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6829 x 8941 px | 57.8 x 75.7 cm | 22.8 x 29.8 inches | 300dpi
Date taken:
11 January 2012
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Similar stock images FROM THE PLANTATION TO THE SENATE Coloured lithograph about 1880 celebrating professional African Americans. From left: Senator Hiram Revels, Representative Benjamin Turner, early abolitionist Rev Richard Allen, Representative Josiah Wells, Representative Joseph Rainey, novelist William Wells Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1 https://www.alamy.com/stock-image-from-the-plantation-to-the-senate-coloured-lithograph-about-1880-celebrating-161576077.html RM KATBX5 – FROM THE PLANTATION TO THE SENATE Coloured lithograph about 1880 celebrating professional African Americans. From left: Senator Hiram Revels, Representative Benjamin Turner, early abolitionist Rev Richard Allen, Representative Josiah Wells, Representative Joseph Rainey, novelist William Wells From the Plantation to the Senate Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1 https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-from-the-plantation-to-the-senate-25360965.html RM BD784N – From the Plantation to the Senate From the plantation to the Senate Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1 https://www.alamy.com/from-the-plantation-to-the-senate-image345077264.html RM 2B1BHG0 – From the plantation to the Senate From the plantation to the Senate Abstract/medium: 1 print : lithograph, hand-colored. Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1 https://www.alamy.com/from-the-plantation-to-the-senate-abstractmedium-1-print-lithograph-hand-colored-image265235685.html RM WBEER1 – From the plantation to the Senate Abstract/medium: 1 print : lithograph, hand-colored. From the plantation to the Senate LCCN97506777 Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1 https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-from-the-plantation-to-the-senate-lccn97506777-176691610.html RM M7CYXJ – From the plantation to the Senate LCCN97506777 . Appendix to the Journals of the Senate and Assembly of the ... session of the Legislature of the State of California. from the organization of the Buhach Producing andManufacturing Company furnished the capital for inaugurating the indus-try. From the blossoms grown upon the buhach plantation in Merced theinsect powder now so generally known as buhach has been manufactured.The flowers are shipped from the plantation to Stockton, where the mill islocated in which the buhach is manufactured. At present the company has about three hundred acres under cultiva-tion in this plant, and the area is Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1 https://www.alamy.com/appendix-to-the-journals-of-the-senate-and-assembly-of-the-session-of-the-legislature-of-the-state-of-california-from-the-organization-of-the-buhach-producing-andmanufacturing-company-furnished-the-capital-for-inaugurating-the-indus-try-from-the-blossoms-grown-upon-the-buhach-plantation-in-merced-theinsect-powder-now-so-generally-known-as-buhach-has-been-manufacturedthe-flowers-are-shipped-from-the-plantation-to-stockton-where-the-mill-islocated-in-which-the-buhach-is-manufactured-at-present-the-company-has-about-three-hundred-acres-under-cultiva-tion-in-this-plant-and-the-area-is-image337096052.html RM 2AGC1CM – . Appendix to the Journals of the Senate and Assembly of the ... session of the Legislature of the State of California. from the organization of the Buhach Producing andManufacturing Company furnished the capital for inaugurating the indus-try. From the blossoms grown upon the buhach plantation in Merced theinsect powder now so generally known as buhach has been manufactured.The flowers are shipped from the plantation to Stockton, where the mill islocated in which the buhach is manufactured. At present the company has about three hundred acres under cultiva-tion in this plant, and the area is Appendix to the Journals of the Senate and Assembly of the .. session of the Legislature of the State of California . the third year after plantation, the stock is formed,and the framework of the vine begins to assume its shape. By forming the head of the stem is meant crowning this stock withtwo, three, or four arms at the most, either on the surface of the ground,or at from one to two feet or more above the ground. This practice has the advantage of promoting good production, andgreatly facilitates turning aside the arms of the chaintre in preparingfor plowing. Then the vine is formed on one Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1 