Atlanta City Directory . Griffith Harvey H23 Almand William T (Cooper intersects)37 Cone WMlliam B (Formwalt intersects)G4 Champion Reuben W68 Cole Howard S(Pi-yor, Central ave and Pulliam intersect)142 Haralson John M144 Ward Edward146 Macon Junius N(Washington intersects) 181 Malone Alberta E Mrs 182 Battle John A186 Cobb Richard V (Crew intersects)206 Smith John (c)208 Hewitt James M (Capitol ave intersects)241 Golden Willis R243 Bennett Musgrove245 Hammond Frank249 McElroy John H257 Flourney William C(Eraser intersects) 272 Smith Frank (c) 273 Alexander Bailey (c) 275 Evans Jesse (c) 276 J
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Atlanta City Directory . Griffith Harvey H23 Almand William T (Cooper intersects)37 Cone WMlliam B (Formwalt intersects)G4 Champion Reuben W68 Cole Howard S(Pi-yor, Central ave and Pulliam intersect)142 Haralson John M144 Ward Edward146 Macon Junius N(Washington intersects) 181 Malone Alberta E Mrs 182 Battle John A186 Cobb Richard V (Crew intersects)206 Smith John (c)208 Hewitt James M (Capitol ave intersects)241 Golden Willis R243 Bennett Musgrove245 Hammond Frank249 McElroy John H257 Flourney William C(Eraser intersects) 272 Smith Frank (c) 273 Alexander Bailey (c) 275 Evans Jesse (c) 276 Johnson Mary (c) 277 Scott Elbert (c) 279 Cowan Robert (c) 280 Thomas Scott (c) 281 Murphy Henrv H 283 Hill Mary (c) 284 Brown Ananias (c) 285 Allen Edward (c) 287 Wilson Stephen (e) 288 Drinkard Charles (c) 289 Cody Thomas (c) 291 Walker Dennis (c) 292 Benefield Robert C 293 Haygood Janie (c) 294 Pierson George (c) 295 Holmes James (c) 297 Torrence John (c) 298 Hawkins Shadrach 299 Smith Robert (c)301 Henderson Elam (c). FUL 00 (c) CO (c) (c) 09 CO WELSBAOH Loftis Plummng Co., :]»FiHs St. Physical Development and Hygiene DR. R.V. KAZIAN, 2 1-2 Peachtree St. (The Vraduot.) Electrical Facial and Scalp Massag^. OO(0 2111 I-(0 >? CO FUL (176) ~GXR FULTON—Contd. 302 Andrews William (c) 303 Jones Benjamin (c)305 Lee William (c)307 Simpson Anna (c)309 Daniel Thomas (c) GALLATIN, from W & A R Re to State GARDEN, from beyond 541Glenn s beyond limits, 1 eof Connally1 Bush Jackie Mrs5 Rather Simon C9 Stannard Horace D(Georgia ave intersects)39 Vacant 42 Stevens Edwin 43 Cordon Richard G 44 Mann John R 45 Speir Julius 46 Pinson Thomas A 49 Steinheimer Alexander 50 Woodruff Walter W 51 Morris Lewis A 52 Anderson Gustaf A (Bass intersects)69 Vacant 71 Blair Robert C 72 Burgess Robert B 75 Boatman Archibald A78 Due Oscar N 80 McAlpin George M 81 Rivers George (c) 82 Pittman John A 83 Sherman Bolce 87 Mann Thomas M 88 Christian James C 89 Postell William M (Love intersects) 90 Hernng Vil