N/A. Fairies on the Seashore, engraving by William Miller (Miller paid £50-0-0 in ix 1832 for engraving), after Francis Danby R.A., published in The Literary Souvenir for 1833. Alaric A Watts. London, Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green, 1833 . 1833. William Miller (1796–1882) Alternative names William Frederick I Miller; William Frederick, I Miller Description Scottish engraver Date of birth/death 28 May 1796 20 January 1882 Location of birth/death Edinburgh Sheffield Authority control : Q2580014 VIAF:75215312 ISNI:0000 0000 6708 7623 ULAN:500003200 LCCN:n82240733 Oxford Dict.:18
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The Picture Art Collection / Alamy Stock PhotoImage ID:
P5MN7RFile size:
14.3 MB (1.7 MB Compressed download)Releases:
Model - no | Property - noDo I need a release?Dimensions:
2625 x 1904 px | 22.2 x 16.1 cm | 8.8 x 6.3 inches | 300dpiDate taken:
27 May 2007More information:
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N/A. Fairies on the Seashore, engraving by William Miller (Miller paid £50-0-0 in ix 1832 for engraving), after Francis Danby R.A., published in The Literary Souvenir for 1833. Alaric A Watts. London, Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green, 1833 . 1833. William Miller (1796–1882) Alternative names William Frederick I Miller; William Frederick, I Miller Description Scottish engraver Date of birth/death 28 May 1796 20 January 1882 Location of birth/death Edinburgh Sheffield Authority control : Q2580014 VIAF:75215312 ISNI:0000 0000 6708 7623 ULAN:500003200 LCCN:n82240733 Oxford Dict.:18745 WorldCat 544 Fairies on the Seashore engraving by William Miller after F Danby