Recess studies . nds do not remain constant forfive minutes togethei, and we have found that only one point THE LAWS OF SUPPLY AND DEMAND. 155 in the supply curve, viz. the highest, is independent of mensminds. The supply curve can never rise above the wliolcsupphj* but under this height it may vary almost indefinitely. Similarly, the demand curve has a limit, which in thiscase is a limit at each price. The funds available for purchaseat any price are limited, and this, which may be called thepurchase fund, at each price limits the possible demand; butbelow this continuous limit the demand cur Stock Photo
RM2AXK2HB–Recess studies . nds do not remain constant forfive minutes togethei, and we have found that only one point THE LAWS OF SUPPLY AND DEMAND. 155 in the supply curve, viz. the highest, is independent of mensminds. The supply curve can never rise above the wliolcsupphj* but under this height it may vary almost indefinitely. Similarly, the demand curve has a limit, which in thiscase is a limit at each price. The funds available for purchaseat any price are limited, and this, which may be called thepurchase fund, at each price limits the possible demand; butbelow this continuous limit the demand cur
Farmers' and country merchants' almanac and ready reference book . 4 25 26 27 28 29 3031 , , May 1 8 29 310 411 5 12 613 714 November 1 8 29 310 411 5 0 7 12 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 1314 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2021 22 23 24 25 26 29 30 31 27 28 29 30 June 1 2 39 10 4 11 1 8 29 8 5 6 7 8 4 5 6 7 10 12 13 14 15 16117 18 11 12 13 14 1516 17 19 20 21 22 23124 25 18 lit 20 21.22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 .. 25 26 27,28 29 30 31 WOODWARD & HILL, MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF CARRIAGE AND SADDLERY Hardware and Trimmings, 324 Broadway, corner Hamilton Street, ALBANY, N. Y. Would you be happy ? B Stock Photo
RM2AN089X–Farmers' and country merchants' almanac and ready reference book . 4 25 26 27 28 29 3031 , , May 1 8 29 310 411 5 12 613 714 November 1 8 29 310 411 5 0 7 12 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 1314 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2021 22 23 24 25 26 29 30 31 27 28 29 30 June 1 2 39 10 4 11 1 8 29 8 5 6 7 8 4 5 6 7 10 12 13 14 15 16117 18 11 12 13 14 1516 17 19 20 21 22 23124 25 18 lit 20 21.22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 .. 25 26 27,28 29 30 31 WOODWARD & HILL, MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF CARRIAGE AND SADDLERY Hardware and Trimmings, 324 Broadway, corner Hamilton Street, ALBANY, N. Y. Would you be happy ? B
The Virginia tourist . d at the platform IMME-DIATELY OPPOSITE TO THE SPRINGS. NO STAGING. The HOTEL being only about two hundred yards from theplatform, makes it a very desirable KESTING--PLACEfor persons from the South going North or re-turning home at any season of the year. The undersigned (formerly of Richmond) takes pleasure in informing hisfriends and the public generally that he has removed to this place with the intentionof making it his permanent residence, and will spare neither trouble nor expenseto render it pleasant and agreeable to his guests. There are FIVE SULPHUR SPRINGS, the Stock Photo
RM2AJG4JY–The Virginia tourist . d at the platform IMME-DIATELY OPPOSITE TO THE SPRINGS. NO STAGING. The HOTEL being only about two hundred yards from theplatform, makes it a very desirable KESTING--PLACEfor persons from the South going North or re-turning home at any season of the year. The undersigned (formerly of Richmond) takes pleasure in informing hisfriends and the public generally that he has removed to this place with the intentionof making it his permanent residence, and will spare neither trouble nor expenseto render it pleasant and agreeable to his guests. There are FIVE SULPHUR SPRINGS, the
. Raleigh Christian Advocate: organ of the North Carolina Conference, M.E. Church, South. o come to the meetings; andtiually t>ne night while saying herprayers, she said aloud: Lord, makepapa go to church. The mans heart was touched, andhe e.une to church. He is now themost punctual attendant of ouriiiurcli. At a prayer meeting he tes-ttba with tears in his eyes that het«lt the iiiMuene* id the Holy (Th«»stin his htart. and that he was saved by the precious blood of the Lamb.It was touching to hear him say:That child [pointing to the littlegirl] has been the means of my sal-vation. Another Stock Photo
RM2AG7DC1–. Raleigh Christian Advocate: organ of the North Carolina Conference, M.E. Church, South. o come to the meetings; andtiually t>ne night while saying herprayers, she said aloud: Lord, makepapa go to church. The mans heart was touched, andhe e.une to church. He is now themost punctual attendant of ouriiiurcli. At a prayer meeting he tes-ttba with tears in his eyes that het«lt the iiiMuene* id the Holy (Th«»stin his htart. and that he was saved by the precious blood of the Lamb.It was touching to hear him say:That child [pointing to the littlegirl] has been the means of my sal-vation. Another
La tour de Babel : drame biblique en 4 tableaux, op 80 . 55 I ,—«— 1 Nous f Ê -M *- £ en ve lop pe dans lom ^ isc bre danslom 5 bre ^—r w p g E < # f=F -* É- .) ./ en ve -lop pedans lom -7—rbre. dans lom bre. u (Les anges paraissentdans les nuages) m £ Ê -*?—<??- mr r g £ ve lop Nous en pedans lom - bre danslom bre SE 1 !EE3 I * Si jâ=± 0 0 MM} Nous en ve loi pedans lom bre danslom bre ?pBE B B i r ^ K ^^ en ve loi Nous pedans lom bre danslom bre S£ a s ï S âL 2±=3 é à —0 V Nous en ve-loi pedans lom bre danslom8-, bre8-, 56 S ANGES. y.? i liJ-ii^ ^ «—«—* r g g *s ?€ «—«- i Stock Photo!ee3-i-si-j=-0-0-mm-nous-en-ve-loi-pedans-lom-bre-danslom-bre-pbe-b-b-i-r-k-en-ve-loi-nous-pedans-lom-bre-danslom-bre-s-a-s-s-l-2=3-0-v-nous-en-ve-loi-pedans-lom-bre-danslom8-bre8-56-s-anges-y-i-lij-ii-r-g-g-s-i-image338393323.html
RM2AJF43R–La tour de Babel : drame biblique en 4 tableaux, op 80 . 55 I ,—«— 1 Nous f Ê -M *- £ en ve lop pe dans lom ^ isc bre danslom 5 bre ^—r w p g E < # f=F -* É- .) ./ en ve -lop pedans lom -7—rbre. dans lom bre. u (Les anges paraissentdans les nuages) m £ Ê -*?—<??- mr r g £ ve lop Nous en pedans lom - bre danslom bre SE 1 !EE3 I * Si jâ=± 0 0 MM} Nous en ve loi pedans lom bre danslom bre ?pBE B B i r ^ K ^^ en ve loi Nous pedans lom bre danslom bre S£ a s ï S âL 2±=3 é à —0 V Nous en ve-loi pedans lom bre danslom8-, bre8-, 56 S ANGES. y.? i liJ-ii^ ^ «—«—* r g g *s ?€ «—«- i
A popular history of France : from the earliest times . ficationmust be sent to the pope of the kings appeal to the futurecouncil. Philip could no longer confide this awkward businessto his chancellor, Peter Flotte ; for he had fallen at Courtrai, inthe battle against the Flemings. William of Nogaret undertookit, at the same time obtaining from the king a sort of blankcommission authorizing and ratifying in advance all that, underthe circumstances, he might consider it advisable to do. Notifi-cation of the appeal had to be made to the pope at Anagni, hisnative town, whither he had gone for ref Stock Photo
RM2AN9BD7–A popular history of France : from the earliest times . ficationmust be sent to the pope of the kings appeal to the futurecouncil. Philip could no longer confide this awkward businessto his chancellor, Peter Flotte ; for he had fallen at Courtrai, inthe battle against the Flemings. William of Nogaret undertookit, at the same time obtaining from the king a sort of blankcommission authorizing and ratifying in advance all that, underthe circumstances, he might consider it advisable to do. Notifi-cation of the appeal had to be made to the pope at Anagni, hisnative town, whither he had gone for ref
Winner's new school for the clarionet : in which the instructions are so clearly and simply treated, as to make it unnecessary to require a teacher . ft . ? B. a hfc DC. U TRIO. EE? SeeEe: 3 :pzp 0>a + *- -P- ?. t56 No. L -#-«- Sees 4 4-4 —»—f FRENCH LANCERS. Stock Photo
RM2AKRY7R–Winner's new school for the clarionet : in which the instructions are so clearly and simply treated, as to make it unnecessary to require a teacher . ft . ? B. a hfc DC. U TRIO. EE? SeeEe: 3 :pzp 0>a + *- -P- ?. t56 No. L -#-«- Sees 4 4-4 —»—f FRENCH LANCERS.
