Archive image from page 715 of Digest of agricultural implements, patented Digest of agricultural implements, patented in the United States from A.D. 1789 to July 1881 .. digestofagricult02alle Year: 1886 jMSt Stock Photo
RMT243H8–Archive image from page 715 of Digest of agricultural implements, patented Digest of agricultural implements, patented in the United States from A.D. 1789 to July 1881 .. digestofagricult02alle Year: 1886 jMSt
. M = Verbreitung der Yegetationsfonnatioiieii im siidliclieii Illyrieii.. Medtterrnne, Senossensch. ^Immergriinje. ^' Siräoujchjer » tMacchiaiJ. 1 ') 5 Beide und q o i 1 fBus^ mit immer ffr. ^ r --. pensis. I 3 Jiusserste |- Tnationjerv. YanSpeitreywn Ptrivs Tiiffra. 3 I ohne j- J'inus 1 ynarüHo. 1Vardlpenm£s&i Bvsch/brmatwTi. 'Picea amarnca. Pmiis pettce. Ye^etationsre^ioneiL auf d i: 750.000 und TunaToss 715 ünosld 393 Stock Photo
RMMCNHER–. M = Verbreitung der Yegetationsfonnatioiieii im siidliclieii Illyrieii.. Medtterrnne, Senossensch. ^Immergriinje. ^' Siräoujchjer » tMacchiaiJ. 1 ') 5 Beide und q o i 1 fBus^ mit immer ffr. ^ r --. pensis. I 3 Jiusserste |- Tnationjerv. YanSpeitreywn Ptrivs Tiiffra. 3 I ohne j- J'inus 1 ynarüHo. 1Vardlpenm£s&i Bvsch/brmatwTi. 'Picea amarnca. Pmiis pettce. Ye^etationsre^ioneiL auf d i: 750.000 und TunaToss 715 ünosld 393
Egyptian Wood carvings of god Amset from a sarcophagus the 'son of Horus', 945-715, 22 Dynasty, wood . Louvre Museum N 4060 D. Cut relief with inlayed Stock Photo
RF2H4R5BX–Egyptian Wood carvings of god Amset from a sarcophagus the 'son of Horus', 945-715, 22 Dynasty, wood . Louvre Museum N 4060 D. Cut relief with inlayed
Syria Damascus. Old Town (a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, 1979). Great Mosque of Umayyad (709-715 AD), court porch Stock Photo
RMCP3T37–Syria Damascus. Old Town (a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, 1979). Great Mosque of Umayyad (709-715 AD), court porch
. Catalogue of the ungulate mammals in the British Museum (Natural History). Ungulates. suiD.-E 359 65. 5. 3. 4 (715, d). Skull. Same locality and collector. Noticed by Lonnberg, he. cit. Same history. 71. 5. 27. 6 (1363, e). Skull and skin. Gabun. Noticed by Lonnberg, loc. cit. Presented hy Monsieur P. B. dit Ghaillu, 1871. 71. 5. 27. 6* (1363, /). Skull and skin, immature. Same locality. Same liistory. 12. 6. 20. 12. Skull and skin, very young. Bibianaha, Gold Coast. Presented hy Dr. H. G. F. Spurrell, 1912. B.—Potamoehcerus poreus pictus. Choiropotamus piotus, Gray, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser Stock Photo
RMRDJYHW–. Catalogue of the ungulate mammals in the British Museum (Natural History). Ungulates. suiD.-E 359 65. 5. 3. 4 (715, d). Skull. Same locality and collector. Noticed by Lonnberg, he. cit. Same history. 71. 5. 27. 6 (1363, e). Skull and skin. Gabun. Noticed by Lonnberg, loc. cit. Presented hy Monsieur P. B. dit Ghaillu, 1871. 71. 5. 27. 6* (1363, /). Skull and skin, immature. Same locality. Same liistory. 12. 6. 20. 12. Skull and skin, very young. Bibianaha, Gold Coast. Presented hy Dr. H. G. F. Spurrell, 1912. B.—Potamoehcerus poreus pictus. Choiropotamus piotus, Gray, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser
The Siege of La Rochelle, plate one. Jacques Callot (French, 1592-1635); printed by Chalcographie du Louvre, Paris. Date: 1631. Dimensions: 568 × 445 mm (image); 571 × 450 mm (plate); 715 × 510 mm (sheet). Reproductions of etchings. Origin: France. Museum: The Chicago Art Institute. Stock Photo
RMRXA0GB–The Siege of La Rochelle, plate one. Jacques Callot (French, 1592-1635); printed by Chalcographie du Louvre, Paris. Date: 1631. Dimensions: 568 × 445 mm (image); 571 × 450 mm (plate); 715 × 510 mm (sheet). Reproductions of etchings. Origin: France. Museum: The Chicago Art Institute.
Archive image from page 715 of Digest of agricultural implements, patented Digest of agricultural implements, patented in the United States from A.D. 1789 to July 1881 .. digestofagricult02alle Year: 1886 i'./SijSitK . ///a:/ Stock Photo
RMT243H9–Archive image from page 715 of Digest of agricultural implements, patented Digest of agricultural implements, patented in the United States from A.D. 1789 to July 1881 .. digestofagricult02alle Year: 1886 i'./SijSitK . ///a:/
. Dr. L. Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz . Gloeosporium Platani Oudem. a. Ein Blattstück von Platanus occidentalis mit dem Pilze in natürlicher Grösse. l>. Zwei schwach vergrösserte, senkrecht durchschnittene Sporenlager. e. Ein sehr stark vergrössertes Stück des Hymeniums mit Sporenträgern und unreifen Sporen. d. Sehr stark -vergrösserte, freie, reife Sporen. Nach Saccardo, Fungi italici tab. 1059. JPiiius 4132. Ol. leptostromoides Sacc. etPenz., Mich. IL p. 633; Syll. III. p. 715. Sporenlager parallel, linienförarig, 1—2 mm lang, schwarz, dann s Stock Photo
RMMAB5EN–. Dr. L. Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz . Gloeosporium Platani Oudem. a. Ein Blattstück von Platanus occidentalis mit dem Pilze in natürlicher Grösse. l>. Zwei schwach vergrösserte, senkrecht durchschnittene Sporenlager. e. Ein sehr stark vergrössertes Stück des Hymeniums mit Sporenträgern und unreifen Sporen. d. Sehr stark -vergrösserte, freie, reife Sporen. Nach Saccardo, Fungi italici tab. 1059. JPiiius 4132. Ol. leptostromoides Sacc. etPenz., Mich. IL p. 633; Syll. III. p. 715. Sporenlager parallel, linienförarig, 1—2 mm lang, schwarz, dann s
Egyptian Wood carvings of god Amset from a sarcophagus the 'son of Horus', 945-715, 22 Dynasty, wood . Louvre Museum N 4060 D. Cut relief with inlayed Stock Photo
RF2H4R5CR–Egyptian Wood carvings of god Amset from a sarcophagus the 'son of Horus', 945-715, 22 Dynasty, wood . Louvre Museum N 4060 D. Cut relief with inlayed
Syria Damascus. Old Town (a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, 1979). Great Mosque of Umayyad (709-715 AD), monument dedicated to Stock Photo
RMCP3T4B–Syria Damascus. Old Town (a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, 1979). Great Mosque of Umayyad (709-715 AD), monument dedicated to
Annals of Aberdeen, from the reign of King William the Lion, to the end of the year 1818; with an account of the city, cathedral and university of old Aberdeen . !i|iai|ii|iii|iiii|iiiii - - D 000 452 715 6. % h r<jUi;H| &!! m Stock Photo!iiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-d-000-452-715-6-h-rltjui-irh-!!-m-image342884123.html
RM2AWRM5F–Annals of Aberdeen, from the reign of King William the Lion, to the end of the year 1818; with an account of the city, cathedral and university of old Aberdeen . !i|iai|ii|iii|iiii|iiiii - - D 000 452 715 6. % h r<jUi;H| &!! m
Plate Two from La Siège de la Rochelle. Jacques Callot (French, 1592-1635); printed by Chalcographie du Louvre, Paris. Date: 1631. Dimensions: 567 × 443 mm (image); 576 × 449 mm (plate); 715 × 512 mm (sheet). Etching on paper. Origin: France. Museum: The Chicago Art Institute. Stock Photo
RMRXJ15Y–Plate Two from La Siège de la Rochelle. Jacques Callot (French, 1592-1635); printed by Chalcographie du Louvre, Paris. Date: 1631. Dimensions: 567 × 443 mm (image); 576 × 449 mm (plate); 715 × 512 mm (sheet). Etching on paper. Origin: France. Museum: The Chicago Art Institute.
Archive image from page 715 of Digest of agricultural implements, patented Digest of agricultural implements, patented in the United States from A.D. 1789 to July 1881 .. digestofagricult02alle Year: 1886 i'./SijSitK . ///a:/ jMSt Stock Photo
RMT243H6–Archive image from page 715 of Digest of agricultural implements, patented Digest of agricultural implements, patented in the United States from A.D. 1789 to July 1881 .. digestofagricult02alle Year: 1886 i'./SijSitK . ///a:/ jMSt
. Fig. 6. A. Menipea patagonica Busk. (Eaton Collection), Kerguelen. Young colony with ancestrula, drawn from a dry specimen seen by' reflected light. B. M. flagellifera Busk. St. WS 84, Falkland Islands. To show musculature of frontal avicularium. C. M. flagellifera Busk. St. 1563, Marion Island. Ancestrula and first zooecium. b. bud, cm. condyles of mandible, r. rootlet, 5. seta, t.d. tendon of divaricator muscle, t.o. tendon of occlusor muscle. Busk (1879, p. 194) recorded specimens of this species as Cellularia cirrata (see p. 332). Hasenbank's description and figure of Menipea Stock Photo
RMMCRE5G–. Fig. 6. A. Menipea patagonica Busk. (Eaton Collection), Kerguelen. Young colony with ancestrula, drawn from a dry specimen seen by' reflected light. B. M. flagellifera Busk. St. WS 84, Falkland Islands. To show musculature of frontal avicularium. C. M. flagellifera Busk. St. 1563, Marion Island. Ancestrula and first zooecium. b. bud, cm. condyles of mandible, r. rootlet, 5. seta, t.d. tendon of divaricator muscle, t.o. tendon of occlusor muscle. Busk (1879, p. 194) recorded specimens of this species as Cellularia cirrata (see p. 332). Hasenbank's description and figure of Menipea
Egyptian Wood carvings of god Amset from a sarcophagus the 'son of Horus', 945-715, 22 Dynasty, wood . Louvre Museum N 4060 D. Cut relief with inlayed Stock Photo
RF2H4RA7D–Egyptian Wood carvings of god Amset from a sarcophagus the 'son of Horus', 945-715, 22 Dynasty, wood . Louvre Museum N 4060 D. Cut relief with inlayed
Syria Damascus. Old Town (a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, 1979). Great Mosque of Umayyad (709-715 AD), monument dedicated to Stock Photo
RMCP3T4F–Syria Damascus. Old Town (a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, 1979). Great Mosque of Umayyad (709-715 AD), monument dedicated to
Practical pathology; a manual for students and practitioners . ¥iG. 241.—Melanotic sarcoma. Stained with logwood. (X450.) a. Large spindle-shaped cell.d. Branching cell. c. Pigment around nucleus. d. Pigment between cells. Note the concentric arrangement of the cells, which at certainpoints form a kind of network. longitudinal and transverse section; note also the large number ofsmall round cells with which the meshes are sometimes crammed. MELANOTIC SARCOMA 715 The embryonic blood vessels are surrounded by tissue which presentsall the characters of lymphatic tissue. Around some of these vesse Stock Photo
RM2AWXPTY–Practical pathology; a manual for students and practitioners . ¥iG. 241.—Melanotic sarcoma. Stained with logwood. (X450.) a. Large spindle-shaped cell.d. Branching cell. c. Pigment around nucleus. d. Pigment between cells. Note the concentric arrangement of the cells, which at certainpoints form a kind of network. longitudinal and transverse section; note also the large number ofsmall round cells with which the meshes are sometimes crammed. MELANOTIC SARCOMA 715 The embryonic blood vessels are surrounded by tissue which presentsall the characters of lymphatic tissue. Around some of these vesse
View of the Peter and Paul Fortress and Palace Embankment. Date/Period: 1799. Painting. Oil on canvas Oil on canvas. Height: 715 mm (28.14 in); Width: 1,090 mm (42.91 in). Author: Fyodor Alexeyev. FYODOR YAKOVLEVICH ALEKSEYEV. Alexeyev, Fyodor Yakovlevich. Stock Photo
RMPMD52D–View of the Peter and Paul Fortress and Palace Embankment. Date/Period: 1799. Painting. Oil on canvas Oil on canvas. Height: 715 mm (28.14 in); Width: 1,090 mm (42.91 in). Author: Fyodor Alexeyev. FYODOR YAKOVLEVICH ALEKSEYEV. Alexeyev, Fyodor Yakovlevich.
