. Illustration of: unidentified butterfly, described as Phalaena gibbosa (not Phalaena gibbosa J.E. Smith 1797) (Phalaena was originally a subdivision of Lepidoptera, created by Carolus Linnaeus, and included moths in general.It is now obsolete, having been replaced by the various families currently under lepidoptera.) . 1852. Jan Sepp (1778 - 1853) 482 Sepp-Surinaamsche vlinders - pl 129 plate descr. as Phalaena gibbosa

. Illustration of: unidentified butterfly, described as Phalaena gibbosa (not Phalaena gibbosa J.E. Smith 1797) (Phalaena was originally a subdivision of Lepidoptera, created by Carolus Linnaeus, and included moths in general.It is now obsolete, having been replaced by the various families currently under lepidoptera.) . 1852. Jan Sepp (1778 - 1853) 482 Sepp-Surinaamsche vlinders - pl 129 plate descr. as Phalaena gibbosa Stock Photo

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1952 x 2561 px | 16.5 x 21.7 cm | 6.5 x 8.5 inches | 300dpi

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