History of York County, Maine With illustrations and biographical sketches of its prominent men and pioneers . Frank M.Higgins. SOLDIERS OF THE REVOLUTION. Rev. Edmond Eastman, Capt. Nathaniel Leavitt, Maj.Thomas Gilpatrick. COLONIAL AND MILITIA OFFICERS. Col. Humphrey Duke, 1781 ; Capt. Jacob Bradbury, Lieut. Penuel Clark, Ensign James Perry, 1790 ; Adj. Nathaniel Libby, 1802 ; Maj.-Gen. John McDonald, 1823; Col. Samuel Gilpatrick, 1833. MEXICAN WAR. Joseph Hayes. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. HON. ABNER BURBANK was born in Newfield, Me., Dec. 27, 1805, and is a linealdescendant of John Burbank, who w
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History of York County, Maine With illustrations and biographical sketches of its prominent men and pioneers . Frank M.Higgins. SOLDIERS OF THE REVOLUTION. Rev. Edmond Eastman, Capt. Nathaniel Leavitt, Maj.Thomas Gilpatrick. COLONIAL AND MILITIA OFFICERS. Col. Humphrey Duke, 1781 ; Capt. Jacob Bradbury, Lieut. Penuel Clark, Ensign James Perry, 1790 ; Adj. Nathaniel Libby, 1802 ; Maj.-Gen. John McDonald, 1823; Col. Samuel Gilpatrick, 1833. MEXICAN WAR. Joseph Hayes. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. HON. ABNER BURBANK was born in Newfield, Me., Dec. 27, 1805, and is a linealdescendant of John Burbank, who was made a freemanat Rowley, Mas.s., in 164:0. His grandfather, Abner, and father, Samuel, settled in Newfield in 1792. The formerwas a carpenter, and died in 1813. Samuel Burbank, born in Rowley in 1769, married Su-sanna Graves (a native of Brentwood, N. H.) in 1791, whichunion was fruitful of seven sons and six daughters. He wastown clerk of Newfield for eleven years, and one of the select-men for fourteen years. His further occupation was thatof land-surveyor and sc-liool-tcacher, being familiariy known. as Master Burbank. He died in September, 1S32, agedsixty-three years; and his widow survived him twentyyears, deceasing at the age of seventy-seven. Abner, who stands just midway their family roll of thir-teen children, had the privileges of the common school inhis native town, and somewhat of an academic education inLimerick. After eight years of school-teaching and itine-rant ware-vending, he became a citizen of Limerick in May, 1832, which connection has been continuous for forty-eightyears. Having first served five years as clerk for William Hackett, Esq., trader, Mr. Burbank opened a variety-store, which hesuccessfully kept for about five years, meanwhile represent-ing his town in the Legislature of 1839 and 1840, and fill-ing other town offices. He has been of the board of select-men and assessors for fourteen years, ten of which aschairman, and has also served the town as