Archive image from page 715 of Digest of agricultural implements, patented Digest of agricultural implements, patented in the United States from A.D. 1789 to July 1881 .. digestofagricult02alle Year: 1886 936 PLOW COUPLINGS. Met! CaM'ahr. Mai Cs/fivabr. y mS!. /'a/arhdOa //./S!0 -/ [ /lfe Stock Photo!-camahr-mai-csfivabr-y-ms!-aarhdoa-s!0-lfe-image242265104.html
RMT243H4–Archive image from page 715 of Digest of agricultural implements, patented Digest of agricultural implements, patented in the United States from A.D. 1789 to July 1881 .. digestofagricult02alle Year: 1886 936 PLOW COUPLINGS. Met! CaM'ahr. Mai Cs/fivabr. y mS!. /'a/arhdOa //./S!0 -/ [ /lfe
Egyptian Wood carvings of god Hapi from a sarcophagus the 'son of Horus', 945-715, 22 Dynasty, wood . Louvre Museum N 4060 D. Cut relief with inlayed Stock Photo
RF2H512HH–Egyptian Wood carvings of god Hapi from a sarcophagus the 'son of Horus', 945-715, 22 Dynasty, wood . Louvre Museum N 4060 D. Cut relief with inlayed
Practical pathology; a manual for students and practitioners . ¥iG. 241.—Melanotic sarcoma. Stained with logwood. (X450.) a. Large spindle-shaped cell.d. Branching cell. c. Pigment around nucleus. d. Pigment between cells. Note the concentric arrangement of the cells, which at certainpoints form a kind of network. longitudinal and transverse section; note also the large number ofsmall round cells with which the meshes are sometimes crammed. MELANOTIC SARCOMA 715 The embryonic blood vessels are surrounded by tissue which presentsall the characters of lymphatic tissue. Around some of these vesse Stock Photo
RM2AWXR8H–Practical pathology; a manual for students and practitioners . ¥iG. 241.—Melanotic sarcoma. Stained with logwood. (X450.) a. Large spindle-shaped cell.d. Branching cell. c. Pigment around nucleus. d. Pigment between cells. Note the concentric arrangement of the cells, which at certainpoints form a kind of network. longitudinal and transverse section; note also the large number ofsmall round cells with which the meshes are sometimes crammed. MELANOTIC SARCOMA 715 The embryonic blood vessels are surrounded by tissue which presentsall the characters of lymphatic tissue. Around some of these vesse
Elements of zoology, or, Natural Elements of zoology, or, Natural history of animals / ed. by D.M. Reese elementsofzoolog00rees Year: 1849 TUBICOLJE THE SKRPULA. 421 of two pieces, which can be sep.;rat d to allow of its pro- trusion. 715. The arenicola pi.scatorirm, known to fisher- men by the name of lob-worm, is another species common on our coasts, and is eagerly sought as a bait. It burrows, like the earth-worm, in the sand, and the place of its ex- cavations may be known by the little heaps which it casts up. The branchial tufts are confined to the centre of the body, where they form on Stock Photo
RMRWTGK9–Elements of zoology, or, Natural Elements of zoology, or, Natural history of animals / ed. by D.M. Reese elementsofzoolog00rees Year: 1849 TUBICOLJE THE SKRPULA. 421 of two pieces, which can be sep.;rat d to allow of its pro- trusion. 715. The arenicola pi.scatorirm, known to fisher- men by the name of lob-worm, is another species common on our coasts, and is eagerly sought as a bait. It burrows, like the earth-worm, in the sand, and the place of its ex- cavations may be known by the little heaps which it casts up. The branchial tufts are confined to the centre of the body, where they form on
Egyptian Wood carvings of god Amset from a sarcophagus the 'son of Horus', 945-715, 22 Dynasty, wood . Louvre Museum N 4060 D. Cut relief with inlayed Stock Photo
RF2H4PKKM–Egyptian Wood carvings of god Amset from a sarcophagus the 'son of Horus', 945-715, 22 Dynasty, wood . Louvre Museum N 4060 D. Cut relief with inlayed
. Manual of operative surgery. the hernia. Under the caption herniotomy itwill be convenient to describe the methods of combating some of the complica-tions met in cases of irreducible and of strangulated hernia?. I. Incision.—(A) Inguinal hernia: (a) Bassinis incision (page 605). (b)Macewens incision (Fig. 715 and page 591). (c) Any more or less verticalincision over the hernial swelling and following its long axis, (d) Fergusonsincision (page 608). (B) Femoral hernia: {a) Bassinis incision (page 5q6). {b) Vertical incision. (C) Umbilical and ventral hernicB: Vertical or transverse incision. Stock Photo
RM2AG14M1–. Manual of operative surgery. the hernia. Under the caption herniotomy itwill be convenient to describe the methods of combating some of the complica-tions met in cases of irreducible and of strangulated hernia?. I. Incision.—(A) Inguinal hernia: (a) Bassinis incision (page 605). (b)Macewens incision (Fig. 715 and page 591). (c) Any more or less verticalincision over the hernial swelling and following its long axis, (d) Fergusonsincision (page 608). (B) Femoral hernia: {a) Bassinis incision (page 5q6). {b) Vertical incision. (C) Umbilical and ventral hernicB: Vertical or transverse incision.
Dr Johannes Leunis Synopsis der Dr. Johannes Leunis Synopsis der thierkunde. Ein handbuch für höhere lehranstalten und für alle, welche sich wissenschaftlich mit der naturgeschichte der thiere beschäftigen wollen drjohannesleuni01leun Year: 1883 938 3ootogie ober 9ktiirgefd}id^te beä S^ievreic^st. §. 715. '•• ®d)ale eifprmti), mit bucfliocr Oberfcitc wnb fiadicr Unterfeite. Cypraea mauritiäna'> L. (Großer ®d^Iangenfopf (Sifl- 815.). c^ate eiförmig, budlig, nod) hinten lüebergebrüdt, unten flad^; einfarbig fdjwarsbraun, nur an ber Oberfeite rot^braun ntit getblid)ttieißen, jerftrcut fte!§e Stock Photo!e-image241517811.html
RMT0X2C3–Dr Johannes Leunis Synopsis der Dr. Johannes Leunis Synopsis der thierkunde. Ein handbuch für höhere lehranstalten und für alle, welche sich wissenschaftlich mit der naturgeschichte der thiere beschäftigen wollen drjohannesleuni01leun Year: 1883 938 3ootogie ober 9ktiirgefd}id^te beä S^ievreic^st. §. 715. '•• ®d)ale eifprmti), mit bucfliocr Oberfcitc wnb fiadicr Unterfeite. Cypraea mauritiäna'> L. (Großer ®d^Iangenfopf (Sifl- 815.). c^ate eiförmig, budlig, nod) hinten lüebergebrüdt, unten flad^; einfarbig fdjwarsbraun, nur an ber Oberfeite rot^braun ntit getblid)ttieißen, jerftrcut fte!§e
Egyptian Wood carvings of god Amset from a sarcophagus the 'son of Horus', 945-715, 22 Dynasty, wood . Louvre Museum N 4060 D. Cut relief with inlayed Stock Photo
RF2H4R5D4–Egyptian Wood carvings of god Amset from a sarcophagus the 'son of Horus', 945-715, 22 Dynasty, wood . Louvre Museum N 4060 D. Cut relief with inlayed
Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Chicago . t;), be and thesame is hereby repealed, and that the as-sessment made under the provisions of saidordinance, Docket No. 80,715, of the CircuitCourt of Cook County, be and the same ishereby annulled. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in forcefrom and after its passage. The Clerk, on motion of Aid. Cooke, pre-sented tne report of the Committee onStreets and Alleys. W. D., on petitioa andordinance granting rights to the C, B. «fcQ. R- R. Co. to operate tracks on Unionstreet, from Twenty-second srreet to thesouth line of Lumber streef, and on Stock Photo
RM2AKK0D5–Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Chicago . t;), be and thesame is hereby repealed, and that the as-sessment made under the provisions of saidordinance, Docket No. 80,715, of the CircuitCourt of Cook County, be and the same ishereby annulled. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in forcefrom and after its passage. The Clerk, on motion of Aid. Cooke, pre-sented tne report of the Committee onStreets and Alleys. W. D., on petitioa andordinance granting rights to the C, B. «fcQ. R- R. Co. to operate tracks on Unionstreet, from Twenty-second srreet to thesouth line of Lumber streef, and on
Egyptian Wood carvings of god Amset from a sarcophagus the 'son of Horus', 945-715, 22 Dynasty, wood . Louvre Museum N 4060 D. Cut relief with inlayed Stock Photo
RF2H512H3–Egyptian Wood carvings of god Amset from a sarcophagus the 'son of Horus', 945-715, 22 Dynasty, wood . Louvre Museum N 4060 D. Cut relief with inlayed
Quarterly journal of microscopical science . ment of Lepidosiren paradoxa,Part III, 417 Kidneys of Haliotis, by H. J. Pleure, n Lepidosiren paradoxa, develop-ment of, by Prof. Giaiiam Kerr,Part 111, 417 Masterman, on central complex ofCephalodiscus, 715 Ovnm, maturation of, in Echinus, 177 Paludiua vivipara, develo])mentof, by Isabella M. Drumnioiid, 97 Parlheuogenesis, artificial, by Bryce,479 Pearl, Raymond, on the movementsand reactions of Plauarians, 509 Pelagohydra mirabilis, a free-swimming Hydroid, by ProfessorArthur Dendy, 1 Planarians, movements and reactionsof, by Raymond Pearl, Ph.D Stock Photo
RM2AJ1W75–Quarterly journal of microscopical science . ment of Lepidosiren paradoxa,Part III, 417 Kidneys of Haliotis, by H. J. Pleure, n Lepidosiren paradoxa, develop-ment of, by Prof. Giaiiam Kerr,Part 111, 417 Masterman, on central complex ofCephalodiscus, 715 Ovnm, maturation of, in Echinus, 177 Paludiua vivipara, develo])mentof, by Isabella M. Drumnioiid, 97 Parlheuogenesis, artificial, by Bryce,479 Pearl, Raymond, on the movementsand reactions of Plauarians, 509 Pelagohydra mirabilis, a free-swimming Hydroid, by ProfessorArthur Dendy, 1 Planarians, movements and reactionsof, by Raymond Pearl, Ph.D