https://www.alamy.com/appendix-to-the-journals-of-the-senate-and-assembly-of-the-session-of-the-legislature-of-the-state-of-california-the-third-year-after-plantation-the-stock-is-formedand-the-framework-of-the-vine-begins-to-assume-its-shape-by-forming-the-head-of-the-stem-is-meant-crowning-this-stock-withtwo-three-or-four-arms-at-the-most-either-on-the-surface-of-the-groundor-at-from-one-to-two-feet-or-more-above-the-ground-this-practice-has-the-advantage-of-promoting-good-production-andgreatly-facilitates-turning-aside-the-arms-of-the-chaintre-in-preparingfor-plowing-then-the-vine-is-formed-on-one-image338472391.html RM 2AJJMYK – Appendix to the Journals of the Senate and Assembly of the .. session of the Legislature of the State of California . the third year after plantation, the stock is formed,and the framework of the vine begins to assume its shape. By forming the head of the stem is meant crowning this stock withtwo, three, or four arms at the most, either on the surface of the ground,or at from one to two feet or more above the ground. This practice has the advantage of promoting good production, andgreatly facilitates turning aside the arms of the chaintre in preparingfor plowing. Then the vine is formed on one Pictorial guide to Boston and the country around .. . PHOTO COPYRIGHTED, 1898, BY N. L. STEBBIMS. MASSACHUS]. :e house. 90 GUIDE TO BOSTON. Representatives held its sessions from January ii, 1798, to Jan-uary 2, 1895, when new quarters w^ere provided in the extension. North of the Senate Chamber is the Senate reading-room, andbeyond this the Library. This contains a collection of about110,000 volumes, including statutes of all the countries of theworld,and, with the exception of New York, it is the largest Statereference library in the United States. Here is the History ofPlimoth Plantation, b Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1 https://www.alamy.com/pictorial-guide-to-boston-and-the-country-around-photo-copyrighted-1898-by-n-l-stebbims-massachus-e-house-90-guide-to-boston-representatives-held-its-sessions-from-january-ii-1798-to-jan-uary-2-1895-when-new-quarters-were-provided-in-the-extension-north-of-the-senate-chamber-is-the-senate-reading-room-andbeyond-this-the-library-this-contains-a-collection-of-about110000-volumes-including-statutes-of-all-the-countries-of-theworldand-with-the-exception-of-new-york-it-is-the-largest-statereference-library-in-the-united-states-here-is-the-history-ofplimoth-plantation-b-image339288879.html RM 2AKYXBY – Pictorial guide to Boston and the country around .. . PHOTO COPYRIGHTED, 1898, BY N. L. STEBBIMS. MASSACHUS]. :e house. 90 GUIDE TO BOSTON. Representatives held its sessions from January ii, 1798, to Jan-uary 2, 1895, when new quarters w^ere provided in the extension. North of the Senate Chamber is the Senate reading-room, andbeyond this the Library. This contains a collection of about110,000 volumes, including statutes of all the countries of theworld,and, with the exception of New York, it is the largest Statereference library in the United States. Here is the History ofPlimoth Plantation, b Pictorial guide to Boston and the country around . PHOTO COPYRIGHTED, 1898, BY N. L. STEBBINS. MASSACHUSETl. rATE HOUSE. 90 GUIDE TO BOSTON. Representatives held its sessions from January ii, 1798, to Jan-uary 2, 1895, when new quarters were provided in the extension. North of the Senate Chamber is the Senate reading-room, andbeyond this the Library. This contains a collection of about110,000 volumes, including statutes of all the countries of theworld,and, with the exception of New York, it is -he largest Statereference library in the United States. Here is the History ofPlimoth Plantation. b Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1 https://www.alamy.com/pictorial-guide-to-boston-and-the-country-around-photo-copyrighted-1898-by-n-l-stebbins-massachusetl-rate-house-90-guide-to-boston-representatives-held-its-sessions-from-january-ii-1798-to-jan-uary-2-1895-when-new-quarters-were-provided-in-the-extension-north-of-the-senate-chamber-is-the-senate-reading-room-andbeyond-this-the-library-this-contains-a-collection-of-about110000-volumes-including-statutes-of-all-the-countries-of-theworldand-with-the-exception-of-new-york-it-is-he-largest-statereference-library-in-the-united-states-here-is-the-history-ofplimoth-plantation-b-image339255761.html RM 2AKXC55 – Pictorial guide to Boston and the country around . PHOTO COPYRIGHTED, 1898, BY N. L. STEBBINS. MASSACHUSETl. rATE HOUSE. 