the first Herrenmeister (Grand Master) of the Order of Saint John after its restoration as a chivalric order, reproduction of a woodcut from 1882, digital improved
Portrait of Prince Charles of Prussia. 1875 Prince Frederick Charles Alexander of Prussia (1801–1883) was a younger son of Frederick William III of Pr Stock Photo
RF2HDAHFN–Portrait of Prince Charles of Prussia. 1875 Prince Frederick Charles Alexander of Prussia (1801–1883) was a younger son of Frederick William III of Pr
Prince Charles Alexander of Lorraine (1712-1780), the son of Leopold Joseph, Duke of Lorraine. During the War of the Austrian Succession, he was one of the principal Austrian military commanders, and was most notable for his defeat by Frederick the Great at the Battle of Chotusitz, fought in 1742, and the Battle of Hohenfriedberg in 1745. He was also defeated by Maurice de Saxe at the Battle of Raucoux in 1746. Frederick the Great by Nancy Mitford, page 111.. . . Stock Photo
RMWH8G4G–Prince Charles Alexander of Lorraine (1712-1780), the son of Leopold Joseph, Duke of Lorraine. During the War of the Austrian Succession, he was one of the principal Austrian military commanders, and was most notable for his defeat by Frederick the Great at the Battle of Chotusitz, fought in 1742, and the Battle of Hohenfriedberg in 1745. He was also defeated by Maurice de Saxe at the Battle of Raucoux in 1746. Frederick the Great by Nancy Mitford, page 111.. . .
Karl I of Württemberg (1823-1891). Third King of Württemberg (1864-1891). Portrait of Karl Friedrich Alexander as Crown Prince of Württemberg. Drawing by J. Vallejo. Lithography by J. Donón. 'Reyes Contemporáneos'. Volume I. Published in Madrid, 1855. Stock Photo
RM2PWYB39–Karl I of Württemberg (1823-1891). Third King of Württemberg (1864-1891). Portrait of Karl Friedrich Alexander as Crown Prince of Württemberg. Drawing by J. Vallejo. Lithography by J. Donón. 'Reyes Contemporáneos'. Volume I. Published in Madrid, 1855.
Portrait of George V, George Frederick Alexander Charles Ernest Augustus, in German, Georg Friedrich Alexander Karl Ernst August Stock Photo
RMR5AF8T–Portrait of George V, George Frederick Alexander Charles Ernest Augustus, in German, Georg Friedrich Alexander Karl Ernst August
Seven Years War (1756-1763). Map of the Battle of Prague (May 6, 1757). The Prussian army of Frederick the Great defeated an army of the Holy Roman Empire, led by Charles of Lorraine. Published in 1765 by the cartographer Jean de Beaurain (1696-1771) as an illustration of his Great Map of Germany, with the events that took place during the Seven Years War. Etching and engraving. French edition, 1765. Military Historical Library of Barcelona (Biblioteca Histórico Militar de Barcelona). Catalonia. Spain. Stock Photo
RM2M0F3EX–Seven Years War (1756-1763). Map of the Battle of Prague (May 6, 1757). The Prussian army of Frederick the Great defeated an army of the Holy Roman Empire, led by Charles of Lorraine. Published in 1765 by the cartographer Jean de Beaurain (1696-1771) as an illustration of his Great Map of Germany, with the events that took place during the Seven Years War. Etching and engraving. French edition, 1765. Military Historical Library of Barcelona (Biblioteca Histórico Militar de Barcelona). Catalonia. Spain.
Rubens at court Charles I of England, 1629, scene in the palace of the English Royal, Rubens in front of King Charles I of England, this impart Rubens an medal. umpteen courtier surround the scene. Rubens came 1629 in diplomaticopper engraving ministrations to England to hearing to shepherd, the 1630 to a peace agreement between Spain and England leading copper engraving / etching (mixed technique) von Frederick Oldermann based on drawing by Alexander Becker, based on painting by Eduard de Biefve from 1848, Artist's Copyright has not to be cleared Stock Photo
RMTTG4AD–Rubens at court Charles I of England, 1629, scene in the palace of the English Royal, Rubens in front of King Charles I of England, this impart Rubens an medal. umpteen courtier surround the scene. Rubens came 1629 in diplomaticopper engraving ministrations to England to hearing to shepherd, the 1630 to a peace agreement between Spain and England leading copper engraving / etching (mixed technique) von Frederick Oldermann based on drawing by Alexander Becker, based on painting by Eduard de Biefve from 1848, Artist's Copyright has not to be cleared
Karl I of Württemberg (1823-1891). Third King of Württemberg (1864-1891). Portrait of Karl Friedrich Alexander as Crown Prince of Württemberg. Drawing by J. Vallejo. Lithography by J. Donón. 'Reyes Contemporáneos'. Volume I. Published in Madrid, 1855. Stock Photo
RM2PWYB3B–Karl I of Württemberg (1823-1891). Third King of Württemberg (1864-1891). Portrait of Karl Friedrich Alexander as Crown Prince of Württemberg. Drawing by J. Vallejo. Lithography by J. Donón. 'Reyes Contemporáneos'. Volume I. Published in Madrid, 1855.
events, Congress of Vienna, 18.8.1814 - 9.7.1815, French caricature, 1815, Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Perigord, Foreign Minister of France, Robert Stewart, Viscount Castlereagh, Foreign Secretary of Great Britain, Emperer Francis I of Austria, Tsar Alexander I of Russia, King Frederick William III of Prussia, King Frederick August I of Saxony, Republic of Genoa, Europe, politics, Talleyrand, 19th century, historic, historical, people, Stock Photo
RMAFN3M1–events, Congress of Vienna, 18.8.1814 - 9.7.1815, French caricature, 1815, Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Perigord, Foreign Minister of France, Robert Stewart, Viscount Castlereagh, Foreign Secretary of Great Britain, Emperer Francis I of Austria, Tsar Alexander I of Russia, King Frederick William III of Prussia, King Frederick August I of Saxony, Republic of Genoa, Europe, politics, Talleyrand, 19th century, historic, historical, people,
George Frederick Alexander Charles Ernest Augustus of Cumberland, 1831. Artist: TA Dean Stock Photo
RMW7D9W0–George Frederick Alexander Charles Ernest Augustus of Cumberland, 1831. Artist: TA Dean
Political quadrille, 1806, Political Quadrille (title on object), Two tables with four card players at each table playing the card game quadrille. Left Frederick William III, King of Prussia, Tsar Alexander I, English King George III and Spanish King Charles IV. On the right Napoleon, the Austrian Emperor Francis II, a Dutchman and Pope Pius VII. The Dutchman says that he was given a king (Louis Napoleon) without asking for it. Cartoon on the political situation in Europe in 1806., print, print maker: Charles Williams, publisher: Walker, (mentioned on object), London, Oct-1806, paper, etching, Stock Photo
RM2Y6B8ME–Political quadrille, 1806, Political Quadrille (title on object), Two tables with four card players at each table playing the card game quadrille. Left Frederick William III, King of Prussia, Tsar Alexander I, English King George III and Spanish King Charles IV. On the right Napoleon, the Austrian Emperor Francis II, a Dutchman and Pope Pius VII. The Dutchman says that he was given a king (Louis Napoleon) without asking for it. Cartoon on the political situation in Europe in 1806., print, print maker: Charles Williams, publisher: Walker, (mentioned on object), London, Oct-1806, paper, etching,
Royal Prussian Army, Guards Corps, Prince Frederick Charles Alexander of Prussia as member of the Zieten Hussars. Preußens Heer, Prinz Friedrich Carl Alexander von Preußen, 1801-1883, in Uniform des brandenburgischen Husaren-Regiments, Zietensche Husaren, Digital improved reproduction of an illustration from the 19th century Stock Photo
RFW4NK5J–Royal Prussian Army, Guards Corps, Prince Frederick Charles Alexander of Prussia as member of the Zieten Hussars. Preußens Heer, Prinz Friedrich Carl Alexander von Preußen, 1801-1883, in Uniform des brandenburgischen Husaren-Regiments, Zietensche Husaren, Digital improved reproduction of an illustration from the 19th century
Seven Years War (1756-1763). Third Silesian War. Battle of Leuthen (5th December 1757). The Prussian army of Frederick the Great defeated the outnumbered Austrian army led by Prince Charles Alexander of Lorraine. Published in 1765 by the cartographer Jean de Beaurain (1696-1771) as an illustration of his Great Map of Germany, with the events that took place during the Seven Years War. Etching and engraving. French edition, 1765. Military Historical Library of Barcelona (Biblioteca Histórico Militar de Barcelona). Catalonia. Spain. Stock Photo
RM2M0XATN–Seven Years War (1756-1763). Third Silesian War. Battle of Leuthen (5th December 1757). The Prussian army of Frederick the Great defeated the outnumbered Austrian army led by Prince Charles Alexander of Lorraine. Published in 1765 by the cartographer Jean de Beaurain (1696-1771) as an illustration of his Great Map of Germany, with the events that took place during the Seven Years War. Etching and engraving. French edition, 1765. Military Historical Library of Barcelona (Biblioteca Histórico Militar de Barcelona). Catalonia. Spain.