Egyptian Wood carvings of god Hapi from a sarcophagus the 'son of Horus', 945-715, 22 Dynasty, wood . Louvre Museum N 4060 D. Cut relief with inlayed Stock Photo
RF2H4RA8P–Egyptian Wood carvings of god Hapi from a sarcophagus the 'son of Horus', 945-715, 22 Dynasty, wood . Louvre Museum N 4060 D. Cut relief with inlayed
Egyptian Wood carvings of god Amset from a sarcophagus the 'son of Horus', 945-715, 22 Dynasty, wood . Louvre Museum N 4060 D. Cut relief with inlayed Stock Photo
RF2H512H2–Egyptian Wood carvings of god Amset from a sarcophagus the 'son of Horus', 945-715, 22 Dynasty, wood . Louvre Museum N 4060 D. Cut relief with inlayed
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, city directory . MANUFACTURERS OF HIGH GRADE Electric Steel Castings 612 CLINTON STREET MILWAUKEE, WIS. GEO. E SMITH STEEL CASTING COMPANY MILWAUKEE, WIS. HIGH GRADE ELECTRIC STEEL CASTINGS Chicago Office, Conway BuildingMain Office and Works, 500 Clinton St. Standard Crucible Steel Casting Company MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF Open Hearth and Crucible Steel Castings Telephone Kilbourn 5765 715-723 THIRTIETH ST. STENOGRAPHERS MISS LOUISE D. MASON 717 First Wisconsin National Bank Bldg, PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Phone Broadway 4090 TELEPHONE SECRETARIALSERVICE, WITHDOWNTOWN OFFI Stock Photo
RM2AJHXTM–Milwaukee, Wisconsin, city directory . MANUFACTURERS OF HIGH GRADE Electric Steel Castings 612 CLINTON STREET MILWAUKEE, WIS. GEO. E SMITH STEEL CASTING COMPANY MILWAUKEE, WIS. HIGH GRADE ELECTRIC STEEL CASTINGS Chicago Office, Conway BuildingMain Office and Works, 500 Clinton St. Standard Crucible Steel Casting Company MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF Open Hearth and Crucible Steel Castings Telephone Kilbourn 5765 715-723 THIRTIETH ST. STENOGRAPHERS MISS LOUISE D. MASON 717 First Wisconsin National Bank Bldg, PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Phone Broadway 4090 TELEPHONE SECRETARIALSERVICE, WITHDOWNTOWN OFFI
. Chess and playing cards. <i 4!..- staves. The circle of stones is called, he stated, Tze-nasti, stonecircle. Mr. Edtrard Palmer gives the name of the game as Satill. ? Navajo Legends, Boston, 1897, note 47, p. 219. CHESS AND PLAYING-CARDS. 715 a game played by Navajo women under the name of Tse d VI ortsin-JI/:1 The principal implements are three sticks, which are thrown violently, endsdown, on a flat stone around which the gamblers sit. The sticks rebound so wellthat they would fly far away were not a blanket stretched overhead to throw themback to the players. A number of small stones p Stock Photo!-staves-the-circle-of-stones-is-called-he-stated-tze-nasti-stonecircle-mr-edtrard-palmer-gives-the-name-of-the-game-as-satill-navajo-legends-boston-1897-note-47-p-219-chess-and-playing-cards-715-a-game-played-by-navajo-women-under-the-name-of-tse-d-vi-ortsin-ji1-the-principal-implements-are-three-sticks-which-are-thrown-violently-endsdown-on-a-flat-stone-around-which-the-gamblers-sit-the-sticks-rebound-so-wellthat-they-would-fly-far-away-were-not-a-blanket-stretched-overhead-to-throw-themback-to-the-players-a-number-of-small-stones-p-image336787018.html
RM2AFWY7P–. Chess and playing cards. <i 4!..- staves. The circle of stones is called, he stated, Tze-nasti, stonecircle. Mr. Edtrard Palmer gives the name of the game as Satill. ? Navajo Legends, Boston, 1897, note 47, p. 219. CHESS AND PLAYING-CARDS. 715 a game played by Navajo women under the name of Tse d VI ortsin-JI/:1 The principal implements are three sticks, which are thrown violently, endsdown, on a flat stone around which the gamblers sit. The sticks rebound so wellthat they would fly far away were not a blanket stretched overhead to throw themback to the players. A number of small stones p
The story of the greatest nations, from the dawn of history to the twentieth century : a comprehensive history, founded upon the leading authorities, including a complete chronology of the world, and a pronouncing vocabulary of each nation . ^S^S^S^^^S^^Si^^Ms^OT^ios BOMAX Theatre Masks RULERS OF ROME Early Kings. | A.D. B.C. Pertinax, . . 193 Romulus, . 753 Julianus, . . 193 Numa Pompilius, . 715 Septimius Severus, • • • 193 Tullius Hostilius, . 673 ( Caracalla, Ancus Martius, . 640 i Geta (slain 212), . 211 Lucius Tarquinius, . 616 Macrinus, . . 217 Servnus Tullius, . 578 Elagabalus, • « . 2 Stock Photo
RM2AWT36D–The story of the greatest nations, from the dawn of history to the twentieth century : a comprehensive history, founded upon the leading authorities, including a complete chronology of the world, and a pronouncing vocabulary of each nation . ^S^S^S^^^S^^Si^^Ms^OT^ios BOMAX Theatre Masks RULERS OF ROME Early Kings. | A.D. B.C. Pertinax, . . 193 Romulus, . 753 Julianus, . . 193 Numa Pompilius, . 715 Septimius Severus, • • • 193 Tullius Hostilius, . 673 ( Caracalla, Ancus Martius, . 640 i Geta (slain 212), . 211 Lucius Tarquinius, . 616 Macrinus, . . 217 Servnus Tullius, . 578 Elagabalus, • « . 2
1921 Des Moines and Polk County, Iowa, City Directory . Hickman avFERRIljjG NICHOLAS J V Pres Guarantee Mortgage & Fi- nancd Co, res 465 29thFERRINQTON EMMA N RS Carpet Ciean-av (0 P) Propr Reliable Rug & Ing Co, res! 715 Clintonerrington Ethel bds 1320 41sterringion Hs C Mrs slsljdy Weinbergs bds 1320 41stFerrington Place 1201-1205 KeosauquaFerris see also Farris and FarisFerris Agnes mlnr Wolfs! bds 1020 10thFerris Anna stenog Southern Surety Co bdk 3023 Wright .Ferris Clyde C carp res 1209 DeWolfFerris Ella maid 1814 IngersoU avFerris Gertrude D bkpr GREAT WEST-ERN {accident ins CO bds 2853 Stock Photo!-715-clintonerrington-ethel-bds-1320-41sterringion-hs-c-mrs-slsljdy-weinbergs-bds-1320-41stferrington-place-1201-1205-keosauquaferris-see-also-farris-and-farisferris-agnes-mlnr-wolfs!-bds-1020-10thferris-anna-stenog-southern-surety-co-bdk-3023-wright-ferris-clyde-c-carp-res-1209-dewolfferris-ella-maid-1814-ingersou-avferris-gertrude-d-bkpr-great-west-ern-accident-ins-co-bds-2853-image339039202.html
RM2AKGFXX–1921 Des Moines and Polk County, Iowa, City Directory . Hickman avFERRIljjG NICHOLAS J V Pres Guarantee Mortgage & Fi- nancd Co, res 465 29thFERRINQTON EMMA N RS Carpet Ciean-av (0 P) Propr Reliable Rug & Ing Co, res! 715 Clintonerrington Ethel bds 1320 41sterringion Hs C Mrs slsljdy Weinbergs bds 1320 41stFerrington Place 1201-1205 KeosauquaFerris see also Farris and FarisFerris Agnes mlnr Wolfs! bds 1020 10thFerris Anna stenog Southern Surety Co bdk 3023 Wright .Ferris Clyde C carp res 1209 DeWolfFerris Ella maid 1814 IngersoU avFerris Gertrude D bkpr GREAT WEST-ERN {accident ins CO bds 2853
'Anatomy, physiology and laws of health;' . rves 749 Stomach 739 Weaning Children 530 Wen, Cure for 730 Wild Ivy, Poison from 855 Winter Fever 808, 811 What to Eat, Drink, a»d Avoid 269 White Oak ... 611 Pond Lily 648 Vitriol 719 Whisky—Cure for Snake Bite 857 Whites, The 452 Whitlow, or Felon 732 Whortleberry 618 Wife, The 474 Wild Cherry 627 Chamomile 642 Indigo 640 PAGE. Wild Ipecacuanha 624 Parsley 617 Turnip 655 Willow 720 Rose 636 Wine 719 of American Aloe 673 Spirits of 715 Wintergreen 720 Witch Hazel 633 Wives, To 133 Womb, Falling of. 448 Women, Diseases of. 407 Worm Elixir 746 Wormwo Stock Photo
RM2AN4NA4–'Anatomy, physiology and laws of health;' . rves 749 Stomach 739 Weaning Children 530 Wen, Cure for 730 Wild Ivy, Poison from 855 Winter Fever 808, 811 What to Eat, Drink, a»d Avoid 269 White Oak ... 611 Pond Lily 648 Vitriol 719 Whisky—Cure for Snake Bite 857 Whites, The 452 Whitlow, or Felon 732 Whortleberry 618 Wife, The 474 Wild Cherry 627 Chamomile 642 Indigo 640 PAGE. Wild Ipecacuanha 624 Parsley 617 Turnip 655 Willow 720 Rose 636 Wine 719 of American Aloe 673 Spirits of 715 Wintergreen 720 Witch Hazel 633 Wives, To 133 Womb, Falling of. 448 Women, Diseases of. 407 Worm Elixir 746 Wormwo
On the Structure and Affinities of Palaeodiscus and Agelacrinus . nntniss der Eossilen Eauna des Devonischen Gebirges am Rhein. Yerh. d. Natur. Hist. Yer. f.Rheinlande und Westfalen, vol. 8, p. 372. 18. Salter. 1857. ( On some New Palaeozoic Starfishes.) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser. 2, vol. 20. 19. Schmidt, E. B. von. 1874. Ueber einige neue und wenig bekannte Baltisch- Silurische Petrefacten. Mem. Acad. Imp.Sci., St. Petersburg (7), vol. 21, pp. 34 and 35. 20. Sollas, W. J. 1889. On Silurian Echmoidea and Ophiuroidea. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. 45, 1889, pp. 692—715.1903. Phil. Trans., Seri Stock Photo
RM2AJ9389–On the Structure and Affinities of Palaeodiscus and Agelacrinus . nntniss der Eossilen Eauna des Devonischen Gebirges am Rhein. Yerh. d. Natur. Hist. Yer. f.Rheinlande und Westfalen, vol. 8, p. 372. 18. Salter. 1857. ( On some New Palaeozoic Starfishes.) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser. 2, vol. 20. 19. Schmidt, E. B. von. 1874. Ueber einige neue und wenig bekannte Baltisch- Silurische Petrefacten. Mem. Acad. Imp.Sci., St. Petersburg (7), vol. 21, pp. 34 and 35. 20. Sollas, W. J. 1889. On Silurian Echmoidea and Ophiuroidea. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. 45, 1889, pp. 692—715.1903. Phil. Trans., Seri
