History of Essex County, Massachusetts : with biographical sketches of many of its pioneers and prominent men . 819. By histhird wife he had Lemuel Drew, August 6, 1820 ;William B., May 3, 1822; Hervey Mackay, October3, 1823; Sarah Elizabeth, May 25, 1825; Sarah Caro-line, January 1, 1827 ; Jane and Evelina, twins,March 14, 1829; Mary Evelina, November 21, 1830;Maria Augusta, March 2, 1833; and Robert Rich,June 14, 1835. The father of Ezra Mudge was Nathan Mudge,who was born in Lyunfield September 21, 1756. Hewas a Revolutionary soldier, and died in Lynn Feb-ruary 8, 1831. He married, first, S

History of Essex County, Massachusetts : with biographical sketches of many of its pioneers and prominent men . 819. By histhird wife he had Lemuel Drew, August 6, 1820 ;William B., May 3, 1822; Hervey Mackay, October3, 1823; Sarah Elizabeth, May 25, 1825; Sarah Caro-line, January 1, 1827 ; Jane and Evelina, twins,March 14, 1829; Mary Evelina, November 21, 1830;Maria Augusta, March 2, 1833; and Robert Rich,June 14, 1835. The father of Ezra Mudge was Nathan Mudge,who was born in Lyunfield September 21, 1756. Hewas a Revolutionary soldier, and died in Lynn Feb-ruary 8, 1831. He married, first, S Stock Photo

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History of Essex County, Massachusetts : with biographical sketches of many of its pioneers and prominent men . 819. By histhird wife he had Lemuel Drew, August 6, 1820 ;William B., May 3, 1822; Hervey Mackay, October3, 1823; Sarah Elizabeth, May 25, 1825; Sarah Caro-line, January 1, 1827 ; Jane and Evelina, twins, March 14, 1829; Mary Evelina, November 21, 1830;Maria Augusta, March 2, 1833; and Robert Rich, June 14, 1835. The father of Ezra Mudge was Nathan Mudge, who was born in Lyunfield September 21, 1756. Hewas a Revolutionary soldier, and died in Lynn Feb-ruary 8, 1831. He married, first, September 2, 1776, Hannah, daughter of John and Sarah Iugalls, and had Nathan, January 26, 1778; Ezra, April 10, 1780; John Park, November 27, 1782; Mary, March 19, 1785 ; Samuel, May 15, 1787; Joseph, November 15, 1788; andHannah, December 20, 1790. He married, second, July 24, 1794, Elizabeth, widow of Shubael Burrell, and had Joseph, June 17, 1795 ; Enoch, October 18, 1796 ; Hepsey, March 13, 1798; Simon, December 5, 1799; Hepsey B., August 19, 1801; Lydia B., June14, 1803; Shubael, July 14, 1805; Ann Alden, June.