Bert Couzens starts round Britain walk. Burt Couzens, holder of many long , long distance walking records, started off from London to walk round England and Scotland today (Thursday) , accompanied all the way by a cyclist. Bert will walk along the south coast to lands end, up the West Coast to John O'Groats and backed by the East Coast to London. Photo shows, Bert Couzens , seen leaving the Press Association Reuter building, Fleet Street, on the start of his walk this afternoon, Thursday. 16 January 1947

Bert Couzens starts round Britain walk. Burt Couzens, holder of many long , long distance walking records, started off from London to walk round England and Scotland today (Thursday) , accompanied all the way by a cyclist. Bert will walk along the south coast to lands end, up the West Coast to John O'Groats and backed by the East Coast to London.  Photo shows, Bert Couzens , seen leaving the Press Association Reuter building, Fleet Street, on the start of his walk this afternoon, Thursday.  16 January 1947 Stock Photo

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Smith Archive / Alamy Stock Photo

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File size:

58.1 MB (2.5 MB Compressed download)


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5188 x 3912 px | 43.9 x 33.1 cm | 17.3 x 13 inches | 300dpi

Date taken:

16 January 1947


Smith Archive

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