Langley's San Francisco directory for the year commencing .. . 22 EllisMackav A., 715 MarketMcPhun William, 1075 MarketPlum Cbarles M. & Co. Upholstery Co., 1301-1307 MarketRaye & Hampton, 739 JIarketSchlueter <t Volberg, 709 MarketShirek & Co.. 733 MarketSLiOANE W. &J. &CO., 641- 643 Market*Walter D. N. & E. * Co., NW cor Battery and Market Oil Clotb—Imitation. ARMES & DALLAM, 226-232 Front Oil Clotblne. Asher S. 4 Co., 325 DavisMarks M., 52 Clay NEVILLE <& CO., 31-33 Cali-forniaSutton Charles Jr. A CO., 32 California Oil Dealers. (Importerr. See also Ooal Oil; alsoLamp Dealers; aUo JPc Stock Photo
RM2AX01E5–Langley's San Francisco directory for the year commencing .. . 22 EllisMackav A., 715 MarketMcPhun William, 1075 MarketPlum Cbarles M. & Co. Upholstery Co., 1301-1307 MarketRaye & Hampton, 739 JIarketSchlueter <t Volberg, 709 MarketShirek & Co.. 733 MarketSLiOANE W. &J. &CO., 641- 643 Market*Walter D. N. & E. * Co., NW cor Battery and Market Oil Clotb—Imitation. ARMES & DALLAM, 226-232 Front Oil Clotblne. Asher S. 4 Co., 325 DavisMarks M., 52 Clay NEVILLE <& CO., 31-33 Cali-forniaSutton Charles Jr. A CO., 32 California Oil Dealers. (Importerr. See also Ooal Oil; alsoLamp Dealers; aUo JPc
1921 Des Moines and Polk County, Iowa, City Directory . egeStafford CI as lab res 717 so e 11thStafford Edmund F bkpr Potthoff- Roscoe Co res 2601 Des MoinesStafford Eeanor M stenog Standard Oil Co bis 2601 Des MoinesStafford Fred P trav Irt agt Union Pacifiic Ijly res 1512 ParkStafford Geb printer Maynard Printing Co res 1170 18thStafford Idi I waitress Hotel Ft Des Moines rtns 1219 Grand avStafford J^ne opr Sheuerman Bros rms 1027 7thStafford Jo tin A collar mkr D M Sad dlery (^o rms 1510 CenterStafford Nellie bds 1216 GarfieldStafford Ray furnacemn rms 715 3dStafford Ruth E student Drake In Stock Photo
RM2AJEJF3–1921 Des Moines and Polk County, Iowa, City Directory . egeStafford CI as lab res 717 so e 11thStafford Edmund F bkpr Potthoff- Roscoe Co res 2601 Des MoinesStafford Eeanor M stenog Standard Oil Co bis 2601 Des MoinesStafford Fred P trav Irt agt Union Pacifiic Ijly res 1512 ParkStafford Geb printer Maynard Printing Co res 1170 18thStafford Idi I waitress Hotel Ft Des Moines rtns 1219 Grand avStafford J^ne opr Sheuerman Bros rms 1027 7thStafford Jo tin A collar mkr D M Sad dlery (^o rms 1510 CenterStafford Nellie bds 1216 GarfieldStafford Ray furnacemn rms 715 3dStafford Ruth E student Drake In
The Commercial and financial chronicle . 60.000 745,0)0 771.200 749.200 Total Amerloan. 8^242,007 3.729,738 3,364,515 3.468.114 Total Tlelble Biipply...«.Viddllng Upland, Liverpool..iflddllBg Upland, New fork..Egypt Good Brown, LiverpoolPerav. Bongh Gk>od, LiverpoolSroaeh Vine, Liverpool..„...TlnneveUy Good, Liverpool... ,4,011.007 4,474.738 4,135,715 4,i!l7,314? --- - - --- ? 41933(L 713186. 7^d. 47,«d. 4l«d. Continental imports past week have been 181,000 bales.The above figures indicate a loss in 1903 )f 463,731 balesas compared with same date of 1903, a decrease ot 121,708bales from 180 Stock Photo!l7314-41933l-713186-7d-47d-4ld-continental-imports-past-week-have-been-181000-balesthe-above-figures-indicate-a-loss-in-1903-f-463731-balesas-compared-with-same-date-of-1903-a-decrease-ot-121708bales-from-180-image340240946.html
RM2ANF8PA–The Commercial and financial chronicle . 60.000 745,0)0 771.200 749.200 Total Amerloan. 8^242,007 3.729,738 3,364,515 3.468.114 Total Tlelble Biipply...«.Viddllng Upland, Liverpool..iflddllBg Upland, New fork..Egypt Good Brown, LiverpoolPerav. Bongh Gk>od, LiverpoolSroaeh Vine, Liverpool..„...TlnneveUy Good, Liverpool... ,4,011.007 4,474.738 4,135,715 4,i!l7,314? --- - - --- ? 41933(L 713186. 7^d. 47,«d. 4l«d. Continental imports past week have been 181,000 bales.The above figures indicate a loss in 1903 )f 463,731 balesas compared with same date of 1903, a decrease ot 121,708bales from 180
1921 Des Moines and Polk County, Iowa, City Directory . IONAL BANK BUILD-ING, Walnut nw cor 4th WESTERN LIFE BUILDING, 720 6thav YOUNGERMAN BLOCK, 5th nw corMulberry ?Office Fixtures.JAEGER MNFG CO, Vine cor Sth (See embossed line back cover and page 16)WEITZ CHARLES SONS, 713-715 Mulberry ?Office Furniture. CORSAUT JOHN D & CO, HubbellBldg (See page 1934) DAVIDSON S & BROS (INC), (David-sons Furniture Store) 412-418 Wal-nut KOCH BROS (INC), 319-321 Locust(See page 1934) ?Office Furniture Mnfrs. CARR & BAAL CO. BILT^WELL HTllVworI; 301-315 S. W. 9th Phone Walnut 082 (See Inside i n Wheeler Lum Stock Photo
RM2AJ822M–1921 Des Moines and Polk County, Iowa, City Directory . IONAL BANK BUILD-ING, Walnut nw cor 4th WESTERN LIFE BUILDING, 720 6thav YOUNGERMAN BLOCK, 5th nw corMulberry ?Office Fixtures.JAEGER MNFG CO, Vine cor Sth (See embossed line back cover and page 16)WEITZ CHARLES SONS, 713-715 Mulberry ?Office Furniture. CORSAUT JOHN D & CO, HubbellBldg (See page 1934) DAVIDSON S & BROS (INC), (David-sons Furniture Store) 412-418 Wal-nut KOCH BROS (INC), 319-321 Locust(See page 1934) ?Office Furniture Mnfrs. CARR & BAAL CO. BILT^WELL HTllVworI; 301-315 S. W. 9th Phone Walnut 082 (See Inside i n Wheeler Lum
1921 Des Moines and Polk County, Iowa, City Directory . gel Bros Iron & Metal Co 217-219 e LocustSmith F D 1034 so e 10thWolf Himon 314 e Court avZavatsky & Singerman 312 e Walnut larging.HOPKINS BROS CO, 618 Locust (Seeright bottom lines and SpoilingGoods) *Lace Curtain Cleaners.MILLERS LAUNDRY, 1101-1111 High Laces and Silks—Imported.Clark Florence B 522-524 Good Blk ^ L a d d e rsCENTURY LUMBER CO, 713-715 Mul-berry (See left bottom lines andLumber) Ladies Furnlsliings.Carleys (Inc) 700-702 WalnutCONCOLINO W D, 519 Grand av (S(Hi above)Dallas Co The 105 ShopsEmporium The 720 WalnutFleishbac Stock Photo
RM2AJ8B6J–1921 Des Moines and Polk County, Iowa, City Directory . gel Bros Iron & Metal Co 217-219 e LocustSmith F D 1034 so e 10thWolf Himon 314 e Court avZavatsky & Singerman 312 e Walnut larging.HOPKINS BROS CO, 618 Locust (Seeright bottom lines and SpoilingGoods) *Lace Curtain Cleaners.MILLERS LAUNDRY, 1101-1111 High Laces and Silks—Imported.Clark Florence B 522-524 Good Blk ^ L a d d e rsCENTURY LUMBER CO, 713-715 Mul-berry (See left bottom lines andLumber) Ladies Furnlsliings.Carleys (Inc) 700-702 WalnutCONCOLINO W D, 519 Grand av (S(Hi above)Dallas Co The 105 ShopsEmporium The 720 WalnutFleishbac
1921 Des Moines and Polk County, Iowa, City Directory . n av Weil Helen music tchr res 923 3dWeil Leopold K wall paper 717-723 Walnut 3d fl res 718 18thWeil Morris dept miigr Wilkins Bros Co bds 718 18thWeil Saml D (D M res 3704 Dean avWeiland see WielandWeimann John C rms 1542 8th Weimer Grace student D M College bds 1215 29thWeimer Mary (wid Mark J) res 3517^ 6th avWeimers J E rms 715 18thWeinberg Bennett propr Weinbergs res 702 42dWeinberg Harry mn^r Paris Fashion bds 702 42d WEINBERGSBennett WeinbergGarments, Cloaks Motor Bus Co) Walnut, Tel Walnut 5995 Propr, Ladiesand Suits, 421 Sheuerma Stock Photo
RM2AJDG83–1921 Des Moines and Polk County, Iowa, City Directory . n av Weil Helen music tchr res 923 3dWeil Leopold K wall paper 717-723 Walnut 3d fl res 718 18thWeil Morris dept miigr Wilkins Bros Co bds 718 18thWeil Saml D (D M res 3704 Dean avWeiland see WielandWeimann John C rms 1542 8th Weimer Grace student D M College bds 1215 29thWeimer Mary (wid Mark J) res 3517^ 6th avWeimers J E rms 715 18thWeinberg Bennett propr Weinbergs res 702 42dWeinberg Harry mn^r Paris Fashion bds 702 42d WEINBERGSBennett WeinbergGarments, Cloaks Motor Bus Co) Walnut, Tel Walnut 5995 Propr, Ladiesand Suits, 421 Sheuerma
1921 Des Moines and Polk County, Iowa, City Directory . student Drake University rms 1115 24thReike Edwd cook Mercy HospitalReiley Apts 1534 Woodland avReiley Bernard res 615 16thReiley Ca^olyn^bd8 731 20thReiley Richd bds 731 20thReiley Robt L (Saml D Page & Co) res 731 20thReilly see also Rielly and RileyReilly C F slsmn Warneld-Pratt-How ell Co res Carroll laReilly Florence E bds 1534 4thReilly Frank B printer The Register & Tribune res 217 Indiana avReilly Henry W slsmn Flynn Dairy Co res 1539 Maine Reilly Jas H (U S A) bds 715 Davis avReilly Mary C stenog Parrish Cohen & Guthrie bds 1534 Stock Photo
RM2AJG764–1921 Des Moines and Polk County, Iowa, City Directory . student Drake University rms 1115 24thReike Edwd cook Mercy HospitalReiley Apts 1534 Woodland avReiley Bernard res 615 16thReiley Ca^olyn^bd8 731 20thReiley Richd bds 731 20thReiley Robt L (Saml D Page & Co) res 731 20thReilly see also Rielly and RileyReilly C F slsmn Warneld-Pratt-How ell Co res Carroll laReilly Florence E bds 1534 4thReilly Frank B printer The Register & Tribune res 217 Indiana avReilly Henry W slsmn Flynn Dairy Co res 1539 Maine Reilly Jas H (U S A) bds 715 Davis avReilly Mary C stenog Parrish Cohen & Guthrie bds 1534
Die Architektur der Kultbauten Japans . r^ n n Ji n- ^ a 9^^ lEE n n D 216 kleinen Feldern. Im Giebelfelde des Satteldaches ist dasZierglied des Hängefisches angebracht. Als wichtigstes Beispiel für diese Bauart, dem sie auchihren Namen verdankt, ist der Kasugatempel in Nara,Kasuga-jinja, zu nennen, der am Fuße des Mikasa-yama vondem Ijerühmten Staatsmann und Premierministor Fnjiwara no. Abb. 230. iStuiiilateiiieii-Allee im Bezirke des Kusuga-Tempels iu A;iru. 217 fiihit(j in der Zeit von Wado, 708 bis 715 nacli Chr., ur-sprünglich zu Ehren des Gottes von Kashima errichtet war;später, im zweit Stock Photo
RM2AN9CB7–Die Architektur der Kultbauten Japans . r^ n n Ji n- ^ a 9^^ lEE n n D 216 kleinen Feldern. Im Giebelfelde des Satteldaches ist dasZierglied des Hängefisches angebracht. Als wichtigstes Beispiel für diese Bauart, dem sie auchihren Namen verdankt, ist der Kasugatempel in Nara,Kasuga-jinja, zu nennen, der am Fuße des Mikasa-yama vondem Ijerühmten Staatsmann und Premierministor Fnjiwara no. Abb. 230. iStuiiilateiiieii-Allee im Bezirke des Kusuga-Tempels iu A;iru. 217 fiihit(j in der Zeit von Wado, 708 bis 715 nacli Chr., ur-sprünglich zu Ehren des Gottes von Kashima errichtet war;später, im zweit