. Raleigh Christian Advocate: organ of the North Carolina Conference, M.E. Church, South. e Epworth directfrom the Company, instead of through anagent or dealer. I prefer to be my owndealer—sell it to myself thatmiddle profit. It costs lots of money to sellpianos ordinarily, and that expense is adead loss, which I avoid by buying theEpworth direct. —bes/cfes the Company will send me apiano on trial. It must be perfect andsatis/acfory to me or they take it back.In this way I get to use my own judgment—and no agent around to worry me. Above are some of the reasons Epworth pianosare Rrcw Stock Photo
RM2AFXH35–. Raleigh Christian Advocate: organ of the North Carolina Conference, M.E. Church, South. e Epworth directfrom the Company, instead of through anagent or dealer. I prefer to be my owndealer—sell it to myself thatmiddle profit. It costs lots of money to sellpianos ordinarily, and that expense is adead loss, which I avoid by buying theEpworth direct. —bes/cfes the Company will send me apiano on trial. It must be perfect andsatis/acfory to me or they take it back.In this way I get to use my own judgment—and no agent around to worry me. Above are some of the reasons Epworth pianosare Rrcw
Rambles through the British Isles . an of fear, fuller of resolution than of pains,fuller of honor than of days. In the chapel of Edward the Confessor, is an object of greatattraction, and worthy of a passing notice—The Coronation Chair. In it all the kings and queens of England were crowned; andeven when a monarch had been crowned previously in anotherplace, as was Hen:y HI., whose coronation took place atGloucester, it was deemed expedient to have him come toWestminster, and seated in this venerable chair, go through JJestminster Abbey. 141 the orUcal of being crowned iii the presence of the Stock Photo
RM2AN877F–Rambles through the British Isles . an of fear, fuller of resolution than of pains,fuller of honor than of days. In the chapel of Edward the Confessor, is an object of greatattraction, and worthy of a passing notice—The Coronation Chair. In it all the kings and queens of England were crowned; andeven when a monarch had been crowned previously in anotherplace, as was Hen:y HI., whose coronation took place atGloucester, it was deemed expedient to have him come toWestminster, and seated in this venerable chair, go through JJestminster Abbey. 141 the orUcal of being crowned iii the presence of the
Catalogue of monkeys, lemurs, and fruit-eating bats in the collection of the British museum . a, P. Wallacei. b, P. personatus. 3. EUNYCTERIS. Wings attached to the middle of the hack, bald behind, except anarrow streak down the middle of the back, which is covered withsoft adpressed hairs, falling off in the older animals. Shoulders, arms,and legs and toes bald. Index finger clawed. Thumb, lowerjoint short, enclosed; upper joint very long, free. Interfemoral hairyabove, narrow. Tail none. Cutting-teeth |, in a regular series.Grinders ^. False grinders f ; lower distinct. 3. EUNYCTERIS. 113 Tc Stock Photo
RM2AJEEYG–Catalogue of monkeys, lemurs, and fruit-eating bats in the collection of the British museum . a, P. Wallacei. b, P. personatus. 3. EUNYCTERIS. Wings attached to the middle of the hack, bald behind, except anarrow streak down the middle of the back, which is covered withsoft adpressed hairs, falling off in the older animals. Shoulders, arms,and legs and toes bald. Index finger clawed. Thumb, lowerjoint short, enclosed; upper joint very long, free. Interfemoral hairyabove, narrow. Tail none. Cutting-teeth |, in a regular series.Grinders ^. False grinders f ; lower distinct. 3. EUNYCTERIS. 113 Tc
. Military and religious life in the Middle Ages and at the period of the Renaissance. WAR AND ARMIES. 39 the Huns, bore down upon Europe at the head of seven hundred thousandfighting men of various races. In less than three months he had overrunand laid waste Moravia, Bohemia, Hesse, and Wurtemburg, crossed theRhine below Strasburg, the Moselle at Treves and at Metz, the Meuse at. Fig. 33.—War Trophy and Barbarian Prisoners.—From Sculptures on the Triumphal Arch of Orange (Second Century). Tongres, the Scheldt at Tournay; and after two sanguinary raids intoBurgundy and the country around Orle Stock Photo
RM2AFN5PC–. Military and religious life in the Middle Ages and at the period of the Renaissance. WAR AND ARMIES. 39 the Huns, bore down upon Europe at the head of seven hundred thousandfighting men of various races. In less than three months he had overrunand laid waste Moravia, Bohemia, Hesse, and Wurtemburg, crossed theRhine below Strasburg, the Moselle at Treves and at Metz, the Meuse at. Fig. 33.—War Trophy and Barbarian Prisoners.—From Sculptures on the Triumphal Arch of Orange (Second Century). Tongres, the Scheldt at Tournay; and after two sanguinary raids intoBurgundy and the country around Orle
Die Stumme von Portici : grosse Oper in 5 Akten . *-> laut, mit Gut i/iul Blut, ja mit Gut, mit Gut und Blut, ja mit Gut,. .imtGutuiid. Blut, ver theid. -g*1 ich mit Gut und Blut, mit Lö - wenmuth §S r r r *r ir r r >r i^f ^ Pir j Blut, ver ^theid ge ich mit Gut und Blut, mit Lö. wenmuth g »c*^ I iiT.*t,«t f I i Stock Photo
RM2AND420–Die Stumme von Portici : grosse Oper in 5 Akten . *-> laut, mit Gut i/iul Blut, ja mit Gut, mit Gut und Blut, ja mit Gut,. .imtGutuiid. Blut, ver theid. -g*1 ich mit Gut und Blut, mit Lö - wenmuth §S r r r *r ir r r >r i^f ^ Pir j Blut, ver ^theid ge ich mit Gut und Blut, mit Lö. wenmuth g »c*^ I iiT.*t,«t f I i
. Raleigh Christian Advocate: organ of the North Carolina Conference, M.E. Church, South. USEDOVER 40 YEARS.. Price, 25 cents by all dealers anddruggists. Wortbington Southern Manufacturing Ci WILSON, N. C. Seaboard Air Line Ri, *CAPITAL CITY ROUTE. Short Line to principal cities of the South andSouthwest, Florida, Cuba, Texas. Californiaand Mexico, reaching the Capitals of^six Sutei In EFFECT MAY 26, 1901 SOUTHWARD. Lv. Raleigh,Ar. Hamlet ColumbiaAr. Savannah * Jacksonville, ?• Tampa, S. A. L«it (I c«(( Lv. Raleigh, Ar. Hamlet, Ar. Wilmington, Ar. Charlotte Ar. Atlanta, Ar. Augusta, C. & W. C Stock Photo
RM2AG0YWN–. Raleigh Christian Advocate: organ of the North Carolina Conference, M.E. Church, South. USEDOVER 40 YEARS.. Price, 25 cents by all dealers anddruggists. Wortbington Southern Manufacturing Ci WILSON, N. C. Seaboard Air Line Ri, *CAPITAL CITY ROUTE. Short Line to principal cities of the South andSouthwest, Florida, Cuba, Texas. Californiaand Mexico, reaching the Capitals of^six Sutei In EFFECT MAY 26, 1901 SOUTHWARD. Lv. Raleigh,Ar. Hamlet ColumbiaAr. Savannah * Jacksonville, ?• Tampa, S. A. L«it (I c«(( Lv. Raleigh, Ar. Hamlet, Ar. Wilmington, Ar. Charlotte Ar. Atlanta, Ar. Augusta, C. & W. C
Outlines of comparative physiology touching the structure and development of the races of animals, living and extinct : for the use of schools and colleges . , or stig-mata, into two great lateral tubes, which subdivide and ramifythrough the body; the tracheae are lined with a soft mucous *- - membrane, and covered externally with a dense, shining,serous coat; between these is interposed an elastic fibroustunic, formed of a cartilaginous filament rolled into a spiralform, like the spiral vessels in plants. This admirable struc-ture, affording as it does one of those striking examples ofcreat Stock Photo
RM2AKG5DA–Outlines of comparative physiology touching the structure and development of the races of animals, living and extinct : for the use of schools and colleges . , or stig-mata, into two great lateral tubes, which subdivide and ramifythrough the body; the tracheae are lined with a soft mucous *- - membrane, and covered externally with a dense, shining,serous coat; between these is interposed an elastic fibroustunic, formed of a cartilaginous filament rolled into a spiralform, like the spiral vessels in plants. This admirable struc-ture, affording as it does one of those striking examples ofcreat
. Raleigh Christian Advocate: organ of the North Carolina Conference, M.E. Church, South. PIANOS Sing their own praise. Does the word STIEFF msa any thing to you? In the musical world it stands as the synonymof PERFECTION. To the purchaser, it means the SAVING ofthe MIDDLEMANS PROFIT and securingthe FINEST PIANO MADE AT A REA-SONABLE PRICE. SEE. HEAR and TEST a STIEFF PIANO,and its .sweet tone, ev n scale, ease and elasticityof touch will win its way into your heart andaffectionsWrite for booklet and souvenir. ^uac M cTicfrrfPia^o Manufacturer.CHAS. M. STIEFF | Baltimore, Md. North at d Stock Photo