90 GUIDE TO BOSTON. Representatives held its sessions from January ii, 1798, to Jan-uary 2, 1895, when new quarters were provided in the extension. North of the Senate Chamber is the Senate reading-room, andbeyond this the Library. This contains a collection of about110,000 volumes, including statutes of all the countries of theworld,and, with the exception of New York, it is -he largest Statereference library in the United States. Here is the History ofPlimoth Plantation. b . Appendix to the Journals of the Senate and Assembly of the ... session of the Legislature of the State of California. ^ a subsoil of the same nature. It was taken m the edge of agrove of very large oaks. The analyses were made by Mr. i^ M. Lea,formerly a student in the laboratory of the Agricultural College, andnow chemist of a large sugar plantation in the Hawanan Islands. No. 2243. Physical Analysis of Soil from Potter Valley. HydraulicVelocity per ValueSecond. Diameter ofGrains. 64 mm. .50 -.30 mm. 64 -32 mm. .30 -.16 mm. 32 -16 mm. .16 -.12 mm. 16 - 8 mm. .12 -.072 mm. 8-4 mm. .072 -.047 Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1 https://www.alamy.com/appendix-to-the-journals-of-the-senate-and-assembly-of-the-session-of-the-legislature-of-the-state-of-california-a-subsoil-of-the-same-nature-it-was-taken-m-the-edge-of-agrove-of-very-large-oaks-the-analyses-were-made-by-mr-i-m-leaformerly-a-student-in-the-laboratory-of-the-agricultural-college-andnow-chemist-of-a-large-sugar-plantation-in-the-hawanan-islands-no-2243-physical-analysis-of-soil-from-potter-valley-hydraulicvelocity-per-valuesecond-diameter-ofgrains-64-mm-50-30-mm-64-32-mm-30-16-mm-32-16-mm-16-12-mm-16-8-mm-12-072-mm-8-4-mm-072-047-image336760271.html RM 2AFTN4F – . Appendix to the Journals of the Senate and Assembly of the ... session of the Legislature of the State of California. ^ a subsoil of the same nature. It was taken m the edge of agrove of very large oaks. The analyses were made by Mr. i^ M. Lea,formerly a student in the laboratory of the Agricultural College, andnow chemist of a large sugar plantation in the Hawanan Islands. No. 2243. Physical Analysis of Soil from Potter Valley. HydraulicVelocity per ValueSecond. Diameter ofGrains. 64 mm. .50 -.30 mm. 64 -32 mm. .30 -.16 mm. 32 -16 mm. .16 -.12 mm. 16 - 8 mm. .12 -.072 mm. 8-4 mm. .072 -.047 . Annual report of the Office of Experiment Stations .... Agricultural experiment stations -- United States; Agriculture -- United States. Senate Doc. No 148. Plate XV.. Fig. 1.—Hawaii Station—Pineapple Plantation.. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. United States. Office of Experiment Stations. Washington : G. P. O. Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1 https://www.alamy.com/annual-report-of-the-office-of-experiment-stations-agricultural-experiment-stations-united-states-agriculture-united-states-senate-doc-no-148-plate-xv-fig-1hawaii-stationpineapple-plantation-please-note-that-these-images-are-extracted-from-scanned-page-images-that-may-have-been-digitally-enhanced-for-readability-coloration-and-appearance-of-these-illustrations-may-not-perfectly-resemble-the-original-work-united-states-office-of-experiment-stations-washington-g-p-o-image236197519.html RM RM7M9K – . Annual report of the Office of Experiment Stations .... Agricultural experiment stations -- United States; Agriculture -- United States. Senate Doc. No 148. Plate XV.. Fig. 1.—Hawaii Station—Pineapple Plantation.. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. United States. Office of Experiment Stations. Washington : G. P. O. . Annual report of the Office of Experiment Stations .... Agricultural experiment stations -- United States; Agriculture -- United States. Senate Doc. No. 148. Plate XVIII.. Fig. 1.—Porto Rico Station—Experimental Pineapple Plantation.. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. United States. Office of Experiment Stations. Washington : G. P. O. Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1 https://www.alamy.com/annual-report-of-the-office-of-experiment-stations-agricultural-experiment-stations-united-states-agriculture-united-states-senate-doc-no-148-plate-xviii-fig-1porto-rico-stationexperimental-pineapple-plantation-please-note-that-these-images-are-extracted-from-scanned-page-images-that-may-have-been-digitally-enhanced-for-readability-coloration-and-appearance-of-these-illustrations-may-not-perfectly-resemble-the-original-work-united-states-office-of-experiment-stations-washington-g-p-o-image236197448.html RM RM7M74 – . Annual report of the Office of Experiment Stations .... Agricultural experiment stations -- United States; Agriculture -- United States. Senate Doc. No. 148. Plate XVIII.. Fig. 1.—Porto Rico Station—Experimental Pineapple Plantation.. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. United States. Office of Experiment Stations. Washington : G. P. O.