Mayor’s message and reports of the city officers . CD > c o ?; c ) O O .-= 4 d 3 tj ii O ™ U CJ H - EX ft ft f h F CITY LIBRARIAN. I I Summary.Amount appropriated to the City Library for stationery, printing and blank books for various departments $22,715 00 Amount appropriated for salaries 4,500 00 Additional appropriation from Contingent Fund 16 67 Amount expended for stationery, printing and blank books $21,504 02 Amount expended for salaries 4,516 67 Surplus Funds 1,210 98 Total $27,231 67 $27,231 67 Amount expended for other departments but not charged against City Library appropriatio Stock Photo
RM2AKACE9–Mayor’s message and reports of the city officers . CD > c o ?; c ) O O .-= 4 d 3 tj ii O ™ U CJ H - EX ft ft f h F CITY LIBRARIAN. I I Summary.Amount appropriated to the City Library for stationery, printing and blank books for various departments $22,715 00 Amount appropriated for salaries 4,500 00 Additional appropriation from Contingent Fund 16 67 Amount expended for stationery, printing and blank books $21,504 02 Amount expended for salaries 4,516 67 Surplus Funds 1,210 98 Total $27,231 67 $27,231 67 Amount expended for other departments but not charged against City Library appropriatio
1903 Des Moines and Polk County, Iowa, City Directory . BKAULhV DAVID IWNKG CO C W Levis, General Agt, AgriculturalImpIementsVy202 Walnut. RrnrllPV FhPn Tf hkpr D TVT T.ifo Ins C.o.„rei lI10 7thJ Bradley Edna, bds 1130 Grand av. Bradshaw Peter R, died Oct^10^ 1-902/Bradshaw Richard E7Te¥TT0W^vvash^ingtoh av. Bradshaw Susie L, res 605 Forest av.^Srarc^aw^Vm^F^arj), res 104 .Clifford BRADST-REET CO THE .. ?. in, 3uijl, 715 CUiggffi^ Natl Bank Bldg. Brad way Harriet (wid Jonathan), bds w s Park Lane 2 n of Woodland av.Brad war May W Mrs, drsmkr-1 »01 Cot- Bradley Frank.-rns, res-Gl 2 -14th.Bra Stock Photo
RM2ANEGJ6–1903 Des Moines and Polk County, Iowa, City Directory . BKAULhV DAVID IWNKG CO C W Levis, General Agt, AgriculturalImpIementsVy202 Walnut. RrnrllPV FhPn Tf hkpr D TVT T.ifo Ins C.o.„rei lI10 7thJ Bradley Edna, bds 1130 Grand av. Bradshaw Peter R, died Oct^10^ 1-902/Bradshaw Richard E7Te¥TT0W^vvash^ingtoh av. Bradshaw Susie L, res 605 Forest av.^Srarc^aw^Vm^F^arj), res 104 .Clifford BRADST-REET CO THE .. ?. in, 3uijl, 715 CUiggffi^ Natl Bank Bldg. Brad way Harriet (wid Jonathan), bds w s Park Lane 2 n of Woodland av.Brad war May W Mrs, drsmkr-1 »01 Cot- Bradley Frank.-rns, res-Gl 2 -14th.Bra
1921 Des Moines and Polk County, Iowa, City Directory . Warren Sec, Chas T Cole Treas, 613-615 HlihGrant C Wesley mngr Portland Sand & Gravel Cp res 1310 e ICthGrant Edith student D M CollegeGrant Floyd pipemn Hose Co No 13 res 2309 Des MoinesGrant Frank E miner res 127 e 29thGrant Geo R slsmn res 200(i Forest avGrant Gladys jclk Harris-Enjery Co bds 1431 Hull Grant G Mack driver Chief res 715 40thGrant James brakemn rmsGrant Mae res 402 Centei*Grant Margt waitress (Inc) bds 827 4th Grant Nellie slsldy S S bds 1431 HullGrant Neva slsldy S S Krejsge 1431 HullGrant Park ss Grand av eGrant Park C Stock Photo
RM2AKFE2W–1921 Des Moines and Polk County, Iowa, City Directory . Warren Sec, Chas T Cole Treas, 613-615 HlihGrant C Wesley mngr Portland Sand & Gravel Cp res 1310 e ICthGrant Edith student D M CollegeGrant Floyd pipemn Hose Co No 13 res 2309 Des MoinesGrant Frank E miner res 127 e 29thGrant Geo R slsmn res 200(i Forest avGrant Gladys jclk Harris-Enjery Co bds 1431 Hull Grant G Mack driver Chief res 715 40thGrant James brakemn rmsGrant Mae res 402 Centei*Grant Margt waitress (Inc) bds 827 4th Grant Nellie slsldy S S bds 1431 HullGrant Neva slsldy S S Krejsge 1431 HullGrant Park ss Grand av eGrant Park C
1921 Des Moines and Polk County, Iowa, City Directory . NS (Charles H, Frederick W and ^d ward) General Contractors, 713-7|l5 Mulberry, Tel Walnut 675Weitz Chas Sons Bldg 713-715 Mill berry WEITZ EDWARD (Charles Weitz Sons), Sec CenturyLUrriber Co, res 5231 Waterbury (d,Tel Drake 3871 WEITZ FREDERICK W (Charles Weltz Sons) Treas C4n-tury Lumber Co, res 403 42d, TjelDrake 3323 Weitz Greta bds 403 42d Weitz Harold K emp Century Lbr ^obds 5105 Waterbury rd Weitz Helena (wid Charles) res 5|678th Weitz Rose bds 567 8th Weitz Rudolph bds 403 42d Weitz^l Nettie (wid A C) res 847 18fch Welborn Grant e Stock Photo
RM2AJDFT9–1921 Des Moines and Polk County, Iowa, City Directory . NS (Charles H, Frederick W and ^d ward) General Contractors, 713-7|l5 Mulberry, Tel Walnut 675Weitz Chas Sons Bldg 713-715 Mill berry WEITZ EDWARD (Charles Weitz Sons), Sec CenturyLUrriber Co, res 5231 Waterbury (d,Tel Drake 3871 WEITZ FREDERICK W (Charles Weltz Sons) Treas C4n-tury Lumber Co, res 403 42d, TjelDrake 3323 Weitz Greta bds 403 42d Weitz Harold K emp Century Lbr ^obds 5105 Waterbury rd Weitz Helena (wid Charles) res 5|678th Weitz Rose bds 567 8th Weitz Rudolph bds 403 42d Weitz^l Nettie (wid A C) res 847 18fch Welborn Grant e
1921 Des Moines and Polk County, Iowa, City Directory . ple 1042Mathews Florence elk D Weeks & Co bds 2718 Dean avMathews Frank J printjer la Seed Co res 1636 WalkerMathews Frank W travi rms 1220 4l8tMathews Glen D sis mngr C E Erick- son- Co res 3205 6th av Mathews Grapho G coll Ires 715 A PennMathews Harley J driver res 1449 LyonMathews Harry L bds 107916th kathews Henry E res 1505 31stMathews Herbt R elk la Bonding & Casualty Co bds 1505 31stMathews Ila student Drake University rms 1138 29thMathews Jas lab res 1231 e 15thMathews John (c) tmstr res 1316I Maine Mathews Lloyd bds 3203 1stMat Stock Photo
RM2AJJK44–1921 Des Moines and Polk County, Iowa, City Directory . ple 1042Mathews Florence elk D Weeks & Co bds 2718 Dean avMathews Frank J printjer la Seed Co res 1636 WalkerMathews Frank W travi rms 1220 4l8tMathews Glen D sis mngr C E Erick- son- Co res 3205 6th av Mathews Grapho G coll Ires 715 A PennMathews Harley J driver res 1449 LyonMathews Harry L bds 107916th kathews Henry E res 1505 31stMathews Herbt R elk la Bonding & Casualty Co bds 1505 31stMathews Ila student Drake University rms 1138 29thMathews Jas lab res 1231 e 15thMathews John (c) tmstr res 1316I Maine Mathews Lloyd bds 3203 1stMat
1921 Des Moines and Polk County, Iowa, City Directory . oH £>j<<0acQ , S^.CURITifj , JENEWT,INSURANCESTATE AlNEW AMSTERMH^CASUAffY GOi iVAi.l-V75. Thomas Effle M bkpr Mid-West Paving Co bds 3931 10thThomas Electric Co (V L Thomas) 813 LocustThomas Eli E slsmn res 1376 27thThomas Elizab (wid Danl) res 3208 YorkThomas Elizab opr la Tel Co bds 715 Franklin avThomas Elizab M (wid Jasper N) res 1518 5thThomas Elos lab rms 619 7thThomas Emlyn traffic mn Luthe Hdw Co res 957 21st Thomas Emma (wid Albt) rms 123530th Thomas Emma A (wid LeRoy D) res3931 10th Thomas Ernest R bds 1511 School Thom Stock Photo
RM2AJE7DX–1921 Des Moines and Polk County, Iowa, City Directory . oH £>j<<0acQ , S^.CURITifj , JENEWT,INSURANCESTATE AlNEW AMSTERMH^CASUAffY GOi iVAi.l-V75. Thomas Effle M bkpr Mid-West Paving Co bds 3931 10thThomas Electric Co (V L Thomas) 813 LocustThomas Eli E slsmn res 1376 27thThomas Elizab (wid Danl) res 3208 YorkThomas Elizab opr la Tel Co bds 715 Franklin avThomas Elizab M (wid Jasper N) res 1518 5thThomas Elos lab rms 619 7thThomas Emlyn traffic mn Luthe Hdw Co res 957 21st Thomas Emma (wid Albt) rms 123530th Thomas Emma A (wid LeRoy D) res3931 10th Thomas Ernest R bds 1511 School Thom
Banking, ancient and modern ..together with full instructions as to the business methods of the Treasury Department at Washington, D.C.. . ondition of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DENVER, COL., atclose o.^ business, March 5, 1895. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts ^>3.998,715 43 r S Bonds, Circulation 2cxj,ooo 00 Premiums 37,114 98 I,oi-al Securities 189,821 96 Keal Instate 9.395 00 r. .S. Bonds, Deposits 15CJ ooo 00 Due from Banks 1,510,061 95 C.ish on Hand 1,664,500 89 57,769,610 21 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock $ 500,000 (x) Surplus 550,26852 Circulation 180,000 00 Deposits 6.539,341 69 57,769.6 Stock Photo
RM2AXDK6F–Banking, ancient and modern ..together with full instructions as to the business methods of the Treasury Department at Washington, D.C.. . ondition of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DENVER, COL., atclose o.^ business, March 5, 1895. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts ^>3.998,715 43 r S Bonds, Circulation 2cxj,ooo 00 Premiums 37,114 98 I,oi-al Securities 189,821 96 Keal Instate 9.395 00 r. .S. Bonds, Deposits 15CJ ooo 00 Due from Banks 1,510,061 95 C.ish on Hand 1,664,500 89 57,769,610 21 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock $ 500,000 (x) Surplus 550,26852 Circulation 180,000 00 Deposits 6.539,341 69 57,769.6
Building and industrial news . -?i PHOHOSED SlTi Of THE fiWAMA-PACirIC EXPiiRf;-, IWI 09 60Uf» Un MM- S0 ??iyiU.:i 191S PROPOSED GOLDEN GATE PARK EXPOSITION SITE. Building and Industrial NewsMarch 11, 1911 PLATE C. MODERN APARTMENT HOUSEWillow^s, California C. H. Russell, ArchitectSan Francisco Building and Industrial NewsMarch 11, 1911 PLATE D f 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 70S 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 Syn. OBrien Same Benjamin Kenan Simon Coombs Seibel Wn. Dev. Dodel Miller B Stock Photo