Frederick William IV, 15.10.1795 - 2.1.1861, King of Prussia 7.6.1840 - 26.10.1858, swearing oath on the constitution, 6.2.1850, wood engraving after Paul Buerde, 19th century, , Stock Photo
RMBHKCWN–Frederick William IV, 15.10.1795 - 2.1.1861, King of Prussia 7.6.1840 - 26.10.1858, swearing oath on the constitution, 6.2.1850, wood engraving after Paul Buerde, 19th century, ,
'Rt. Hon. Frederick Thesiger, Lord Chelmsford', c1860, (c1884). Frederic Thesiger, 1st Baron Chelmsford (1794-1878), British jurist and Conservative politician, entered Gray's Inn in 1813, Attorney-General and twice Lord High Chancellor during the reign of Queen Victoria. From "Leaders of the Senate: A Biographical History of the Rise and Development of the British Constitution, Vol. II.", by Alexander Charles Ewald, F.S.A. [William Mackenzie, London, Edinburgh & Berlin] Stock Photo
RMW6P9G7–'Rt. Hon. Frederick Thesiger, Lord Chelmsford', c1860, (c1884). Frederic Thesiger, 1st Baron Chelmsford (1794-1878), British jurist and Conservative politician, entered Gray's Inn in 1813, Attorney-General and twice Lord High Chancellor during the reign of Queen Victoria. From "Leaders of the Senate: A Biographical History of the Rise and Development of the British Constitution, Vol. II.", by Alexander Charles Ewald, F.S.A. [William Mackenzie, London, Edinburgh & Berlin]
Holy Trinity, Brompton, was this afternoon, the scene of the wedding of Mr James Frederick, Stephen, son of Sir Alexander Murray Stephen, chairman of Alexander Stephen & Sons, shipbuilders and of Lady Stephen, to Betty, only daughter of Lt Gen Sir Travers Clarke and Lady Clark of Sloane Gardens, London. Picture shows: Tiny attendants Anne and Charles Pinker, were the subject of many admiring glances at this afternoon's wedding. 27 September 1947 Stock Photo
RM2Y72CMT–Holy Trinity, Brompton, was this afternoon, the scene of the wedding of Mr James Frederick, Stephen, son of Sir Alexander Murray Stephen, chairman of Alexander Stephen & Sons, shipbuilders and of Lady Stephen, to Betty, only daughter of Lt Gen Sir Travers Clarke and Lady Clark of Sloane Gardens, London. Picture shows: Tiny attendants Anne and Charles Pinker, were the subject of many admiring glances at this afternoon's wedding. 27 September 1947
Karl I of Württemberg (1823-1891). Third King of Württemberg (1864-1891). Portrait of Karl Friedrich Alexander as Crown Prince of Württemberg. Drawing by J. Vallejo. Lithography by J. Donón. Detail. 'Reyes Contemporáneos'. Volume I. Published in Madrid, 1855. Stock Photo
RM2PWYB3C–Karl I of Württemberg (1823-1891). Third King of Württemberg (1864-1891). Portrait of Karl Friedrich Alexander as Crown Prince of Württemberg. Drawing by J. Vallejo. Lithography by J. Donón. Detail. 'Reyes Contemporáneos'. Volume I. Published in Madrid, 1855.
The Makers of British Music : Famous Living British Composers of the Old School and the New - Top row LtoR Granville Bantock , Josef Holbrooke , Coleridge Taylor , Percy Pitt , Cyril Scott , Hamilton Harty Middle Row LtoR George Clement Martin , Miss Ethel Smythe , Ebenezer Prout , Dr Henry Walford Davies , Dr William Hayman Cummings , Front Row LtoR Sir Walter Parratt , Sir Charles Villiers Stanford , Sir Edward Elgar , Dr Frederic Hymen Cowen , Sir Alexander Campbell Mackenzie Sir Herbert Hastings Parry , Sir Frederick Bridge . 24 October 1908 Stock Photo
RM2Y659HE–The Makers of British Music : Famous Living British Composers of the Old School and the New - Top row LtoR Granville Bantock , Josef Holbrooke , Coleridge Taylor , Percy Pitt , Cyril Scott , Hamilton Harty Middle Row LtoR George Clement Martin , Miss Ethel Smythe , Ebenezer Prout , Dr Henry Walford Davies , Dr William Hayman Cummings , Front Row LtoR Sir Walter Parratt , Sir Charles Villiers Stanford , Sir Edward Elgar , Dr Frederic Hymen Cowen , Sir Alexander Campbell Mackenzie Sir Herbert Hastings Parry , Sir Frederick Bridge . 24 October 1908
Portrait of Prince Charles of Prussia. 1875 Prince Frederick Charles Alexander of Prussia (1801–1883) was a younger son of Frederick William III of Prussia. He served as a Prussian general for much of his adult life and became the first Herrenmeister (Grand Master) of the Order of Saint John after its restoration as a chivalric order. He is remembered more often for his patronage of art and for his sizable collections of art and armor. Stock Photo
RM2XEY1K6–Portrait of Prince Charles of Prussia. 1875 Prince Frederick Charles Alexander of Prussia (1801–1883) was a younger son of Frederick William III of Prussia. He served as a Prussian general for much of his adult life and became the first Herrenmeister (Grand Master) of the Order of Saint John after its restoration as a chivalric order. He is remembered more often for his patronage of art and for his sizable collections of art and armor.
Portraits of the twelve Commanders in Chief of the Grand Army of the Republic. Stock Photo
RF2A13KTK–Portraits of the twelve Commanders in Chief of the Grand Army of the Republic.
politics, conferences, Congress of Erfurt, 27.9. - 14.10.1808, Additional-Rights-Clearences-Not Available Stock Photo
RMDB3X58–politics, conferences, Congress of Erfurt, 27.9. - 14.10.1808, Additional-Rights-Clearences-Not Available
Rubens at court Charles I of England, 1629, scene in the palace of the English Royal, Rubens in front of King Charles I of England, this impart Rubens an medal. umpteen courtier surround the scene. Rubens came 1629 in diplomaticopper engraving ministrations to England to hearing to shepherd, the 1630 to a peace agreement between Spain and England leading copper engraving / etching (mixed technique) von Frederick Oldermann based on drawing by Alexander Becker, based on painting by Eduard de Biefve from 1848, - 18500101 PD6995 - Rechteinfo: Rights Managed (RM) Stock Photo
RM2X1BNJT–Rubens at court Charles I of England, 1629, scene in the palace of the English Royal, Rubens in front of King Charles I of England, this impart Rubens an medal. umpteen courtier surround the scene. Rubens came 1629 in diplomaticopper engraving ministrations to England to hearing to shepherd, the 1630 to a peace agreement between Spain and England leading copper engraving / etching (mixed technique) von Frederick Oldermann based on drawing by Alexander Becker, based on painting by Eduard de Biefve from 1848, - 18500101 PD6995 - Rechteinfo: Rights Managed (RM)
"Mariemont," Thomas Josephus Emery house, 386 Greenwood Ave., Middletown, Rhode Island, 1914. House architecture: Dr, Charles F. Hawyood House by Richard Morris Hunt, 1871, possibly incorporated into Thomas J. Emery house, circa 1901. Landscape: 19 acres by John Charles Olmsted, Henry Vincent Hubbard, James Frederick Dawson, Olmsted Brothers, 1903-1908. Gardeners: Alexander Anderson and Andrew L. Dorwood. Stock Photo
RM2K07863–"Mariemont," Thomas Josephus Emery house, 386 Greenwood Ave., Middletown, Rhode Island, 1914. House architecture: Dr, Charles F. Hawyood House by Richard Morris Hunt, 1871, possibly incorporated into Thomas J. Emery house, circa 1901. Landscape: 19 acres by John Charles Olmsted, Henry Vincent Hubbard, James Frederick Dawson, Olmsted Brothers, 1903-1908. Gardeners: Alexander Anderson and Andrew L. Dorwood.
The King and the Cabinet and Service Chief's: The King photographed in the grounds of Buckingham Palace today with the Cabinet, and Chief's of Staff of the three services. Left to Right: Sir Andrew Cunningham, Mr. Morrison, Sir E. Bridges (Secretary of the War Cabinet); Mr, Attlee, Sir Hastings Ismay (Chief of Staff to the Minister of D fence), The King, Sir Charles Portal, Mr. A. Greenwood, Mr. Alexander, Sir Alan Brooke and Mr. Bevin. August 15, 1945. (Photo by Tropical Press). Stock Photo
RM2JAYJ89–The King and the Cabinet and Service Chief's: The King photographed in the grounds of Buckingham Palace today with the Cabinet, and Chief's of Staff of the three services. Left to Right: Sir Andrew Cunningham, Mr. Morrison, Sir E. Bridges (Secretary of the War Cabinet); Mr, Attlee, Sir Hastings Ismay (Chief of Staff to the Minister of D fence), The King, Sir Charles Portal, Mr. A. Greenwood, Mr. Alexander, Sir Alan Brooke and Mr. Bevin. August 15, 1945. (Photo by Tropical Press).
Gustav III och hans bröder King Gustav III of Sweden and his Brothers. Date/Period: 1771. Painting. Oil on canvas. Height: 1,620 mm (63.77 in); Width: 2,030 mm (79.92 in). Author: ALEXANDER ROSLIN. ROSLIN, ALEXANDER. Stock Photo
RMPMD4JF–Gustav III och hans bröder King Gustav III of Sweden and his Brothers. Date/Period: 1771. Painting. Oil on canvas. Height: 1,620 mm (63.77 in); Width: 2,030 mm (79.92 in). Author: ALEXANDER ROSLIN. ROSLIN, ALEXANDER.
