Noah's Ark from the Junius manuscript (Cædmon manuscript), 10th century. The Junius manuscript is one of the four major codices of Old English literature. It contains poetry dealing with Biblical subjects in Old English, the vernacular language of Anglo-Saxon England. The manuscript is made of four poems which have been given the titles Genesis, Exodus, Daniel, and Christ and Satan. For a long time, scholars believed them to be the work of Cædmon. However, this theory has been discarded due to the significant differences between the poems. MS Bodl. Junius II.
RMID:Image ID:2B6D60X
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The History Emporium / Alamy Stock PhotoImage ID:
2B6D60XFile size:
50.3 MB (2.3 MB Compressed download)Releases:
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3769 x 4661 px | 31.9 x 39.5 cm | 12.6 x 15.5 inches | 300dpiDate taken:
2 December 2012More information:
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