RM2AJC623–Building and industrial news . -?i PHOHOSED SlTi Of THE fiWAMA-PACirIC EXPiiRf;-, IWI 09 60Uf» Un MM- S0 ??iyiU.:i 191S PROPOSED GOLDEN GATE PARK EXPOSITION SITE. Building and Industrial NewsMarch 11, 1911 PLATE C. MODERN APARTMENT HOUSEWillow^s, California C. H. Russell, ArchitectSan Francisco Building and Industrial NewsMarch 11, 1911 PLATE D f 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 70S 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 Syn. OBrien Same Benjamin Kenan Simon Coombs Seibel Wn. Dev. Dodel Miller B
1921 Des Moines and Polk County, Iowa, City Directory . rentine AptsMcKeeLaura[M (wid Robl M) res 1211 WashingtoMcKee Louisle A stenog State Auto Dept bds 1909 9thMcKee Lucild E bds B A McKeeMcKee Mabel! elk Centl Life Assur Soc of U S bds 1255 10thMcKee Mabef F tchr N D M High School bds |917 e Washington avMcKee Mar^t A supervisor physical education Public Schools bds 715 35thMcKee Mary A (wid David) res 1161 25th ; McKee Maryj L bkpr Matthews Auto & Tire Co bds 3139 7thMcKee Maude E Mrs bds B A McKeeMcKee Mellie student CAPITAL CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGE rms 1015 20thMcKee Myrtle tchr res 3139 Stock Photo!-elk-centl-life-assur-soc-of-u-s-bds-1255-10thmckee-mabef-f-tchr-n-d-m-high-school-bds-917-e-washington-avmckee-mart-a-supervisor-physical-education-public-schools-bds-715-35thmckee-mary-a-wid-david-res-1161-25th-mckee-maryj-l-bkpr-matthews-auto-tire-co-bds-3139-7thmckee-maude-e-mrs-bds-b-a-mckeemckee-mellie-student-capital-city-commercial-college-rms-1015-20thmckee-myrtle-tchr-res-3139-image338479949.html
RM2AJK2HH–1921 Des Moines and Polk County, Iowa, City Directory . rentine AptsMcKeeLaura[M (wid Robl M) res 1211 WashingtoMcKee Louisle A stenog State Auto Dept bds 1909 9thMcKee Lucild E bds B A McKeeMcKee Mabel! elk Centl Life Assur Soc of U S bds 1255 10thMcKee Mabef F tchr N D M High School bds |917 e Washington avMcKee Mar^t A supervisor physical education Public Schools bds 715 35thMcKee Mary A (wid David) res 1161 25th ; McKee Maryj L bkpr Matthews Auto & Tire Co bds 3139 7thMcKee Maude E Mrs bds B A McKeeMcKee Mellie student CAPITAL CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGE rms 1015 20thMcKee Myrtle tchr res 3139
La Mujer . Roca, Ca-bezas y Miras.Tü/o.—Ne, en, ue. N.D.deR. Yatay, 715.-Tres cabezas de sastres, ómora, roma, amor. Doyhcuart y J. Zaffaroni. Caseros. 3057. Fábrica de ca-rros. Oun, onu, uno. Hoque Pera, lirasil. 1084.—Los tres acertijos. Manuel s. Álitr. España. 137.—Semanario, periódico yrevista, y también alhuni. périódico y revista. Sta. Matilde Sarratlch. .Vlberti. 67.—Cosas, sacos y ascos. José E. Rodngucs. Rivadavia 262. Morón.—p d q d d dp p p q q q. LA MUJER. Album de las Familias 21 B. Corti. Salta, 2340. Rosario.—La letra p.Guillormo Martinoti. N». 576. Bahía Blanca.—La palabraumor Stock Photo
RM2AJKJ1J–La Mujer . Roca, Ca-bezas y Miras.Tü/o.—Ne, en, ue. N.D.deR. Yatay, 715.-Tres cabezas de sastres, ómora, roma, amor. Doyhcuart y J. Zaffaroni. Caseros. 3057. Fábrica de ca-rros. Oun, onu, uno. Hoque Pera, lirasil. 1084.—Los tres acertijos. Manuel s. Álitr. España. 137.—Semanario, periódico yrevista, y también alhuni. périódico y revista. Sta. Matilde Sarratlch. .Vlberti. 67.—Cosas, sacos y ascos. José E. Rodngucs. Rivadavia 262. Morón.—p d q d d dp p p q q q. LA MUJER. Album de las Familias 21 B. Corti. Salta, 2340. Rosario.—La letra p.Guillormo Martinoti. N». 576. Bahía Blanca.—La palabraumor
1921 Des Moines and Polk County, Iowa, City Directory . o res 918 6th avFisher Wm M jeweler 206 4th res 1051 12thFisher Wm S, painter res 1000 Grand avFisher W Bruce sec-treas Gambs-Fisher Co res 2316 Capitol avFisher W Harry res 1131 SchoolFisher W H & Son (Wm H and Frank C) horseslioers 312 e 2dFisher W J emp D M City Ry rms 2604 Logan a.vFisk Chas D supt bond dept Aetna Life Ins Co res 12 Winona Apts • Fisk Dean rms 715 36th Fisk Ellzab (wid Jas W) res 914 40thFisk Gladys elk Bankers Life bds 1211 Washington avFisk John S |:rav res 715 36thFisk Mary E (wid John W) bds 1506 e Walnut IFisk Me Stock Photo
RM2AKGCKY–1921 Des Moines and Polk County, Iowa, City Directory . o res 918 6th avFisher Wm M jeweler 206 4th res 1051 12thFisher Wm S, painter res 1000 Grand avFisher W Bruce sec-treas Gambs-Fisher Co res 2316 Capitol avFisher W Harry res 1131 SchoolFisher W H & Son (Wm H and Frank C) horseslioers 312 e 2dFisher W J emp D M City Ry rms 2604 Logan a.vFisk Chas D supt bond dept Aetna Life Ins Co res 12 Winona Apts • Fisk Dean rms 715 36th Fisk Ellzab (wid Jas W) res 914 40thFisk Gladys elk Bankers Life bds 1211 Washington avFisk John S |:rav res 715 36thFisk Mary E (wid John W) bds 1506 e Walnut IFisk Me
1921 Des Moines and Polk County, Iowa, City Directory . URNITURE 1 Warehouse St^ck 3 o KO 8 ^ a 0 ^ O o (A o I o >-^d. FIRE PROOF STORAGE MuUerri and linth Streets PheDe, Wahat 470 1538 Forty-second (1921) R. L. POLK & CO.S Forty-sixth » CHO P S u EY ZOtb Century Cafe Cor. 6th andLocust Phona Market 1180 Musii Dancing 715 Reynolds A D 716 Scott N D MrsJacobs Moses 717 Mount J H721 Spohn W B725 McAlister R R Woodward C H Pleasant intersects731 Smith Hanna Mrs735 Thompson J T739 Maxwell H J741 Groesbeck F L745 McAllister R R Center intersects nw cor Frederick Hub-bell School803 Vacant807 Magi Stock Photo
RM2AJBFDH–1921 Des Moines and Polk County, Iowa, City Directory . URNITURE 1 Warehouse St^ck 3 o KO 8 ^ a 0 ^ O o (A o I o >-^d. FIRE PROOF STORAGE MuUerri and linth Streets PheDe, Wahat 470 1538 Forty-second (1921) R. L. POLK & CO.S Forty-sixth » CHO P S u EY ZOtb Century Cafe Cor. 6th andLocust Phona Market 1180 Musii Dancing 715 Reynolds A D 716 Scott N D MrsJacobs Moses 717 Mount J H721 Spohn W B725 McAlister R R Woodward C H Pleasant intersects731 Smith Hanna Mrs735 Thompson J T739 Maxwell H J741 Groesbeck F L745 McAllister R R Center intersects nw cor Frederick Hub-bell School803 Vacant807 Magi
1921 Des Moines and Polk County, Iowa, City Directory . s Geo Raush Raush Jos bds Geo Raush Rauwolf Robt J supt ABC BottlingCo rms 1807 22d Rawlcy Eva Mrs turn rms 715 3d Rawlings Austin T mach res 3105 Gar-field av :ftawlins see also Rollins Rawlins Arthur G boilermkr IowaBoiler Wks res 3102 Easton boul Rawls Iva K res 1161 19th Rawls Paul C electr bds 1174 18th Rawson A Cummins bds 3407 Lin-coln pi dr Rawson Block 805V2 Locust Rawson Chas A pres Teetor Adding Machine Co lov/a Pipe & Tile Co and D M Brick & Tile Co res 721^ 5thRawson Chas D phys 206, 304 6th av res 2807 HighRawson Dorothy bds Stock Photo
RM2AJGCJH–1921 Des Moines and Polk County, Iowa, City Directory . s Geo Raush Raush Jos bds Geo Raush Rauwolf Robt J supt ABC BottlingCo rms 1807 22d Rawlcy Eva Mrs turn rms 715 3d Rawlings Austin T mach res 3105 Gar-field av :ftawlins see also Rollins Rawlins Arthur G boilermkr IowaBoiler Wks res 3102 Easton boul Rawls Iva K res 1161 19th Rawls Paul C electr bds 1174 18th Rawson A Cummins bds 3407 Lin-coln pi dr Rawson Block 805V2 Locust Rawson Chas A pres Teetor Adding Machine Co lov/a Pipe & Tile Co and D M Brick & Tile Co res 721^ 5thRawson Chas D phys 206, 304 6th av res 2807 HighRawson Dorothy bds
Polk-Husted Directory Co.'s Oakland, Berkeley and Alameda directory . rMurphy Bernard P carrier P O r 1178 34thMurphy Catherine (wid Michl) b 1109 12th avMurphy Chas A elk b 3202 AdeUneMurphy Chas E elec r 715 37thMurphy Chas O B mgr r 5557 Lawton avMurphy Danl eng r 2642 25th avMurphy Danl painter b 572 27thMurphy Danl F trainmn S P Co r 1109 12th avMurphy Danl H cond S P Co r 1704 lOthMurphy Danl eng S P Co b 3202 AdelineMurphy David C elk r 5345 Magnolia avMurphy Delia (wid Francis) r 916 75th avMurphy Dennis saloon 717 Wood r 866 Willow MURPHY D J Supervisor First District r LivermoreMurph Stock Photo
RM2AJE8A4–Polk-Husted Directory Co.'s Oakland, Berkeley and Alameda directory . rMurphy Bernard P carrier P O r 1178 34thMurphy Catherine (wid Michl) b 1109 12th avMurphy Chas A elk b 3202 AdeUneMurphy Chas E elec r 715 37thMurphy Chas O B mgr r 5557 Lawton avMurphy Danl eng r 2642 25th avMurphy Danl painter b 572 27thMurphy Danl F trainmn S P Co r 1109 12th avMurphy Danl H cond S P Co r 1704 lOthMurphy Danl eng S P Co b 3202 AdelineMurphy David C elk r 5345 Magnolia avMurphy Delia (wid Francis) r 916 75th avMurphy Dennis saloon 717 Wood r 866 Willow MURPHY D J Supervisor First District r LivermoreMurph
. Official directory of the women's clubs of Chicago. gton EdAllan Mrs Frank L 1500 W AdamsAlsip Mrs Chas H 445 Ashland BdAmerson Mrs W H 150 S Sacra-mento AvAmsden Mrs Lyman J 1069 Washing-ton Bd Arnold A A 2229 Washington BdArmstrong Mrs W B 340 Warren AvAtkin Mrs Ferdinand Edgebrook 111Atkins Mrs A F M 1565 W MonroeAtwater Mrs S E 84 Park AvAulich Mrs F B 1180 Washington BdAustin Mrs C W 352 Warren AvAvery Mrs D J 512 W AdamsBain Mrs L R 491 W Congress Baker Mrs B F 836 W AdamsFaker Mrs Robt H The Palos 21531st Baldwin Mrs A L 715 WalnutBallard Mrs Chas N 243 S LeavittFames Mrs Wm E 1622 W Stock Photo
RM2AFR4D9–. Official directory of the women's clubs of Chicago. gton EdAllan Mrs Frank L 1500 W AdamsAlsip Mrs Chas H 445 Ashland BdAmerson Mrs W H 150 S Sacra-mento AvAmsden Mrs Lyman J 1069 Washing-ton Bd Arnold A A 2229 Washington BdArmstrong Mrs W B 340 Warren AvAtkin Mrs Ferdinand Edgebrook 111Atkins Mrs A F M 1565 W MonroeAtwater Mrs S E 84 Park AvAulich Mrs F B 1180 Washington BdAustin Mrs C W 352 Warren AvAvery Mrs D J 512 W AdamsBain Mrs L R 491 W Congress Baker Mrs B F 836 W AdamsFaker Mrs Robt H The Palos 21531st Baldwin Mrs A L 715 WalnutBallard Mrs Chas N 243 S LeavittFames Mrs Wm E 1622 W