Stritez, Czech Republic. 8th Oct, 2022. Soldiers dressed in the uniforms used by the Second Silesian War (part of the War of the Austrian Succession) by commemorative act for the anniversary of the Battle of Soor (in Czech Zdar).People at Stritez near Trutnov paid tribute to the fallen soldiers of the Second Silesian War (part of the War of the Austrian Succession) by reconstructing the famous battle of Soor. The Battle of Soor (30 Sept 1745) was a battle between Frederick the Great's Prussian army and an Austro-Saxon army led by Prince Charles Alexander of Lorraine during the Second Siles Stock Photo
RM2K5G8G1–Stritez, Czech Republic. 8th Oct, 2022. Soldiers dressed in the uniforms used by the Second Silesian War (part of the War of the Austrian Succession) by commemorative act for the anniversary of the Battle of Soor (in Czech Zdar).People at Stritez near Trutnov paid tribute to the fallen soldiers of the Second Silesian War (part of the War of the Austrian Succession) by reconstructing the famous battle of Soor. The Battle of Soor (30 Sept 1745) was a battle between Frederick the Great's Prussian army and an Austro-Saxon army led by Prince Charles Alexander of Lorraine during the Second Siles
Battle of the nations at Leipzig 1813, field marshal Charles Philipp prince of Schwarzenberg delivering the three allies sovereign (czar Alexander I of Russia, emperor Franz I of Austria, king Frederic William III of Prussia) the intelligence from the victory after the battle of Leipzig at 19.10.1813, lithograph by Franz Wolf based on a submittal from Johann Nepomuk Hoechle, from the serial 'principal moments from the living Sir majesty Franz I, 1835 - 18350101 PD0108 - Rechteinfo: Rights Managed (RM) Stock Photo
RM2X1A8WD–Battle of the nations at Leipzig 1813, field marshal Charles Philipp prince of Schwarzenberg delivering the three allies sovereign (czar Alexander I of Russia, emperor Franz I of Austria, king Frederic William III of Prussia) the intelligence from the victory after the battle of Leipzig at 19.10.1813, lithograph by Franz Wolf based on a submittal from Johann Nepomuk Hoechle, from the serial 'principal moments from the living Sir majesty Franz I, 1835 - 18350101 PD0108 - Rechteinfo: Rights Managed (RM)
Lord Londonderry, 9th Marquess of Londonderry pictured at Wynyard Hall Estate, County Durham, 30th August 1982. Our Picture Shows ... Lord Londonderry standing outside Wynyard Hall with eldest son Frederick. Stock Photo
RM2J0KGEX–Lord Londonderry, 9th Marquess of Londonderry pictured at Wynyard Hall Estate, County Durham, 30th August 1982. Our Picture Shows ... Lord Londonderry standing outside Wynyard Hall with eldest son Frederick.
Portraits of fourteen people in Teplice, Teplitz 1833 (title on object), Memories of Teplice, bathing season 1833 (series title), Erinnerung an Teplitz, Bade Saison 1833 (series title), Portraits of Frederick William III of Prussia (no number), Trubetzkoi, Witzleben, Von Thun, Charles Jospeh Bresson, Von Pahlen, [O]tari, Felix zu Schwarzenberg, Von Ledebur, Von Wittgenstein, Alexander von Humboldt, Leopold Wilhelm von Dobschütz, Job von Witzleben and Nicolas Joseph Maison., print, print maker: Theodor Hosemann, (mentioned on object), after drawing by: W. von Hüllesheim, (mentioned on object Stock Photo
RM2X6YTM0–Portraits of fourteen people in Teplice, Teplitz 1833 (title on object), Memories of Teplice, bathing season 1833 (series title), Erinnerung an Teplitz, Bade Saison 1833 (series title), Portraits of Frederick William III of Prussia (no number), Trubetzkoi, Witzleben, Von Thun, Charles Jospeh Bresson, Von Pahlen, [O]tari, Felix zu Schwarzenberg, Von Ledebur, Von Wittgenstein, Alexander von Humboldt, Leopold Wilhelm von Dobschütz, Job von Witzleben and Nicolas Joseph Maison., print, print maker: Theodor Hosemann, (mentioned on object), after drawing by: W. von Hüllesheim, (mentioned on object
Royal Prussian Army, Guards Corps, Prince Frederick Charles Alexander of Prussia as member of the Zieten Hussars. Preußens Heer, Prinz Friedrich Carl Alexander von Preußen, 1801-1883, in Uniform des brandenburgischen Husaren-Regiments, Zietensche Husaren, Digital improved reproduction of an illustration from the 19th century Stock Photo
RFWT2W0N–Royal Prussian Army, Guards Corps, Prince Frederick Charles Alexander of Prussia as member of the Zieten Hussars. Preußens Heer, Prinz Friedrich Carl Alexander von Preußen, 1801-1883, in Uniform des brandenburgischen Husaren-Regiments, Zietensche Husaren, Digital improved reproduction of an illustration from the 19th century
Antique 19th-century illustration of the battle of Leuthen, fought on 5 December 1757. The Prussian army led by Frederick the Great managed to defeat Stock Photo
RF2N0AMPG–Antique 19th-century illustration of the battle of Leuthen, fought on 5 December 1757. The Prussian army led by Frederick the Great managed to defeat
Christening of The Duke And Duchess of Kent's Baby -- The King, Duke of Kent, Queen Mary and the Duchess of Kent with the Prince George. The baby son of the Duke and Duchess of Kent was christened at a private ceremony in the country by the Archbishop of Canterbury President Rossevelt was one of the godfathers. The baby received the named Michael George Charles Franklin. August 05, 1942. (Photo by London News Agency Photos Ltd.). Stock Photo
RM2R8T8FN–Christening of The Duke And Duchess of Kent's Baby -- The King, Duke of Kent, Queen Mary and the Duchess of Kent with the Prince George. The baby son of the Duke and Duchess of Kent was christened at a private ceremony in the country by the Archbishop of Canterbury President Rossevelt was one of the godfathers. The baby received the named Michael George Charles Franklin. August 05, 1942. (Photo by London News Agency Photos Ltd.).
The Three Emperors at Berlin: the Crown Princess's evening garden party at the New Palace, Potsdam, 1872. Celebrations '...upon the occasion of the visit of the Emperor of Russia and the Emperor of Austria to the Emperor of Germany...In the evening the three Emperors [Wilhelm I, Emperor of Germany, King of Prussia; Franz Josef I of Austria; Tsar Alexander II of Russia] were entertained by the Crown Prince [Frederick] and Princess [Victoria, Princess Royal] in the New Palace of Potsdam'. From "Illustrated London News", 1872. Stock Photo
RM2YX4BRA–The Three Emperors at Berlin: the Crown Princess's evening garden party at the New Palace, Potsdam, 1872. Celebrations '...upon the occasion of the visit of the Emperor of Russia and the Emperor of Austria to the Emperor of Germany...In the evening the three Emperors [Wilhelm I, Emperor of Germany, King of Prussia; Franz Josef I of Austria; Tsar Alexander II of Russia] were entertained by the Crown Prince [Frederick] and Princess [Victoria, Princess Royal] in the New Palace of Potsdam'. From "Illustrated London News", 1872.
Alexander Friedrich Karl, Duke of Wuerttemberg, - 19830422 PD66635 - Rechteinfo: Rights Managed (RM) Stock Photo
RM2X1BHC0–Alexander Friedrich Karl, Duke of Wuerttemberg, - 19830422 PD66635 - Rechteinfo: Rights Managed (RM)
Duke of Saxe-Coburg Gotha and Prince of Teck with Family Stock Photo
RMG3AJM1–Duke of Saxe-Coburg Gotha and Prince of Teck with Family
The Anglo-Burmese, also known as the Anglo-Burmans, are a community of Eurasians of Burmese and European descent, who emerged as a distinct community through mixed relations (sometimes permanent, sometimes temporary) between the British and other European settlers and the indigenous peoples of Burma from 1826 until 1948 when Burma gained its independence from the United Kingdom. Most who remained after 1962 adopted Burmese names, and converted to Buddhism to protect their families, jobs and assets. Those who could not adjust to the new way of life after Independence and the coming of military Stock Photo
RM2B0318E–The Anglo-Burmese, also known as the Anglo-Burmans, are a community of Eurasians of Burmese and European descent, who emerged as a distinct community through mixed relations (sometimes permanent, sometimes temporary) between the British and other European settlers and the indigenous peoples of Burma from 1826 until 1948 when Burma gained its independence from the United Kingdom. Most who remained after 1962 adopted Burmese names, and converted to Buddhism to protect their families, jobs and assets. Those who could not adjust to the new way of life after Independence and the coming of military
The king and queen of Hanover, Germany. George V, 1819 – 1878. Last king of Hanover. Marie of Saxe-Altenburg,1818 – 1907. Queen consort of Hanover. From L'Univers Illustre, published June 1863 Stock Photo
RMHPNP0E–The king and queen of Hanover, Germany. George V, 1819 – 1878. Last king of Hanover. Marie of Saxe-Altenburg,1818 – 1907. Queen consort of Hanover. From L'Univers Illustre, published June 1863
The four chief of the Central Powers and theirs military leader, group image of the four chief of the Central Powers (in the centre from left to right : William II, Muhammad Mohammed, Ferdinand I, Franz Joseph I) with her military generalissimo. photoengraving based on painting by Richard Geiger, Additional-Rights-Clearance-Info-Not-Available Stock Photo
RMTTX81X–The four chief of the Central Powers and theirs military leader, group image of the four chief of the Central Powers (in the centre from left to right : William II, Muhammad Mohammed, Ferdinand I, Franz Joseph I) with her military generalissimo. photoengraving based on painting by Richard Geiger, Additional-Rights-Clearance-Info-Not-Available
'Prince George of Cumberland', 1831. Artist: W Nicholas Stock Photo
RMW7D9PD–'Prince George of Cumberland', 1831. Artist: W Nicholas
"Mariemont," Thomas Josephus Emery house, 386 Greenwood Ave., Middletown, Rhode Island, 1914. House Architecture: Dr, Charles F. Hawyood House by Richard Morris Hunt, 1871, possibly incorporated into Thomas J. Emery house, circa 1901. Landscape: 19 acres by John Charles Olmsted, Henry Vincent Hubbard, James Frederick Dawson, Olmsted Brothers, 1903-1908. Gardeners: Alexander Anderson and Andrew L. Dorwood. Stock Photo
RM2K079DT–"Mariemont," Thomas Josephus Emery house, 386 Greenwood Ave., Middletown, Rhode Island, 1914. House Architecture: Dr, Charles F. Hawyood House by Richard Morris Hunt, 1871, possibly incorporated into Thomas J. Emery house, circa 1901. Landscape: 19 acres by John Charles Olmsted, Henry Vincent Hubbard, James Frederick Dawson, Olmsted Brothers, 1903-1908. Gardeners: Alexander Anderson and Andrew L. Dorwood.
