. American engineer and railroad journal . at road. Their principal feature Is in the very large door opening,5 ft. 6 ins. long and 3 ft. 2 ins. wide, on each side of the car.The doors close against the lower faces of the sills and thehopper surfaces are at the ends only. When the doors areopened they drop against the rail heads and deposit the load It has been erroneously reported that Mr. A. M. Waitt hasresigned as superintendent of motive power and rolling stockof the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad. We areglad to state, upon the authority of Mr. Waitt, that he hasnot resigned. The

. American engineer and railroad journal . at road. Their principal feature Is in the very large door opening,5 ft. 6 ins. long and 3 ft. 2 ins. wide, on each side of the car.The doors close against the lower faces of the sills and thehopper surfaces are at the ends only. When the doors areopened they drop against the rail heads and deposit the load It has been erroneously reported that Mr. A. M. Waitt hasresigned as superintendent of motive power and rolling stockof the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad. We areglad to state, upon the authority of Mr. Waitt, that he hasnot resigned. The Stock Photo

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Reading Room 2020 / Alamy Stock Photo

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. American engineer and railroad journal . at road. Their principal feature Is in the very large door opening, 5 ft. 6 ins. long and 3 ft. 2 ins. wide, on each side of the car.The doors close against the lower faces of the sills and thehopper surfaces are at the ends only. When the doors areopened they drop against the rail heads and deposit the load It has been erroneously reported that Mr. A. M. Waitt hasresigned as superintendent of motive power and rolling stockof the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad. We areglad to state, upon the authority of Mr. Waitt, that he hasnot resigned. The total heating surface of the nineteen boilers of theNorddeutscher Lloyds twin screw steamship Kaiser WilhelmII. is 107, 643 sq. ft, and the grate area 6, 121 sq. ft. The boilerpressure will be 225 lbs. and the engineer will develop 40, 000indicated horse power. In a recent issue of The Autocar, London, it was statedthat if automobiles are ever to be anytning but toys for madmillionaires—which they are at present—the makers will have. ORE CAR, 80, 000 LBS. CAPACITY CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY. to the ore pockets from between the rails. Unless the dooropenings are large the ore bridges over them and it is diffi-cult to get the load out. To assist in guarding against thisdifficulty the car sides slope inwardly slightly toward thetop. This bridging is particularly troublesome with highmanganese ores, which cement together and are sticky. In thisconstruction there is only about 20 ins. of obstruction at thecenter sills. Four poke holes are provided in each side forinserting bars to loosen the load wheu necessary. A shaftextends through the car at the cente> to operate the doorsand it is turned by a lever and ratchet at the end. The body bolsters are of Z bars. The draft gear is of thetandem spring type and is placed between the center sillswhere the draft is direct. The sills are four in number.6 X 10 ins. in section and all of them trussed. In a car but20 ft. long this const