1921 Des Moines and Polk County, Iowa, City Directory . & Lingenfelter 523, 505V2 Walnut Barnes Bros 708 S & L BldgBarnett David 207, 222 5th Bartholomew N & Co 216, 5051/2 Wal-nutBauserman G W 664 18th BECK REALTY SERVICE, 315 Kraft Bldg (See above)Becker A P 4 Harbach Plats Bennett Prank 714, 225 5thBerry A B 218, 304 6th av Blain Wm J 411, 222 5thBloom J D 309, 304 6th avBolton L K 215 Clapp Block Bondurant A C 715, 225 5thBonhurst Realty Co 212, 303 6th av Botsford Gels H 306 Plynn BldgBoyd Anderson 425, 505 ^r^ Walnut Bradford S C 501 Plynn BldgBrady B L lobby Kirkwood HotelBristol Realty Stock Photo
RM2AJ7XYH–1921 Des Moines and Polk County, Iowa, City Directory . & Lingenfelter 523, 505V2 Walnut Barnes Bros 708 S & L BldgBarnett David 207, 222 5th Bartholomew N & Co 216, 5051/2 Wal-nutBauserman G W 664 18th BECK REALTY SERVICE, 315 Kraft Bldg (See above)Becker A P 4 Harbach Plats Bennett Prank 714, 225 5thBerry A B 218, 304 6th av Blain Wm J 411, 222 5thBloom J D 309, 304 6th avBolton L K 215 Clapp Block Bondurant A C 715, 225 5thBonhurst Realty Co 212, 303 6th av Botsford Gels H 306 Plynn BldgBoyd Anderson 425, 505 ^r^ Walnut Bradford S C 501 Plynn BldgBrady B L lobby Kirkwood HotelBristol Realty
The Commercial and financial chronicle . 56.131 3.722,715 Total visible supply 4,937,488 5,493.427 5,440,131 4.562,715 Middling Upland, Liverpool 6.50d. 5.86d. o.30d. 3.8IP. Middllncr Upland, New York 12.25c. lo.soc. 12.25c. .25c. Egypt, Good Brown, Liverpool .. lOMd 10 n-i6d. 8 9-16d. 7,d. Peruvian; Rough Good, Liverpool li.25d. 9.25d. 9.00d. 10.30d. Broacl i a . Liverpool 5 13 16d. 5 ll-16d. .r» ,d. 3 15-16d. TinnevtJly, Good, Liverpool 5>^d. 534d. 5 9-16d. 4 1-lCd. Continental imports for the past week have been 150,000bales. The above figures for 1908 show a decrease from last weekof 1 Stock Photo
RM2AKAHKJ–The Commercial and financial chronicle . 56.131 3.722,715 Total visible supply 4,937,488 5,493.427 5,440,131 4.562,715 Middling Upland, Liverpool 6.50d. 5.86d. o.30d. 3.8IP. Middllncr Upland, New York 12.25c. lo.soc. 12.25c. .25c. Egypt, Good Brown, Liverpool .. lOMd 10 n-i6d. 8 9-16d. 7,d. Peruvian; Rough Good, Liverpool li.25d. 9.25d. 9.00d. 10.30d. Broacl i a . Liverpool 5 13 16d. 5 ll-16d. .r» ,d. 3 15-16d. TinnevtJly, Good, Liverpool 5>^d. 534d. 5 9-16d. 4 1-lCd. Continental imports for the past week have been 150,000bales. The above figures for 1908 show a decrease from last weekof 1
The Commercial and financial chronicle . ,115,000 1,143,000 1,524,000 874,ooo Total American 3,863.342 4,365.483 3.880,038 3,547,715 Total Visible Supply 4,978.342 5,508,483 5,410,038 4,421,715 Middling Upland, Liverpool 6,39d, 5,87d 5.99d. 3.97(1. Mlddllner Upland, New York 11.65c. 11.00c. 11.45c. 7.60c. pt. Good Brown, Liverpool 10 , d. 1 0 11 lod. 8 13-lBd. 7 l-16d. Peruvian, Bough Good, Liverpool 11.25d. 9.05M. 8.75d. 10.30d. Broach, Fine, Liverpool 5 13 I6d. 5 11-ied. fiJd, 4d. Tinnevelly, Good,Liverpool 5Hd. 5J^d. 5 7-iod. 4 l-iod. Continental imports for the past week have been 181,000b Stock Photo
RM2AKAE8J–The Commercial and financial chronicle . ,115,000 1,143,000 1,524,000 874,ooo Total American 3,863.342 4,365.483 3.880,038 3,547,715 Total Visible Supply 4,978.342 5,508,483 5,410,038 4,421,715 Middling Upland, Liverpool 6,39d, 5,87d 5.99d. 3.97(1. Mlddllner Upland, New York 11.65c. 11.00c. 11.45c. 7.60c. pt. Good Brown, Liverpool 10 , d. 1 0 11 lod. 8 13-lBd. 7 l-16d. Peruvian, Bough Good, Liverpool 11.25d. 9.05M. 8.75d. 10.30d. Broach, Fine, Liverpool 5 13 I6d. 5 11-ied. fiJd, 4d. Tinnevelly, Good,Liverpool 5Hd. 5J^d. 5 7-iod. 4 l-iod. Continental imports for the past week have been 181,000b
1921 Des Moines and Polk County, Iowa, City Directory . —? (3 1 i g « « •^ >* 1 s A s g o 1 u c « oC d U a; • pd > u < s a; tD pai^ e b 09. oH £>j<<0acQ , S^.CURITifj , JENEWT,INSURANCESTATE AlNEW AMSTERMH^CASUAffY GOi iVAi.l-V75. Thomas Effle M bkpr Mid-West Paving Co bds 3931 10thThomas Electric Co (V L Thomas) 813 LocustThomas Eli E slsmn res 1376 27thThomas Elizab (wid Danl) res 3208 YorkThomas Elizab opr la Tel Co bds 715 Franklin avThomas Elizab M (wid Jasper N) res 1518 5thThomas Elos lab rms 619 7thThomas Emlyn traffic mn Luthe Hdw Co res 957 21st Thomas Emma (wid Alb Stock Photo
RM2AJE7M5–1921 Des Moines and Polk County, Iowa, City Directory . —? (3 1 i g « « •^ >* 1 s A s g o 1 u c « oC d U a; • pd > u < s a; tD pai^ e b 09. oH £>j<<0acQ , S^.CURITifj , JENEWT,INSURANCESTATE AlNEW AMSTERMH^CASUAffY GOi iVAi.l-V75. Thomas Effle M bkpr Mid-West Paving Co bds 3931 10thThomas Electric Co (V L Thomas) 813 LocustThomas Eli E slsmn res 1376 27thThomas Elizab (wid Danl) res 3208 YorkThomas Elizab opr la Tel Co bds 715 Franklin avThomas Elizab M (wid Jasper N) res 1518 5thThomas Elos lab rms 619 7thThomas Emlyn traffic mn Luthe Hdw Co res 957 21st Thomas Emma (wid Alb
Documents de la session de la Puissance du Canada-1912 ( Volume 46, no.19, Documents de la session no.25b-26a) . VIEUX, PRES DE MACLEOD, ALBERTA, en 1911. Date. Hydrographe. Largeur. Aire de lasection. Vitessemoyenne. Hauteur àla jauge. Débit. J. E. Degnan Pds. 273.580.0293.0402.0260.0 180.0106.6104.5117.5102.0102.0 Pds car. 819.36252.801,041.571.715.89768.11 401.75395.10363.63492.53357.10322.70 Pds par sec. 3.0872.2514.8905.6904.330 4.1404.0603.6205.4603.1901.780 Pds. 5.563.195.947.605.34 Pds-sec.3.119.37 15 mai do 5,960.50 26 mai 5,096.96 13 juin do 9,769.70 3 juin d Stock Photo
RM2AJ01H1–Documents de la session de la Puissance du Canada-1912 ( Volume 46, no.19, Documents de la session no.25b-26a) . VIEUX, PRES DE MACLEOD, ALBERTA, en 1911. Date. Hydrographe. Largeur. Aire de lasection. Vitessemoyenne. Hauteur àla jauge. Débit. J. E. Degnan Pds. 273.580.0293.0402.0260.0 180.0106.6104.5117.5102.0102.0 Pds car. 819.36252.801,041.571.715.89768.11 401.75395.10363.63492.53357.10322.70 Pds par sec. 3.0872.2514.8905.6904.330 4.1404.0603.6205.4603.1901.780 Pds. 5.563.195.947.605.34 Pds-sec.3.119.37 15 mai do 5,960.50 26 mai 5,096.96 13 juin do 9,769.70 3 juin d
New England's agricultural position . worker i gr. r- ences - usually ZZh buchela for ths United States, a : 30 only for No. | ad a„d Ba3BaohU8att3# Hay ,£« Hay forage consist almost wholly of hay and the few root oro 8 and smal 1 «.m*si,^+ #» •»l i amount of corn fodder reported are w,o for pvrpoM of thi, atuay. ?«,* ernn „ glMe • «*e crop has nultiniiA,-! 1859 13 ,571 «e . 187 11,8] 18. i;, , 1919 / 2, loSQ Unit, . ,751 ,3£7 Mb U8«ttfl 716,0 • 1* 1,1 a ,4 1,03! >602,715 Rcr«ag* 647*2,-4,27 45,H £8,7 i05,a . 57,11731,30036,034 WW j vwVJ L3 ,t ? 5,617£,473 1, 3 , ^V: Tl >!•) p 13,.6 ».1 Stock Photo!-1859-13-571-e-187-118-18-i-1919-2-losq-unit-751-37-mb-u8ttfl-7160-1-11-a-4-103!-gt602715-rcrag-6472-427-45h-87-i05a-571173130036034-ww-j-vwvj-l3-t-5617473-1-3-v-tl-gt!-p-136-1-image343137585.html
RM2AX77DN–New England's agricultural position . worker i gr. r- ences - usually ZZh buchela for ths United States, a : 30 only for No. | ad a„d Ba3BaohU8att3# Hay ,£« Hay forage consist almost wholly of hay and the few root oro 8 and smal 1 «.m*si,^+ #» •»l i amount of corn fodder reported are w,o for pvrpoM of thi, atuay. ?«,* ernn „ glMe • «*e crop has nultiniiA,-! 1859 13 ,571 «e . 187 11,8] 18. i;, , 1919 / 2, loSQ Unit, . ,751 ,3£7 Mb U8«ttfl 716,0 • 1* 1,1 a ,4 1,03! >602,715 Rcr«ag* 647*2,-4,27 45,H £8,7 i05,a . 57,11731,30036,034 WW j vwVJ L3 ,t ? 5,617£,473 1, 3 , ^V: Tl >!•) p 13,.6 ».1
South Australia : its history, productions, and natural resources . 5,76227,687 21,951 58,61057,63342,74538,97746,71948,392 45,21550,022 51,757 132,428105,67490,804141,614243,406 264,577270,198 324,933365,715 °°rrncluS^a° d tn^/aUo;Anmost of the colonic.. S-e footnote 3 to 1^ The lateft available H^ure. relating: to^^ ?)?5, V. ^r I0 M» J SUMMARY OF AUSTRALASIAN STATISTICS FROM 1S73 TO 1881, INCLUSIVE. 783.!-4 l6,8oo 16.769 16,010 8sr.439 26.581 26,839 882,i3! ;.4S 006*652 22.528 6M.;43 ?5.328 10.26a !93.9? 10,708 25.761 809 876 760 28,668 977 29.019 933 30,013 1,005 10),2i; 3,048 104,176 Stock Photo!-4-l68oo-16769-16010-8sr439-26581-26839-882i3!-4s-006652-22528-6m43-5328-1026a-!939-10708-25761-809-876-760-28668-977-29019-933-30013-1005-102i-3048-104176-image339355883.html
RM2AM2YTY–South Australia : its history, productions, and natural resources . 5,76227,687 21,951 58,61057,63342,74538,97746,71948,392 45,21550,022 51,757 132,428105,67490,804141,614243,406 264,577270,198 324,933365,715 °°rrncluS^a° d tn^/aUo;Anmost of the colonic.. S-e footnote 3 to 1^ The lateft available H^ure. relating: to^^ ?)?5, V. ^r I0 M» J SUMMARY OF AUSTRALASIAN STATISTICS FROM 1S73 TO 1881, INCLUSIVE. 783.!-4 l6,8oo 16.769 16,010 8sr.439 26.581 26,839 882,i3! ;.4S 006*652 22.528 6M.;43 ?5.328 10.26a !93.9? 10,708 25.761 809 876 760 28,668 977 29.019 933 30,013 1,005 10),2i; 3,048 104,176
. The ancient sepulchral effigies and monumental and memorial sculpture of Devon . i/iiUAiNnjwv^ ^Aojnvjjo^ ^^mim^^ <f3U3Nvsoi^. n D 001 067 715 1 UNIVERSITT OF CO • LOS ANGELES ^ 006 832 301 3 ^^OJIIVJ-JO^ 5 ^^—.^ Stock Photo
RM2CD89AX–. The ancient sepulchral effigies and monumental and memorial sculpture of Devon . i/iiUAiNnjwv^ ^Aojnvjjo^ ^^mim^^ <f3U3Nvsoi^. n D 001 067 715 1 UNIVERSITT OF CO • LOS ANGELES ^ 006 832 301 3 ^^OJIIVJ-JO^ 5 ^^—.^
