. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. Cleveland. Prompt deliveries tbrouffbout PITTSFIELD the BSRKBHIBK8, Lenox, MASS Lee. Stockbridge. etc. iwi#»««. Write. Wlr« or Phone CRABB & HUNTER BRAND RAPIDS. MICH. Careful attention to orders for city or sorroundins territory RHODE ISLAND JOHNSTON BROTHERS LEADING FLORISTS 38 Dunnce Street, - • PROVIDENCE John Baoscher, FREEPORT, ILL. Grower of aew American Beauty Oeraniaa U Orders Recehra Carefal Atteatin aari Pranpt Delhrenr Wlt^tlltiAIN fully cared for by HENRY SMITH Wholesale and Retail Florist of QRAND RAPIDS MONTREAL all orders HALL &

. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. Cleveland. Prompt deliveries tbrouffbout PITTSFIELD the BSRKBHIBK8, Lenox, MASS Lee. Stockbridge. etc. iwi#»««. Write. Wlr« or Phone CRABB & HUNTER BRAND RAPIDS. MICH. Careful attention to orders for city or sorroundins territory RHODE ISLAND JOHNSTON BROTHERS LEADING FLORISTS 38 Dunnce Street, - • PROVIDENCE John Baoscher, FREEPORT, ILL. Grower of aew American Beauty Oeraniaa U Orders Recehra Carefal Atteatin aari Pranpt Delhrenr Wlt^tlltiAIN fully cared for by HENRY SMITH Wholesale and Retail Florist of QRAND RAPIDS MONTREAL all orders HALL & Stock Photo

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. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. Cleveland. Prompt deliveries tbrouffbout PITTSFIELD the BSRKBHIBK8, Lenox, MASS Lee. Stockbridge. etc. iwi#»««. Write. Wlr« or Phone CRABB & HUNTER BRAND RAPIDS. MICH. Careful attention to orders for city or sorroundins territory RHODE ISLAND JOHNSTON BROTHERS LEADING FLORISTS 38 Dunnce Street, - • PROVIDENCE John Baoscher, FREEPORT, ILL. Grower of aew American Beauty Oeraniaa U Orders Recehra Carefal Atteatin aari Pranpt Delhrenr Wlt^tlltiAIN fully cared for by HENRY SMITH Wholesale and Retail Florist of QRAND RAPIDS MONTREAL all orders HALL & ROBINSON, ^^l^^^^". Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Chicago : Florists' Pub. Co