RM2AG01JB–. Raleigh Christian Advocate: organ of the North Carolina Conference, M.E. Church, South. PIANOS Sing their own praise. Does the word STIEFF msa any thing to you? In the musical world it stands as the synonymof PERFECTION. To the purchaser, it means the SAVING ofthe MIDDLEMANS PROFIT and securingthe FINEST PIANO MADE AT A REA-SONABLE PRICE. SEE. HEAR and TEST a STIEFF PIANO,and its .sweet tone, ev n scale, ease and elasticityof touch will win its way into your heart andaffectionsWrite for booklet and souvenir. ^uac M cTicfrrfPia^o Manufacturer.CHAS. M. STIEFF | Baltimore, Md. North at d
Die Stumme von Portici : grosse Oper in 5 Akten . 105. , wir trügen ih . re Wachwmi . keit . le: Wen Stock Photo
RM2ANCH07–Die Stumme von Portici : grosse Oper in 5 Akten . 105. , wir trügen ih . re Wachwmi . keit . le: Wen
. Raleigh Christian Advocate: organ of the North Carolina Conference, M.E. Church, South. Train 4 connects with W. & W tra ^tb North, leaving Goldsboroat 11:35 f ^rl^A.U)TOSouthern Railway train West, lea^iD^t^ous axx) p, «., and with W. & N. at N^^ternWilmington and intermediate points. ,.^yTnSmx connects with Southern R«^ Jtrain aniving at Goldsboro 3-9^ P; . *^ p.witk W. i& W. train from the North at 5^ j]«. ^O.* train also connects ^-^th v. •for 1l?Miriiilgto» and intermediate poini| The feataiof Everybocstons articleSoon afterEverybodysoffering himstory of theoeived acce|soon as possilIt Stock Photo
RM2AG0AMP–. Raleigh Christian Advocate: organ of the North Carolina Conference, M.E. Church, South. Train 4 connects with W. & W tra ^tb North, leaving Goldsboroat 11:35 f ^rl^A.U)TOSouthern Railway train West, lea^iD^t^ous axx) p, «., and with W. & N. at N^^ternWilmington and intermediate points. ,.^yTnSmx connects with Southern R«^ Jtrain aniving at Goldsboro 3-9^ P; . *^ p.witk W. i& W. train from the North at 5^ j]«. ^O.* train also connects ^-^th v. •for 1l?Miriiilgto» and intermediate poini| The feataiof Everybocstons articleSoon afterEverybodysoffering himstory of theoeived acce|soon as possilIt
La tour de Babel : drame biblique en 4 tableaux, op 80 . re! vils sup fa„me, Et pro clame Notre foi! Pros fer 3= ne {01. pots du dé mon! ^ SE S ^Z^jg^ *-jH- nr rfct i^ -j—-i—i-•—zr=B loi 0 race in Et pio clame No.tre ru.. —n ^-*J El pro cla nie, m :<3^za Et £ proela me no Ire 3= ÉË pro cla nie. S* 33T S2 È^ -6t- no Ire ra =£& r- Stock Photo!-vils-sup-fame-et-pro-clame-notre-foi!-pros-fer-3=-ne-01-pots-du-d-mon!-se-s-zjg-jh-nr-rfct-proslerne-i-j-ii-zr=b-loi-0-race-in-fame-et-pio-clame-notre-ru-n-j-el-pro-cla-nie-m-lt3za-et-proela-me-no-ire-3=-pro-cla-nie-s-33t-s2-6t-proclame-no-ire-ra-=-r-image338390992.html
RM2AJF14G–La tour de Babel : drame biblique en 4 tableaux, op 80 . re! vils sup fa„me, Et pro clame Notre foi! Pros fer 3= ne {01. pots du dé mon! ^ SE S ^Z^jg^ *-jH- nr rfct i^ -j—-i—i-•—zr=B loi 0 race in Et pio clame No.tre ru.. —n ^-*J El pro cla nie, m :<3^za Et £ proela me no Ire 3= ÉË pro cla nie. S* 33T S2 È^ -6t- no Ire ra =£& r-
A popular history of France : from the earliest times . He meant, he said, to live and die amongst the peo-ple of Paris; if he was collecting his men-at-arms, it was notfor the purpose of plundering and oppressing Paris, but that hemight march against their common enemies; and if he had notdone so sooner, it was because the folks who had taken thegovernment gave him neither money nor arms; but they wouldsome day be called to strict account for it. The dauphin wassmall, thin, delicate, and of insignificant appearance ; but atthis juncture he displayed unexpected boldness and eloquence ;the peop Stock Photo
RM2AN8PW3–A popular history of France : from the earliest times . He meant, he said, to live and die amongst the peo-ple of Paris; if he was collecting his men-at-arms, it was notfor the purpose of plundering and oppressing Paris, but that hemight march against their common enemies; and if he had notdone so sooner, it was because the folks who had taken thegovernment gave him neither money nor arms; but they wouldsome day be called to strict account for it. The dauphin wassmall, thin, delicate, and of insignificant appearance ; but atthis juncture he displayed unexpected boldness and eloquence ;the peop
Farmers' and country merchants' almanac and ready reference book . pital Montpelier.One years residence gives the right to vote to any citizen of the United Stateswho will take an oath of allegiance. Area, 10,212 square miles. Population in1850, 314,120; in 1860, 315,098. Massachfsetts.—Settled in 1620 by English Puritans, who landed at Ply-mouth; acceded to the Union in February, 1788; capital, Boston. One yearsresidence in the State, and payment of a State or county tax, gives the right tovote to every male citizen of 21 years and upward, excepting paupers and persons •St. Augustine, Florida Stock Photo
RM2AMYPE6–Farmers' and country merchants' almanac and ready reference book . pital Montpelier.One years residence gives the right to vote to any citizen of the United Stateswho will take an oath of allegiance. Area, 10,212 square miles. Population in1850, 314,120; in 1860, 315,098. Massachfsetts.—Settled in 1620 by English Puritans, who landed at Ply-mouth; acceded to the Union in February, 1788; capital, Boston. One yearsresidence in the State, and payment of a State or county tax, gives the right tovote to every male citizen of 21 years and upward, excepting paupers and persons •St. Augustine, Florida
. Raleigh Christian Advocate: organ of the North Carolina Conference, M.E. Church, South. ArtisticWood Mant ci5» ,1; * Tiles, Grates and Fireplao: Triinrj?=l«Builders SuppUee. Contractors and Buildef^ Z08 West Martin Street,RALEIGH, N. C.MiomelaSa. Write for C»t^. ESTABL Stock Photo
RM2AG2KKA–. Raleigh Christian Advocate: organ of the North Carolina Conference, M.E. Church, South. ArtisticWood Mant ci5» ,1; * Tiles, Grates and Fireplao: Triinrj?=l«Builders SuppUee. Contractors and Buildef^ Z08 West Martin Street,RALEIGH, N. C.MiomelaSa. Write for C»t^. ESTABL
Anthony's photographic bulletin for .. . between screen and discharge tube. This resultis obtained from three very consistent sets of observations at distances of 100 and200 millimeters. Hence, air absorbs the X rays much less than the cathode rays.This result is in complete agreement with the previously described result, that thefluorescence of the screen can be still observed at 2 meters from the vacuum tube.In general, other bodies behave like air; they are more transparent for the X raysthan for the cathode rays. (11) A further distinction, and a noteworthy one, results from the action of Stock Photo
RM2AM83D7–Anthony's photographic bulletin for .. . between screen and discharge tube. This resultis obtained from three very consistent sets of observations at distances of 100 and200 millimeters. Hence, air absorbs the X rays much less than the cathode rays.This result is in complete agreement with the previously described result, that thefluorescence of the screen can be still observed at 2 meters from the vacuum tube.In general, other bodies behave like air; they are more transparent for the X raysthan for the cathode rays. (11) A further distinction, and a noteworthy one, results from the action of
. Raleigh Christian Advocate: organ of the North Carolina Conference, M.E. Church, South. ArtisticWood Mantels, Tiles, Grates and Fireplace TrimniixigsBuilders Supplies. Cootractors and Builders S-^ Z08 West Martin Street,RALEIGH, N. C.nioa«>:38a. Write for. ESTRBLl ED <f One C •TOSEPHll Within the cii| There is oniWhereto I tui That I may IInto the futui UndimmedThe while my More sure o| This holy pla< Dear-boup:hjWith its soul-( I feel thatErect, freeboi Whose righlTriumphant o| Till death it ^ THE One of the:hristian natiiws and theraided as gocirunkeuness,icompetency,^er, and insa Stock Photo
RM2AG2J7F–. Raleigh Christian Advocate: organ of the North Carolina Conference, M.E. Church, South. ArtisticWood Mantels, Tiles, Grates and Fireplace TrimniixigsBuilders Supplies. Cootractors and Builders S-^ Z08 West Martin Street,RALEIGH, N. C.nioa«>:38a. Write for. ESTRBLl ED <f One C •TOSEPHll Within the cii| There is oniWhereto I tui That I may IInto the futui UndimmedThe while my More sure o| This holy pla< Dear-boup:hjWith its soul-( I feel thatErect, freeboi Whose righlTriumphant o| Till death it ^ THE One of the:hristian natiiws and theraided as gocirunkeuness,icompetency,^er, and insa
ABC of fox hunting : consisting of 26 coloured illustrations . Lx, vvcu) Ll)e vaa^, all aloiic in lilo i|lot»). ^-ar J^*** ?yi.l^^B*- J?5W.iia. con$&tiuc^ of 26 coloiireB llu6tratiou55, BY THE LATE J. Mitchell Royal Library, Bond Street. ^abcoffoxhuntingc00paul Stock Photo
RM2AKKT0K–ABC of fox hunting : consisting of 26 coloured illustrations . Lx, vvcu) Ll)e vaa^, all aloiic in lilo i|lot»). ^-ar J^*** ?yi.l^^B*- J?5W.iia. con$&tiuc^ of 26 coloiireB llu6tratiou55, BY THE LATE J. Mitchell Royal Library, Bond Street. ^abcoffoxhuntingc00paul
