. Railway master mechanic [microform] . egular work The principal dimensions are as follows: Length of car body over all 45 ft. SU in. Length of leads 36 ft. The car was built by Mr. A. M. Waitt, generalmaster car builder of the road, at the Clevelandshops. The machine was built complete at thefngineers department shops at Elkhart, and en-tirely from the original designs of that department.It has given the very highest satisfaction, and hasattracted considerable attention wherever it hasbeen seen by any oue who understood what a piledriver should be. ♦»» The sixth annual convention of the Trav

. Railway master mechanic [microform] . egular work The principal dimensions are as follows: Length of car body over all 45 ft. SU in. Length of leads 36 ft. The car was built by Mr. A. M. Waitt, generalmaster car builder of the road, at the Clevelandshops. The machine was built complete at thefngineers department shops at Elkhart, and en-tirely from the original designs of that department.It has given the very highest satisfaction, and hasattracted considerable attention wherever it hasbeen seen by any oue who understood what a piledriver should be. ♦»» The sixth annual convention of the Trav Stock Photo

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. Railway master mechanic [microform] . egular work The principal dimensions are as follows: Length of car body over all 45 ft. SU in. Length of leads 36 ft. The car was built by Mr. A. M. Waitt, generalmaster car builder of the road, at the Clevelandshops. The machine was built complete at thefngineers department shops at Elkhart, and en-tirely from the original designs of that department.It has given the very highest satisfaction, and hasattracted considerable attention wherever it hasbeen seen by any oue who understood what a piledriver should be. ♦»» The sixth annual convention of the Traveling En-gineers Association will be held at Buffalo. N. Y..commencing Tuesday, September 13th. at 9 a. in.The headquarters and convention hall will be at thiGenesee House. Hotel rates will be §2.50 per dayeach person. One-half rates have been secured bythe Pullman and Wagner Palace Car Companies.The committees on subjects have been hard aiwork, and have prepared some excellent re-ports, and the committee of arrangements are leav-. PlG. 1.—PILE for a machine which, while a good, serviceable piledriver, must be a car when ready to travel on theroad, and be capable of being coupled as such intoany regular train and take its chances along withany other equipment. While it would be used prin-cipally on renewal work, and at such would workto better advantagt with the leads close to the car, :r must lie capable of an extension for new work, washouts, etc., and also a side scope for work out-side of the track. Moreover, as much of its workwas to be done at a distance from a dodging track, and as it is necessary to use all available time onbusy tracks, and as wires and other overhead ob-structions are very often found between its work-ing place and dodging track, it must be able totaise and lower its leads within itself, and in thevery quickest possible time. Another feature to .>emet was, that as the engineers department is in-dependent of the operating department, and conse-qu