. Fitchburg, Massachusetts, past and present . was elected his successor. The present officers are O. H. Lawrence, president;William O. Brown, vice-president; George E. Clifford,cashier; W. G. Corey, teller; H. G. Morse, book-keeper;E. B. Farrar, messenger. Directors—William O. Brown, H. A. Hatch, O. H.Lawrence, George N. Proctor, Harrington Sibley, A. B.Sherman, W. A. Fairbanks, L. H. Goodnow, John Burney,J. S. Bradley, Thomas Rice, George F. Morse, S. K.Pierce. THE FITCHBURG SAVINGS BANK was incorporated Feb. 12, 1846, and went into operation thefirst of June following. Francis Perkins was t
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. Fitchburg, Massachusetts, past and present . was elected his successor. The present officers are O. H. Lawrence, president;William O. Brown, vice-president; George E. Clifford, cashier; W. G. Corey, teller; H. G. Morse, book-keeper;E. B. Farrar, messenger. Directors—William O. Brown, H. A. Hatch, O. H.Lawrence, George N. Proctor, Harrington Sibley, A. B.Sherman, W. A. Fairbanks, L. H. Goodnow, John Burney, J. S. Bradley, Thomas Rice, George F. Morse, S. K.Pierce. THE FITCHBURG SAVINGS BANK was incorporated Feb. 12, 1846, and went into operation thefirst of June following. Francis Perkins was the first presi-dent and Ebenezer Torrey the first treasurer. On the deathof Mr. Perkins, in 1859, Nathaniel Wood was chosen presi-dent Aug. 15, 1859; Ebenezer Torrey, June 27, 1876;Thornton K. Ware, Sept. 26, 1877. In 1871 the bank erected one of the largest and costliestbusiness buildings in the city, in which they now have theirrooms. The officers are: President, Thornton K. Ware, (sketch in Chapter V.) ; vice-president, Samuel E. Crocker;. v