Portrait of Edward VIII and family Stock Photo
RME0X44R–Portrait of Edward VIII and family
The fireside university of modern invention, discovery, industry and art for home circle study and entertainment . t percept-ibly altered since the beginning of history. Without traversingseas and continents, we gaze upon the same spectacle that has claimed thewonderingattention of Confucius, Herodotus,Pythag-oras, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Alexander, Ptolemy, Mithri-dates, Hannibal, Marius, Julius Caesar, Cleopatra, Charlemagne,Charles V, Elizabeth, Shakespeare, Frederick, Franklin andNapoleon. All these mighty of the Earth have looked uponthis same group of Stars. It is the most prominent Stock Photo
RM2AWE579–The fireside university of modern invention, discovery, industry and art for home circle study and entertainment . t percept-ibly altered since the beginning of history. Without traversingseas and continents, we gaze upon the same spectacle that has claimed thewonderingattention of Confucius, Herodotus,Pythag-oras, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Alexander, Ptolemy, Mithri-dates, Hannibal, Marius, Julius Caesar, Cleopatra, Charlemagne,Charles V, Elizabeth, Shakespeare, Frederick, Franklin andNapoleon. All these mighty of the Earth have looked uponthis same group of Stars. It is the most prominent
Stritez, Czech Republic. 8th Oct, 2022. Soldiers dressed in the uniforms used by the Second Silesian War (part of the War of the Austrian Succession) by commemorative act for the anniversary of the Battle of Soor (in Czech Zdar).People at Stritez near Trutnov paid tribute to the fallen soldiers of the Second Silesian War (part of the War of the Austrian Succession) by reconstructing the famous battle of Soor. The Battle of Soor (30 Sept 1745) was a battle between Frederick the Great's Prussian army and an Austro-Saxon army led by Prince Charles Alexander of Lorraine during the Second Siles Stock Photo
RM2K5G6D3–Stritez, Czech Republic. 8th Oct, 2022. Soldiers dressed in the uniforms used by the Second Silesian War (part of the War of the Austrian Succession) by commemorative act for the anniversary of the Battle of Soor (in Czech Zdar).People at Stritez near Trutnov paid tribute to the fallen soldiers of the Second Silesian War (part of the War of the Austrian Succession) by reconstructing the famous battle of Soor. The Battle of Soor (30 Sept 1745) was a battle between Frederick the Great's Prussian army and an Austro-Saxon army led by Prince Charles Alexander of Lorraine during the Second Siles
NASA Administrator Speaks at Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Service (201201160004HQ) Stock Photo
RMD46BBM–NASA Administrator Speaks at Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Service (201201160004HQ)
Lord Londonderry, 9th Marquess of Londonderry pictured at Wynyard Hall Estate, County Durham, 30th August 1982. Our Picture Shows ... Lord Londonderry standing outside Wynyard Hall with eldest son Frederick. Stock Photo
RM2J0KTD4–Lord Londonderry, 9th Marquess of Londonderry pictured at Wynyard Hall Estate, County Durham, 30th August 1982. Our Picture Shows ... Lord Londonderry standing outside Wynyard Hall with eldest son Frederick.
Congress of Vienna with the names of the most important battles from the years 1813 and 1814, in honor of fourteen princes and generals, Penning. Obverse: winged Victory with laurel wreath and palm branch standing on a global globe within the edge of fourteen busts of men with laurel wreaths, each with a circle inside a circle. Reverse: triumphal arch above inscription and inside six-line circumscription, Vienna, Frederick William III King of Prussia, French II (Roman-German Emperor), Alexander I (Tsar of Russia), Duke of Weimar, Karl Philipp zu Schwarzenberg, Wrnoh, Friedrich Wilhelm Grave Stock Photo
RMW574TG–Congress of Vienna with the names of the most important battles from the years 1813 and 1814, in honor of fourteen princes and generals, Penning. Obverse: winged Victory with laurel wreath and palm branch standing on a global globe within the edge of fourteen busts of men with laurel wreaths, each with a circle inside a circle. Reverse: triumphal arch above inscription and inside six-line circumscription, Vienna, Frederick William III King of Prussia, French II (Roman-German Emperor), Alexander I (Tsar of Russia), Duke of Weimar, Karl Philipp zu Schwarzenberg, Wrnoh, Friedrich Wilhelm Grave
Royal Prussian Army, Guards Corps, William I, German Emperor, with prince Prince Charles of Prussia and Prince Frederick Henry Albert of Prussia. Preußens Heer, Wilhelm I., Wilhelm Friedrich Ludwig von Preußen, ab 1871 der erste Deutsche Kaiser mit Prinz Friedrich Carl Alexander von Preußen und Albrecht Prinz von Preußen, Digital improved reproduction of an illustration from the 19th century Stock Photo
RFW4NKAR–Royal Prussian Army, Guards Corps, William I, German Emperor, with prince Prince Charles of Prussia and Prince Frederick Henry Albert of Prussia. Preußens Heer, Wilhelm I., Wilhelm Friedrich Ludwig von Preußen, ab 1871 der erste Deutsche Kaiser mit Prinz Friedrich Carl Alexander von Preußen und Albrecht Prinz von Preußen, Digital improved reproduction of an illustration from the 19th century
Lord Londonderry, 9th Marquess of Londonderry pictured at Wynyard Hall Estate, County Durham, 4th January 1983. Our Picture Shows ... Lord Londonderry at massive dining table with sons Frederick 10 and Reginald aged 5. Stock Photo
RM2J0R4D6–Lord Londonderry, 9th Marquess of Londonderry pictured at Wynyard Hall Estate, County Durham, 4th January 1983. Our Picture Shows ... Lord Londonderry at massive dining table with sons Frederick 10 and Reginald aged 5.
King George V. of Hanover, 1876. Engraving from a photograph by Tagerspacher, of Gmunden. 'Although born at Berlin, we cannot regard King George as anything but an Englishman. Closely allied by family and the kingdom he has lost, a Prince of the United Kingdom and first cousin to the Queen, an English Duke and an Irish Earl, and now a General in the British Army, the ruler of a kingdom which gave us Kings, and whose soldiers fought our Continental battles, the link of connection between the King of Hanover and England is very close indeed...There is scarcely a family of note which has not paid Stock Photo
RM2RRJAKB–King George V. of Hanover, 1876. Engraving from a photograph by Tagerspacher, of Gmunden. 'Although born at Berlin, we cannot regard King George as anything but an Englishman. Closely allied by family and the kingdom he has lost, a Prince of the United Kingdom and first cousin to the Queen, an English Duke and an Irish Earl, and now a General in the British Army, the ruler of a kingdom which gave us Kings, and whose soldiers fought our Continental battles, the link of connection between the King of Hanover and England is very close indeed...There is scarcely a family of note which has not paid
Western part of the southern coast of Long Island: from a trigonometrical survey 1851 by Hassler, F. R. (Ferdinand Rudolph), 1770-1843 Stock Photo
RM2YP679N–Western part of the southern coast of Long Island: from a trigonometrical survey 1851 by Hassler, F. R. (Ferdinand Rudolph), 1770-1843
The four chief of the Central Powers and theirs military leader, group image of the four chief of the Central Powers (in the centre from left to right : William II, Muhammad Mohammed, Ferdinand I, Franz Joseph I) with her military generalissimo. photoengraving based on painting by Richard Geiger, - 19140101 PD9077 - Rechteinfo: Rights Managed (RM) Stock Photo
RM2X1BPCA–The four chief of the Central Powers and theirs military leader, group image of the four chief of the Central Powers (in the centre from left to right : William II, Muhammad Mohammed, Ferdinand I, Franz Joseph I) with her military generalissimo. photoengraving based on painting by Richard Geiger, - 19140101 PD9077 - Rechteinfo: Rights Managed (RM)
Congress of Vienna with the names of the most important battles from the years 1813 and 1814, in honor of fourteen princes and generals, Penning. Obverse: winged Victory with laurel wreath and palm branch standing on a global globe within the edge of fourteen busts of men with laurel wreaths, each with a circle inside a circle. Reverse: triumphal arch above inscription and inside six-line circumscription, Vienna, Frederick William III King of Prussia, French II (Roman-German Emperor), Alexander I (Tsar of Russia), Duke of Weimar, Karl Philipp zu Schwarzenberg, Wrnoh, Friedrich Wilhelm Grave Bü Stock Photo
RF2B9BAHX–Congress of Vienna with the names of the most important battles from the years 1813 and 1814, in honor of fourteen princes and generals, Penning. Obverse: winged Victory with laurel wreath and palm branch standing on a global globe within the edge of fourteen busts of men with laurel wreaths, each with a circle inside a circle. Reverse: triumphal arch above inscription and inside six-line circumscription, Vienna, Frederick William III King of Prussia, French II (Roman-German Emperor), Alexander I (Tsar of Russia), Duke of Weimar, Karl Philipp zu Schwarzenberg, Wrnoh, Friedrich Wilhelm Grave Bü
Largest Ceilidh Fiddle in the World Sydney, Nova Scotia, CAN Stock Photo
RM2YHAYJ6–Largest Ceilidh Fiddle in the World Sydney, Nova Scotia, CAN
New York, United States. 16th Oct, 2024. Frederick Anderson during The 2024 FGI Gala, 40th Anniversary of Fashion Group International, held at the Rainbow Room in New York City, New York, USA, Tuesday October 15, 2024. Credit: Jennifer Graylock/Alamy Live News Stock Photo
RM2YB270A–New York, United States. 16th Oct, 2024. Frederick Anderson during The 2024 FGI Gala, 40th Anniversary of Fashion Group International, held at the Rainbow Room in New York City, New York, USA, Tuesday October 15, 2024. Credit: Jennifer Graylock/Alamy Live News
Plate 2 for 'History of Brandenburg for 1793', 1792. Stock Photo
RM2T1DMPE–Plate 2 for 'History of Brandenburg for 1793', 1792.
