. Norwich University, 1819-1911; her history, her graduates, her roll of honor . second son of Samuel Tutherly, was born in Unity,N. H., January 27, 1823, and died in Claremont, N. H., January 8, 1893. Hisparents removed to Claremont, N. H., in 1833, where he attended the publicschools. He entered the University in 1842, and remained two years. He wasselectman for seven years; county commissioner, 1876-85; was town represen-tative in the State Legislature in 1865, 1866, and 1878; was a member of theGovernors Council in 1867 and 1868. He was for several years a directorof the Claremont National

. Norwich University, 1819-1911; her history, her graduates, her roll of honor . second son of Samuel Tutherly, was born in Unity,N. H., January 27, 1823, and died in Claremont, N. H., January 8, 1893. Hisparents removed to Claremont, N. H., in 1833, where he attended the publicschools. He entered the University in 1842, and remained two years. He wasselectman for seven years; county commissioner, 1876-85; was town represen-tative in the State Legislature in 1865, 1866, and 1878; was a member of theGovernors Council in 1867 and 1868. He was for several years a directorof the Claremont National Stock Photo

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. Norwich University, 1819-1911; her history, her graduates, her roll of honor . second son of Samuel Tutherly, was born in Unity, N. H., January 27, 1823, and died in Claremont, N. H., January 8, 1893. Hisparents removed to Claremont, N. H., in 1833, where he attended the publicschools. He entered the University in 1842, and remained two years. He wasselectman for seven years; county commissioner, 1876-85; was town represen-tative in the State Legislature in 1865, 1866, and 1878; was a member of theGovernors Council in 1867 and 1868. He was for several years a directorof the Claremont National bank. When not occupied with public duties, hegave his attention to farming. He was a careful, painstaking, and successfulbusiness man. He was married, June 1, 1847, to Lorette Collins, daughter of ShermanRossiter, of Claremont. She died January 8, 1888. Three children wereborn to them: Herbert Everett, captain U. S. A.; Mary Elizabeth, marriedFred W. Haubrich, resides in Claremont; WilUam, major 1st N. H. Vols., Spanish American War; now a lawyer in White River Junction, Vt.. 394 NOEWICH UNIVERSITY. [1846