Epitome: Yearbook 1891 . The Lehigh University Epitome. 6i Selta pbi. r^oU G)f /ictiue ©haptepi,. Alpha, . Union College. Beta, . . Brown University. Gamma, . . New York University. Delta, . Columbia College. Epsilon. . Rutgers College. Zeta, . . Harvard University. Eta, . . University of Pennsylvania. Lambda. . Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Nil, . Lehigh University. Xl, . Johns Hopkins University. Omicron, . . Yale University. 62 The LbHiGH University Epitome. Delta f^bi. F^ca Ghaptep. Ir^ *iraGtiltate.Harry Harkness Stoek. pGgt Graduate^.Frederick Louis Grammer, Arnold Karthaus Reese. MD
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1370 x 1825 px | 23.2 x 30.9 cm | 9.1 x 12.2 inches | 150dpiMore information:
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Epitome: Yearbook 1891 . The Lehigh University Epitome. 6i Selta pbi. r^oU G)f /ictiue ©haptepi, . Alpha, . Union College. Beta, . . Brown University. Gamma, . . New York University. Delta, . Columbia College. Epsilon. . Rutgers College. Zeta, . . Harvard University. Eta, . . University of Pennsylvania. Lambda. . Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Nil, . Lehigh University. Xl, . Johns Hopkins University. Omicron, . . Yale University. 62 The LbHiGH University Epitome. Delta f^bi. F^ca Ghaptep. Ir^ *iraGtiltate.Harry Harkness Stoek. pGgt Graduate^.Frederick Louis Grammer, Arnold Karthaus Reese. MDCCCXC. Christopher Gadsden Howe. mdcccxci.Elias Vander Horst. mdcccxc ii.John Young Bassell, Jr.. Cornelius Silsby Hawkins, William Williams Blunt, Edwin Gray Rust, Samuel Dewey Gushing, John Bonner Semple. mdcccxciii.Samuel Philip Curtis, Charles Hazard Durfee, Harrv Blackstone Wilkins.. A.E- CHASMAR 8^ CO- The Lehigh University Epitome. 63 p§i ^psilorp. r^oll Gf /ictiue Ghaptep§. ESTABLISHED Theta, . Union College, • 1833- Delta, . University of the City of New York, 1837 Beta, . Yale University, • 1839 Sigma, . Brown University, 1840 Gamma, . Amherst College, . I 841 Zeta, Dartmouth College, 1842 Lambda, . Columbia College, . 1842 Kappa, Bowdoin College, 1843 Psi. Hamilton College, • 1843 Xi. Wesleyan University, 1843 Upsii.on, . University of Rochester, . 1858 Iota, Kenyon College, . i860 Phi, . University of Michigan, . 1865 Pi, Syracuse University, 1867 Chi, . Cornell University, . 1876 Beta Beta. Trinity College, . 1880 Eta, Uehigh University, . 1884 64 The Lehigh University Epitome. 6t.a d^aptep. Ir^ 9aGtiltate. Edmund Morris Hyde. A.B.. A.M.. Ph.D., b I5, 1873, Edward Higginson Villi..ms, Jr., B A., E..M., B, 1872, Preston Albert La.mbfrt, B.A , H. 1883, Lewis Buckeev Skmple, B.A., ii, 1884. I17 GIpbe.Garretj Linderman Hoppes, C.E., H, 1883, Wll.I.I