The Monticola . Sophomore Class 3oll Allen, James CornwallAmos, Curt EdgarBachman, Carl GeorgeBaugher, Edward JamesBobbitt, Ray MaxwellBonar, MartinCotrill, Delford LeeDadisman, Samuel HoustonDavis, Anna Beulah ChristineEmory, Blanche FrancesGoff, Eustace ThomasGrimm, Homer WillardHamilton, Claude DewisHeflin, Neal MinterHelling, Nellie MayHodges, Charles EdwardHoover, Ollie FosterHumes, Harry OliverJohnson, Richard WilliamKennedy, James EdwardKirk, Jose de AlmeidaMcConnell, Nellie Margaret McMinn, Vaun Mealy, Frederick Earle Miller, Alexander Philips, George Francis Purinton, Helen Elizabeth Stock Photo
RM2ANF2YW–The Monticola . Sophomore Class 3oll Allen, James CornwallAmos, Curt EdgarBachman, Carl GeorgeBaugher, Edward JamesBobbitt, Ray MaxwellBonar, MartinCotrill, Delford LeeDadisman, Samuel HoustonDavis, Anna Beulah ChristineEmory, Blanche FrancesGoff, Eustace ThomasGrimm, Homer WillardHamilton, Claude DewisHeflin, Neal MinterHelling, Nellie MayHodges, Charles EdwardHoover, Ollie FosterHumes, Harry OliverJohnson, Richard WilliamKennedy, James EdwardKirk, Jose de AlmeidaMcConnell, Nellie Margaret McMinn, Vaun Mealy, Frederick Earle Miller, Alexander Philips, George Francis Purinton, Helen Elizabeth
Stritez, Czech Republic. 8th Oct, 2022. Soldiers dressed in the uniforms used by the Second Silesian War (part of the War of the Austrian Succession) by commemorative act for the anniversary of the Battle of Soor (in Czech Zdar).People at Stritez near Trutnov paid tribute to the fallen soldiers of the Second Silesian War (part of the War of the Austrian Succession) by reconstructing the famous battle of Soor. The Battle of Soor (30 Sept 1745) was a battle between Frederick the Great's Prussian army and an Austro-Saxon army led by Prince Charles Alexander of Lorraine during the Second Siles Stock Photo
RM2K5G8C6–Stritez, Czech Republic. 8th Oct, 2022. Soldiers dressed in the uniforms used by the Second Silesian War (part of the War of the Austrian Succession) by commemorative act for the anniversary of the Battle of Soor (in Czech Zdar).People at Stritez near Trutnov paid tribute to the fallen soldiers of the Second Silesian War (part of the War of the Austrian Succession) by reconstructing the famous battle of Soor. The Battle of Soor (30 Sept 1745) was a battle between Frederick the Great's Prussian army and an Austro-Saxon army led by Prince Charles Alexander of Lorraine during the Second Siles
Quarrel broken out between the eight card players playing the card game quadrille at two tables Napoleon is grabbed by the collar by an angry Spaniard On the left, the English King George III watches the fight with a telescope Frederick William III, King of Prussia and Tsar Alexander I look on in shock On the right, Austrian Emperor Francis II grabs for his hat and sword; Pope Pius VII has fallen from his chair and lies on the ground The Dutchman prepares to leave Cartoon of the political situation in Europe in 1808 Continued from the print of 1806, Political quadrille, 1808 Political Stock Photo
RM2JCARH8–Quarrel broken out between the eight card players playing the card game quadrille at two tables Napoleon is grabbed by the collar by an angry Spaniard On the left, the English King George III watches the fight with a telescope Frederick William III, King of Prussia and Tsar Alexander I look on in shock On the right, Austrian Emperor Francis II grabs for his hat and sword; Pope Pius VII has fallen from his chair and lies on the ground The Dutchman prepares to leave Cartoon of the political situation in Europe in 1808 Continued from the print of 1806, Political quadrille, 1808 Political
Royal Prussian Army, Guards Corps, William I, German Emperor, with prince Prince Charles of Prussia and Prince Frederick Henry Albert of Prussia. Preußens Heer, Wilhelm I., Wilhelm Friedrich Ludwig von Preußen, ab 1871 der erste Deutsche Kaiser mit Prinz Friedrich Carl Alexander von Preußen und Albrecht Prinz von Preußen, Digital improved reproduction of an illustration from the 19th century Stock Photo
RFWT2WCW–Royal Prussian Army, Guards Corps, William I, German Emperor, with prince Prince Charles of Prussia and Prince Frederick Henry Albert of Prussia. Preußens Heer, Wilhelm I., Wilhelm Friedrich Ludwig von Preußen, ab 1871 der erste Deutsche Kaiser mit Prinz Friedrich Carl Alexander von Preußen und Albrecht Prinz von Preußen, Digital improved reproduction of an illustration from the 19th century
Prinz Friedrich Karl Alexander von Preußen oder Prinz Carl von Preußen, 29. Juni 1801 - 21. Januar 1883, war ein jüngerer Sohn von Friedrich Wilhelm III. von Preußen. Er diente während eines Großteils seines Erwachsenenlebens als preußischer General und wurde der erste Herrenmeister des Johanniterordens nach dessen Wiederherstellung als Ritterorden, Reproduktion eines Holzschnitts von 1882, digital verbessert / Prince Frederick Charles Alexander of Prussia or Prinz Carl von Preußen, 29 June 1801 - 21 January 1883, was a younger son of Frederick William III of Prussia. He served as a Prussian Stock Photo
RF2T4CD84–Prinz Friedrich Karl Alexander von Preußen oder Prinz Carl von Preußen, 29. Juni 1801 - 21. Januar 1883, war ein jüngerer Sohn von Friedrich Wilhelm III. von Preußen. Er diente während eines Großteils seines Erwachsenenlebens als preußischer General und wurde der erste Herrenmeister des Johanniterordens nach dessen Wiederherstellung als Ritterorden, Reproduktion eines Holzschnitts von 1882, digital verbessert / Prince Frederick Charles Alexander of Prussia or Prinz Carl von Preußen, 29 June 1801 - 21 January 1883, was a younger son of Frederick William III of Prussia. He served as a Prussian
Departure of King George of Hanover from the Victoria Station, 1876. 'King George and Princess Frederica of Hanover, after a visit of nearly five weeks to England, took their departure on Saturday afternoon for France...At half-past three the King and Princess, after thanking Mr. and Mrs. Claridge for their attention during their stay at the hotel, drove in one of the Queen's carriages to the Victoria terminus of the London, Chatham, and Dover Railway...Major Dickson, M.P., one of the directors of the company, was present to receive his Majesty. The train - under the personal charge of Mr. Mor Stock Photo
RM2RRJA9D–Departure of King George of Hanover from the Victoria Station, 1876. 'King George and Princess Frederica of Hanover, after a visit of nearly five weeks to England, took their departure on Saturday afternoon for France...At half-past three the King and Princess, after thanking Mr. and Mrs. Claridge for their attention during their stay at the hotel, drove in one of the Queen's carriages to the Victoria terminus of the London, Chatham, and Dover Railway...Major Dickson, M.P., one of the directors of the company, was present to receive his Majesty. The train - under the personal charge of Mr. Mor
Porträt von Georg V., George Frederick Alexander Charles Ernest Augustus, zu deutsch Georg Friedrich Alexander Karl Ernst August, 27. Mai 1819 - 12. Juni 1878, war der letzte König von Hannover, digitale verbesserte Reproduktion eines Originaldrucks aus dem 19. Jahrhundert / Portrait of George V, George Frederick Alexander Charles Ernest Augustus, in German, Georg Friedrich Alexander Karl Ernst August, 27 May 1819 - 12 June 1878, was the last king of Hanover, digital improved reproduction of an original print from the 19th century Stock Photo
RF2RF6GWT–Porträt von Georg V., George Frederick Alexander Charles Ernest Augustus, zu deutsch Georg Friedrich Alexander Karl Ernst August, 27. Mai 1819 - 12. Juni 1878, war der letzte König von Hannover, digitale verbesserte Reproduktion eines Originaldrucks aus dem 19. Jahrhundert / Portrait of George V, George Frederick Alexander Charles Ernest Augustus, in German, Georg Friedrich Alexander Karl Ernst August, 27 May 1819 - 12 June 1878, was the last king of Hanover, digital improved reproduction of an original print from the 19th century