. The Medical and surgical reporter . ADELPHIA, NEW YORK, BOSTON, CHICAGO, BROOKLYN. MEDICAL AND SURGICAL REPORTER. VII WANTFfl Competent persons to solicit subscriptions**? ? tU for Cyclopedia of Diseases of Ghildkkn,medical and surgical, by American, British, and Canadianauthors, edited by John M. Keating, M.D ; complete infour imperial octavo volumes. Liberal terms and exclusiveterritory to persons of ability and experience, apply in personor by letter to j B LIPPINCOTT CO., 715-717 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pa DOCTOR WANTS TO SELL-^S: plete. with good office case, household goods, horse Stock Photo
RM2CE5EGJ–. The Medical and surgical reporter . ADELPHIA, NEW YORK, BOSTON, CHICAGO, BROOKLYN. MEDICAL AND SURGICAL REPORTER. VII WANTFfl Competent persons to solicit subscriptions**? ? tU for Cyclopedia of Diseases of Ghildkkn,medical and surgical, by American, British, and Canadianauthors, edited by John M. Keating, M.D ; complete infour imperial octavo volumes. Liberal terms and exclusiveterritory to persons of ability and experience, apply in personor by letter to j B LIPPINCOTT CO., 715-717 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pa DOCTOR WANTS TO SELL-^S: plete. with good office case, household goods, horse
. The Medical and surgical reporter . J.B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY, 715-717 MARKET STREET PHILADELPHIA. Bakers Emulsion With hypophosphitesOf Lime And Soda. Among many points in which this preparation excels, are: ist.—In the quality of the Pure Oil used in its composition, being thefinest Norwegian, of a special manufacture, receiving the highest prizes at lateEuropean Expositions. 2d.—In the Proportion Of Oil it: contains. 3d.—In mode of manipulation and thorough incorporation rendering it Permanent and Palatable, a»d of proper consistence, About thatof Rich Cream. 4th.—|n Size Of Bottles contain Stock Photo
RM2CE5K16–. The Medical and surgical reporter . J.B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY, 715-717 MARKET STREET PHILADELPHIA. Bakers Emulsion With hypophosphitesOf Lime And Soda. Among many points in which this preparation excels, are: ist.—In the quality of the Pure Oil used in its composition, being thefinest Norwegian, of a special manufacture, receiving the highest prizes at lateEuropean Expositions. 2d.—In the Proportion Of Oil it: contains. 3d.—In mode of manipulation and thorough incorporation rendering it Permanent and Palatable, a»d of proper consistence, About thatof Rich Cream. 4th.—|n Size Of Bottles contain
. Railway and locomotive engineering : a practical journal of railway motive power and rolling stock . yearending June 30, 1904, was 715,419,682,indicating an increase of 20,528.147 ascompared with the year ending June 30, Valve Seat Facing Machine.Mr. D. O. Smith, of Jackson, Ala.,has constructed a machine for facingvalve seats which has several admirablefeatures. As will be seen from the ac-companying illustration, the machine isof the revolving kind. It is easily setover a valve face, and is furnished withten cutters set in line. The cutters areone inch apart. When the tools are low-ered to Stock Photo
RM2CP12CT–. Railway and locomotive engineering : a practical journal of railway motive power and rolling stock . yearending June 30, 1904, was 715,419,682,indicating an increase of 20,528.147 ascompared with the year ending June 30, Valve Seat Facing Machine.Mr. D. O. Smith, of Jackson, Ala.,has constructed a machine for facingvalve seats which has several admirablefeatures. As will be seen from the ac-companying illustration, the machine isof the revolving kind. It is easily setover a valve face, and is furnished withten cutters set in line. The cutters areone inch apart. When the tools are low-ered to
. The Ottawan. 9|* Walnut st. EXPERT FELT and PANAMA RENOVATORS Kansas CityBook Exchange BOOKS BOUGHT, SOLDAND EXCHANGED 715 Main StreetKansas City, Missouri. Manufacturers of all kinds of Theatrical,Cari ival. Masquerade and Lod^e Costumes,v igs Beards. Can properly costume anyplay or opera ever written. Will personallyattend all masquerades and carnivals whendesired. Country calls given prompt attention807 Main Street KANSAS CITY, MO. [183] Hills Drug Store is the place for PURE DRUGS AND COOL, REFRESHING SODA WATER Remember the Place 205 MAIN STREET The Peoples NationalBank UNITED STATES D Stock Photo
RM2CF6CDY–. The Ottawan. 9|* Walnut st. EXPERT FELT and PANAMA RENOVATORS Kansas CityBook Exchange BOOKS BOUGHT, SOLDAND EXCHANGED 715 Main StreetKansas City, Missouri. Manufacturers of all kinds of Theatrical,Cari ival. Masquerade and Lod^e Costumes,v igs Beards. Can properly costume anyplay or opera ever written. Will personallyattend all masquerades and carnivals whendesired. Country calls given prompt attention807 Main Street KANSAS CITY, MO. [183] Hills Drug Store is the place for PURE DRUGS AND COOL, REFRESHING SODA WATER Remember the Place 205 MAIN STREET The Peoples NationalBank UNITED STATES D
. The Argonaut . e your rooms in the richestof wall papers—newest design.rVou can select from Tapestry Effects, Silks,Velvets. Burlaps, Crashes, and Leatheis.^Moderately priced for the quality. THE J. LLEWELLYN CO. SUCCESSORS TO THE G. W. CLARK CO. San Francisco:530 Sutter St. Phone Main 715 Oakland : 473 Fourteenth St. Phone Main 110S A Cream Confection.Milk chocolate, inclosing d inly cream in threeflavors—Milk Chocolate (.reams. Only at HaasCandy Stores, Phelan Building and James FloodBuilding. — Richasdsess, 7G9 Market Stkeet, forprecious stones, all kinds ; fine repairing of jewelry. Full Stock Photo
RM2CD8KG1–. The Argonaut . e your rooms in the richestof wall papers—newest design.rVou can select from Tapestry Effects, Silks,Velvets. Burlaps, Crashes, and Leatheis.^Moderately priced for the quality. THE J. LLEWELLYN CO. SUCCESSORS TO THE G. W. CLARK CO. San Francisco:530 Sutter St. Phone Main 715 Oakland : 473 Fourteenth St. Phone Main 110S A Cream Confection.Milk chocolate, inclosing d inly cream in threeflavors—Milk Chocolate (.reams. Only at HaasCandy Stores, Phelan Building and James FloodBuilding. — Richasdsess, 7G9 Market Stkeet, forprecious stones, all kinds ; fine repairing of jewelry. Full
. Journal. wliile the thermometer took anappreciable time to register a shght change of.steam pressure ; the steam gauge was therefore In the above tables samples A, B. C. and D arethe fast curing rubber, and samples E, F. G, and Hthe slow curing rubber. As will be seen the mixingusually employed in our previous experiments andon which the differences in rates of cure have beenbased hitherto, is that used in 146 A & E. Tlie results of the vulcanisation tests are givenin the tables below and in the diagrams of theload-stretch curves, which explain themselves. •This J., 1916, 30, 715—728. ? ltH8 Stock Photo
RM2CED852–. Journal. wliile the thermometer took anappreciable time to register a shght change of.steam pressure ; the steam gauge was therefore In the above tables samples A, B. C. and D arethe fast curing rubber, and samples E, F. G, and Hthe slow curing rubber. As will be seen the mixingusually employed in our previous experiments andon which the differences in rates of cure have beenbased hitherto, is that used in 146 A & E. Tlie results of the vulcanisation tests are givenin the tables below and in the diagrams of theload-stretch curves, which explain themselves. •This J., 1916, 30, 715—728. ? ltH8
. Medical directory of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut . extensivealterations and additions just completed make ita model of comfort and elegance. Capacity 400.Rooms en suitCf baths attached, etc* D. S. WHITE, Jr., Owner and Proprietor ADVERTISEMENTS. 715 HOME LIFE INSURANCE CO. GEORGE K IDE 256 BROADWAY President NEW YORK * i? *? cABSTRACT FROM 39th ANNUAL STATEMENT. Total Amount of Premiums received since organization, May ist, i860 $30,997,8393J Total Amount paid to Policy-hold-ers since organization ; . $20,954,J95,27 Admitted Assets held as security for Policy-holders, January i, 189 Stock Photo
RM2CDXJMP–. Medical directory of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut . extensivealterations and additions just completed make ita model of comfort and elegance. Capacity 400.Rooms en suitCf baths attached, etc* D. S. WHITE, Jr., Owner and Proprietor ADVERTISEMENTS. 715 HOME LIFE INSURANCE CO. GEORGE K IDE 256 BROADWAY President NEW YORK * i? *? cABSTRACT FROM 39th ANNUAL STATEMENT. Total Amount of Premiums received since organization, May ist, i860 $30,997,8393J Total Amount paid to Policy-hold-ers since organization ; . $20,954,J95,27 Admitted Assets held as security for Policy-holders, January i, 189
. History of Pomona Valley, California, with biographical sketches of the leading men and women of the valley who have been identified with its growth and development from the early days to the present .. . W 563 Waters, Arthur E 660 Waters, George H 486 Weaver, Fred D 729 Weber, John 317 Weigle, George J 479 Weineke, Morris Randolph 496 Welch, Everett Haskell 344 Wells, Jasper T 762 Westerman, Mrs. Ellen D 319 Westgate, Harry B 761 Whaley, Guy V 581 Wheelan, Richard Barrett 367 Wheeler, Edward Myron 664 Wheeler, Frank 738 White, Caleb 231 White, Francis Harding, Ph.D... 715 White, Harrv Rando Stock Photo