A practical and systematic treatise on fractures and dislocations . tion is a common condition afterfractures of the leg; and the bladders ofserum that form .beneath the dressings, outof sight, may break and degenerate intoulcers and ugly sloughs. If the vesicles arevery large and tense, they may be prickedto allow the serum to escape. These blis-ters commonly dry up in the course of aweek or two, and leave no bad eflects. In a fracture of both bones of the leg, es-pecially if thetibia be broken at one point,and the fibula at another, the tendency tooverlap on the part of the fragments is con- Stock Photo
RM2AJ37RH–A practical and systematic treatise on fractures and dislocations . tion is a common condition afterfractures of the leg; and the bladders ofserum that form .beneath the dressings, outof sight, may break and degenerate intoulcers and ugly sloughs. If the vesicles arevery large and tense, they may be prickedto allow the serum to escape. These blis-ters commonly dry up in the course of aweek or two, and leave no bad eflects. In a fracture of both bones of the leg, es-pecially if thetibia be broken at one point,and the fibula at another, the tendency tooverlap on the part of the fragments is con-
A popular history of France : from the earliest times . n I shall never more have any joy of mylife. If any could lead these folk into Spain against the mis-creant and tyrant Pedro, who put our sister to death, I wouldlike it well, whatever it might cost me. Bertrand du Guesclin gave ear to the king, and Sir King,said he, 4 it is my hearts desire to cross over the seas and gofight the heathen with the edge of the sword; but if I couldcome nigh this folk which doth anger you, I would deliver thekingdom from them. lI should like it well, said the king.4 Say no more, said Bertrand to him ; 41 wil Stock Photo
RM2AN8N02–A popular history of France : from the earliest times . n I shall never more have any joy of mylife. If any could lead these folk into Spain against the mis-creant and tyrant Pedro, who put our sister to death, I wouldlike it well, whatever it might cost me. Bertrand du Guesclin gave ear to the king, and Sir King,said he, 4 it is my hearts desire to cross over the seas and gofight the heathen with the edge of the sword; but if I couldcome nigh this folk which doth anger you, I would deliver thekingdom from them. lI should like it well, said the king.4 Say no more, said Bertrand to him ; 41 wil
Outlines of comparative physiology touching the structure and development of the races of animals, living and extinct : for the use of schools and colleges . dby the astragalus, which projectsabove the rest, and fits into thespace between the tibia and thefibula. The astragalus (i) rests uponthe heel bone, os calcis, (in), whichprojects backwards, and is connected before with the navi-cular bone (11). The second row (Fig. 140) consists of three wedge-shapedbones, ossa cu-neiformia (rv,V,YI), and thecuboid bone,05 cuboides(YII).The con-cave posterior surfaces (i, i, i, T) articulate with the fi Stock Photo
RM2AKH79B–Outlines of comparative physiology touching the structure and development of the races of animals, living and extinct : for the use of schools and colleges . dby the astragalus, which projectsabove the rest, and fits into thespace between the tibia and thefibula. The astragalus (i) rests uponthe heel bone, os calcis, (in), whichprojects backwards, and is connected before with the navi-cular bone (11). The second row (Fig. 140) consists of three wedge-shapedbones, ossa cu-neiformia (rv,V,YI), and thecuboid bone,05 cuboides(YII).The con-cave posterior surfaces (i, i, i, T) articulate with the fi
Outlines of comparative physiology touching the structure and development of the races of animals, living and extinct : for the use of schools and colleges . other vertebrate animals; perhaps the coecal appendages which wereso long mistaken for the pancreas have a totally different function. * See Meckel: Ornithorhynchi paradoxi descript. Anatom. Tab. viii.and Owen on the Mammary Gland of the Ornithorhynchus, in Philos.Trans. STRUCTURE OF GLANDS. ing canals, theKIDKEYS de-serve particu-larnotice. Thedevelopment Fig. 260.—Astill smallerpieceof the same kid-ney magnifiedabout sixty di-ameters, a Stock Photo
RM2AKFTG0–Outlines of comparative physiology touching the structure and development of the races of animals, living and extinct : for the use of schools and colleges . other vertebrate animals; perhaps the coecal appendages which wereso long mistaken for the pancreas have a totally different function. * See Meckel: Ornithorhynchi paradoxi descript. Anatom. Tab. viii.and Owen on the Mammary Gland of the Ornithorhynchus, in Philos.Trans. STRUCTURE OF GLANDS. ing canals, theKIDKEYS de-serve particu-larnotice. Thedevelopment Fig. 260.—Astill smallerpieceof the same kid-ney magnifiedabout sixty di-ameters, a
. The life of Bismarck, private and political;. of portraits of Bis-marcks only sister whenvery young, evidence someremote likeness to the moth-er. No portrait of the Minis-ter - President himself any-where exists in the house.There was, however, oneof his brother, the EoyalChamberlain, Bernhard vonBismarck, of Kiilz, Provin-cial Councillor in the circleof Naugard—a youthful face,not much like the Minister-President. Count Bismarckis also personally unlike hismother, although we canscarcely doubt her influenceover his mental qualities. We may mention among the picturesa very interesting one of Stock Photo
RM2AGD644–. The life of Bismarck, private and political;. of portraits of Bis-marcks only sister whenvery young, evidence someremote likeness to the moth-er. No portrait of the Minis-ter - President himself any-where exists in the house.There was, however, oneof his brother, the EoyalChamberlain, Bernhard vonBismarck, of Kiilz, Provin-cial Councillor in the circleof Naugard—a youthful face,not much like the Minister-President. Count Bismarckis also personally unlike hismother, although we canscarcely doubt her influenceover his mental qualities. We may mention among the picturesa very interesting one of
. The life of Bismarck, private and political;. of our travelling household. I greet you heartily. Send me aFrench novel to read, but only one at a time. God keep you. Your letter with the Homburg inclosure has just arrived; athousand thanks. I can understand how you feel the quiet ofour departure. In our hurry here one feels nothing of the posi-tion—perhaps a little in bed at night. On the road to Jitschen, on the battle-field, Prince FrederickCharles came to meet his royal uncle. What a meeting! ThePrince drove into Jitschen with the King about 2 p.m., where theKing alighted at the Golden Li Stock Photo!-theprince-drove-into-jitschen-with-the-king-about-2-pm-where-theking-alighted-at-the-golden-li-image337083078.html
RM2AGBCWA–. The life of Bismarck, private and political;. of our travelling household. I greet you heartily. Send me aFrench novel to read, but only one at a time. God keep you. Your letter with the Homburg inclosure has just arrived; athousand thanks. I can understand how you feel the quiet ofour departure. In our hurry here one feels nothing of the posi-tion—perhaps a little in bed at night. On the road to Jitschen, on the battle-field, Prince FrederickCharles came to meet his royal uncle. What a meeting! ThePrince drove into Jitschen with the King about 2 p.m., where theKing alighted at the Golden Li
Anthony's photographic bulletin for .. . inting, withone angle of view in place of a dozen, so does impressionism follow the natural eye,with one focus for a dozen. Taste has improved the world by limiting different materials to their ownnatural appearances—wall-paper, for instance, no longer pretends to be wood ormarble—without limiting art, and I dont know that it is necessary for photographyto look like the results of any other art. On the other hand, it need not insist onthe brand of its calling; there need be no insistence on its looking aggressivelyphotographic. Each art should respect i Stock Photo
RM2AM5T27–Anthony's photographic bulletin for .. . inting, withone angle of view in place of a dozen, so does impressionism follow the natural eye,with one focus for a dozen. Taste has improved the world by limiting different materials to their ownnatural appearances—wall-paper, for instance, no longer pretends to be wood ormarble—without limiting art, and I dont know that it is necessary for photographyto look like the results of any other art. On the other hand, it need not insist onthe brand of its calling; there need be no insistence on its looking aggressivelyphotographic. Each art should respect i
Die Stumme von Portici : grosse Oper in 5 Akten . t ^r r Tf pppr pp Ach,dass um ihn jetztiueiue Thrä neu. Stock Photo
RM2ANC52H–Die Stumme von Portici : grosse Oper in 5 Akten . t ^r r Tf pppr pp Ach,dass um ihn jetztiueiue Thrä neu.