The four chief of the Central Powers and theirs military leader, group image of the four chief of the Central Powers (in the centre from left to right : William II, Muhammad Mohammed, Ferdinand I, Franz Joseph I) with her military generalissimo. photoengraving based on painting by Richard Geiger, - 19140101 PD9077 - Rechteinfo: Rights Managed (RM) Stock Photo
RM2X1AJT7–The four chief of the Central Powers and theirs military leader, group image of the four chief of the Central Powers (in the centre from left to right : William II, Muhammad Mohammed, Ferdinand I, Franz Joseph I) with her military generalissimo. photoengraving based on painting by Richard Geiger, - 19140101 PD9077 - Rechteinfo: Rights Managed (RM)
George V 1819 to 1878 King of Hanover und 2nd Duke of Cumberland und Teviotdale Georg Friedrich Alexunder Karl Ernst August, Historisch, digital restaurierte Reproduktion von einer Vorlage aus dem 19. Jahrhundert, Record date not stated Stock Photo
RF2WE4MGY–George V 1819 to 1878 King of Hanover und 2nd Duke of Cumberland und Teviotdale Georg Friedrich Alexunder Karl Ernst August, Historisch, digital restaurierte Reproduktion von einer Vorlage aus dem 19. Jahrhundert, Record date not stated
Largest Ceilidh Fiddle in the World Sydney, Nova Scotia, CAN Stock Photo
RM2YHAYP4–Largest Ceilidh Fiddle in the World Sydney, Nova Scotia, CAN
New York, United States. 16th Oct, 2024. Frederick Anderson during The 2024 FGI Gala, 40th Anniversary of Fashion Group International, held at the Rainbow Room in New York City, New York, USA, Tuesday October 15, 2024. Credit: Jennifer Graylock/Alamy Live News Stock Photo
RM2YB2779–New York, United States. 16th Oct, 2024. Frederick Anderson during The 2024 FGI Gala, 40th Anniversary of Fashion Group International, held at the Rainbow Room in New York City, New York, USA, Tuesday October 15, 2024. Credit: Jennifer Graylock/Alamy Live News
Gustav III and his brothers, 1771. Stock Photo
RM2RRHP2R–Gustav III and his brothers, 1771.
The Monticola . rain^ a-Tevnoon •;x. Sophomore Class 3oll Allen, James CornwallAmos, Curt EdgarBachman, Carl GeorgeBaugher, Edward JamesBobbitt, Ray MaxwellBonar, MartinCotrill, Delford LeeDadisman, Samuel HoustonDavis, Anna Beulah ChristineEmory, Blanche FrancesGoff, Eustace ThomasGrimm, Homer WillardHamilton, Claude DewisHeflin, Neal MinterHelling, Nellie MayHodges, Charles EdwardHoover, Ollie FosterHumes, Harry OliverJohnson, Richard WilliamKennedy, James EdwardKirk, Jose de AlmeidaMcConnell, Nellie Margaret McMinn, Vaun Mealy, Frederick Earle Miller, Alexander Philips, George Francis Pur Stock Photo
RM2ANF44T–The Monticola . rain^ a-Tevnoon •;x. Sophomore Class 3oll Allen, James CornwallAmos, Curt EdgarBachman, Carl GeorgeBaugher, Edward JamesBobbitt, Ray MaxwellBonar, MartinCotrill, Delford LeeDadisman, Samuel HoustonDavis, Anna Beulah ChristineEmory, Blanche FrancesGoff, Eustace ThomasGrimm, Homer WillardHamilton, Claude DewisHeflin, Neal MinterHelling, Nellie MayHodges, Charles EdwardHoover, Ollie FosterHumes, Harry OliverJohnson, Richard WilliamKennedy, James EdwardKirk, Jose de AlmeidaMcConnell, Nellie Margaret McMinn, Vaun Mealy, Frederick Earle Miller, Alexander Philips, George Francis Pur
Stritez, Czech Republic. 8th Oct, 2022. Soldiers dressed in the uniforms used by the Second Silesian War (part of the War of the Austrian Succession) by commemorative act for the anniversary of the Battle of Soor (in Czech Zdar).People at Stritez near Trutnov paid tribute to the fallen soldiers of the Second Silesian War (part of the War of the Austrian Succession) by reconstructing the famous battle of Soor. The Battle of Soor (30 Sept 1745) was a battle between Frederick the Great's Prussian army and an Austro-Saxon army led by Prince Charles Alexander of Lorraine during the Second Siles Stock Photo
RM2K5G8KW–Stritez, Czech Republic. 8th Oct, 2022. Soldiers dressed in the uniforms used by the Second Silesian War (part of the War of the Austrian Succession) by commemorative act for the anniversary of the Battle of Soor (in Czech Zdar).People at Stritez near Trutnov paid tribute to the fallen soldiers of the Second Silesian War (part of the War of the Austrian Succession) by reconstructing the famous battle of Soor. The Battle of Soor (30 Sept 1745) was a battle between Frederick the Great's Prussian army and an Austro-Saxon army led by Prince Charles Alexander of Lorraine during the Second Siles
New York, United States. 16th Oct, 2024. Kenneth Alexander during The 2024 FGI Gala, 40th Anniversary of Fashion Group International, held at the Rainbow Room in New York City, New York, USA, Tuesday October 15, 2024. Credit: Jennifer Graylock/Alamy Live News Stock Photo
RM2YB24K9–New York, United States. 16th Oct, 2024. Kenneth Alexander during The 2024 FGI Gala, 40th Anniversary of Fashion Group International, held at the Rainbow Room in New York City, New York, USA, Tuesday October 15, 2024. Credit: Jennifer Graylock/Alamy Live News
. The life of Bismarck, private and political;. me year and month (the 17th February,1818), from the King of Wiirtemberg, was also a Schonhausen.His line still endures in one son, while the title was also ceded tothe descendants of his elder brother, the present Count von Bis-marck-Schierstein. The second son of Charles Alexander was Frederick AdolfLudwig, born the 1st of August, 1766 ; he died in 1831, a retiredLieut.-Greneral. In 1813 he was Commandant of Leipzig, in 1814of Stettin, and owned the knights fee and estate of Templin, nearPotsdam. The third was Philip Ludwig Leopold Frederick, b Stock Photo
RM2AGD9Y6–. The life of Bismarck, private and political;. me year and month (the 17th February,1818), from the King of Wiirtemberg, was also a Schonhausen.His line still endures in one son, while the title was also ceded tothe descendants of his elder brother, the present Count von Bis-marck-Schierstein. The second son of Charles Alexander was Frederick AdolfLudwig, born the 1st of August, 1766 ; he died in 1831, a retiredLieut.-Greneral. In 1813 he was Commandant of Leipzig, in 1814of Stettin, and owned the knights fee and estate of Templin, nearPotsdam. The third was Philip Ludwig Leopold Frederick, b
Stritez, Czech Republic. 8th Oct, 2022. Soldiers dressed in the uniforms used by the Second Silesian War (part of the War of the Austrian Succession) by commemorative act for the anniversary of the Battle of Soor (in Czech Zdar).People at Stritez near Trutnov paid tribute to the fallen soldiers of the Second Silesian War (part of the War of the Austrian Succession) by reconstructing the famous battle of Soor. The Battle of Soor (30 Sept 1745) was a battle between Frederick the Great's Prussian army and an Austro-Saxon army led by Prince Charles Alexander of Lorraine during the Second Siles Stock Photo
RM2K5GAXG–Stritez, Czech Republic. 8th Oct, 2022. Soldiers dressed in the uniforms used by the Second Silesian War (part of the War of the Austrian Succession) by commemorative act for the anniversary of the Battle of Soor (in Czech Zdar).People at Stritez near Trutnov paid tribute to the fallen soldiers of the Second Silesian War (part of the War of the Austrian Succession) by reconstructing the famous battle of Soor. The Battle of Soor (30 Sept 1745) was a battle between Frederick the Great's Prussian army and an Austro-Saxon army led by Prince Charles Alexander of Lorraine during the Second Siles
New York, United States. 16th Oct, 2024. Frederick Anderson during The 2024 FGI Gala, 40th Anniversary of Fashion Group International, held at the Rainbow Room in New York City, New York, USA, Tuesday October 15, 2024. Credit: Jennifer Graylock/Alamy Live News Stock Photo
RM2YB2776–New York, United States. 16th Oct, 2024. Frederick Anderson during The 2024 FGI Gala, 40th Anniversary of Fashion Group International, held at the Rainbow Room in New York City, New York, USA, Tuesday October 15, 2024. Credit: Jennifer Graylock/Alamy Live News
. The Monticola. 5tlan6olin (Hub First Mandolin— Second MandoMn— John Roy Marcum. Earle Bailie Snider. Davis Estill. John Edgar Campbell. Ross Spence. Guy Van Buskirk. Guitars.Vinton Haworth. Earle Reiley. Charles Wetzel.Violins.Ross Spence. Guy Van Buskirk. Frederick Schmidt. Cello.Frederick Schmidt. 210. Ofye (Tfyoral Society OfficersPresident, - William J. SnEE Vice-President, - - Mrs. I. G. Lazzelle Musical Conductor, Alexander S. Thompson Secretary, - - Samuel Clyde Carney Treasurer, - Ross SpEnce 212 Stock Photo
