John Thomas Smith, 1766–1833, British, Joseph Nollekens R.A. and Mrs. Nollekens: The pair of compasses and the pair of callipers side by side, undated. Pen and brown ink on medium, moderately textured, cream laid paper. caricature , coat , costumes (ensembles) , couple , dress , fashion , genre subject , hats, tricorne , man , parasol , petticoats , woman. Nollekens, Joseph (1737–1823), sculptor
Image details
Gallery Of Art / Alamy Stock PhotoImage ID:
2E42GFPFile size:
8.9 MB (551.2 KB Compressed download)Releases:
Model - no | Property - noDo I need a release?Dimensions:
1616 x 1920 px | 27.4 x 32.5 cm | 10.8 x 12.8 inches | 150dpiDate taken:
30 May 2012More information:
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