Daily Colonist (1895-08-18) . $100 REWARD Will bo given to anj-ono who will givesnoh Information ns will lead to the con-vlciion of any person or persons imltat-intr our trado mark by stamping plugs ofTobacco with bron:<: In auob a manner aato load conauniore lo boUovo that they arorooetving our MYRTLE NAVY TOBACCO Each plug of which i; Stamped with T & B in Bronze. Our Cliewiug: Tobacco is staiupetl withT H Tiu Tasf. The George E. Tuotcett & Son Co.. Ltd..Hamilton, Out.fe21. In tho city are to be foundat tho old established MusicHouse of W. WAITT & 00. 64 GOVKKNMENT 8TBEET. Everything in t
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The Reading Room / Alamy Stock PhotoImage ID:
2AJ4A5KFile size:
7.1 MB (186.3 KB Compressed download)Releases:
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2359 x 1059 px | 39.9 x 17.9 cm | 15.7 x 7.1 inches | 150dpiMore information:
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Daily Colonist (1895-08-18) . $100 REWARD Will bo given to anj-ono who will givesnoh Information ns will lead to the con-vlciion of any person or persons imltat-intr our trado mark by stamping plugs ofTobacco with bron:<: In auob a manner aato load conauniore lo boUovo that they arorooetving our MYRTLE NAVY TOBACCO Each plug of which i; Stamped with T & B in Bronze. Our Cliewiug: Tobacco is staiupetl withT H Tiu Tasf. The George E. Tuotcett & Son Co.. Ltd..Hamilton, Out.fe21. In tho city are to be foundat tho old established MusicHouse of W. WAITT & 00. 64 GOVKKNMENT 8TBEET. Everything in the MusichiHK at Lowest Prices. Curio ATdailycolonist18950818uvic