RM2AFRKJH–. The Monticola. 5tlan6olin (Hub First Mandolin— Second MandoMn— John Roy Marcum. Earle Bailie Snider. Davis Estill. John Edgar Campbell. Ross Spence. Guy Van Buskirk. Guitars.Vinton Haworth. Earle Reiley. Charles Wetzel.Violins.Ross Spence. Guy Van Buskirk. Frederick Schmidt. Cello.Frederick Schmidt. 210. Ofye (Tfyoral Society OfficersPresident, - William J. SnEE Vice-President, - - Mrs. I. G. Lazzelle Musical Conductor, Alexander S. Thompson Secretary, - - Samuel Clyde Carney Treasurer, - Ross SpEnce 212
Stritez, Czech Republic. 8th Oct, 2022. Soldiers dressed in the uniforms used by the Second Silesian War (part of the War of the Austrian Succession) by commemorative act for the anniversary of the Battle of Soor (in Czech Zdar).People at Stritez near Trutnov paid tribute to the fallen soldiers of the Second Silesian War (part of the War of the Austrian Succession) by reconstructing the famous battle of Soor. The Battle of Soor (30 Sept 1745) was a battle between Frederick the Great's Prussian army and an Austro-Saxon army led by Prince Charles Alexander of Lorraine during the Second Siles Stock Photo
RM2K5GAYB–Stritez, Czech Republic. 8th Oct, 2022. Soldiers dressed in the uniforms used by the Second Silesian War (part of the War of the Austrian Succession) by commemorative act for the anniversary of the Battle of Soor (in Czech Zdar).People at Stritez near Trutnov paid tribute to the fallen soldiers of the Second Silesian War (part of the War of the Austrian Succession) by reconstructing the famous battle of Soor. The Battle of Soor (30 Sept 1745) was a battle between Frederick the Great's Prussian army and an Austro-Saxon army led by Prince Charles Alexander of Lorraine during the Second Siles
New York, United States. 16th Oct, 2024. Frederick Anderson during The 2024 FGI Gala, 40th Anniversary of Fashion Group International, held at the Rainbow Room in New York City, New York, USA, Tuesday October 15, 2024. Credit: Jennifer Graylock/Alamy Live News Stock Photo
RM2YB2772–New York, United States. 16th Oct, 2024. Frederick Anderson during The 2024 FGI Gala, 40th Anniversary of Fashion Group International, held at the Rainbow Room in New York City, New York, USA, Tuesday October 15, 2024. Credit: Jennifer Graylock/Alamy Live News
The Monticola . n, of William and Mary ChapterArthur Rollins Graves, of Wesleyan University ChapterProfessor David Dale Johnson, of Marietta ChapterProfessor Charles Henry Patterson, of Tufts Chapter MEMBERS FROM THE FACULTY Professor Robert Allen Armstrong Professor John Lewis Sheldon Professor Waitman Barbe Professor Albert Moore Reese Professor Jasper Newton Deahl Professor Frank Butler Trotter Professor Henry Sherwood Green Professor James Russell Trotter Professor Clement Ross Jones Professor Frederick Wilson Truscotl President Daniel Boardman Purinton Professor Alexander Reid Whitehill M Stock Photo
RM2ANE8YM–The Monticola . n, of William and Mary ChapterArthur Rollins Graves, of Wesleyan University ChapterProfessor David Dale Johnson, of Marietta ChapterProfessor Charles Henry Patterson, of Tufts Chapter MEMBERS FROM THE FACULTY Professor Robert Allen Armstrong Professor John Lewis Sheldon Professor Waitman Barbe Professor Albert Moore Reese Professor Jasper Newton Deahl Professor Frank Butler Trotter Professor Henry Sherwood Green Professor James Russell Trotter Professor Clement Ross Jones Professor Frederick Wilson Truscotl President Daniel Boardman Purinton Professor Alexander Reid Whitehill M
Stritez, Czech Republic. 8th Oct, 2022. Soldiers dressed in the uniforms used by the Second Silesian War (part of the War of the Austrian Succession) by commemorative act for the anniversary of the Battle of Soor (in Czech Zdar).People at Stritez near Trutnov paid tribute to the fallen soldiers of the Second Silesian War (part of the War of the Austrian Succession) by reconstructing the famous battle of Soor. The Battle of Soor (30 Sept 1745) was a battle between Frederick the Great's Prussian army and an Austro-Saxon army led by Prince Charles Alexander of Lorraine during the Second Siles Stock Photo
RM2K5G6A2–Stritez, Czech Republic. 8th Oct, 2022. Soldiers dressed in the uniforms used by the Second Silesian War (part of the War of the Austrian Succession) by commemorative act for the anniversary of the Battle of Soor (in Czech Zdar).People at Stritez near Trutnov paid tribute to the fallen soldiers of the Second Silesian War (part of the War of the Austrian Succession) by reconstructing the famous battle of Soor. The Battle of Soor (30 Sept 1745) was a battle between Frederick the Great's Prussian army and an Austro-Saxon army led by Prince Charles Alexander of Lorraine during the Second Siles
New York, United States. 16th Oct, 2024. Kenneth Alexander during The 2024 FGI Gala, 40th Anniversary of Fashion Group International, held at the Rainbow Room in New York City, New York, USA, Tuesday October 15, 2024. Credit: Jennifer Graylock/Alamy Live News Stock Photo
RM2YB24KK–New York, United States. 16th Oct, 2024. Kenneth Alexander during The 2024 FGI Gala, 40th Anniversary of Fashion Group International, held at the Rainbow Room in New York City, New York, USA, Tuesday October 15, 2024. Credit: Jennifer Graylock/Alamy Live News
Report of the Commissioner for 1875-1876 . 1. Boston, Mass.—Continued. Iroogeno.Maine... Dartmouth, Mass. Russell. Bucksport, Me. Warwick Gloucester, Mass. Thorn. 184*. New Bedford, Mass. Agate Alexander. Amethyst .Augusta .. Bogota BrightonCallao... Cambria California Caroline Charles Drew... Canton Chase Chas. Frederick Cicero Copia Cortes Courier Cornelia Charlestown Packet, Coral Drapor Dragon Emily Morgan Emma. Enterprise Euphrates Fenelon Garland Geo. Howland Grand Turk George and Martha. Hercules Hibemia James Junius Jasper Jeannetto Juno , LancasterLeonidas.. Class. Ship. Sch Stock Photo
RM2AJMDDP–Report of the Commissioner for 1875-1876 . 1. Boston, Mass.—Continued. Iroogeno.Maine... Dartmouth, Mass. Russell. Bucksport, Me. Warwick Gloucester, Mass. Thorn. 184*. New Bedford, Mass. Agate Alexander. Amethyst .Augusta .. Bogota BrightonCallao... Cambria California Caroline Charles Drew... Canton Chase Chas. Frederick Cicero Copia Cortes Courier Cornelia Charlestown Packet, Coral Drapor Dragon Emily Morgan Emma. Enterprise Euphrates Fenelon Garland Geo. Howland Grand Turk George and Martha. Hercules Hibemia James Junius Jasper Jeannetto Juno , LancasterLeonidas.. Class. Ship. Sch
Stritez, Czech Republic. 8th Oct, 2022. Soldiers dressed in the uniforms used by the Second Silesian War (part of the War of the Austrian Succession) by commemorative act for the anniversary of the Battle of Soor (in Czech Zdar).People at Stritez near Trutnov paid tribute to the fallen soldiers of the Second Silesian War (part of the War of the Austrian Succession) by reconstructing the famous battle of Soor. The Battle of Soor (30 Sept 1745) was a battle between Frederick the Great's Prussian army and an Austro-Saxon army led by Prince Charles Alexander of Lorraine during the Second Siles Stock Photo
RM2K5G8J3–Stritez, Czech Republic. 8th Oct, 2022. Soldiers dressed in the uniforms used by the Second Silesian War (part of the War of the Austrian Succession) by commemorative act for the anniversary of the Battle of Soor (in Czech Zdar).People at Stritez near Trutnov paid tribute to the fallen soldiers of the Second Silesian War (part of the War of the Austrian Succession) by reconstructing the famous battle of Soor. The Battle of Soor (30 Sept 1745) was a battle between Frederick the Great's Prussian army and an Austro-Saxon army led by Prince Charles Alexander of Lorraine during the Second Siles
New York, United States. 15th Oct, 2024. Evan Alexander during The 2024 FGI Gala, 40th Anniversary of Fashion Group International, held at the Rainbow Room in New York City, New York, USA, Tuesday October 15, 2024. Credit: Jennifer Graylock/Alamy Live News Stock Photo