. Raleigh Christian Advocate: organ of the North Carolina Conference, M.E. Church, South. poch-making occasic n, and a pro-1 To refuse them is to forfeit the namurrender the claim of a Christian,; <a)sii)ility of evtrv member to bear some J To pra for it. (b) To believe for itpart in the work. (c) To live for it. (d) To give; fpr^it Among other things looking in this j To pray for it because on its sticcess and development of this school will re-1direction it has sent out a large number^lepends the worlds rescue from sin and member with pleasure the fine work done, of neatly printed praye Stock Photo
RM2AG7HEE–. Raleigh Christian Advocate: organ of the North Carolina Conference, M.E. Church, South. poch-making occasic n, and a pro-1 To refuse them is to forfeit the namurrender the claim of a Christian,; <a)sii)ility of evtrv member to bear some J To pra for it. (b) To believe for itpart in the work. (c) To live for it. (d) To give; fpr^it Among other things looking in this j To pray for it because on its sticcess and development of this school will re-1direction it has sent out a large number^lepends the worlds rescue from sin and member with pleasure the fine work done, of neatly printed praye
The American botanist and florist; including lessons in the structure, life, and growth of plants; together with a simple analytical flora, descriptive of the native and cultivated plants growing in the Atlantic division of the American union . 252, Scale-stem (Dicentr.a cuculhiria). 253, A flower of the same. 251, A flower,of D. Canadensis.255, Leaf-stem (Chimaphila maculata). 223. Caulis is a term generally applied to the annual leaf-stems of herbaceous plants. Halm is a term used in Englandwith the same sio-nification. Caulescent and ac^iulescent are con- 76 STRUCTURAL BOTANY. venient terms Stock Photo
RM2AKP17Y–The American botanist and florist; including lessons in the structure, life, and growth of plants; together with a simple analytical flora, descriptive of the native and cultivated plants growing in the Atlantic division of the American union . 252, Scale-stem (Dicentr.a cuculhiria). 253, A flower of the same. 251, A flower,of D. Canadensis.255, Leaf-stem (Chimaphila maculata). 223. Caulis is a term generally applied to the annual leaf-stems of herbaceous plants. Halm is a term used in Englandwith the same sio-nification. Caulescent and ac^iulescent are con- 76 STRUCTURAL BOTANY. venient terms
. Raleigh Christian Advocate: organ of the North Carolina Conference, M.E. Church, South. IVIEN OF TASTE IN DRESS .Vre the ones that the ladies always favor. Theit h (in indefinable something called style about a Taiki aiade Suit that gives that distingue appearance* that trim and tasteful look that gives an indiviinalitv ^ never obtained in any other clothing Call and take a look at my New Spring Patvia fo(Suits, Overcoats, and Trooserinjr. Medl orders given prompt attention.Write for Samples and get yourself a suit, you need them JOHN E. BRIDQERS, 2 Fa/)CC)/ill)l t.. I^«SI24. «.o CROSS & LIN Stock Photo
RM2AFWP3D–. Raleigh Christian Advocate: organ of the North Carolina Conference, M.E. Church, South. IVIEN OF TASTE IN DRESS .Vre the ones that the ladies always favor. Theit h (in indefinable something called style about a Taiki aiade Suit that gives that distingue appearance* that trim and tasteful look that gives an indiviinalitv ^ never obtained in any other clothing Call and take a look at my New Spring Patvia fo(Suits, Overcoats, and Trooserinjr. Medl orders given prompt attention.Write for Samples and get yourself a suit, you need them JOHN E. BRIDQERS, 2 Fa/)CC)/ill)l t.. I^«SI24. «.o CROSS & LIN
. Raleigh Christian Advocate: organ of the North Carolina Conference, M.E. Church, South. cordthe fact of our great sorrow n havingher thu.s suddenly lorn away fromus. that our Suiid-a;; school andchurch lost one of its luost censecrated and exemplary worker^; awoman noted for her cheerful pietyand consistent life; faithful and effi-cient in all the relations she sustainedamon.; us. 2. Ttiat while we mourn her ab-sence, and feel her loss, yet do weaccept her removal from our midstas an expression of the love and wis-dom of God whom she had servedand **wbo doothall things well. 3. That we tende Stock Photo
RM2AG5XRF–. Raleigh Christian Advocate: organ of the North Carolina Conference, M.E. Church, South. cordthe fact of our great sorrow n havingher thu.s suddenly lorn away fromus. that our Suiid-a;; school andchurch lost one of its luost censecrated and exemplary worker^; awoman noted for her cheerful pietyand consistent life; faithful and effi-cient in all the relations she sustainedamon.; us. 2. Ttiat while we mourn her ab-sence, and feel her loss, yet do weaccept her removal from our midstas an expression of the love and wis-dom of God whom she had servedand **wbo doothall things well. 3. That we tende
. Raleigh Christian Advocate: organ of the North Carolina Conference, M.E. Church, South. CHICAGO. UKw> M.. Stock Photo
RM2AG851P–. Raleigh Christian Advocate: organ of the North Carolina Conference, M.E. Church, South. CHICAGO. UKw> M..
. Raleigh Christian Advocate: organ of the North Carolina Conference, M.E. Church, South. Stock Photo
RM2AG40M3–. Raleigh Christian Advocate: organ of the North Carolina Conference, M.E. Church, South.
. Raleigh Christian Advocate: organ of the North Carolina Conference, M.E. Church, South. Rupture, Hydocele. Varicoceleand cured. Noknife: no detention frombusiness; painless andharmless. Over twohundred cures madehere last year. Exami-nation and tvKkklet free HERNIA SANITARIUM 905 Bank Street, RICHMOND, YA. Permanently established. NOTICE. Teachers Agency. Christian Teachers,attention. For a nominal fee. and with-out taking anv per cent, of the salary if aposition IS obtained, the Teachers Bureauof the Methodist Episcopal Church.South, gives the most careful attention tothe placing of C Stock Photo
RM2AG5DDC–. Raleigh Christian Advocate: organ of the North Carolina Conference, M.E. Church, South. Rupture, Hydocele. Varicoceleand cured. Noknife: no detention frombusiness; painless andharmless. Over twohundred cures madehere last year. Exami-nation and tvKkklet free HERNIA SANITARIUM 905 Bank Street, RICHMOND, YA. Permanently established. NOTICE. Teachers Agency. Christian Teachers,attention. For a nominal fee. and with-out taking anv per cent, of the salary if aposition IS obtained, the Teachers Bureauof the Methodist Episcopal Church.South, gives the most careful attention tothe placing of C
. Alaska and its resources. f the ship oran old officer of the Company, much in the same way that hisworkmen cringe before him. This sort of subserviency, the fruitof a despotic government, is characteristic of the lower classes ofRussians ; and to such an extent is it ingrained in their charactersthat it seems impossible for them to comprehend any motives ofhonor or truthfulness as being superior to self-interest. The native inhabitants of this part of the coast belong to thegreat family of Innuit. The name of the tribe is IJjialect, and theirname for the village, half a mile west of the Redo Stock Photo
RM2AFJJC4–. Alaska and its resources. f the ship oran old officer of the Company, much in the same way that hisworkmen cringe before him. This sort of subserviency, the fruitof a despotic government, is characteristic of the lower classes ofRussians ; and to such an extent is it ingrained in their charactersthat it seems impossible for them to comprehend any motives ofhonor or truthfulness as being superior to self-interest. The native inhabitants of this part of the coast belong to thegreat family of Innuit. The name of the tribe is IJjialect, and theirname for the village, half a mile west of the Redo
Twenty years among the bulls and bears of Wall street . nd, and the owners pay a ground-rent. Leases usually run for twenty-one years, contain-ing several renewals on a new valuation. A TrinityChurch lease, with its peculiar privileges and covenants,is one of the most desirable titles in the city. PRODUCING A SENSATION. A ball was given at the Irving Hall. Two gentle-men were looking on. One said to the other, Doyou see that young fellow so dashingly dressed?Yes. He is our book-keeper. He is one of themanagers of the ball. Perhaps he can afford thesethings; I cannot. The next week there was a Stock Photo
RM2AWHM3A–Twenty years among the bulls and bears of Wall street . nd, and the owners pay a ground-rent. Leases usually run for twenty-one years, contain-ing several renewals on a new valuation. A TrinityChurch lease, with its peculiar privileges and covenants,is one of the most desirable titles in the city. PRODUCING A SENSATION. A ball was given at the Irving Hall. Two gentle-men were looking on. One said to the other, Doyou see that young fellow so dashingly dressed?Yes. He is our book-keeper. He is one of themanagers of the ball. Perhaps he can afford thesethings; I cannot. The next week there was a
. Raleigh Christian Advocate: organ of the North Carolina Conference, M.E. Church, South. ;eiits u :»^) t liKlilll-tl i, «*. FREE CoiKhes. I -ace - .. -. ^. ., ^ ^>«K^•»;;;«, ,«M Stock Photo
RM2AG84GK–. Raleigh Christian Advocate: organ of the North Carolina Conference, M.E. Church, South. ;eiits u :»^) t liKlilll-tl i, «*. FREE CoiKhes. I -ace - .. -. ^. ., ^ ^>«K^•»;;;«, ,«M
Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand . attledweir, about 18 inches above the surface, was carried across the broad upperpart of the mouth of the channel, and this prevented it from being scoureddeeper until the river had shifted its channel to the weir, when of course itwas undermined and partly carried away. The shingle bank above the town,shown on the plan, had by this time extended southwards so far as to push thewhole body of the river close into the mouth of the south channel, and unlesssome action had been taken the whole of the river would have left the wharfand taken that c Stock Photo
