Fans shows tickets in front of the Stade de France prior the Champions League final soccer match between Liverpool and Real Madrid, in Saint Denis near Paris, Saturday, May 28, 2022. Police have deployed tear gas on supporters waiting in long lines to get into the Stade de France for the Champions League final between Liverpool and Real Madrid that was delayed by 37 minutes while security struggled to cope with the vast crowd and fans climbing over fences. (AP Photo/Christophe Ena)

Fans shows tickets in front of the Stade de France prior the Champions League final soccer match between Liverpool and Real Madrid, in Saint Denis near Paris, Saturday, May 28, 2022. Police have deployed tear gas on supporters waiting in long lines to get into the Stade de France for the Champions League final between Liverpool and Real Madrid that was delayed by 37 minutes while security struggled to cope with the vast crowd and fans climbing over fences. (AP Photo/Christophe Ena) Stock Photo

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Associated Press / Alamy Stock Photo

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23.1 MB (868.4 KB Compressed download)


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3447 x 2347 px | 29.2 x 19.9 cm | 11.5 x 7.8 inches | 300dpi

Date taken:

28 May 2022


Christophe Ena

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