A treatise on wood engravings : historical and practical . We have here, engraved by Mr.W. A. FoLKARD, another of the earlydesigns of Mr. John Gilbert. It isone of the illustrations to the Bookof English Ballads, edited by S. C.Hall, in 1843, which contains up-wards of four hundred wood-engrav-ings, and was the first work of anyconsequence that presented a com-bination of the best artists of thetime. Indeed, it was the leader inwhat may be called the IllustratedChristmas Books of the present day.Since this period, Mr. Gilbert has probably produced more drawings onwood than any other artist, an
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1546 x 1617 px | 26.2 x 27.4 cm | 10.3 x 10.8 inches | 150dpiMore information:
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A treatise on wood engravings : historical and practical . We have here, engraved by Mr.W. A. FoLKARD, another of the earlydesigns of Mr. John Gilbert. It isone of the illustrations to the Bookof English Ballads, edited by S. C.Hall, in 1843, which contains up-wards of four hundred wood-engrav-ings, and was the first work of anyconsequence that presented a com-bination of the best artists of thetime. Indeed, it was the leader inwhat may be called the IllustratedChristmas Books of the present day.Since this period, Mr. Gilbert has probably produced more drawings onwood than any other artist, and has contributed to almost everyillustrated book of any importance. He is a member of the OldWater Colour Society, and has sent many fine drawings to theExhibitioa JOHN GILBEHT. AETISTS AND ENGRAVERS OF THE PRESENT DAY. 565 ?^^^>£-:.r>>^^, .. G. II. THOHA^S FROM HIAWATHA. W. I. THOMAS. William L. Thomas deserves to rank anions the foremost of our wood-engravers, as will be seen by the present specimen. He engraved mostof the subjects to Hiawatha, all of which were drawn by his brotherGeorge H. Thomas, and are now included in Bohns Illustrated editionof Longfellows Works; many of Mr. Maclises masterly designs forTennysons Princess, and all the subjects for the Boys Book ofBallads, from drawings by John Gilbert. They have also contributed, separately or together, to the Book of Favourite Modern Ballads, Poetry and Pictures from Thomas Moore. Burns Poems, The MerrieDays of England, Favourite English Poems, and many other illustratedworks. 566* ARTISTS AND ENGRAVEKS OF TIIK PRESENT DAY.