A descriptive catalogue of the pictures in the Fitzwilliam museum, comp largely from materials supplied by Sidney Colvin .. . .117 33°. Webber.] CATALOGUE OF PICTURES 213 On r. a man in brown coat and black hat leans over a square pedestalwith a pink hollyhock growing beside it, talking to the lady. On 1.the end of a stone seat, and trees.Panel, io£ by 7. Fitzwilliam. WATTS. George Frederick Watts, R.A. British School.Born 1820. Born in London, 1820; A.R.A. in 1867 and R.A. in 1868. IV. 503. Portrait of the Duke of Devonshire as Chancellor of theUniversity (1861—1892). Three-quarter length, se

A descriptive catalogue of the pictures in the Fitzwilliam museum, comp largely from materials supplied by Sidney Colvin .. . .117 33°. Webber.] CATALOGUE OF PICTURES 213 On r. a man in brown coat and black hat leans over a square pedestalwith a pink hollyhock growing beside it, talking to the lady. On 1.the end of a stone seat, and trees.Panel, io£ by 7. Fitzwilliam. WATTS. George Frederick Watts, R.A. British School.Born 1820. Born in London, 1820; A.R.A. in 1867 and R.A. in 1868. IV. 503. Portrait of the Duke of Devonshire as Chancellor of theUniversity (1861—1892). Three-quarter length, se Stock Photo

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The Reading Room / Alamy Stock Photo

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1351 x 1849 px | 22.9 x 31.3 cm | 9 x 12.3 inches | 150dpi

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A descriptive catalogue of the pictures in the Fitzwilliam museum, comp largely from materials supplied by Sidney Colvin .. . .117 33°. Webber.] CATALOGUE OF PICTURES 213 On r. a man in brown coat and black hat leans over a square pedestalwith a pink hollyhock growing beside it, talking to the lady. On 1.the end of a stone seat, and trees.Panel, io£ by 7. Fitzwilliam. WATTS. George Frederick Watts, R.A. British School.Born 1820. Born in London, 1820; A.R.A. in 1867 and R.A. in 1868. IV. 503. Portrait of the Duke of Devonshire as Chancellor of theUniversity (1861—1892). Three-quarter length, seated, the body full, the head turned slightly to 1., in Chancellors robes. Backgroundreddish. Signed lower 1. corner <***, **%** Canvas, 4 1 by 3 3. Presented by the Subscribers. WEBBER. John Webber, R.A. British School, 1752—1793. Born in London in 1752. He studied at Paris and afterwards in London at the RoyalAcademy. He was a skilful topographical draughtsman and painter in water-colours, and accompanied Captain Cook on his last voyage, on his return from which he publishedengravings of many of the places visited. After t