Newfound Gap Road, pullout view of chimney tops. Great Smoky Mountains National Park Roads and Bridges, Newfound Gap Road, Between Gatlinburg, TN and Cherokee, NC, Gatlinburg, Sevier County, TN Bureau of Public Roads Cammerer, Arno B Bass, C N Swain, C E Tennessee Highway Commission Peterson, Charles Eakin, J Ross Morrell, John Spelman, H J Lee, W I Ludgate, Rowell Arthur, Jack Arundel Corporation R B Tyler Company C Y Thomason Company King, Willis Breslin Construction Company Rockefeller, John D Vint, Thomas Olmsted, Frederick Law Hubbard, Henry Rice, Henry Troitino and Brown Construction H
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Newfound Gap Road, pullout view of chimney tops. Great Smoky Mountains National Park Roads and Bridges, Newfound Gap Road, Between Gatlinburg, TN and Cherokee, NC, Gatlinburg, Sevier County, TN Bureau of Public Roads Cammerer, Arno B Bass, C N Swain, C E Tennessee Highway Commission Peterson, Charles Eakin, J Ross Morrell, John Spelman, H J Lee, W I Ludgate, Rowell Arthur, Jack Arundel Corporation R B Tyler Company C Y Thomason Company King, Willis Breslin Construction Company Rockefeller, John D Vint, Thomas Olmsted, Frederick Law Hubbard, Henry Rice, Henry Troitino and Brown Construction H F Ramsey Company Blalock Lumber Company Clement Brothers Company Hart Construction Luten Bridge Company Lupyak, Edward, field team project manager Great Smoky Mountains National Park, sponsor National Park Service Roads and Parkway Program, sponsor Federal Lands Highway Program, sponsor Croteau, Todd, project manager Quin, Richard, project manager