RM2YB1XPY–New York, United States. 15th Oct, 2024. Evan Alexander during The 2024 FGI Gala, 40th Anniversary of Fashion Group International, held at the Rainbow Room in New York City, New York, USA, Tuesday October 15, 2024. Credit: Jennifer Graylock/Alamy Live News
Index . ^ 1909 XA 118. jWemfaerfiJfratrcEi in Jfaiultate Gerald M. GilliganAlexander A. MackimmieJohn B. Nelson John Gunnar Holteen Leo Lake GalbraithAlvah Wesley Jones Philip Woodell BakerFrank John BotulinskiEdmund Georae Harris ^Yilliam F. RobertsonRoland R. RogersWeston C. Thayer Walter AVillard AYhittum Charles H. Thompson 1925Stanley Dewey AVilcox 1926 Raymond Herman OttoEdwin Locke TuckerPhilip Baker Walsh 1927 Leonid Alexander KrassovskiJoseph Anthony MalleyLewis Joseph MaxwellHerman Fames Pickens 1928 Thomas Raymond MaddenFrancis Frederick McCloskey John Reynolds, Jr.Edward Parker Rya Stock Photo
RM2AJDFNG–Index . ^ 1909 XA 118. jWemfaerfiJfratrcEi in Jfaiultate Gerald M. GilliganAlexander A. MackimmieJohn B. Nelson John Gunnar Holteen Leo Lake GalbraithAlvah Wesley Jones Philip Woodell BakerFrank John BotulinskiEdmund Georae Harris ^Yilliam F. RobertsonRoland R. RogersWeston C. Thayer Walter AVillard AYhittum Charles H. Thompson 1925Stanley Dewey AVilcox 1926 Raymond Herman OttoEdwin Locke TuckerPhilip Baker Walsh 1927 Leonid Alexander KrassovskiJoseph Anthony MalleyLewis Joseph MaxwellHerman Fames Pickens 1928 Thomas Raymond MaddenFrancis Frederick McCloskey John Reynolds, Jr.Edward Parker Rya
Stritez, Czech Republic. 8th Oct, 2022. Soldiers dressed in the uniforms used by the Second Silesian War (part of the War of the Austrian Succession) by commemorative act for the anniversary of the Battle of Soor (in Czech Zdar).People at Stritez near Trutnov paid tribute to the fallen soldiers of the Second Silesian War (part of the War of the Austrian Succession) by reconstructing the famous battle of Soor. The Battle of Soor (30 Sept 1745) was a battle between Frederick the Great's Prussian army and an Austro-Saxon army led by Prince Charles Alexander of Lorraine during the Second Siles Stock Photo
RM2K5G8EM–Stritez, Czech Republic. 8th Oct, 2022. Soldiers dressed in the uniforms used by the Second Silesian War (part of the War of the Austrian Succession) by commemorative act for the anniversary of the Battle of Soor (in Czech Zdar).People at Stritez near Trutnov paid tribute to the fallen soldiers of the Second Silesian War (part of the War of the Austrian Succession) by reconstructing the famous battle of Soor. The Battle of Soor (30 Sept 1745) was a battle between Frederick the Great's Prussian army and an Austro-Saxon army led by Prince Charles Alexander of Lorraine during the Second Siles
New York, United States. 15th Oct, 2024. Evan Alexander during The 2024 FGI Gala, 40th Anniversary of Fashion Group International, held at the Rainbow Room in New York City, New York, USA, Tuesday October 15, 2024. Credit: Jennifer Graylock/Alamy Live News Stock Photo
RM2YB1XR7–New York, United States. 15th Oct, 2024. Evan Alexander during The 2024 FGI Gala, 40th Anniversary of Fashion Group International, held at the Rainbow Room in New York City, New York, USA, Tuesday October 15, 2024. Credit: Jennifer Graylock/Alamy Live News
Index . jWemfaerfiJfratrcEi in Jfaiultate Gerald M. GilliganAlexander A. MackimmieJohn B. Nelson John Gunnar Holteen Leo Lake GalbraithAlvah Wesley Jones Philip Woodell BakerFrank John BotulinskiEdmund Georae Harris ^Yilliam F. RobertsonRoland R. RogersWeston C. Thayer Walter AVillard AYhittum Charles H. Thompson 1925Stanley Dewey AVilcox 1926 Raymond Herman OttoEdwin Locke TuckerPhilip Baker Walsh 1927 Leonid Alexander KrassovskiJoseph Anthony MalleyLewis Joseph MaxwellHerman Fames Pickens 1928 Thomas Raymond MaddenFrancis Frederick McCloskey John Reynolds, Jr.Edward Parker Ryan 119 ESI. i:i) Stock Photo
RM2AJDFD5–Index . jWemfaerfiJfratrcEi in Jfaiultate Gerald M. GilliganAlexander A. MackimmieJohn B. Nelson John Gunnar Holteen Leo Lake GalbraithAlvah Wesley Jones Philip Woodell BakerFrank John BotulinskiEdmund Georae Harris ^Yilliam F. RobertsonRoland R. RogersWeston C. Thayer Walter AVillard AYhittum Charles H. Thompson 1925Stanley Dewey AVilcox 1926 Raymond Herman OttoEdwin Locke TuckerPhilip Baker Walsh 1927 Leonid Alexander KrassovskiJoseph Anthony MalleyLewis Joseph MaxwellHerman Fames Pickens 1928 Thomas Raymond MaddenFrancis Frederick McCloskey John Reynolds, Jr.Edward Parker Ryan 119 ESI. i:i)
Stritez, Czech Republic. 8th Oct, 2022. Soldiers dressed in the uniforms used by the Second Silesian War (part of the War of the Austrian Succession) by commemorative act for the anniversary of the Battle of Soor (in Czech Zdar).People at Stritez near Trutnov paid tribute to the fallen soldiers of the Second Silesian War (part of the War of the Austrian Succession) by reconstructing the famous battle of Soor. The Battle of Soor (30 Sept 1745) was a battle between Frederick the Great's Prussian army and an Austro-Saxon army led by Prince Charles Alexander of Lorraine during the Second Siles Stock Photo
RM2K5GAYK–Stritez, Czech Republic. 8th Oct, 2022. Soldiers dressed in the uniforms used by the Second Silesian War (part of the War of the Austrian Succession) by commemorative act for the anniversary of the Battle of Soor (in Czech Zdar).People at Stritez near Trutnov paid tribute to the fallen soldiers of the Second Silesian War (part of the War of the Austrian Succession) by reconstructing the famous battle of Soor. The Battle of Soor (30 Sept 1745) was a battle between Frederick the Great's Prussian army and an Austro-Saxon army led by Prince Charles Alexander of Lorraine during the Second Siles
New York, United States. 15th Oct, 2024. Evan Alexander during The 2024 FGI Gala, 40th Anniversary of Fashion Group International, held at the Rainbow Room in New York City, New York, USA, Tuesday October 15, 2024. Credit: Jennifer Graylock/Alamy Live News Stock Photo
RM2YB1XR3–New York, United States. 15th Oct, 2024. Evan Alexander during The 2024 FGI Gala, 40th Anniversary of Fashion Group International, held at the Rainbow Room in New York City, New York, USA, Tuesday October 15, 2024. Credit: Jennifer Graylock/Alamy Live News
John Knox : the hero of the Scottish Reformation . Head-lam. ALEXANDER THE GREAT. ByBenjamin I. Wheeler. CHARLEMAGNE. By H. W. C.Davis. OLIVER CROMWELL. By Charles Firth. RICHELIEU. By James B. Per-kins. DANIEL OCONNELL. By Rob-ert Dunlop. SAINT LOUIS (Louis IX. ofFrance). By Frederick Perry. LORD CHATHAM. By WalfordDavis Green. OWEN GLYNDWR. By ArthurG. Bradley. HENRY V. By Charles L. Kings-ford. EDWARD I. By Edward Jenks. AUGUSTUS CESAR.Firth. By J. B. FREDERICK THE GREAT. ByW. F. Reddaway. WELLINGTON. By W. OConnor MorrisCONSTANTINE THE GREAT. By J. B. Firth. Other volumes in preparation ar Stock Photo
RM2AX4GNT–John Knox : the hero of the Scottish Reformation . Head-lam. ALEXANDER THE GREAT. ByBenjamin I. Wheeler. CHARLEMAGNE. By H. W. C.Davis. OLIVER CROMWELL. By Charles Firth. RICHELIEU. By James B. Per-kins. DANIEL OCONNELL. By Rob-ert Dunlop. SAINT LOUIS (Louis IX. ofFrance). By Frederick Perry. LORD CHATHAM. By WalfordDavis Green. OWEN GLYNDWR. By ArthurG. Bradley. HENRY V. By Charles L. Kings-ford. EDWARD I. By Edward Jenks. AUGUSTUS CESAR.Firth. By J. B. FREDERICK THE GREAT. ByW. F. Reddaway. WELLINGTON. By W. OConnor MorrisCONSTANTINE THE GREAT. By J. B. Firth. Other volumes in preparation ar
Stritez, Czech Republic. 8th Oct, 2022. Soldiers dressed in the uniforms used by the Second Silesian War (part of the War of the Austrian Succession) by commemorative act for the anniversary of the Battle of Soor (in Czech Zdar).People at Stritez near Trutnov paid tribute to the fallen soldiers of the Second Silesian War (part of the War of the Austrian Succession) by reconstructing the famous battle of Soor. The Battle of Soor (30 Sept 1745) was a battle between Frederick the Great's Prussian army and an Austro-Saxon army led by Prince Charles Alexander of Lorraine during the Second Siles Stock Photo