Annual report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution . I. Dense Tropical Forest on Substratum of Solid Limestone Along theRio Dulce, Eastern Guatemala. <. 2. Tropical Forest Along Polochic River, Eastern Guatemala. Abundance of Attalea palms and silk cotton trees shows that the forest is not very old. Smithsonian Report, 1919.—Cook. Plate 4. 1 9 .^? • ^^ jr. y* *? jfci M *s v T; 7. BwR^nggSjE W -?. • r1 f/Sf mm *mf$, ? ft .v.. ? .-i yjs w - „BP^ 1. Milpa agriculture in eastern Guatemala, showing hillsides reforested, with a large cornfieldextending along the upper slope
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Annual report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution . I. Dense Tropical Forest on Substratum of Solid Limestone Along theRio Dulce, Eastern Guatemala. <. 2. Tropical Forest Along Polochic River, Eastern Guatemala. Abundance of Attalea palms and silk cotton trees shows that the forest is not very old. Smithsonian Report, 1919.—Cook. Plate 4. 1 9 .^? • ^^ jr. y* *? jfci M *s v T; 7. BwR^nggSjE W~ -?. • r1 f/Sf~~ mm *mf$, ? ft .v.. ? .-i yjs w - „BP^ 1. Milpa agriculture in eastern Guatemala, showing hillsides reforested, with a large cornfieldextending along the upper slopes of the hills in the background above the town ofCajabon.