RM2AM7808–Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand . attledweir, about 18 inches above the surface, was carried across the broad upperpart of the mouth of the channel, and this prevented it from being scoureddeeper until the river had shifted its channel to the weir, when of course itwas undermined and partly carried away. The shingle bank above the town,shown on the plan, had by this time extended southwards so far as to push thewhole body of the river close into the mouth of the south channel, and unlesssome action had been taken the whole of the river would have left the wharfand taken that c
The American botanist and florist; including lessons in the structure, life, and growth of plants; together with a simple analytical flora, descriptive of the native and cultivated plants growing in the Atlantic division of the American union . TifJbers as iliey rirow.—2&i. The common Potato (Solaniim). 261, Artichoke (Helianthus). 262. Sweet• Potato (Convolvulus). 239. The coem is an underground, solid, fleshy stem, withcondensed internodes, never extending, but remaining of arounded form covered with thin scales. It is distinguished fromroots by its leaf-bud, which is either borne at the sum Stock Photo
RM2AKNYK3–The American botanist and florist; including lessons in the structure, life, and growth of plants; together with a simple analytical flora, descriptive of the native and cultivated plants growing in the Atlantic division of the American union . TifJbers as iliey rirow.—2&i. The common Potato (Solaniim). 261, Artichoke (Helianthus). 262. Sweet• Potato (Convolvulus). 239. The coem is an underground, solid, fleshy stem, withcondensed internodes, never extending, but remaining of arounded form covered with thin scales. It is distinguished fromroots by its leaf-bud, which is either borne at the sum
Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand . 129 that there are three nutrient canals at the tip of the jaw on each side, probably-indicating the normal number of teeth. In Figure 2, which shows the uppersurface of the jaw, there is only one socket on each side (a and a), which held thetooth figured of natural size (4 a and 4 b.) The upper conical part of this toothhas a polished surface, but never protrudes through the gum. This is well shown in Figures 5 a and 5 b, the first of which shows the leftside of the top of the jaw, with the integuments still in place, the position ofthe tooth Stock Photo
RM2AM7G2H–Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand . 129 that there are three nutrient canals at the tip of the jaw on each side, probably-indicating the normal number of teeth. In Figure 2, which shows the uppersurface of the jaw, there is only one socket on each side (a and a), which held thetooth figured of natural size (4 a and 4 b.) The upper conical part of this toothhas a polished surface, but never protrudes through the gum. This is well shown in Figures 5 a and 5 b, the first of which shows the leftside of the top of the jaw, with the integuments still in place, the position ofthe tooth
Index . iJlemberg in tfte jFacultp George H. ChapmanWilliam L. MachmerA. Anderson Mackimmie George F. ShumwayMilton W. Taylor Sctibc Membtvi Curry S. HicksHarold M. GoreMarshall O. Lanphear . PresidentSecretary- Treasurer Edmund T. FerrantiJohn S. CrosbjGeorge W. HanseombHarold A. Gleason 105. OTomen*£( ^tubent Council Established March, 1919 A. Rita Casey 25Emily Smith 25 .Marguerite R. Bosworth 26 Marion Slack 25 Ella Buckler 27 . PresidentVice-President. SecretaryMaude Bosworth 26Madelon Keyes 2-yr. 106 Stock Photo
RM2AJDJNB–Index . iJlemberg in tfte jFacultp George H. ChapmanWilliam L. MachmerA. Anderson Mackimmie George F. ShumwayMilton W. Taylor Sctibc Membtvi Curry S. HicksHarold M. GoreMarshall O. Lanphear . PresidentSecretary- Treasurer Edmund T. FerrantiJohn S. CrosbjGeorge W. HanseombHarold A. Gleason 105. OTomen*£( ^tubent Council Established March, 1919 A. Rita Casey 25Emily Smith 25 .Marguerite R. Bosworth 26 Marion Slack 25 Ella Buckler 27 . PresidentVice-President. SecretaryMaude Bosworth 26Madelon Keyes 2-yr. 106
Wonderful ballon ascents : or, The conquest of the skies A history of balloons and balloon voyages . ey were in the gayest humour, and they calcu-lated that the fuel they had would keep them floating tilllate in the evening. Unfortunately, however, after throwingmore wood on the fire, in order to get up to a greater alti-tude, it was discovered that a rent had been made in thecovering, caused by the fire by which the balloon had beendamaged two or three days previously. The rent was fourfeet in length ; and as the heated air escaped very rapidlyby it, the balloon fell, after having sailed abov Stock Photo
RM2AJ1DCM–Wonderful ballon ascents : or, The conquest of the skies A history of balloons and balloon voyages . ey were in the gayest humour, and they calcu-lated that the fuel they had would keep them floating tilllate in the evening. Unfortunately, however, after throwingmore wood on the fire, in order to get up to a greater alti-tude, it was discovered that a rent had been made in thecovering, caused by the fire by which the balloon had beendamaged two or three days previously. The rent was fourfeet in length ; and as the heated air escaped very rapidlyby it, the balloon fell, after having sailed abov
. The life of Bismarck, private and political;. iephof with a NewMistress. N the society and at the house ofhis friend and neighbor, Moritz vonBlanckenburg, Bismarck had oftenseen a friend of his noble hostess,who greatly interested him. Buthe first became more intimately ac-quainted with Friiulein Johanna vonPutkammer on a trip which both ofthem made in company with 4heBlanckenburgs. Bismarck soon be-came aware of the affection he feltfor the young lady, but he naturallyfound many obstacles in learning—as may be readily understood—whether his affection was returnedby her. This would easily ex Stock Photo
RM2AGC6JJ–. The life of Bismarck, private and political;. iephof with a NewMistress. N the society and at the house ofhis friend and neighbor, Moritz vonBlanckenburg, Bismarck had oftenseen a friend of his noble hostess,who greatly interested him. Buthe first became more intimately ac-quainted with Friiulein Johanna vonPutkammer on a trip which both ofthem made in company with 4heBlanckenburgs. Bismarck soon be-came aware of the affection he feltfor the young lady, but he naturallyfound many obstacles in learning—as may be readily understood—whether his affection was returnedby her. This would easily ex
The American botanist and florist; including lessons in the structure, life, and growth of plants; together with a simple analytical flora, descriptive of the native and cultivated plants growing in the Atlantic division of the American union . stock differs from the creeperonly in being shorter and thicker, having its internodes but par-tially developed. It is a prostrate, fleshy, rooting stem, eitherwholly or partially subterranean, often scaly with tlie bases ofundeveloped leaves, or marked with the scars of former leaves,and yearly producing new shoots and roots. Such is the fleshy,horizon Stock Photo
RM2AKP0B0–The American botanist and florist; including lessons in the structure, life, and growth of plants; together with a simple analytical flora, descriptive of the native and cultivated plants growing in the Atlantic division of the American union . stock differs from the creeperonly in being shorter and thicker, having its internodes but par-tially developed. It is a prostrate, fleshy, rooting stem, eitherwholly or partially subterranean, often scaly with tlie bases ofundeveloped leaves, or marked with the scars of former leaves,and yearly producing new shoots and roots. Such is the fleshy,horizon
A practical and systematic treatise on fractures and dislocations . aken. The displacement of the frag-ments may not be observable in some instances, for the brokenends do not always become disengaged, but in most cases thedeformity is so great as to indicate at once the nature of theinjury. When there is overlapping of the fragments theremust, of necessity, be shortening of the arm. The peculiardistortion produced by bending the limb near the seat of frac-ture, can not be misapprehended. Crepitus can be elicited bygrasping the arm above and below the fracture, and rotatingthe limb while it is Stock Photo
RM2AJ3EHH–A practical and systematic treatise on fractures and dislocations . aken. The displacement of the frag-ments may not be observable in some instances, for the brokenends do not always become disengaged, but in most cases thedeformity is so great as to indicate at once the nature of theinjury. When there is overlapping of the fragments theremust, of necessity, be shortening of the arm. The peculiardistortion produced by bending the limb near the seat of frac-ture, can not be misapprehended. Crepitus can be elicited bygrasping the arm above and below the fracture, and rotatingthe limb while it is
The American botanist and florist; including lessons in the structure, life, and growth of plants; together with a simple analytical flora, descriptive of the native and cultivated plants growing in the Atlantic division of the American union . Stock Photo
RM2AKR2K8–The American botanist and florist; including lessons in the structure, life, and growth of plants; together with a simple analytical flora, descriptive of the native and cultivated plants growing in the Atlantic division of the American union .
