. English: Turkey in Asia. Drawn under the direction of Mr. Pinkerton by L. Hebert. Neele sculpt. 352 Strand. London: published Sepr. 1st. 1813, by Cadell & Davies, Strand & Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, & Brown, Paternoster Row. 1813. John Pinkerton (1758–1826) Alternative names Pinkerton, John Description Scottish antiquarian, cartographer, numismatist and historian Date of birth/death 17 February 1758 10 March 1826 Location of birth/death Edinburgh Paris Authority control : Q3446354 VIAF: 12358699 ISNI: 0000 0001 1596 4513 LCCN: n84055813 NLA: 35423732 GND: 100236456 WorldCat 998
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2136 x 2340 px | 36.2 x 39.6 cm | 14.2 x 15.6 inches | 150dpiMore information:
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. English: Turkey in Asia. Drawn under the direction of Mr. Pinkerton by L. Hebert. Neele sculpt. 352 Strand. London: published Sepr. 1st. 1813, by Cadell & Davies, Strand & Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, & Brown, Paternoster Row. 1813. John Pinkerton (1758–1826) Alternative names Pinkerton, John Description Scottish antiquarian, cartographer, numismatist and historian Date of birth/death 17 February 1758 10 March 1826 Location of birth/death Edinburgh Paris Authority control : Q3446354 VIAF: 12358699 ISNI: 0000 0001 1596 4513 LCCN: n84055813 NLA: 35423732 GND: 100236456 WorldCat 998 Pinkerton, John. Turkey in Asia. 1813 (L)