The American botanist and florist; including lessons in the structure, life, and growth of plants; together with a simple analytical flora, descriptive of the native and cultivated plants growing in the Atlantic division of the American union . 365 I 364 #^363 363, Lemon. 361, Jeffersonia. 365, Potentilla anserina. 366, P. tridentata. 307. Apex. In regard to the termination of a leaf or leafletat its apex, it may be acuminate, ending with a long, taperingpoint; cuspidate, abruptly contracted to a sharp, slender point;mitcronate, tipped with a spiny point; acute, simply ending withan angle; obt Stock Photo
RM2AKNKFK–The American botanist and florist; including lessons in the structure, life, and growth of plants; together with a simple analytical flora, descriptive of the native and cultivated plants growing in the Atlantic division of the American union . 365 I 364 #^363 363, Lemon. 361, Jeffersonia. 365, Potentilla anserina. 366, P. tridentata. 307. Apex. In regard to the termination of a leaf or leafletat its apex, it may be acuminate, ending with a long, taperingpoint; cuspidate, abruptly contracted to a sharp, slender point;mitcronate, tipped with a spiny point; acute, simply ending withan angle; obt
. The life of Bismarck, private and political;. tant that the Bismarcks are continually representedas combatting the heathen Wends. There is certainly nothing-proved by it, but it would never have arisen had not this familybelonged to the followers of some German prince, who had es-tablished himself in the frontier Marks on the Elbe, and wagedunceasing war thence against the Slavonic tribes existing be-tween that river and the Oder. Thrice in this century has the dignity of Count been conferredon the Bismarcks of Schonhausen; we now therefore possessPrussian Counts of Bismarck-Bohlen, Wiirtemb Stock Photo
RM2AGD9CM–. The life of Bismarck, private and political;. tant that the Bismarcks are continually representedas combatting the heathen Wends. There is certainly nothing-proved by it, but it would never have arisen had not this familybelonged to the followers of some German prince, who had es-tablished himself in the frontier Marks on the Elbe, and wagedunceasing war thence against the Slavonic tribes existing be-tween that river and the Oder. Thrice in this century has the dignity of Count been conferredon the Bismarcks of Schonhausen; we now therefore possessPrussian Counts of Bismarck-Bohlen, Wiirtemb
Anthony's photographic bulletin for .. . , Toronto and Boston, parties are being organ-ized by the dealers. At Philadelphia the Chautauqua Club, W. B. Kin-derdine, secretary, No. 910 Arch street, expects Baltimore, Washington,Richmond and photographers from other points that way to join themon their special train leaving Philadelphia early Sunday morning, andarriving at Chautauqua Lake in the evening. A special train will leaveNew York Sunday morning at 9 oclock, arriving at the Lake at9.30 p. m. For particulars regarding passage on this train apply toFrederick J. Harrison, 591 Broadway, New Y Stock Photo
RM2AM6NNF–Anthony's photographic bulletin for .. . , Toronto and Boston, parties are being organ-ized by the dealers. At Philadelphia the Chautauqua Club, W. B. Kin-derdine, secretary, No. 910 Arch street, expects Baltimore, Washington,Richmond and photographers from other points that way to join themon their special train leaving Philadelphia early Sunday morning, andarriving at Chautauqua Lake in the evening. A special train will leaveNew York Sunday morning at 9 oclock, arriving at the Lake at9.30 p. m. For particulars regarding passage on this train apply toFrederick J. Harrison, 591 Broadway, New Y
Outlines of comparative physiology touching the structure and development of the races of animals, living and extinct : for the use of schools and colleges . na, and washedaway from the membrane ofthe yolk (figs. 323 and 324.)The germinal area (area pel-lucida s. germinativa) hasnow an elongated, often a Fig. 323.-Vitellus or yolk after somewhat pyriform appear-from twelve to fourteen hours incuba- ance (figs. 323 and 325, 6),tion, of the natural size (this and the and is two lines in length,other figures of the vitellus look larger rpjie darker vascular areathan proper, from their having been Stock Photo
RM2AKCRK9–Outlines of comparative physiology touching the structure and development of the races of animals, living and extinct : for the use of schools and colleges . na, and washedaway from the membrane ofthe yolk (figs. 323 and 324.)The germinal area (area pel-lucida s. germinativa) hasnow an elongated, often a Fig. 323.-Vitellus or yolk after somewhat pyriform appear-from twelve to fourteen hours incuba- ance (figs. 323 and 325, 6),tion, of the natural size (this and the and is two lines in length,other figures of the vitellus look larger rpjie darker vascular areathan proper, from their having been
. Raleigh Christian Advocate: organ of the North Carolina Conference, M.E. Church, South. nd not ten yet returned. Stnd today for our book y^/^*^^ SLEEP ON IT 30 NIGHTS, have A!;/^rf>V,Tf*i?ou don | BB 1 B BBBg TRADE 15 Prepaid toYoar Door« The Tfit of Time. AU. 6 FEET 3 INCHES LOUS. believe it to be the equal in cleanliness, durability and comfort of any $50iiair mattress ever made, you can get your money back by return mail — no questions asked. There will be no unpleasantness about it at all.3 feet 6 inches wide, 25 lbs. $ 8.353 feet wide, 30 lbs. . 10.00 3 feet 6 inches wide, 35 lbs. 11 Stock Photo!rfgtvtfiou-don-bb-1-b-bbbg-trade-15-prepaid-toyoar-door-the-tfit-of-time-au-6-feet-3-inches-lous-believe-it-to-be-the-equal-in-cleanliness-durability-and-comfort-of-any-50iiair-mattress-ever-made-you-can-get-your-money-back-by-return-mail-no-questions-asked-there-will-be-no-unpleasantness-about-it-at-all3-feet-6-inches-wide-25-lbs-8353-feet-wide-30-lbs-1000-3-feet-6-inches-wide-35-lbs-11-image337034917.html
RM2AG97D9–. Raleigh Christian Advocate: organ of the North Carolina Conference, M.E. Church, South. nd not ten yet returned. Stnd today for our book y^/^*^^ SLEEP ON IT 30 NIGHTS, have A!;/^rf>V,Tf*i?ou don | BB 1 B BBBg TRADE 15 Prepaid toYoar Door« The Tfit of Time. AU. 6 FEET 3 INCHES LOUS. believe it to be the equal in cleanliness, durability and comfort of any $50iiair mattress ever made, you can get your money back by return mail — no questions asked. There will be no unpleasantness about it at all.3 feet 6 inches wide, 25 lbs. $ 8.353 feet wide, 30 lbs. . 10.00 3 feet 6 inches wide, 35 lbs. 11
La tour de Babel : drame biblique en 4 tableaux, op 80 . i ^Mpw ./• SE mm i é pouvante es / m td d ézjL i f e pouvante es wm ¥* X SE vre ! Oue les é toi les ./• £ Erivov . IW P mm Se dres P En voyant ces murs dairain P ^^ ^^ w ? ? Se dresser sur leur chemin, ^^^m a nt ces murs dairain ^3^ sur leur che & Ces murs (lai rain Se dresser sou. Stock Photo!-oue-les-toi-les-erivov-iw-p-mm-se-dres-p-en-voyant-ces-murs-dairain-p-w-se-dresser-sur-leur-chemin-m-a-nt-ces-murs-dairain-3-sur-leur-che-ces-murs-lai-rain-se-dresser-sou-image338401248.html
RM2AJFE6T–La tour de Babel : drame biblique en 4 tableaux, op 80 . i ^Mpw ./• SE mm i é pouvante es / m td d ézjL i f e pouvante es wm ¥* X SE vre ! Oue les é toi les ./• £ Erivov . IW P mm Se dres P En voyant ces murs dairain P ^^ ^^ w ? ? Se dresser sur leur chemin, ^^^m a nt ces murs dairain ^3^ sur leur che & Ces murs (lai rain Se dresser sou.
. Raleigh Christian Advocate: organ of the North Carolina Conference, M.E. Church, South. You t^ipK* is I would take jour treatment If I thouf^ht you couldcure me. Listen: Tou vioit me. fwill charge j^ou no fee untilI cure you. I cant cure youat your home. No bloody knife.No barnlns plaster. Write for riustrated ho..*of Cure«. Address the DE.I.SILLSDAIIELSAIlTiiilDl. RchOMnd. Va. LOUI8BURC COLLEGE, A HOMK SCHlK)!, FOR GiRLS AND YoCKO WOMBM. The sauie care, watchfulness and sympathetic atten-tiou that a nether would ^ve her child ia extended toev ry pupil. The constant aim is to ins Stock Photo!-for-girls-and-yocko-wombm-the-sauie-care-watchfulness-and-sympathetic-atten-tiou-that-a-nether-would-ve-her-child-ia-extended-toev-ry-pupil-the-constant-aim-is-to-ins-image336837182.html
RM2AG077A–. Raleigh Christian Advocate: organ of the North Carolina Conference, M.E. Church, South. You t^ipK* is I would take jour treatment If I thouf^ht you couldcure me. Listen: Tou vioit me. fwill charge j^ou no fee untilI cure you. I cant cure youat your home. No bloody knife.No barnlns plaster. Write for riustrated ho..*of Cure«. Address the DE.I.SILLSDAIIELSAIlTiiilDl. RchOMnd. Va. LOUI8BURC COLLEGE, A HOMK SCHlK)!, FOR GiRLS AND YoCKO WOMBM. The sauie care, watchfulness and sympathetic atten-tiou that a nether would ^ve her child ia extended toev ry pupil. The constant aim is to ins
Farmers' and country merchants' almanac and ready reference book . 3»gi QREEN and HOT-HOUSE PLANTS. WREATHS, BOUaUETS, &c., Made to Order. F. S. GRAVES, MANUFACTURER OF. SILVfR PUTED Watches and Chains Plated with Gold. O/d Ware ^e- Elated. 2)oor Elates Made to Order, 608 BROi?LDW^^ir, Three Doors above Columbia St. ALBAWT, 21. Y. farmers AL3IANAC. S03L.E 3S^-A.I>TXJr.A.aTXJI^EI^S Stock Photo
RM2AN0YYC–Farmers' and country merchants' almanac and ready reference book . 3»gi QREEN and HOT-HOUSE PLANTS. WREATHS, BOUaUETS, &c., Made to Order. F. S. GRAVES, MANUFACTURER OF. SILVfR PUTED Watches and Chains Plated with Gold. O/d Ware ^e- Elated. 2)oor Elates Made to Order, 608 BROi?LDW^^ir, Three Doors above Columbia St. ALBAWT, 21. Y. farmers AL3IANAC. S03L.E 3S^-A.I>TXJr.A.aTXJI^EI^S
. Illustrirtes Konversations-Lexikon; vergleichendes Nachschlagebuch für den täglichen Gebrauch. Hausschatz für das deutsche Volk und 'Orbis pictus' für die studirende Jugend. ilr. 2IfiS. Dfr (^IcniiherMiiunfmer (riiaerocampa ncroc). ^Jlr. 2170. flippe bcg (0ten1l^frfl1nuiinnFl?.. Stock Photo
RM2AG86WC–. Illustrirtes Konversations-Lexikon; vergleichendes Nachschlagebuch für den täglichen Gebrauch. Hausschatz für das deutsche Volk und 'Orbis pictus' für die studirende Jugend. ilr. 2IfiS. Dfr (^IcniiherMiiunfmer (riiaerocampa ncroc). ^Jlr. 2170. flippe bcg (0ten1l^frfl1nuiinnFl?..
. Raleigh Christian Advocate: organ of the North Carolina Conference, M.E. Church, South. FOP SAL£BY Send for Catalog. for Tour children are not more thoughtlessthan you were at their age. TODAY Free Sampl aiul Trstlinoninlsof EE-MCoMipoiiiKi, If youare nnitit«>a with Cat.inh. .mlininor liroii-chltts. Wf KuarHiiUM* M ptMiujiinni cmvofr*<iiaffh •» moiilirs treatment,oneclollar,po8ipHld. EE-ri COMPANY. AUanta, Qa. SPARTANBURG BUSINESS COLLEGE. 10* Full Business Course, ^^aShorthand. Typewriting- Exce lent Faculty. Healthful surroundings.Write for catalogue. Address LEON L. MOTTB, Bus Stock Photo
RM2AG08WX–. Raleigh Christian Advocate: organ of the North Carolina Conference, M.E. Church, South. FOP SAL£BY Send for Catalog. for Tour children are not more thoughtlessthan you were at their age. TODAY Free Sampl aiul Trstlinoninlsof EE-MCoMipoiiiKi, If youare nnitit«>a with Cat.inh. .mlininor liroii-chltts. Wf KuarHiiUM* M ptMiujiinni cmvofr*<iiaffh •» moiilirs treatment,oneclollar,po8ipHld. EE-ri COMPANY. AUanta, Qa. SPARTANBURG BUSINESS COLLEGE. 10* Full Business Course, ^^aShorthand. Typewriting- Exce lent Faculty. Healthful surroundings.Write for catalogue. Address LEON L. MOTTB, Bus
A practical and systematic treatise on fractures and dislocations . for one end of the wire topass readily. A piece from twelve to fifteen inches in lengthis long enough. After one end is carried through to the mid-dle of the ligature, it may be bent, and pushed back out of T^ 01 the mouth between the two Fig. 21. teeth nearest the other frag-ment. Then, with the twoends of the wire in his hands,the surgeon can draw the piecesof bone together and hold themin apposition, by twisting theends of the wire ligaturearound each other. After asecure fastening is made inthis way, the free ends of wirem Stock Photo
RM2AJ40NR–A practical and systematic treatise on fractures and dislocations . for one end of the wire topass readily. A piece from twelve to fifteen inches in lengthis long enough. After one end is carried through to the mid-dle of the ligature, it may be bent, and pushed back out of T^ 01 the mouth between the two Fig. 21. teeth nearest the other frag-ment. Then, with the twoends of the wire in his hands,the surgeon can draw the piecesof bone together and hold themin apposition, by twisting theends of the wire ligaturearound each other. After asecure fastening is made inthis way, the free ends of wirem
. Raleigh Christian Advocate: organ of the North Carolina Conference, M.E. Church, South. July 14, 15 Littleton Circuit, Bethel, Julv 20, 21 Warrenton, Macon ( D. C.), .tuly 24, 28 Willianiston and Hamilton, Aui^nst 3, 4 Rich S«juan>, Woodland, August 10, 11 Murfn-eslKiro Station, August 11, 12 Meherrin, toncord, August 17, 18 Bertie, White Oak, August 24, 25 Harrellsville. Powellsville, August 81, Septemlter 1 Halifax, at hnfield. September 7, 8. Hobgood, Epworth, September 14, 15 .Scotland Neck, Sfiiteraoer 15 Battleboro and WbitakerH, September 21, 22 able. ••I would tHke your treatment Stock Photo
RM2AG2XYX–. Raleigh Christian Advocate: organ of the North Carolina Conference, M.E. Church, South. July 14, 15 Littleton Circuit, Bethel, Julv 20, 21 Warrenton, Macon ( D. C.), .tuly 24, 28 Willianiston and Hamilton, Aui^nst 3, 4 Rich S«juan>, Woodland, August 10, 11 Murfn-eslKiro Station, August 11, 12 Meherrin, toncord, August 17, 18 Bertie, White Oak, August 24, 25 Harrellsville. Powellsville, August 81, Septemlter 1 Halifax, at hnfield. September 7, 8. Hobgood, Epworth, September 14, 15 .Scotland Neck, Sfiiteraoer 15 Battleboro and WbitakerH, September 21, 22 able. ••I would tHke your treatment
Anthony's photographic bulletin for .. . ^ .. r69 MECHANICAL AIDS TO PROCESS ENGRAVING. IN considering the equipment of an engraving plant for commercialwork, it frequently happens that the matter of machinery for mount-ing the plates is not given due consideration. This is an error, as it isin the mechanical department that time can be most readily econo-mized, and money saved, by reducing labor to a minimum. In workingwith the camera and in the development and printing- of negatives,matters cannot be hurried, if good results would be obtained; but thisis not true of the work of preparing an Stock Photo
RM2AM71PG–Anthony's photographic bulletin for .. . ^ .. r69 MECHANICAL AIDS TO PROCESS ENGRAVING. IN considering the equipment of an engraving plant for commercialwork, it frequently happens that the matter of machinery for mount-ing the plates is not given due consideration. This is an error, as it isin the mechanical department that time can be most readily econo-mized, and money saved, by reducing labor to a minimum. In workingwith the camera and in the development and printing- of negatives,matters cannot be hurried, if good results would be obtained; but thisis not true of the work of preparing an
The American botanist and florist; including lessons in the structure, life, and growth of plants; together with a simple analytical flora, descriptive of the native and cultivated plants growing in the Atlantic division of the American union . 454. Germina-tion. The ovule ma-tures with the comple-tion of the embryo,and passes into thefixed state of the seedin which the embryosleeps. A store of nu-tritive matter, starch, 522. OvuleofViola tricolor, showing the process of fertilization gluten, etc., is thought-fully provided in theseed for the use of theyoung plant in germination, until its roo Stock Photo
RM2AKN6D9–The American botanist and florist; including lessons in the structure, life, and growth of plants; together with a simple analytical flora, descriptive of the native and cultivated plants growing in the Atlantic division of the American union . 454. Germina-tion. The ovule ma-tures with the comple-tion of the embryo,and passes into thefixed state of the seedin which the embryosleeps. A store of nu-tritive matter, starch, 522. OvuleofViola tricolor, showing the process of fertilization gluten, etc., is thought-fully provided in theseed for the use of theyoung plant in germination, until its roo
Outlines of comparative physiology touching the structure and development of the races of animals, living and extinct : for the use of schools and colleges . rgans nearly to their peripheral confines, to wherethey are covered with epithelial orepidermic formations. Here it is thatthe bundles of primary fibres separateand form plexuses—terminal plex-uses, as they have been designated ;at last single primary fibres formloops, or rather two primary fibresmeet and form a loop — terminalloops. These loops are smaller orlarger in different tissues. (Figs.12, 13.) Wherever the primaryfibres of nerves Stock Photo
RM2AKJJTJ–Outlines of comparative physiology touching the structure and development of the races of animals, living and extinct : for the use of schools and colleges . rgans nearly to their peripheral confines, to wherethey are covered with epithelial orepidermic formations. Here it is thatthe bundles of primary fibres separateand form plexuses—terminal plex-uses, as they have been designated ;at last single primary fibres formloops, or rather two primary fibresmeet and form a loop — terminalloops. These loops are smaller orlarger in different tissues. (Figs.12, 13.) Wherever the primaryfibres of nerves
Winner's new school for the clarionet : in which the instructions are so clearly and simply treated, as to make it unnecessary to require a teacher . Written,. When the last two bars ofa strain are marked lmo and2mo, (that is, to be repeated,)it isiplies that when played thesecond time th« 2mo is to besubstituted